The last hope | a 10k/znation...

By clearlyweird

12.5K 258 20

Imagine yourself in the zombie-apocalypse. Your camp got overrun by Z's a few days ago. Everyone besides you... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

chapter 1

2.4K 45 4
By clearlyweird

Daisy's POV

My name is Daisy. I'm 17 years old by now. About three days ago the camp me and my family lived in, got overrun by the undead. The only weapons I had left were a hunting knife and a slingshot.

My dad taught me how to use fire weapons but I clearly had non.

After everyone I knew died, I decided to leave. I walked south till I found an old street. I was exhausted but luckily no Z's had attacked me yet.

As I reached the street I sunk down on my knees. I breathed heavy.

Suddenly my view got very blurry and I got unconscious. The only thing that's left in my mind is that I heard a noise... like a driving car.

10k's POV

We were heading down a road to Philadelphia. In our truck: Warren-she was driving, next to her Gernett, in the backseat Murphy, Mack and Addy. Doc and I sat on the the back of the truck. While increasing the score that makes up the name I gave myself, I spotted a girl, maybe not dead at the roadside.

"Warren. Look left! There is someone alive... I think..." I screamed.

But Murphy, grumpy as always, tried to interrupted my plan of helping her by saying "Come on ... We don't have time for that!"

Warren, clearly annoyed by patient 0 aka Murphy stopped right next to her. I got off the Truck and walked towards the curled up human. "Doc! Come and help me!" I yelled. He also got off the Trucks loading area. "She looks ok... I think... No visible bites." said Doc and checked her pulse.

"I'll take her Stuff. Can you carry her over to the Truck?" Doc and I looked at her. "Sure." I said. I picked her up carefully from the ground and lay her down at the back of the truck. As I lay her down, I looked at her for some seconds. She was so beautiful...

Doc got exited: "Kid... I really don't want to interrupt your fiance but... I THINK WE NEED TO GO... NOW!!!" he pointed down the road. A large group of walkers came our way. "Everyone in the truck!!!" screamed Warren and we drove off. And a few hours of driving down the road the girl we picked up woke up.

Daisy's POV

I slowly became conscious again. I felt something wet on my forehead. I opened my eyes slowly. People. Humans!

I took a deep breath and blinked a few times.

"Hey! Hey!! She's awake!" said an older man exited. I put my hand on my forehead "...who...who are you... and what happened?!" I asked "My head hurts like hell!"

Someone in the front of the truck, the lady who was driving I think, said "Our little friend spotted you at the roadside. You are a lucky one. You are still alive."

I managed to sit up and lean against the back wall of the truck. A guy, maybe my age or a little older, handed me a bottle of water. "Drink something. You are extremely dehydrated." he said and smiled at me in a concerned way. I looked back at him and started smiling.

I took the bottle and unscrewed the top: "Thank you..." I said before I drank the whole bottle of water. As I was done I asked "So... were are you guys going?". The old man answered "We are up to Philadelphia!" A strange looking guy at the backseat added "...Philly baby!!" and threw his hands in the air.

"Listen girl, I think we can take you with us. We could use some fresh new members." the man on the passengers seat said. "So... I'm Garnett. Charles Garnett. This is Roberta Warren..." he pointed at the lady next to him. "The two lovebirds in the back are Addy and Mack. And the other grumpy weirdo is Murphy. Our prisoner. And the two in the back with you are Doc and 10k." he continued.

"Uhm... Just to be sure. I'm Doc. And this is 10k." said the old man.

We continued our way to Philadelphia.

We drove several hours before we finally arrived. Doc, the old man reminded me of my grandpa. He asked me , where I came from and what happened to me. 

I answered every question honestly. Always keeping an eye on 10k, who was sitting on the other end of the loading area of the truck.  As I came to the point, where Doc asked, what happened to my family and I said, that I saw, how my dad got to be a snack for the Z and my mom also got bit, 10k looked over and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He looked the other way as we made eye contact. And I began asking myself, why he acted like this...

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