My Bandmates Girlfriends Sist...

By obsessed_fangirl_

4.9K 106 7

Louis and Eleanor are perfectly happy, Liam and Danielle couldn't love life any more than it is, Zayn and Per... More

My band mates girlfriend sister! (A 1D Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

261 7 0
By obsessed_fangirl_

Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately things are just complicated! But hope you enjoy this chapter! xxx



I instantly woke up with the sudden light beaming through my blinds. Wait a minute I had shut my curtains last night before I fell asleep. I also remember El being lay next to me in bed, where'd she go?

I pulled back the quilt letting my legs swing round and pull myself up into a sitting position over the edge of the bed, I let out a sigh and ran a hand across my face feeling the slight stubble I'm in need of shaving.

"El?" I shouted out into the apartment then stood up searching for the brunette haired girl. Where the hell has she gone?

After searching all of the possible places she could be I gave up and sat down on the living room couch and reached over to grab the TV remote from the glass table in front of me.

As I was about to pick it up I noticed a piece of paper next to it and instead reached for that instead, it was a note "Of course" I muttered to myself, Eleanor wouldn't of left without letting me know.

I started to read the note aloud:

Louis, I went to the hairdressers then me and Becca are going shopping for the rest of the day won't be back until Tea but don't worry I'm bringing Chinese. Love you El xxx

So I'm alone for the rest of the day, that's gonna be boring, or is it? I reached for my mobile from the corner table at the end of the couch and started dialling Niall's number.

I might as well do it, he's got nobody to hang with today either, Becca is gonna be with El, Harry and Brooke are no doubt doing something today, Zayn and Perrie are always busy as per usual, and Liam is probably with Dani.

After the third ring Niall picked up and I was glad to hear the Irish voice on the other line although it didn't sound like Niall. "Hello" I heard a groggy voice pick up and it kinda sounded like a girl, but it wasn't Becca.

"Who's this?" I asked scrunching up my eyebrows and nose in confusion.

"This is Lexi why whose phone am I on?" My eyes suddenly widened at the mention of that name and a smile was instantly on my face. Don't worry Lexi is like a little sister to me.

"Oh Hey Lex, it's Louis and your on Niall's phone" I said back.

"Oh it was just ringing on the table and it woke me up so I answered it. I hate phones at times" I laughed at her last comment.

"So where's Niall and why are you at his place? Shouldn't you be at Liam's?" I bombarded her with questions and I heard her huff into the receiver.

"Niall is out food shopping and the other two are long stories which I'm sure you don't want to hear"

A smirk came upon my lips "Try me. Come over and tell me everything I'm sure I can help"

"Okay fine be there soon" she replied and hung up the phone. So I sat and watched TV until she got here.


After I hung up the phone from Louis I decided I should just go now, well after I got dressed of course I couldn't go in my pyjamas.

I still haven't seen Liam in 2 days I wonder how he's doing maybe he's back with Danielle, Okay the thought of the stung my heart a little, but he's my best friend so I really shouldn't let something like this ruin our friendship.

I got dressed into a pair of leggings with an striped over-sized jumper over a vest top and slipped on some TOMS. Becca said I could borrow some clothes today but I'd have to go for my suitcase tonight, I wonder how that's gonna turn out.

I brushed my black hair into a high ponytail then grabbed my phone of the table next to the door and headed my way onto Louis place. TO TELL HIM EVERYTHING, but I shouldn't be worried because believe it or not Louis is mature, responsible and great at giving advice when someone's down.

I did my best not to make any noise so I didn't wake up Harry or Brooke. Yes It's 1:26pm and they are still asleep. How do I know? Harry snores quite loud.

When I was walking over to Louis place my phone started ringing and Boo Bear flashed up on my screen with him making a silly face for his caller ID, I chuckled at the picture for a second then swiped my thumb across the answer button.

"Hey" I said

"Hi. Are you nearly here I'm boreeeed" Louis whined into the phone and I chuckled at him.

"Yes I'm just coming round the corner bye Louis" I heard him cheer and I just hung up without letting him say bye.

I got to the apartment complex and I ran up the flight of stairs and knocked on Louis door, straight after he answered and engulfed me into a hug.

"Hey Boo Bear" I smiled

"Hey Lex" he said back with my nickname and I smiled again then walked over to the couch and sat down.

"So cut to the chase and tell me everything" He said sitting back down next to me cross legged and looking very excited.

When I let out a huff he noticed something was wrong and his whole facial expression changed. Well here goes nothing.


"But I have to go back to his tonight to get my suitcase but I'm also hoping we can talk and stay best friends" I finished telling Louis everything.

"Well I hope you stay friends otherwise it would be awkward for you to be friends with me and the other guys" I nodded my head in agreement.

I looked at my watch and noticed the time 8:53, Jesus it was nearly 9 how'd it get late so fast?

I looked outside and the sun was now setting, if I'm going to Liam's I better get going now before it's too late.

"Okay I'd better go now then it's getting late, I'll let you know what happens, kay?" And he nodded his head.

Louis walked me to the front door and I opened it "Bye Lou thank you" I said and hugged him.

"No problem and good luck you'll need it" I smiled then walked down the stairs and on route to Liam's place.

I finally got to Liam's place and knocked on the door hesitantly and after 4 knocks he answered.

When he answered his hair was messy like his fingers were constantly ran through it his eyes were red and swollen as if he was crying and he also had bags under his eyes from being tired. In all honesty he looked a mess.

"Your probably here to pick up your suitcase" he said and let me in.

I looked down twiddling my fingers together "We also need to talk" I felt awkward and Liam sensed that.

He let out a huff "Yeah, we do" he shut the door and we both walked to the couch and sat down in silence.

"Look I'm sorry" I said looking down to my lap

"For what? You didn't do anything" he said and I turned angry.

"If I didn't do anything then why didn't you run after me, and I did do something I confessed my feelings for you. But Liam I decided it's better to have a friendship than nothing at all"

"So that's it then just friends? What if what if I don't want that?" He asked me and I felt hurt he doesn't want to be friends anymore.

"Oh okay then" I said looking down again.

"Lexi I want more, me and Danielle broke up and I need you in my life and not just as a best friend anymore, I need you to be my girlfriend" he said lifting my chin when he spoke the last 7 words that made my mouth drop literally.

He chuckled at me and pushed my chin up so my mouth was back to normal then his hand move to the back of my neck slightly grazing my cheekbone and pulled me in kissing me so tenderly.

After he pulled away I was in complete awe, I just kissed my best friend and I felt sparks something new is now developing but what could it be?

"So your staying here tonight yeah?" He asked and I nodded my head with my lips pursed together and he kissed me again this time with more passion.

That night even though I wasn't in the same bed with him and in his arms I still fell asleep with a huge smile on my face feeling like the most luckiest girl in the world.


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