For You I'd Risk It All | b.w...

By bradderzgirl_xx

5.7K 264 157

Leigha is an 18 year old girl from America, but when she has to move to Birmingham, her life changes complete... More

New Friends?
More Than Just Friends.
Risking It All
High Hopes
My Other Half
Perfect Night
Moving Again?!
She Was The One; He was The One
I Cant Do This Anymore...
Better Off Without You?
No Hard Feelings
It Wasn't My Fault..
N-No... No Y-You're L-Lying..!
She Doesn't Remember.
I Think I Love You.
Baby, You're My One And Only.
I love you, It's as simple as that
Mr. & Mrs. Simpson (Finale)

Wake Up.

207 12 4
By bradderzgirl_xx

'I am so happy you're back!' he whispered, another tear falling from his eye. 'Me too.' I smiled. 'I-I just wish I could remember' I sighed, my smile fading. 'Hey.. We will help you remember!' Brad said engulfing me in a hug. 'Brad?' 'Yes beautiful?' 'Brad.. I think I love you.'
*Earlier that night*
~Brad's POV~
I popped in the film 'If I Stay' and made my way back to the couch I was previously sitting on. It honestly just looked like some sappy chick-flick romance shit, but if Leigha wanted to watch it, and it made her happy, then I'm happy.
About halfway through the film, I looked around the room to find that everyone was asleep, except Leigha who had her eyes glued to the screen. I looked away quickly, before she saw me, because I didn't want her to see my crying. Yes, crying. I Bradley Will Simpson am crying over a film. But, that is because that I related to the events that happened in it. Leigha was Mia, and I was Adam. I am in a band, so was Adam. Leigha was in a car accident and put into a coma, and so was Leigha. It is crazy to think about how well this film truly relates to my life. Our life. That reminds me! I wrote another song for Leigha, besides Shout About It. We are actually going to the studio tomorrow to record it. I really hope it will help her remember.
The film ended, and I was in a flood of tears. I looked over to the couch where Leigha was sat, and saw her crying hysterically. I made my way over to her, to try and calm her down. 'Awh princess, don't cry' I soothed, wiping the tears falling from her eyes with my thumb. She then wiped my tears away as well. 'I am so happy you're back!' I whispered, whilst another tear fell from my eye. 'Me too' she smiled weakly. 'I-I just wish I could remember' she said, sighing, and her smile fading. This made me feel like shit. 'Hey... We will help you remember!' I exclaimed, engulfing her into a hug. 'Brad?' she questioned. 'Yes beautiful?' I smiled at her. 'Brad.. I think I love you.' she stated. I stared at her in shock. I didn't know how to react. 'Brad.. Please.. Say something!' she said, her eyes welling up with tears. 'Leigha.. Don't cry baby girl. I'm sorry I'm am just in shock that you said that you loved me... Leigha I know I love you!' I said stroking her cheek. She gave me that beautiful, perfect smile of hers, and a massive hug. 'You're so beautiful' I said, the heat rushing to both of our cheeks. 'T-thanks... But I'm really not..' She said looking at the ground. 'Hey! Don't ever say that! To me, you are the most beautiful girl on earth! You have your flaws, just like every single other human being on the face of the earth! But you're still perfect to me.' I smiled. I want her to know that she is beautiful and that I love her. She smiled at me once again, making my heart flutter. 'Can we go to bed?' She asked through a yawn. 'Of course baby.' I took her by the hand, and we walked upstairs to our shared bedroom. Once we were there, we changed into comfy clothes, and crawled under the duvet. Leigha cuddled into me, causing me to wrap my arms around her securely. Before I knew it, I heard light snores coming from her. 'Goodnight princess, I love you' I whispered before drifting off myself.
~ Leigha's POV ~
The next morning, I woke up feeling.. Different. I feel like today, I can think straight.. I don't know.. I just feel different.
I tried to get out of bed, but I realized that Brad's arms were wrapped around me. I wiggled from his grip, managing not to wake him up. I then headed downstairs, because I decided to make some breakfast for everyone. I entered the kitchen, and looked inside the cupboards for something to make. I found some pancake mix, so guess what I decided to make? PANCAKES!
I got out all of the ingredients, and began to make the delicious cakes. As I was making them, I remembered back to when Brad and I made pancakes together, and he tried to master 'the flip' and went mental when he did it. The memory brought a smile to my face. All of a sudden, two strong arms wrapped around my waist. 'What is causing you to smile, beautiful?' Brad asked with his heavenly morning voice. 'I just was remembering the time that you and I made pancakes together, and you mastered '"the flip".' I giggled. Brad started to laugh, but then his face went completely serious.. Almost like he realized something. 'L-Leigha... Did you just say you remembered something?' He asked, showing no expression on his face. 'Yeah.. Why do you ask?' I questioned very confused. He then ran into the living room, leaving my question unanswered. I just shook it off, and continued to make the pancakes. I finished cooking, and set the table so it would be all ready to go. I walked into the living room to see if everyone else was awake.' I walked in, and saw everyone deep in conversation. 'Hello' I smiled. Everyone looked at me with a strange expression.. I really don't know how to explain it.. They looked like they were shocked, and extremely happy.. At the same time. 'Are you lot, alright?' I asked, slightly worried. 'Leigha.. Do you remember how we met?' Brad asked with a serious expression in his face. 'Yeah, of course! I saw you in Starbucks, then you left and I ran into Moll and she invited me round. Then I met the rest of you lot and I saw you again.. Why?' I said very confused. Everyone exchanged ecstatic looks. Then I was in the middle of a group hug. 'Leigha! You remember! You can remember!' Lauren exclaimed. 'Oh my god! I'm so happy you remember us!' Molly added. 'We are all so happy you remember!' Rachel practically yelled. Everyone let go of the massive hug, and smiled at me. They all had tears streaming down their face, but they didn't look sad. They looked happy. 'Guys! What are you on about!?' I asked. Right now I haven't got a clue what they're talking about. 'Leigha you remember the past! This is so great!' James yelled. 'Of course I remember the past!' I exclaimed causing everyone to look at me strangely. 'Leigha.. Yesterday you barely knew who we were...' Con said. This made me even more confused. 'What are you talking about?' I asked slightly annoyed that no one is giving me answers. 'Leigha you had amnesia..' Tris said giving me a sad look. 'Tris what are you talking about!' I exclaimed. 'Baby... You were in a car crash.... You received head injuries, and you were in a coma for over a month. When you woke up the doctors told us that you and amnesia, but you would regain your memory.. You've now regained your memory..' Brad explained. 'W-what?' I asked shocked, tears sliding down my cheek. 'Hey, hey! It's okay! You're okay' he smiled brushing away my tears and kissing my forehead. 'I don't remember the accident at all.. But I remember everything before that..' I said pulling away from Brad slightly, remembering him with that slut of a girl Kelsey. Brad's face dropped. 'H-how much do you remember.' He asked sounding worried. 'Enough to remember that bitch Kelsey!' I snapped unintentionally. Brad looked down to the ground, a tear falling from his eye. 'Hey.. I am sorry for snapping at you' i said apologetically, giving him a hug. 'No, I'm sorry.. If I was never with her, you wouldn't have gotten into the accident.. It's all my fault' he said. 'Brad stop! It's not your fault! Anyway look... I'm okay! I'll be okay!' I said smiling. He smiled back. 'Hey! We wrote a song for you!' James smiled. 'What! For me?' I asked, stunned. 'Yes for you!' Con exclaimed. 'Can I hear it?' I asked excitedly. The boys said 'of course' and ran to get their instruments. Moments later, they came back and set everything up. Brad signaled me to sit right in front of him, on the sofa. I smiled at him and sat down.
'This is called 'Wake Up'.' He smiled at me. Then they began to sing.
You've been deep in a coma,
But I stood right here.
When you though there was no one
I was still right here.
You were scared but I told you
Open up your eyes
Never saw me as someone
Who could love you well.
Had to show you the hard way
Only time will tell.
Revelations and heartaches
Make you realize
I was always in front of you
So wake up
Your sleeping
I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe my dear,
My dear,
I'm here
So wake up
You've been deep in a coma
But I stood right here.
When you thought there was no one
I was still right here.
You were scared but I told you
Open up your eyes.
I was always in front of you
So wake up
Your sleeping
I know sometimes we'll be afraid
But no more playing safe,
My dear
So wake up
Your sleeping
And we will dream a dream
For us.
That no one else can touch
My dear,
I'm here
So wake up.
So wake up,
Your sleeping
And we will dream a dream for us,
That no one else can touch.
My dear,
I'm here.
So wake up.
They finished singing, and I couldn't stop the tears flooding from my eyes. Brad came over and engulfed me in a hug. 'Brad?' 'Hmmh.' 'I'm awake, and I couldn't be happier.' I smiled at him, giving him a long, passionate kiss that I've been craving.
Hello again! ❤️ I am really sorry for not updating in quite a long time! I will try really hard to update a bit this weekend! 💕 but anyway can we talk about Wake Up?! 😍👌 I feel like it was written for this fanfic because it seriously fits perfectly! 😊💋 ahaha I wish! 😂😭❤️💋
LY guys! 💋💋
~ Leigha 💞😘xxx

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