His Pair of Boxers: Chapter T...

By Fantasizing_Love

1.1K 33 9


His Pair of Boxers: Chapter Two

1.1K 33 9
By Fantasizing_Love

As I meandered through the halls toward my second period class, (yes I missed first period, on the first day of school, because of my stupid concussion) I began to give my mind up to Jon. Stupid, clueless Jon. Whom I now knew was in my second period class, because he had just walked through the door a few feet ahead of me. Class daily would now be much more strained because of that fact. Oh, this was too much. I don't think he even knew that he may have permanently damaged our friendship by kissing me. No, wait, that's a lie. I'm the one who had damaged everything. I was the one who had fed him up with so much trash, he had probably exploded by now.

But as I entered second period English Lit. with Mrs. Bugar, I could confirm Jon had in fact not exploded. Looking forlorn and lonely in the back of the classroom, his eyes lit up momentarily upon my entrance, and then dimmed quickly and hardened when he seemed to remember what had recently happened between us.

"Okay, class!" Mrs. Bugar announced, clapping her hands loudly. Mrs. Bugar was young, blonde, and pretty. Her cloudy gray eyes scanned the classroom as she adjusted her ponytail and smoothed down her flower smocked dress. "I would like all of you to back up against the wall around the tables, and I will give you your seating arrangements."

As the entire population of animalistic boys in my class ogled over Mrs. Bugar, they slowly and hypnotically backed up against the wall like robots with no brains. (Well, they already had no brains, but, still.)

"Now, wait as I call your name and give you your seating partner."

Everyone nodded.

"Tamara Shyne and Rod Beckett?"

I watched as the happy couple walked off to their table, obviously happy to be sitting together. After she read off another set of names, I began to zone out into a different dimension- The Planet Of All Things Jon. Was it possible that maybe, just maybe, I loved him too? No, I couldn't, I thought as I shook my head. That would be wrong.

But....he was cute, so if we dated, it would lessen the awkwardness of the kisses....

Oh geez. I was really in over my head on this one. I had never judged a guy like that before, and it was so stupid to even start now.

"Jayna Freeman?" Mrs. Bugar questioned.

"Huh?" I answered stupidly. Snickers reverberated the classroom.

"Um, you can go to your seat now. I paired you with Mr. Ackington. Did you not hear me?" She spoke like she was talking to a three-year-old as she gestured to the table where Jon had already made camp, his bag on the back of his chair, work materials scattering most of the table. He was hard at work organizing his binder, and his tongue was sticking out in concentration. He did look kind of cute.

Sighing, I slowly crept toward the table we shared and dropped my bag on the floor. Pulling out my chair, I glanced at Jon, who gave me a depressed, withering look.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, barely audible. Jon turned his head to the side and glanced at me, eyes brightening. He looked as if he were about to say something back, but he stopped himself from saying it. Finally, after what seemed like minutes, he turned his head away from me. He was angry, as he very well should be.

For what remained of that class period, I didn't look his way once.

And for what remained of the school day, I got though with not so much as a few nods at my new teachers, not in the mood to speak.

When I reached my front door after hopping off the bus, my mom was waiting for me.

"Jayna? How was your first day?" She asked pleasantly, as if we had never fought that morning. That's the thing about my mom. She moves on quicker than most people, doesn't dwell on the past.

"Terrible. Jon kissed me." If she could forget about the morning's saga, well then, so could I.

"Wow. That's not cool. Wait..... did Jon Ackington kissed you?" She questioned, face growing beet red.

"Yes, Jon Ackington. And it was more of a slobbery lick than a real kiss." I shivered, hanging up my bookbag as she closed the door behind me.

I double took my mom's face.

"Why does Jon Ackington make you blush?" I questioned suspiciously. My mom had met Jon only once before. That was a little creepy.

"Oh, my face has been red all day. Stage one pregnancy problems, I guess." Her voice shook when she spoke.

"Ohkay.." I mumbled, throwing my hands up in the air. This was really getting weird.

"Anyways, Jay, I have a special dinner prepared for you! Get ready for it!" She led me into the kitchen, and then gestured at the dinner table with the grandeur of a five star waiter revealing a delicacy.

Though what she was revealing really was a delicacy to me.

"Turkey burgers and corn on the cob? Wow, mom! This is great!" I plopped down at the table and shook out my napkin, which she had folded into a perfect diamond. Then, without another word, I dug into my meal as she joined me, eating slower.

"So," she began. "I wanted to show you this. I picked it up at the grocery store bulletin today."

"What is it?" I said, mouth full of turkey burger.

"Well, we need to earn extra money for the baby. You know, crib, nursery, the works. So..."

She slid a pink sheet of paper across the table. A dog-walking request.

My eyes scanned the page, shocked at the amount of money offered.

"It's just a consideration," My mom said quietly. When I looked up, I could see the desperation in her eyes, and knew I couldn't refuse.

"I'll take it. The job, I mean. I know you need help."

I said, re-reading the ad. It requested someone willing to walk two boxer dogs, feed them, and 'chill with them.' It left a number, but it didn't say who the person requesting the service was.

"I'll call the number later, after homework." I said, clearing my plate from the table and walking it to the sink.

"Homework? On the first day?" My mom asked, as she cleared her empty plate away too.

"I missed first period. Long story." I said, shrugging.

As I walked to the front door to retrieve my homework from my bookbag, my mother called after me.

"Jayna, there's something I need you to know."

"What's that?" I asked as I busied myself with pulling my bookbag from the coat hanger.

My mom appeared and placed her hand on my shoulder, and what she said next nearly made my heart stop.

"Jon Ackington's dad is the father of my baby."

<End of Chapter Two>

Ooh! Cliffhanger! So do you guys want her to be with Braden, or Jon?

You'll have to see how it plays out! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the continued comments! Keep writing, and stayed tuned!

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