Dangan Ronpa Youtube 2 (on ho...

By cshygamer

3.5K 63 101

Sixteen people. All stuck on an island, forced to kill each other if they want to leave. How many will make i... More

Chapter one~ An Island of Despair
Chapter two~ Plans and Leaders
Chapter three~ The Motive
Chapter four~ My Turn
Chapter five~ Foot Steps
Chapter six~ The Second Island
Chapter seven~ And Boom Goes The Islands
Chapter eight~ Really Fricken' Clever
Chapter nine~ Why?
Chapter ten~ Kellz Had A Bad Day
Chapter eleven~ The Despair Disease
Chapter thirteen~ Down In Flames

Chapter twelve~ Down With The Sickness

222 3 2
By cshygamer

Will woke up feeling like crap.

His head hurt, the sunlight coming in the windows seemed a bit to bright, and he pretty much felt like he was going to explode. Which was not a good feeling to have.

Will walked back to the hospital, where he knew Dan and Drake were waiting for him. Once he got there, and the two were nowhere to be seen, Will decided to just hang around the lobby.

Where he passed out after a few minutes.

He was later woken by Dan and Drake, who were looking at him with concern. "You alright?" Dan asked. Will tried to say 'Yeah, I'm fine', but that didn't really work out.

"Well, I woke up feeling sick this morning and in need of a drink of some sort, I have a headache that makes it so that if I turn my head to far, my eyes feel like their going to explode. Well, it's not like I know the feeling of having your eyes explode, but I think this is pretty close. Though, how could I be sure? Maybe it feels like when you get hit in the face by a water balloon. But then it would be at a much smaller, but more painful scale. Hey, if you got your eyes back right after they exploded, would you rather get hit in the face by a water balloon, or have your eyes explode? Well, probably the water balloon, right? Because you know what it feels like, right? But what if you didn't kno-"

"Alright, we get it! Jeez, you're not usually this talkative. What's up with you today?" Dan asked. "Upupup, think about it!" Monokuma said, suddenly showing up. "What, did he get the disease or something?" Drake asked, rolling his eyes. "Exactly! Aren't you sharp. Will seems to have gotten the Talkative Disease, fitting for the Super Youtuber Level Short Countdown Maker. If he talked for this long in his weekly top five, they'd only come out monthly. Cough, shameless plug, cough!" the bear agreed. "Wait, really? I was joking!" Drake exclaimed. "Was it from staying here? Oh god, are we going to get it too?" Dan asked with a panicked expression. "You miiiiight." Monokuma taunted. "You did say it was really contagious...it would be likely for it to spread to us." Drake said. "We are spending a lot of time around them...ugh, why did I think staying here was a good idea?" Dan mumbled.

A little while later, after the bear had left, Phil and Nico came to check up on the people in the hospital.

Dan and Drake gave them a short explanation. "Well, I guess we need to lock him up to." Nico said. "Yeah, isn't there one other hospital room? We'll just keep him there." Phil suggested. "Yeah, we should. Hopefully no one else gets it, we're out of rooms to keep them in." Dan said. "Alright, we'll deal with him, you guys go back to the motel." Drake said. "Before we do that, we actually came with some news." Phil said. "Yeah, apparently we're planing a party now at the Titty Typhoon, even though parties never end well in this situation." Nico sighed. "Oh come on, stop being so gloomy. It'll be fun!" Phil encouraged. "What are we going to do with these guys?" Drake asked, gesturing down the hallway to thee hospital rooms. "They can stay here. It'll be at night, so they can just sleep through it." Phil explained. "Plus, Will seems semi-functional, so if anything goes wrong, he can deal with it." Dan added. "You...really think so?" Nico asked. "Sure. Right?" Dan asked.

Will tried to say 'Sure I will', but instead, he went on a tangent about how ready he was, leading him to talk about how the word ready sounds like spaghetti even though the spellings were different, then he went on about how he felt about all of the different kinds of pasta. He only stopped once Drake started to talk over him.

"Yeah, maybe someone should stay here with them." he interrupted. "Let someone new stay then. You two should leave for a bit." Phil suggested. "I'll stay." Nico volunteered. "That was quick. You hate us that much?" Drake joked. "No, I just want to stay alive for a bit longer." Nico said.

"So anyway, when's the party?" Dan asked. "Not for a while. We're on the look out for some way to get music, plus some drinks and stuff." Phil explained. "Rocket Punch should have everything you need, right?" Drake suggested. "Yeah, that's where some of the others are checking. They haven't gotten back yet, though." Nico explained. "Think their alright?" Drake asked. "Should be. We sent four people over there, so even if someone dies, we'll hear the announcement right as it happens." Phil explained. "Cool." Dan said.

After the two left the hospital, Dan and Drake put Will in the extra room.

He sat on the bed, feeling like shit.

He wasn't sure if he just wanted to go to sleep or to begin talking to himself. He really felt like talking. About anything, really. Games, movies, books, people, his life story, the list goes on. It was probably just the disease, though. Maybe. He wasn't exactly sure anymore.

He could hear Adam in the room next to his running into things, along with a quick 'ow' or 'didn't see that' afterwards. He could also hear Tom saying something, but he couldn't quite make it out. Not that he wanted to.

Will sighed and laid down on his bed. He hated being sick like this. His head felt like it was going to explode. His stomach felt like it was imploding. He was too hot no matter what he did. He kinda felt like he was going to puke, pass out and cry all at the same time. He was constantly uncomfortable. His mouth was dry. He was, most of all, tired. Of everything. Of being sick, of being on this stupid island, of dealing with that bear, of seeing people die, if not having his memories, of, well, life right now.



Will was sure the others must of felt the same. Even if they weren't sick like him, everyone here was tired, and no amount of parties would fix that.

Suddenly Will started feeling woozy. Like he was going to pass out again. He groaned and held his head in his hands. It hurt like hell.

Then, it all went dark.

And Will heard something.

"Isn't this exiting?"

Letting out a confused mumble, Will looked over.

Standing next to him was Logan.

Will wanted to yell about how Logan was alive and how happy he was to see him and so on, but instead, he said something else.

"It really is. Technology has come a long way, huh?"

"No kidding. I mean, this is the kind of thing you'd see in a movie or something. But now, it's real."

Will nodded. He looked out a window that wasn't there before. It was only darkness on the other side, but he felt interested for some reason.

"It's hard to believe, in all honesty." he said.

"I agree." Logan said simply.

Will thought all of this was hard to believe. Logan was dead. He was laying down, not standing next to a window. He couldn't be interested in total darkness. None of this could be real.

"You look worried." Logan said, concerned.

"I'm fine." Will lied.

"Whatever you say. Let's get back to our rooms, alright? I need to catch up on some things." Logan suggested.

"Same." Will agreed.

But he didn't move.

He couldn't move, even if he tried.

He couldn't do anything.

Except let the world fade to black once again.

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