Away Isn't Far Enough

By danagabrielle55

6.2K 197 4

This Bones fanfiction is set after the third season. Sweet's explained, “That’s a little exercise, if y... More

1. Everything Is Logic - Except This
2. It's All About Psychology
3. The Truth Is Out There
4. Truth or Dare - Without the Dare Part
5. Passports, CDs and Tornadoes
6. You've Got Kate, I've Got a Fake Date
7. British Equivalent
8. The Line and the Lemon
9. Pretend, Avoid, Survive
10. This Gotta Stop
11. Can't Have the Pie - Can't Taste the Cake
12. Fight or Flight
13. One, Two, Three...
14. More Than Spring Rolls
16. Outside the Box

15. The Tactic

334 13 0
By danagabrielle55

"...indicating the murderer was weak. These patterns on each victim are distinct. There is no way they come from the same..."

Kate's voice was echoing on the platform. And it annoyed her.

"I believe you, Dr. Jepsen."

Hodgins, Camille and Angela exchanged a confused look. When did Brennan ever just 'believe' before having seen the evidence?

"I'd prefer you'd call me Kate," her snappy little voice replied. "It helps in the work environment to..."

"Yeah..." she mumbled to herself. "Shouldn't we send this information to Booth?" she asked, hoping her voice sounded professional.

"Already did," Cam answered. "He gave everything to Agent Phips."

Brennan frowned.

"Agent Phips?"

Angela and Hodgins got a scared look on their faces. She didn't know? This was not going to be pretty.

"Booth didn't tell you? He pulled himself out of this case. Something about Parker."

"Something's wrong with Parker?" Kate asked, concerned.

You don't even know Parker, Brennan frowned, irritated.

Hodgins mentioned chicken pox and fever, and Brennan stopped listening right then.

Something's wrong with Parker alright. He's got an idiotic dad. Parker had chicken pox last year.

"Alright. Well... Ok. Carry on," she said, getting off the platform.

"Didn't you want to see the scenarios on the Angelator?" someone asked her.

She didn't even turn around to reply. She needed to clear her head. What better place to do that than Limbo?

Fact #1

You had sex in your office.

Fact #2

You had unbelievable sex. (See fact 1)

Fact #3

You have never been more sexually compatible with anyone.

Fact #4

Booth has always been discreet about his sex life.

Fact #5

He dropped the case and lied about the reason why.

Fact #6

You've been here alone, in Limbo, thinking about him for more than two hours.

Fact #7

It's been less than 24 hours and you miss him.


What the hell's going on?

And what are you gonna do about it?



That's pretty much what the femur made her think of. She put it back in the plastic box and sighed.

She was scared nothing would ever be the same. Which sucked. Because she had loved her life these past three years. Would he stop calling her 'Bones'?

She took the right fibula.

Why did she have to go and lick the spring roll for? Why did she have to choose that moment to take Angela's advice?

She measured the length of it and noted it.

Why did he have to get all worked up because of a few missing buttons? And, more importantly, why did he have to leave her like this, without a word? Ok, not true. He had said, "see you later". Yeah, but we're 'later' and I don't see him.

"There you are!" Angela startled her.

Brennan noted the width of the bone she was holding before putting it back in the box.

"It's almost 1. You wanna grab lunch with me?" Angela asked her.

She felt like being alone, but she thought perhaps Angela would help her take her minds of things.

"Sure. Where do you wanna go?" she said, putting the box back on the shelf.

"I thought we'd order some takeouts and eat in your office."

"No!" she answered, quickly turning her head towards her friend. Did she know? No. If she knew, Angela wouldn't be that calm.

Surprised by Brennan's reaction, Angela frowned.


"Because. I... don't want to eat in my office. It's not sanitary."

She would had laughed at herself. Eating in your office is not sanitary but having sex on your desk is?

"Since when?" Angela questioned. "You always eat in your office."

"I just feel like eating out," she tried again.

Angela bit her tongue. She so wanted to ask what was wrong with her. All day, she had been snappy, nervous, agitated and she had had this bubble around herself making it difficult to approach her.

"Ok," Angela simply said.

They went to the diner, and sat down. The waitress brought them the menus. She knew that menu by heart, but she opened it and her eyes wandered on the words.

"Is it because of Kate?" Angela dared.

"Is what because of Dr. Jepsen?"

Angela smiled. "Your mood."

Brennan closed the menu and looked at the artist in the eye.

"I'm not in such a great disposition today, huh?"

"To be honest? You're verging on mean."

Brennan sighed as the waitress arrived to take their orders.

"You don't have to worry," Angela said once they were alone again. "I like Kate, but you're still my B.F.F.," Angela reassured her with a smile.

"I'm your Backup File Format?"

"Best Friend Forever," Angela laughed.

That made her smile.

"I could buy us a necklace. You know those necklaces that splits in two? I'd be the 'Best', of course. You'd be the 'Friend'."

Brennan was now staring vaguely through her glass of water. Angela covered her hand with hers.

"Where are you, sweetie?"

"I'm right here..."

"No. You're not. You're miles away. And you're gonna tell me what's going on," she ordered.

The waitress brought their salads.

"I s..." She didn't want to tell her. She wanted to keep it to herself, selfishly. To hold on to it a little while longer. "I suppose I'm pissed at Booth for dumping the case like this."

Angela laughed. "His son is sick!"

No. He is not. But she couldn't say anything or else, Angela would know Booth was lying, she'd want to know why and this conversation would never end.

"I know."

"There will be other cases," Angela pressed on.

"I know."

They ate in silence. Then Brennan apologized.

"I'm sorry I'm so difficult today."

"We all have our moments, honey. It's fine."

They talked for a while until the bell above the diner door jingled. Brennan had her back turned to the door so she didn't see him until he arrived next to their table.

Booth had seen her through the window. His heart had skipped a beat. Time for part two. He went inside the diner and prayed he'd be strong enough to go through with it.

He walked to their table.

"Hey," he said, looking mostly at Angela.

Brennan's heart sank. She gripped her glass of water and looked up at him. It wasn't possible, but he was even more handsome than before. She liked when he wore casual civilian clothes.

"Hi," she said back, sounding like a 14 year-old girl who wants to sound nonchalant but really sounds freaked out even though she's just nervous. Barely.

He didn't look at her.

"Angela, I'll need you to give Phips sketches of the facial reconstructions so he can show them around at the retirement home."

"No problem," she said.

Brennan was still staring at him. It was so hard not to look at her.

"How's Parker?" Brennan asked, her tone letting him know that she was unto him.

"Yeah? Is he ok?" Angela seconded.

"He's gonna be fine, thanks," Booth replied.

Brennan snorted. She didn't snort too well.

"Riiiiight," she let out. "Well I'm glad." She really didn't sound like she was.

Angela shot a look at her friend. Booth told them to have a nice day and he went to the counter to order a coffee to go.

So she hadn't told Angela. He knew because Angela was acting way too normal to know. He wasn't sure what it meant. He dropped two dollar bills on the counter and went outside.

Brennan couldn't help herself.

"I'll be right back," she blurted to Angela. And she went after him.


He smiled and continued walking.

"Booth!" she said, louder. "Stop!"

He stopped. She grabbed his arm and forced him to face her.

"What's up with you?" she asked, irritated.

"Nothing. What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You're ignoring me," she stated.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it? You won't work the case, you won't look at me when I'm sitting right there," she said pointing to their table through the window.

Angela watched them, fascinated. She couldn't hear anything but it looked really interesting to say the least. She was loving this episode in the Booth and Brennan show.

"As soon as Parker's fine, I'll take the case back," he said.

"Parker is fine."

"He's got chicke..." he tried to argue.

"You lied about Parker. You never use your son to lie."

"I didn't..."

She was furious. She cut him off.

"Stop lying to me. What? Do you want me to say I'm sorry I slept with you?"

"Are you? Sorry?" I know you're not. Don't you dare say you are.

"No!" she denied.

"Then we're good." He really was relieved. "Look, I've got to get back home..."

"Hold on! I'm not done..."

"What's there left to say? You're fine, I'm fine. We're fine. It was just sex, right?" he said, sounding like her.


"Right? Isn't that what you always say?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at her feet a second. That's what she thought five seconds ago. Why did it bother her so badly? Why was her chest tightening? She looked him in the eye. To prove she was alright.


"I'm not gonna let 20 minutes of fun ruin our partnership, don't worry. But I need to go right now. Nothing personal. It's all circumstantial."

She bit her lips together to stay quiet. In London you said you didn't want anything to change. He turned around and walked away.

This gamble of his better pay off. Because he was being an ass, and he really didn't enjoy one second of it.

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