The Complication

By haylamc

12.1K 226 42

Most girls would be thrilled at the prospect of having two hot guys liking them on their first day at a new s... More

The Complication ~Authors Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~.
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~

~Chapter 10~

418 7 0
By haylamc

Drake POV

        He and Jay cleaned for hours last night; they finished half of Jay’s mother’s room.

        “You look really tired Drake,” Leslie stated.

        He smiled, “probably ‘cause I am.”

        “What were you doing last night?”

        “Nothing,” the smile wiped of his face.

        Leslie looked worried but didn’t say anything. Jay’s secret would stay a secret.

        That reminded him, Jay had told him about his conversation with Sadie, and how it wasn’t her fault. Drake told the guys.

        “Well, that means she still likes us?” Madison’s voice was filled with hope.

        “It also means we were mean to her for no reason,” Lucas said, eyes darting around the room. Come to think of it, it didn’t look like Lucas had gotten much sleep either.

        “Where’s Miranda?” Leslie asked. They looked around.

        “Huh, that’s weird.” Drake said.

        “Where’s Sadie?” Madison questioned looking around the cafeteria, “I don’t see her anywhere.”


        I couldn’t tell the guys, they wouldn’t believe me they think I don’t like them anymore... and I don’t know if I could tell them anyways, how could I hurt Jay like that, or Miranda? I wouldn’t tell them... I’d show them. Somehow.

        I scurried back to the cafeteria before I got caught. I wasn’t in the cafeteria for two seconds before I was enveloped in hugs, and apologies. Well hugs from Madison and Leslie, Lucas stood of to the side looking sorry and Drake well he’s Drake I didn’t expect a hug from him anyways.

        “Hi guys... um so am I forgiven?”

        “Of course you are! I hated being mad at you!” Madison exclaimed finally breaking away from her suffocating hug.

        I smiled at them, things were finally going right for me, then I remembered Miranda and Kyle, I stopped smiling.

        “Is Jay here?” I asked.

        Leslie shook her head, “I’m worried about him, and he’s never missed school this much.”

        “I’m sure he’s fine, he’ll be back in no time,” Drake said, I could tell he knew more than he was letting on and judging by the look Leslie was giving him she could tell too.

        “Ya Drake’s right, let’s not worry too much about it,” I was just happy they were finally forgiving me!

        “Hey look its Miranda! I wonder where she was.” Lucas said quietly.

        You don’t want to know.

Lucas POV

        All day he was worried Damien would be there, he wasn’t starting collage for another year so he could be anywhere at any time of the day. Lucas slowly dragged his feet up his driveway dreading going inside.

        He was right to dread, Damien was there.

        “Oh don’t worry mucus I haven’t figured out what will hurt you most yet but I will,” Damien smiled menacingly at him before running upstairs.

        Lucas gulped. He really hoped Damien didn’t find out what would hurt him yet. Madison was coming over to work on their science project and he really didn’t want Damien to embarrass him in front of her.

        A few hours later the doorbell rang and Lucas rushed to answer the door before-

        “Oh ya, he’s upstairs, probably using the bathroom, he has the smallest bladder,”

        Damien! Now he was just making things up, Lucas ran down the stairs.

        “Hey Madison, don’t listen to him he likes to make things up,” he glared at Damien who just smiled.

        Madison smiled, “I can see that.”

        Lucas smiled; he didn’t feel shy around Madison just happy. Damien was inspecting him.

        “Uh, why don’t we go up to my room?”


        He showed her his room which he cleaned before she got there. Then he took out the science project and got to work. After a lot of work and joking around they put on the finishing piece.

        Lucas and Madison grabbed for the glue at the same time and their hands touched. Lucas looked up, Madison was smiling at him. He noticed before but now it really hit him, Madison was pretty. Really pretty. Neither of them moved their hand. He started to lean in and... The phone rang.

        'They pulled apart. The phone was for Madison, it was her dad telling her he was waiting in the driveway.

        “Bye, I... had a really good time,” she said.

        “Me too.”

        She smiled and left. That’s when he noticed Damien standing against his doorframe.

        “Bye Madison, nice to meet you,” he was smiling wickedly.

        “How long have you been standing there?” Lucas asked.

        “Long enough, little brother, to know what will hurt you most,” and with that he left.


        Someone was knocking on the door. Jay checked the time, crap; school wasn’t out yet, time to fake sick. He grabbed a blanket and messed up his hair.

        “Mom, dad he’s here, you know what to do!”

        Jay opened the door; half hoping it would be Drake again. It wasn’t, the representative looked just as Jay pictured he would, a nice looking, middle aged guy. 

        “Your home from school kind of early,” he said disapprovingly.

        “I stayed home, I wasn’t feeling good.”

        The man nodded, “alright then where are your parents?”

        “Right here,” his mom walked out, looking like a normal parent, “my name is Janette and this is my husband, Clyde.”

        His dad came into the room looking a lot different without a beer bottle in his hand.

        Jay and his parents had rehearsed this.

                “Nice to meet you, I’m Mr. Ghany from the C.A.P.P. but you can just call me Johnny, why don’t you show me around the rest of your home?”

        Jay coughed, fake of course, and turned around. He slipped (on purpose) and banged his head on the side of the counter, a small price to pay for freedom.

        His parents gasped and crowded around him. His mom helped him up asking over and over again if he was okay. Jay knew it was just an act but he liked all the attention they were giving him.

        “I’m okay, its fine just another bruise, sorry about that,” he said turning to Johnny, “I’m kind of clumsy.”

        Johnny nodded jotting something down in his notebook. His parents took Johnny on a tour of the house, Jay tried to follow but his parents insisted he lay down and try to get some rest. He couldn’t be up and about while he was ‘sick’.

        Finally Johnny left on his way out promising that they must have made a mistake, and that there would be no more surprise visits.

        As soon as he was gone everything fell apart. Jay was beginning to get used to having a nice family, one who wasn’t drunk half the time. So much for that, he thought as his father broke out the beer bottles. He headed up to his room, his head hurt.

Sadie POV

        HE WAS HERE!!! Oh my god Jay was finally back! My heart was racing he was finally here!

        “Jay!” I ran up to him... along with all my other friends.

        “Jay!” Miranda ran up, threw her arms around him and kissed him. What a cheater.

        “Hey guys,” he said when Miranda stopped trying to swallow his tongue.

        “Where were you?” I asked.

        “Sick,” he shrugged.

        Ya right.

        Drake looked at Jay meaningfully and Jay gave a little nod. Drake relaxed. I was the only one that noticed but I was defiantly going to have to ask Jay about it later.

        For now time for operation show Jay that Miranda is cheating on him with Kyle. But first how about operation think of a shorter name.

        The next day I was totally ready to blow Miranda’s cover. At lunch I asked Jay to come with me to grab my book from my locker. Now let operation love triangle begin. Much better.

        “Uh, isn’t your locker that way?” Jay asked.

        “Huh? Oh uh, I left it in my, math desk, did I say locker before? Whoops”

        He raised his eyebrows, “Is there something you’re not telling me?” 

        “Is there something you’re not telling me?” I countered.

        He blushed and didn’t bring it up again.

Finally we reached the math room, I’d asked Kyle what he was doing for lunch and he said he was eating in the math room with a new friend. Obvious much?

“Is there someone in there?” Jay asked.

I just shrugged.

We walked in and Jay gasped, “Miranda?”

Kyle and Miranda quickly broke away from a kiss (perfect!) and looked up in shock.

“Jay, I, uh” Miranda was panicking.

“You’re cheating on me,” Jay’s voice sounded strangled.

 “I’m sorry Jay,” were those tears in her eyes? “I didn’t mean for it to happen but it just did.”

“Jay, uh, no offense man but really I think you lost interest in her a while ago from what I see,” Kyle shrugged.

“You don’t say anything Kyle,” I told him, “this is between Jay and Miranda!”

“Ya cause you not loving seeing this.”

“What?” Did Kyle just say what I think he said?

“You like Jay just admit it, I wasn’t a competition, even when I was single,” he said bitterly.

Miranda looked at him sharply.

Lucky for him he didn’t even notice her looking at him before he said, “But I found out that I liked another girl more then I liked you, sorry Jay.”

Jay looked at Miranda, then Kyle, then me, “weird thing is I’m not really that upset, I mean I wish you would have told me but... I guess I did lose interest.”

Then, surprisingly, he laughed. But as surprising as it was laughing is contagious and soon we were all laughing hysterically. That’s when it hit me, Jay was single. I laughed harder.

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