Love 8,000 Miles Away (NJH)

By stargurl48

35.2K 1K 143

Love found far away has complications. Love found 8,000 miles away, has bigger complications. A normal girl f... More

Love 8,000 Miles Away
Dublin, Ireland.
Chapter 2- Nandos
Chapter 3- The Phone Call
Chapter 4- The Picnic
Chapter 5- The Picnic, Part 2.
Chapter 6- Shopping & Texting.
Chapter 7- Birthday!
Chapter 8: The Kidnapping
Chapter 9- Niall's Home
Chapter 10- Niall's Home Part 2.
Chapter 11- Asking Amanda
Chapter 12- The Ice-Cream Incident
Chapter 13- The Date <3
Chapter 14- Being Niall's Girlfriend
Chapter 15- The Mall
Chapter 16- The Party
New Story!
Chapter 17- Leaving
Chapter 18- Home
Chapter 19- The Audition
Chapter 21- The Story
Chapter 22- Effects of Three Years of Separation
Chapter 23-Meeting Again
Chapter 24- Don't Let Me Go
Chapter 25- Going in Circles
Chapter 26- Niall's Secret
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 20- Missing Him Is All I'll Ever Do

675 24 0
By stargurl48

Chapter 20- Missing Him Is All I'll Ever Do

Author's Note: Haiii! I changed the style of my writing a little bit, to paragraphs instead of a sentence per line. And NOW THE STORY IS GETTING STARTED! I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. Okay, now let me stop writing this, and let you read the chapter. ENJOY.

Guys! Yesterday was my birthday, and y'all have given me such a good present with all these reads! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. Okay now read!

Amanda's POV:

Days passed. Then weeks. Niall filled me in on everything by text and his calls were getting fewer and fewer by the day. He had made it to bootcamp. I watched all of his performances on tv. I was so proud of him. My life progressed on too. I took an annual family vacation with my family and went to an art camp I go to every summer.

One day, I got a call from Niall, telling me he was put into a group called One Direction. I was thrilled and surprised, because I always thought of Niall being a solo artist.

I don't know if Niall noticed, but I felt like we were being separated by the day. We talked less and whenever we did, Niall barely had time to. He was leading a busy life with the rehearsing and singing. I was just scared he would find somebody else, somebody better. I watched all of One Direction's video diaries and cracked up at Niall's best friends. Niall let me talk to the guys one day. They seemed like nice guys.

More days passed. One Direction made it to the live shows. The guys had so much talent, and Niall was living his life. He didn't believe in himself back then, but look where he was now. He had so many fans. I always knew he could go places.

Even more days passed. One Direction came in 3rd place in X-Factor. They didn't win. The next day, I got a text from Niall, saying Simon Cowell had signed them into a record deal. I was ecstatic for them.

After that, even the texts got frequent. Niall told me they were recording their first song for their first album. I, didn't have much time to text or call either, due to piano lessons, tennis practice and school starting.

And one day, the texts and calls just stopped.

*3 Years Later*

"Aye Liz, turn on the radio!" I said to my friend who was driving. We were both on our way to uni.

"I ain't your maid!" She replied back sticking out her tongue.

"Ugh. I just got my nails done, dude. Or I would've turned it on myself!" I said lounging in the passenger seat of her red Ferrari.

"Okay fine." She said and turned it on. A familiar song came on.

"What song is this?" I asked her since she was singing it loudly, off pitch.

"Live While We're Young by One Direction" she replied. My reply came out as a small "oh". As soon as I heard his voice, my heart clenched. He forgot about me and I learned to forget him. I was right about him not loving me. Isabelle was wrong. My expression turned grim and my mind raced, thinking about the times we had. I had kept us dating, a secret to everyone. It has been about three years since he stopped talking to me now. Liz was a new friend I made when I came to London to study in a University. My parents still lived in California and came to visit occasionally or I went there. Isabelle studied in another university nearby and I was glad to have my best friend/sister near.

I occasionally checked on how Niall was going on Twitter and the latest news about One Direction. Niall had been close to dating Demi Lovato and now some model, Zoe Whelan. I could never compare to those girls. I still couldn't believe why I trusted him in the first place. He never really loved me! I was an idiot. My anger swelled up and I felt like I was going to burst.

Liz noticed the sudden change in my mood because she said, "what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing. Are we there yet?" I said trying to seem normal.

"No. And something's up. Do you not like One Direction or something?" She asked peering at me.

"I do.." I said shakingly.

"I know you're lying! You're fidgeting with your hands. You always do that when you lie." She said. I had only known Liz for a year, but we had connected immediately. Now, we were very close. Belle had gotten close to her too, but not as much as me and her. After all, we were roommates!

"No I'm not.." I said trying not to fidget with my hands.

"I don't believe you. Now spill." She commanded.

"I'll tell you later. It's a long story." I said as she pulled in to the university. We had just gone out to shop and to get our nails done.

"You better" she said.

Niall's POV:

Me and the lads had just gotten done filming for our 3D movie, This Is Us, for today. I walked over to the food cart, thinking we were done with everything today.

"Niall, you guys have an interview in 10 minutes" a guy named Will, who worked for One Direction, told me.

"Okay" I said between bites, eating a doughnut. After finishing my doughnut, slipping onto an outfit for the interview and getting my hair and makeup re-done by Lou Teasdale, I walked towards the interview room. The rest of the lads were already there talking. I joined them on the couch and after a minute the interviewer came in and we started.

"Hi, I am Amanda Thripp from Teen Scene Magazine and I am here with the teen heart throbs, One Direction!" The interviewer said to the camera. My heart clenched. The name 'Amanda' ran through my head repeatedly.




She forgot about me and I forgot about her. I just stopped texting her one day, because she would barely text back. I didn't have much time to text and when I did, she didn't make much effort to talk. I was ready to commit myself to a long-distance relationship, but management kicked in too. Management told us to stay single and not to bring in any girls, so our fans would increase. That's why I couldn't make us public. I just never had the guts to tell her that. She knew me as the independent guy that didn't let people change what I thought. I was lost in thought and I felt Zayn nudge me. The interviewer was introducing us and the guys were waving. I waved and smiled too. We had done this a million times. The interview went on normally and I was lost the whole time. I tried to answer my questions as casually as I could and when it was over, I walked out of the room. I really did love her. After all, she was the reason I came this far. And she never knew what the real reason was of us drifting apart.

"Niall you seemed so out of it in there" Zayn said to me as we were walking out.

"No I didn't" I said trying to cover it up.

"Don't lie mate. What happened?" Zayn continued to ask.

"Nothing.. It's a long story." I said, my voice barely audible.

"I have time." He replied.

"I'll tell you later" I said.

"You better" he said. Those were the last words I heard as I slipped into deep thought, on my way to my to the tourbus.

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