Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four...

By LloydLover_19

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{Book Four in the Four Winds Series} It's been almost ten years. Kyle is almost eighteen and the twins are al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Six

993 37 67
By LloydLover_19

"Pst!" A voice said from above. Lloyd looked up at the noise.

"Is it done?" Lloyd asked looking up.

"Yes, Uncle Ronin unlocked your door," Haden said.

"You head home," Lloyd commanded. "I don't want you getting hurt. Take Aunt Skylor and Uncle Jay with you."

"What?!" Jay asked incredulously.

"You have a broken hip," Lloyd said. "You are in no condition to fight! Neither is Skylor! She has a broken arm!"

"I've handle worse pain before," Jay said.

"But we want you to heal properly so you can help us in the future," Lloyd said putting a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"Fine. I'll go but under protest," Jay said in a miffed tone. "But I really can't walk so I'm not sure how I will be able to get out of here."

"Amaya, you help get them out of here," Cole said.

"I don't want to leave you," Amaya protested.

"Amaya, it's possible that not all of us are going to come back," Cole said sadly. "You need to be there for Connor."

Amaya would've protested again but Cole had put his foot down. She nodded.

"I'll go too," Nya said. "I need to get Jason out of here."

"Here," Stephanie said. She began to move her hands in a circular pattern. A small purple orb appeared. She took a small vial out of her pocket and placed the orb inside. It turned to a liquid. "This is a levitation spell. You can use it to move Jay and Jason through the ventilation ducks."

"Maybe Kai should-" Noah began.

"Oh no! I'm staying here," Kai said venomously.

"Stay safe," Skylor said kissing her husband.

Amaya also said her goodbyes to her son and husband. They had established after twenty-four hours that Noah was going to stay this age permanently. He might as well stay and help his dad.

When those leaving finally got on their way, the others surveyed who was still here.

"Wait! Why are you still here Stephanie?!" Zane whisper shouted.

"I'm going to tell Sephtis," Stephanie said. "Maybe it'll get him to stop."

"He is insane, Stephanie," Clouse said. "He can't be reasoned with."

"I'll stay away from the fighting," she promised. "But I'm not leaving."

"You are leaving," Zane and Clouse said at the same time.


"They are right, Sis," Kyle said. "It's not safe for your or-well-"

"You can say it, Kyle," Stephanie sighed. "There is no use pretending it isn't happening."

"-or the baby," Kyle said. The words felt weird on his tongue.

"Alright, I'll go," Stephanie said. "Goodbye, I love you all."

She crawled up to the air duct and crawled inside. She didn't leave like she was told however. She crawled through the ducts towards the main room. She decided to sit and wait.


"It's not true," Xavier said covering his ears.

"It is true," Katrina said. "Would I lie to you?"

Xavier looked at Katrina in the eyes. He knew that she wasn't lying but he didn't want to believe it.

"I'm so confused!" He yelled. She took a step back in alarm. His arm shot out. "Don't leave."

"Xavier, I'm scared....of you."

His head shot up and his red eyes widened. He stood up and left the room quickly.


"Zane and Clouse," Lloyd was saying. "You guys go after Sephtis. Noah, you have Turner. Cole and Kai, you get Chen. And the rest of us will follow the plan for Xavier."

"Got it!" Julia said. "Let's do this."

Lloyd smirked and turned to open the now, thanks to Ronin, unlocked door. Aira put a hand on his arm and they looked at each other's eyes. Lloyd nodded and continued out. Julia wondered what her mom had just said.

They all split into their respective groups and went to carry out their tasks.

Julia, Kyle, Lloyd, and Aira crept down the hall to the main room. Lloyd looked around the corner and then hurriedly pulled his head back. Sephtis and Xavier were both talking.

"Is it true?!" Xavier yelled.

"Of course not! Your girlfriend is lying to you!"

"You don't know Katrina like I do!" Xavier spat. "She wouldn't lie to me!"

"You're letting her cloud your judgment!"


Lloyd whipped around the corner and tackled Sephtis to the ground. Sephtis yelled and bit Lloyd's shoulder like an animal. Lloyd yelled in pain but still got Sephtis in a neck-lock.

"Xavier! Help me!" Sephtis yelled.

Xavier looked uncertain. He didn't want to hurt his dad but he didn't want Sephtis hurt.

"Don't make me choose!" Xavier yelled in anguish.

"Xavier," Aira said coming around the corner.

"Mom," Xavier almost smiled.

"Yes, baby, it's me," she said taking a step forward. "I miss you and want you to come home."

"Be careful, Aira," Lloyd said. He was sitting squarely on Sephtis's shoulders making it so the Druid couldn't move.

"Stay back!" Xavier yelled. "I might hurt you."

His voice cracked with emotion and his eyes cleared for a split second. Katrina came running into the room but was held back by Kyle.

"You won't," Aira assured.

"But don't you see?! I've already caused so much pain!" Xavier yelled. His hands began to glow purple. He was having trouble controlling his power.

"We can fix it," Aira said softly. She come forward a few more steps.

"Don't listen, Xavier! Let the darkness keep you!" Sephtis yelled.

Someone tapped Lloyd's shoulder. Zane was standing behind him and practically shaking with rage. Lloyd held up a hand and Sephtis used the distraction to throw Lloyd from his back. Lloyd hit the nearby wall with a sickening crunch.

Aira's attention was taken off Xavier and she looked towards her husband in dismay. Xavier's eyes fogged again and he started to shake in rage.

Lloyd tried to stand but he couldn't. He had broken at least one rib and his ankle; that much was obvious by the way his ankle was bending. Ankles are not supposed to bend like that. That ankle had given Lloyd trouble since the final battle.

"Xavier, no!" Julia yelled.

It was too late. Xavier had shot a energy ball in Aira's direction. It smashed into her shoulder and she flew back towards Lloyd.

"Xavier! Please, come back to the light!" Katrina yelled.


Stephanie was watching in horror from above. She saw Zane attack Sephtis again. Julia was beginning to circle Xavier preparing to attack.

"Xavier! Please, come back to the light!" Katrina yelled.

Light, Stephanie thought to herself. Light!

She remembered the words that the Druid had used! She could counteract this with the help of Julia's golden power!

Stephanie began to crawl back to the cell so she could help.


Julia lunged at Xavier and slashed at his throat with her dagger. He did a complete back bend in order to avoid the attack. Julia hadn't meant to hit him. She had meant to get him into this vulnerable position. She brought her knee up into his spine. He yelled in pain. He kicked up into her jaw and flipped back into and upright position.

Julia stumbled back. She glared at her brother and they began to circle each other again. She caught a glimpse of her parents watching with worry. Kyle had helped his father secure Sephtis again.

Just then several of Chen's snake-men, marauders burst in. Aira stood and began to fight even with her injured shoulder. Lloyd was still a formidable foe even with broken bones. He leveled several enemies in a few minutes.

Julia was about to attack Xavier again when she saw a spear flying towards an unwary Katrina.

"No!" They heard and someone knocked Katrina out of the way.

There were several audible gasps. Chen sunk to his knees. The spear was protruding from his chest. Kai ran and caught him as he fell forward.

"You tell Skylor I'm sorry," Chen gasped.

"Why the sudden change?" Kai asked softly.

"Things change when your grandchildren are at stake."

Blood was pouring from Chen's mouth. Kai actually looked like he may weep. He had hoped that Chen could change and his kids could have a grandfather. Indeed, Chen had changed but too late.

"I'll tell her," Kai nodded. "And I'll tell my son about you too."

Katrina crawled to her grandfather and began to cry. She hadn't known him very long but he had just saved her life. Chen coughed again and died in Kai's arms.

"You bastard!" Katrina yelled towards the spear thrower.

She powered up a fireball in her hand and sent it flying towards the man. He screamed and then he was a pile of ash.

Xavier watched the whole scene in horror and confusion. He felt like he was in a haze. He didn't know who was enemy and who was friend.

"Xavier," Julia pleaded.

Xavier glared at her and suddenly darkness began to surround him. Lloyd gasped. This looked almost like how the final battle had looked. The battle between good and evil.

"You leave me no choice, brother," Julia said darkly.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and a golden light began to emanate from her. She illuminated the entire cavern. She opened her eyes. They were a brilliant gold. She and Xavier both began to levitate in the center of the room. Xavier shot a dark beam towards her but she blocked it with a golden one.

If this hadn't been in real life and a life or death matter, this would look extremely awesome.

"Tenebris relinquere exercitus tui vespas hac nocte! Cum tenebras fronde levi reponitur. Ad infernum tenebræ tuæ fugiet sed relinques animam urgere signiferos mecum! Lucem et ad pugnandum hunc Potentia condidit adsurgenti et multa vera corde suo servare!" A loud voice boomed over the celestial-reminiscent fight.

All eyes turned to the voice. Stephanie's eyes were almost glowing purple. A brilliant light flashed from her out-stretched palms and hit Xavier straight on. His eyes widened and he screamed a blood curdling scream.

"No!" Sephtis yelled.

He began to chant in the ancient language as well but Zane cut him off, literally. He took a dagger and slit his throat. Sephtis's eyes widened and then rolled back into his head. The Dark Druid was dead.

Xavier's dark light went out and he was surround by the golden light. The light began to encircle everyone else in the room. The light became so bright that no one could open their eyes. And suddenly it went out.

Eyes began to adjust and look around. Lloyd stood up. All his wounds were healed. The same went for everyone else in the room except for those already dead.

Julia looked around blinking. Stephanie tried to walk forward but then she collapsed to the floor.

"Stephanie!" Zane and Kyle yelled.

They ran to her and Zane lifted her into his arms. Stephanie's eyes opens and she smiled weakly at her father. Zane let out a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't the savior. Stephanie was," Julia said quietly.

"And it's a good thing," a voice said happily. "Otherwise I may not have made it back."

"Xavier!" Lloyd and Aira shouted ecstatically.

He sat up and smiled at them. He looked completely normal except for one small thing. He had a small blond streak in his brown mop of hair.

Everyone ran to him and dogpiled him. He laughed and hugged them all close.

"It's so good to be back!" Xavier laughed. Then he shivered with memory. "You don't even want to know how dark I've felt."

"We are just glad you are back!" Katrina yelled.

"C'mon, let's go home," Lloyd said placing an arm around his son's shoulder. "It is time for healing and mending of these torn bonds."

A/n- Xavier is back!!! Aren't you so happy!! I am!! There is one more chapter left to write in this book. Then the fifth book will begin. It shall be called Scars and it shall be glorious!

By the way, this is the translation for what Stephanie chanted. It was Latin.

"Darkness leave thine host this night!
For when darkness leaves, it is replaced by light.
To hell thy darkness flee but leave thy bearers soul with me!
Light shall fight and return to this man!
Power awake and keep true his heart!"

It wasn't really supposed to rhyme just so you know. Hope you enjoyed! -LL_17

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