Walking Travesty

By MoniesJams

38.5K 1.5K 726

Clara is the typical normal quiet girl. She doesn't like attention, and would rather be left alone. She has h... More

They Tore Me Apart Like A Hurricane
Sell Me Out I'm Yesterdays Old News
Pull Me Out Of This Sinking Town
I'm Fucking Lonely Like Bottles On The Shelf
Take My Life I'll Hand It To You
Beautiful Scars On Critical Veins
'Cause You And I, We're Alive
I Wanna Be Your Lost Boy
I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls
Steal A Kiss In The Dark
I'm Wasted, Wasting Time
We've Got To Let This Go
They're Better Off Without You
Scars On Our Future Hearts
Who Said It Was Gonna Be Easy?
Catch My Breath And Go For It
Remembering Sunday
This Life Is Mine To Live
Who Could Deny These Butterflies
I Can't Be On My Own
Dark Places I Know Too Well
Six Feet Under The Stars
I Feel Like Dancin'
Missing you
You Shot This Family A World Of Pain
You Say Love's Overrated
You're Anything But Ordinary
I'll Be A Confident Coward
Didn't Mean To Make You Hurt
Forget About Me, It's What I Deserve
Sequel! Despondency

Let's Drink To Feelings Of Temptation

1.1K 45 47
By MoniesJams

(Important authors note in the end, please read it xx) 

"Clara". I turned around only to find more white walls. There was a strong scent of medicine in the air and I almost choked on it. I hated that smell. It was disgusting. It filled my nostrils and it was like it formed a lump in my throat so I had a hard time breathing. I ran down the long halls that just kept continuing in what felt like a life time. Then I tripped and fell face first down on the white linoleum floors. I sat up surprised that I wasn't hurt. I wasn't in a hall anymore it was a room. With a big window, clean walls with only one painting of a woman in a white dress. I turned to look at the bed. A woman was laying in it with wires attached to her everywhere making her look like something fake. A doll or something. Her eyes were closed and her hands were small, thin and blue from the cold. She had no hair and a hospital gown on hiding her now very slim figure. She was ill. She was my mom...


"Clara wake up", someone said dragging me out of my dream. What kind of dream was that? It wasn't scary enough to be a nightmare and it wasn't good enough to be a nice dream. It was just weird. "Come on Clara your hand is on my crotch", the voice said again. Even though I didn't know who it was I didn't want to touch their lower parts. With force I opened my eyes to a very familiar room. The posters on the walls were very comforting. "Well welcome back". Then the headache crashed into me making me shut my eyes in pain. I growled and the person laughed. "Come on I need to go down and party". I opened my eyes slowly once again and looked up to find Brad smiling down at me. What the hell happened? "What?", I asked noticing my hand was still on his crotch. I removed it as fast as I could and stood up. Well that was a big mistake. I lost balance and fell down on the floor landing on my butt. Of course Brad started to laugh making me look at the floor in embarrassment. "What happened?", I asked him and glanced at him. He was having a cute smile on his lips as he looked down on me. "You fell asleep I think. Then landed on the floor. I had to pick you up". Well that was embarrassing. "oh my god I'm so sorry you were saying something when I fell asleep right?", I asked and he looked at his hands. "Yea but it's not important right now". Why did I have to fall asleep? "Please just say it. I want to know", I pleaded and he sighed but looked defeated. "Okay well-", and the door to the room opened. "Clara?". I could recognize that voice everywhere. Aaron. "Why are you in here?", he asked and walked into the room letting the door stay opened. "Got lost on the way to the bathroom?". He shrugged and helped me stand up which didn't go well. Why was it so hard to keep my balance. "You get drunk really fast, you only had like 3 shots and a beer", Aaron laughed as he wrapped his hand around my waist holding me up. "Isn't that like a lot?", I slurred having trouble finding my words. I didn't really care to say it wrong though. I wasn't embarrassed. I've seen plenty of people being more drunk than me. Especially at concerts. "Not really no", Brad answered winking at me. "Still need the bathroom?", Aaron asked and I shook my head as a no. "Do you want to go home?", he asked again and I didn't know. I wanted to know what Brad was about to say. I had this feeling that it was kind of important. "I'm just going to go", Brad awkwardly said. "But-", I started. "We'll talk later okay?", he answered my upcoming question and walked out closing the door behind him. "Is this Brads room? Holy shit that's big", Aaron laughed looked around in the room. "Yea I guess". "Why is your shirt all wet?", Aaron then asked and pointed at my shirt. Maybe I spilt some of the champagne over myself. "Oh. I didn't know". "I'll just go down stairs to say bye to the guys okay? You need to go home". Aaron kissed my temple, opened the door and closed it again. Then I got an idea. I walked to Brad's closet trying to find a shirt to wear. I looked through the drawers not finding a cheap shirt to wear. They were all either too pretty or they looked too expensive. I looked through the last drawer where I found a black tank top kind of thing. I shrugged before wiggling out of my silk top and threw it at the floor. Then of course the door to the closet opened. "SHIT", someone yelled and I think I knew that voice well enough to know that it was Brad. I covered my upper parts even though I was wearing a bra. "I thought you were down stairs", he yelled his eyes burning into mine. Why didn't he look away. "My shirt was wet so I had to change it", I said quietly. His eyes were widened and his mouth was a little open. "So you decided to steal one of my shirts?", he asked now smirking. "Yes. But I could only find this tank top thingy", I replied and he furrowed his eyebrows. Why the fuck didn't he look away? This was so weird. "There are lots of clothes here", he said confused pointing at all of his clothes. "Yes. But this clothes isn't you. Not all the fancy shirts or ties, butterflies, nice shoes all of it. You're a T-shirt and skinny jeans kind of guy", mumbled. I picked up the tank top, turned around and took it on so it wasn't as awkward talking to him. "Hailey always picks the expensive shirts in here", he mumbled back taking a step forward. "Well do I look like Hailey?", I asked him taking a step forward also but stumbled sideways a little. I really felt like throwing up. "No", he hurried saying as if he had insulted me. "Well then that's settled. Excuse me I really need the bathroom", I sat very fast pushing past him and ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Yes you definitely need to go home", Brad said behind me holding my hair as I emptied my stomach. "I'm never getting drunk again", I groaned and Brad handed me a napkin. I thanked him and sat down on the floor leaning up against the white tiled wall. "So what was it that you wanted to say?", I asked realizing that we were alone again. "It's not important right now. You're not feeling too well". He took my hand pulling me up and helped me down the stairs. He wanted to make sure that I didn't trip and fell down face first. "What took you so long sweetie?", Aaron asked as I practically fell into his arms. My balance wasn't the best when I was drunk I guess. And my mind wasn't that clear either. "I- don't remember", I slurred running my hands down his stomach. "You're so handsome", I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck needing attention for the first time. "You are extremely drunk Clara. Let's get you home", he whispered opening the door to the house. But I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to see my father and I didn't want to argue with him. I couldn't stand being near him right now. "No", I crossed my arms over my chest. "Why?". He furrowed his eyebrows laying his hand on my shoulder. "I don't want to see dad", I just replied stumbling out of the house and out in the cold. "Clara why don't you want to see your dad?", Aaron asked and opened the taxi door for me. I guess he had called one as he was waiting for me. "I hate him". He closed the door and told the driver his address. "What happened?". Then for some reason I started to cry. Great Clara, just great. "you remember our first date?". "Yes of course". He took my hand and kissed it gently. "When I got home Jacob told me that our dad never came home. He left Jacob a whole night alone without food. Tell me that is what a normal father would do and I'll forgive him", I replied trying to wipe my tears away. "He really did that?", Aaron asked in disbelief and I nodded. Then he sighed and pulled me closer to him. "just stay at mine's okay?". I nodded and he kissed the top of my head while I leaned into his chest closing my eyes. He was always so sweet and understanding. But why didn't I feel the same as when Brad held me? I couldn't have feelings for Brad could I? That was impossible. Wasn't it?


"Clara?", someone asked pulling me out of nice dream. I opened my eyes and my head was pounding. I groaned loudly and hid my head in my hands. "Headache?", Aaron asked and chuckled. I nodded still not looking at him. "Here. I brought you some water and some pills". I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. He was sitting on his bed smiling down at me. "Why does it hurt so much?", I asked and took the pills drowning them in the water. "You drank a lot last night. Or you didn't but since it was your first time it was a lot". I nodded and saw my phone laying on the bedside table. "How the hell did I get here?", I asked looking at the time. It was 1 pm already. "I had to carry you out of the taxi since you fell asleep", he chuckled and took my hand kissing it. "Oh god I'm sorry. I probably looked stupid all night", I apologized and blushed. "Nah I think you looked pretty cute". I smiled and hugged him. Then my phone buzzed and I looked at the caller-ID. It was Brad. "Hello?", I asked down in the phone. "Clara you have to help me", Brad begged his voice a little higher than normal. He was definitely panicking. "What's wrong?", I asked as softly I could trying to calm down. "My mom just called. She'll be home soon. I'm scared", he whispered and all blood left my face. If they'll be home Brad is dead. I can't have him getting beaten up again. "When?", I asked and got out of bed with Aaron following me asking me what was wrong. "I don't know. A couple of hours maybe?". Apparently Aaron had helped me out of my jeans last night so I took them on pulled on my shoes and Aaron pulled on his clothes just as fast as me. It was sweet that he just did what I did. "Okay Brad relax. I'll call the others and we'll be there in 20 minutes max", I promised him and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "Don't tell anyone what I said okay?", he begged. If anyone found out he was scared they'll just make fun of him. They didn't know what I knew. "I won't. Be there soon okay? Bye", I hung up and turned to face Aaron who was standing behind me with a confused look on his face. "Clara what's wrong? Why did Brad call?", he asked taking my hand. "Brad's parents are coming home soon so we have to help cleaning up", I replied walking down the stairs. I dialled Scars number and she picked up after the second ring. "Why so early", she groaned and I laughed. "Hurry up we have to help Brad before his parents get home. "Scar who's calling you so early", someone in the background asked. "Scar? Was that Con?", I asked stopping dead in my tracks. "ehmm. Yes?". "Oh my god you slept with him didn't you?", I yelled and Aaron made a funny face. When she didn't reply I got the answer. "Holy shit Scar! We're going to talk about that later. Hand the phone to Connor", I said and she obeyed without a word. I know she was embarrassed. I told Con to call the others and hung up. "I'll drive", Aaron said opening the door for me. "Why is this so important to you?", Aaron asked making me freeze. "I don't want Brad to get in trouble", I replied as casual I could. I didn't want to tell how scared I was for his mom and stepdad to get home. I couldn't imagine what they would do to him. "How much trouble can he get in for having a party?", Aaron asked laughing a little bit. He didn't know how serious this actually was. "More than you can imagine", I mumbled and I think he heard because he began to drive faster. My heart began to beat faster the closer we came to his house. I remember how trashed it actually was.


Okay it wasn't as I imagined it at all. It was way worse. Red cups were floating everywhere and that was just outside. They were even in the fountain. I ran to the door while Aaron parked the car and crashed through the door where Brad was mopping the floor that as more brown than white. "You're finally here", he yelled as I ran into his arms. "Okay we can make it. don't panic", I whispered and he nodded. "I'm so dead", he whispered as I took the mop out of his hands. "Start to throw all the cups out okay? Fast", I told him and he nodded before running into the kitchen to get some sacks. 15 minutes later the others arrived and I told them all what to do. "Why are Brad and Clara stressing so much?", Tris asked James who just shrugged. "Why did Brad call Clara first is the question we should be asking", Connor joined the conversation. "I don't know. I thought Clara didn't like Brad", Scarlet said furrowing her eyebrows. I shut them out and moved to the living room where I mopped the floor there also. I did that all around the house until the floor was as clean as before. I ran outside and started to clean the front garden with the fountain and all that.


After hours of cleaning my head was still hurting, I was tired and I didn't look presentable at all. I didn't care though. "Why call us to help when you have Clara. She's like superwoman when cleaning", James laughed loudly as I was placing new food in the fridge as everything was eaten yesterday. They would notice because there would be no way that Brad could have eaten all that. "Did you seriously buy all that?", Brad asked as he entered the room now wearing other clothes than some jeans. "They would notice", I said placing it all so it looked like it had been standing there in a little bit. "They wouldn't. Relax", he said laying his hand on my shoulder. "can I talk to you?", he asked pointing upstairs. "uhh yea", I said and I followed him upstairs where he closed the door to his room behind us. "Stop stressing. We did it", he said and breathed out pulling me into a hug. "I was so scared", I whispered burying my head in his chest. "but its all good now. You were right, throwing a party was a bad idea", he said laughing a little and sat down on the bed. I sat down next to him and sighed. "What if they find out?", I asked and he looked down at me. Before he got to answer someone yelled that a car just pulled up outside. Brad told them to come up here. He didn't want his parents to see us. "I'll be right back", he said as we all sat down in the bed. Then he leaned closer to me "And don't come down okay? No matter what", he whispered before standing up and closed the door behind him. Could I do that? If I knew that he was getting beaten up could I just sit here and wait? I walked over to the door pressing my ear up against it to hear what they were saying. "Brad we're home", Brad's mom half yelled. "Hi mother", Brad said his voice low. I could imagine him looking down fiddling with his hands. "What have you been doing?", she asked and I held my breath. "Nothing new. Just sitting in my room all night or playing the piano", he said. He sounded like a little boy scared that his parents would find out that he ate the last cookie in the jar. "So you've been practicing?", she asked and he mumbled a yes I think. "Good". Was that all? No 'how nice darling I'm so proud of you'. I hated his mom so much. "Can I go to my room now?", he asked and I didn't hear anything else. Then I heard Scarlet laugh loudly and I turned around to look at Connor who was tickling her. "Are you having visitors?", Brad's mom asked and I held my breath. "y-yes", Brad stuttered and I closed my eyes scared of what would happen next. "We'll talk about that later. Now go away". Talk about that later? Did that mean what I thought it would mean? Then the door opened to the room and I got it right in my face. Great. I fell down hitting the back of my head on the floor. Even more great. "Ow", I yelled and Brad stopped dead In his tracks when he saw me laying on the floor. "Why were you at the door?", he asked and helped me standing up. "Were you listening?", he asked harshly and I looked at the floor. "I guess we survived this time", Brad whispered in my ear before pulling me to his bed where the others were sitting. "So Scar", I said making her turn around. "Is there something you would like to say?", I asked and looking at Con who was now blushing. Oh I was going to enjoy this...

A/N: Hello! I finally updated! Sorry I would have updated yesterday but I was at the doctors so I couldn't. And I had to do it now because I'm going out tonight with my friend Clara. You guys please vote and comment! XD And DM as well so we can talk! You all seem so lovely! 

What is your favorite song from the Wake Up EP? 

Mine is burn! It's just so amazing! 

Also at some point I have to get James and Tristan a girlfriend (I don't really know when but at some point) and I thought that maybe one of you wanted the chance to be in my book? If you want to of course 1. Write if you want to be James' or Tristan's girlfriend, 2. Tell me how you look like and 3. tell me about your hobbies and personality :) 

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