Sister, Sister (Book Five, BT...

By heartofice97

43.8K 1.1K 194

What if Zoey Francis, the other Slayer in Sunnydale, was never an only child? What if she had Dawn as a siste... More

chapter 1 - Dracula
chapter 2 - Real Me
chapter 3 - The Replacement
chapter 4 - Out of My Mind
chapter 5 - No Place Like Home
chapter 7 - Fool for Love
chapter 8 - Shadow
chapter 9 - Listening to Fear
chapter 10 - Into the Woods
chapter 11 - Triangle
chapter 12 - Checkpoint
chapter 13 - Blood Ties
chapter 14 - Crush
chapter 15 - I Was Made to Love You
chapter 16 - The Body
chapter 17 - Forever
chapter 18 - Intervention
chapter 19 - Tough Love
chapter 20 - Spiral
chapter 21 - The Weight of the World
chapter 22 - Gift and Sacrifice

chapter 6 - Family

1.7K 53 1
By heartofice97

Giles and I were talking alone in my living room.

I told him everything.

"Uh, I don't know what to say," Giles told me.

"Tell me about it," I told him, looking toward the stairs.

"She has no idea?" Giles asked.

"No," I answered. "She thinks she's my kid sister."

"Are you going to tell her?" Giles asked.

"How can I?" I asked, sighing, standing. "Giles, I just learned this tonight, and I'm barely holding it together. If I told her this, it'd destroy her." I walked toward the doorway, looking up the stairs, sighing. "We have to keep her safe."

I turned around, walking toward Giles.

"This... woman, this, uh, whatever she was... she knows you now," Giles told me. I sat down. "Should we be thinking about... sending Dawn away?"

"Away where?" I asked.

"I don't know," Giles told me. "Uh... your father's?"

I scoffed. "Yeah, he's, um... in Spain, with one of his old groupies from his glory days. Living the cliche. And even if I did call him, he wouldn't even..."

I looked down, shaking my head.

Giles looked sympathetic. "I'm sorry."

I sighed, looking up. "When the summer came around... I remember, Dawn and I would go on tour with Dad in his band, just living it up until school season came back. And--and, Mom was always at work, and Dad was always on the move, so, it--it was like..."

"You had to raise her on your own," Giles finished.

I nodded sadly, still trying to process. "But it wasn't real. She wasn't there, but... I can still feel what it was like." Giles put his hand over his mouth, frowning. "They sent her to me, Giles. And I'm not gonna protect her because I have to. I'm gonna protect her because I want to."

"Do we tell the others?" Giles asked.

I shook my head. "No. No one. They--they'd act weird around her, and it's--it's safer for everyone if they don't know. But, this girl, she nearly killed me, Giles. I can't fight her on my own."

"Then the only one we can tell is Buffy," Giles told me. I nodded in agreement, barely noticeable movement. Giles stood, starting to pace. "She can help you protect her, but... we have to find out who this woman is, and what she needs Dawn for." I took a deep breath. "I mean, if she comes after you--"

"She'll come," I told him, looking toward the stairs. "She'll come for us."


I was moving out of the dorm room so I could live at home with Mom and Dawn to protect them. I was stacking some boxes in the hallway.

Xander and Riley were carrying a mini-fridge out of the dorm room.

Xander bumped his hand on the doorway. "Ow. Thumb. Necessary opposable thumb."

"Sorry," Riley told him. "Cry baby."

"You know what?" I asked. "You guys, just leave it here."

"Got it," Riley told us.

The boys put the fridge down.

Dawn walked closer, carrying a stack of boxes that obscured her vision. "I don't need help."

"Just be careful," I told her, walking into the room.

Tara, Willow, Anya, Buffy and Giles were surrounded by boxes.

Tara and Willow were folding clothes.

"But we just helped her move the stuff in a few days ago," Anya told them. They looked at me behind her. Anya turned to see me, smiling fakely. "And it was fun."

Giles was reading a book. "People help each other out, Anya. It's one of our strange customs."

"Giles, I noticed you're doing the smallest amount of helping that can actually be called helping," Buffy told him.

"Well, I saw myself in more of a... patriarchal sort of role," Giles told us. "You know, lots of pointing and scowling." He smiled, looking to his left, pointing and scowling. "You two, stop that!"

Xander and Riley were grappling, leaning over at the waist. Xander had Riley in a headlock.

"He started it," Riley told us.

"He called me a bad name," Xander told us. Tara smiled. "I think it was bad. It might've been Latin."

"stop it, or you're going to break something," Buffy told them.

"Or I'm going to break something," I told them.

Xander and Riley instantly let each other go, standing straight.

I raised my eyebrows knowingly.

Buffy smirked.

Willow and Tara smiled.

"Still can't believe you're giving up this cherry corner suite," Xander told me.

Anya walked closer. "Just a few days after we moved you in."

I shrugged, trying to look casual. "It's not big." Giles looked up from his book. Buffy and I exchanged a knowing look. I looked at the others. "I just know that I'm hardly ever gonna be here anymore." I picked up a pile of clothes, putting them in a box. "Just figured I'd... save a little cash for this semester, that's all."

"I think that's smart," Buffy told them. "In fact, that's also why you guys are here. To help me move out, too. I mean, with Mom not being well, I kinda need to take care of her, and I can't do that from here."

"Still, it's hard to give up," Xander told us. "You've got the two entrances, lot of opportunity for bawdy French farce, and everybody loves bawdy--"

I looked around. "Where's Dawn?"

"I think she just walked out," Riley answered, pointing out one of the doors.

I walked toward the door. "Dawn?"

Dawn walked in, pointing at me. "Some of your CDs are my CDs."

"I know," I told her. "Come help me fold."

Tara and Willow smiled.

Everyone returned to packing and carrying, and reading in Giles' case.

Willow took a suitcase, walking out, leaving.

I leaned over to fold clothes, grabbing my lower back, sighing.

"Starting to feel that fight?" Riley asked.

Dawn and I folded the sheet.

"Nothing like getting your ass kicked to... make your ass hurt," I told them.

"You'll totally take her next time," Dawn told me.

"'Cause you'll have backup," Buffy told me. "She's messing with all of us."

"Yes, uh, we'll--we'll, uh, find her weaknesses, and then, uh..." Giles trailed off.

"Yeah, you learn her source," Tara told us, smiling. "And, uh, we'll introduce her to her insect reflection." We looked at her in confusion. Tara stopped smiling. "Um... that--that was funny if you, um, studied Taglarin mythic rites, and are a complete dork."

"Oh, then how come Xander didn't laugh?" Riley asked.

Tara took a box, walking out, leaving.

Xander didn't realize he had been insulted. "I don't know that Taglarin stuff."

Riley nodded. "Oh."

Willow walked in. "Okay. Guys, now, remember, you have to be at the Bronze by 8:00."

We looked blank.

"Bronze?" Buffy repeated.

"Tomorrow night, Tara's birthday," Willow answered.

"Right," I told them. "Right."

Anya looked at Xander. "We have to bring presents, right? Birth is a present thing?"

"I got something... picked out, yeah," Xander answered.

"You--you guys can all still come, right?" Willow asked anxiously. "I mean, I know there's... this new evil and all, but..."

"No, no, we'll be there," I told her. "I could definitely use a break from all this craziness."


Buffy, Xander and I walked into the Magic Box.

"Well, sure I forgot about the party," Buffy told us. "I mean, there's kind of a lot going on. And it's not... you know... the most thrilling social event of the season."

I nodded. "Yeah, it's a big deal for Willow, though. I mean, you are gonna be there?"

"Yeah," Buffy answered, shrugging. "Barring monsters."

"Hey, hi," Anya told us, leaning over the counter toward Xander.

"Give me sugar," Xander told her. "I've come to buy sugar."

Xander put a hand on Anya's cheeks, kissing her.

Anya smiled, pulling away. "Mm. We value your patronage."

I looked at Giles. "So, any breakthroughs on the identity of Miss Congeniality?"

"Well, I have narrowed it down somewhat," Giles told us, looking at the table.

There was a large assortment of books spread out on the table.

"Your definition of narrow is impressively wide," I told him.

"Well, you didn't give me much to go on," Giles told me. "She--she looks human, so the mug shots aren't any use, and, uh, you can't be more specific about what she's like?"

I thought for a moment. "She was kinda like Cordelia, actually." Giles nodded thoughtfully. "I'm prett sure she dyes her hair."

"Right, that one, of course," Giles told us sarcastically. "Our work is done."

"There must be something on her," Buffy told us, sitting at the table.

Xander walked closer, speaking melodramatically. "The answer is somewhere here." He looked at the book-covered table. "It's right in front of us, and we're too blind to see it." He slammed his hand down on the table. Giles seemed annoyed. Buffy gave Xander an exasperated look. I rolled my eyes. "I'm helping, I'm helping." Xander sat at the table, whispering. "I'm quiet."

Giles took a box, beginning to climb the stairs to the balcony above.

I sat at the table between Buffy and Xander, looking at the books.

Buffy looked at Xander. "So, what'd you get her?"

"Huh?" Xander asked.

"Tara," Buffy answered. "You said you got a present already."

"Yeah, that was a tangled web of lies, sweetie pies," Xander told us. "I'm not really sure what kind of thing she'd... I mean, I don't really know her that well."

I nodded. "I know."

"I mean, she's nice," Xander told us.

"Yeah," Buffy agreed. "Yeah, nice... Nice. I--it's just, I--I sort of..."

"I don't necessarily get her, but she's really nice," Xander told us.

"Yeah," Buffy agreed. "There's... just that thing."

"That thing," Xander agreed.

"That... thing of not understanding--" Buffy started.

"Half of what she says?" Xander finished.

I nodded. "As for example. But she's super nice."

Xander nodded. "You betcha."

We continued looking at books.

"Think there'll be a lot of wiccas there, heavy wiccan crowd?" Buffy asked.

"Well, that's sort of her deal," Xander told us. "Her and Willow are all wiccie. Swinging with the wiccan lifestyle."

"Which is cool," I told them. "I just hope we fit in, not awkward."

"With Willow, it's like, she's got this... whole new thing in her life," Xander told us. "But she's still Willow, so I can always figure her out. But Tara, I just know she likes Willow, and she already has one of those."

Buffy groaned, slamming her book closed. "I have a present-buying headache. Tara's damn birthday is just one too many things for me to worry about."

"Relax," I told her. "We should take a few minutes." I pointed toward the training room. "Train. We should do something to... work off the tension."


Giles walked down the stairs. "Come up with anything yet?"

"Well, candles, maybe, or bath oils of some kind," I answered.

Giles walked toward a table with a coffee pot.

"I saw a really cute sweater at Bloomies, but I think I want me to have it," Buffy told us.

Giles poured himself some coffee, looking up in confusion. "And you are talking about what on earth?"

"Tara's birthday," Buffy answered. "We're at a loss."

"You're in a magic shop, and you can't think what Tara would like?" Giles asked. "I believe you're all profoundly stupid."

"Well, we don't really know what kind of things witches like," Xander told him. "What, are we gonna get her some cheesy crystal ball?"

"You bloody well better not," Giles told us. "I've got mine already wrapped."

A man walked closer, looking at the books on the table in front of us. "Uh, are all these magic books?"

"Uh, private collection," Giles told him. "Books for sale are against the walls over there."

The man started to look through the books. "So all these books got spells in them? Turn people into frogs, things like that?"

Buffy, Xander, Giles, Anya and I exchanged a weird look.

"Yeah, we're building a race of frog-people," Xander told him sarcastically. "It's a good time."

"So, uh, you all witches, or..." the man trailed off. "Hey, don't do a spell on me now."

The man chuckled.

"Was there something in particular you were looking for?" Giles asked.

Tara and Willow walked in, laughing.

"Her insect reflection," Willow told her. "That is so good."

"I just thought that'd be funny, you know?" Tara asked. "If her center of power was..." 

The man looked at Tara. "Well, what do you know?" Tara stopped in shock. The man chuckled. "What's the matter? You don't have a hug for your big brother?"

The rest of us were as confused and surprised as Tara was.


Willow looked from the man to Tara. "Brother?" 

"Willow, this is Donny," Tara told her. 

Willow walked toward Donny, offering a hand. "Hi."

Donny shook her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"And, um, these are m--my friends," Tara told him. 

Donny looked between us. "What, uh, all of you hang out? Wow." He looked at Tara. "That's more people than you met in high school."

"How did you find..." Tara trailed off. "I mean, how come you came?"

"Well, duh, birthday girl," Donny told her. "Uh, we came down in the camper. Been all over the campus."

"We?" Tara repeated.

A man and a woman walked in, making the bell jingle.

Donny showed them Tara. "Look what I found."

Tara walked toward the man and the woman. "Oh, Dad, hi."

"Well, here's my girl," Mr. Maclay told her.

They reluctantly embraced, pulling away.

"It's such a s--surprise," Tara told them.

"Yes," Mr. Maclay agreed. 

Tara looked at the woman. "Cousin Beth."

"Hey," Beth told her. 

"One of your dorm-mates said I might find you here," Mr. Maclay told her.

Tara nodded nervously. "Oh. Oh, um, these are--these are friends. Um, this is Mr. Giles. He runs the shop."

"How do you do?" Giles asked.

Willow let her smile fade.

"Pleasure," Mr. Maclay told us. "Well, I don't mean to interrupt your plans." He looked at Tara. "I know we've come on you kind of suddenly, but I thought we could have dinner."

"Okay," Tara told him. 

"Why don't I pick you up at 6:00?" Mr. Maclay asked. "And we'll... do some catching up."

"Yes, sir," Tara told him.

Mr. Maclay looked at the rest of us. "Forgive me for running out. We're double-parked." 

Mr. Maclay and Beth walked out, leaving.

Donny started to follow, turning back to us, waving. "Nice to meet you all."

Donny walked out, closing the door behind them.

Tara walked toward us.

"That's so weird," Willow told her. "Your whole family."

"Yeah," Tara agreed.

Buffy, Xander and I exchanged a look.

"They seem nice," Willow told her.

Tara shrugged barely. "You know. They're okay. Families are always..."

"They make you crazy," Willow finished.

Tara nodded in agreement. "Usually. Want to get into research mode?"

"Sure," Willow answered.

Tara and Willow turned to help with the research.


Buffy, Willow, Dawn, Giles, Xander, Anya and I were meeting up in the Magic Box.

Buffy, Xander, Anya and I were sitting at the table.

Dawn was going through books on the shelves.

Giles was pacing.

Willow walked closer. "Hey. Am I late? Did I miss any exposition?"

"No, no, no," Giles answered. "No, nothing earth-shattering to relate. I just had a few thoughts and wanted to make sure that we were on the same page." 

Dawn was looking through a spell book. "Can I buy one of these?"

"Do you know how to use one of those?" I asked.

"No," Dawn answered.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

Dawn sighed, putting the book back. "Fine." She walked closer, sitting down next to me. "Then I'll sit down and look studious."

"First of all, I want to talk to you about safety," Giles told us. "Um, now, this creature could be--"

"Will be," Buffy told us.

"Will be coming after Zoey and possibly all of us," Giles told us, sitting down between Dawn and Xander. "Now, I may have a lead on this monk that Zoey spoke with. There are a few orders that I've read up on. I'm--I'm sorry. Where was I?"

"The monk," Buffy answered.

"Yes," Giles agreed. "Um, I'd like us all to start looking at these orders. It's possible whichever one this monk belonged to was wiped out entirely."


Buffy and I were training in the backroom. I punched her in the face, kicking her in the stomach. Buffy kicked me in the chest, punching me in the face, backhand punching me, trying to punch me again. I caught her arm, punching her in the face twice, backflipping, kicking her in the face while I was at it. Buffy spun to kick me with a roundhouse kick. I ducked, raising an arm to block a backhand punch. Buffy grabbed my arm, twisting it behind my back, having me in a headlock, holding on arm out to my side. I raised my leg back completely above my head to kick her in the face, spinning free, making us spin around while still holding each other's arms, turning to face the other.

Buffy smirked, breathing heavily. "Nice. You're getting better."

"Yeah, and this is all when I'm sore," I told her. Buffy smiled. "But I still..."

"You think you're not good enough?" Buffy asked. I didn't answer, sensing something. Buffy sighed. "Zoey, how often do we gotta prove that you are good enough just as you?" I looked around, but didn't see anything. "I mean, if you wanna kick my ass to prove it--"

I sensed something trying to punch me, catching its arm. It gripped my throat, pushing me down, pinning me to the floor.

"Buffy!" I told her. "There's... something in here!"

Buffy stepped closer. She stopped as if she was being held back, struggling against air. She was thrown back to the floor, pinned down, suffocating.

I kicked the invisible thing off of me.

Buffy grabbed a staff from the wall above her, using it to hit the invisible thing on her.

We both stood.

Spike ran in the backdoor, looking pleased.

Something restrained Buffy and me from behind, making us face each other.

Spike seemed reluctant and annoyed, running closer, tackling the invisible thing off of me, falling to the floor.

Buffy headbutted the invisible thing behind her, flipping it to the floor in front of her, throwing it into the wall.

I ran toward the door.

Spike was grappling with air. "You're welcome."

I ran out into the main room.

Anya was swiping an hourglass at the air. "Where'd it go?"

Giles fell into the wall, standing.

Anya backed away behind the counter, holding the hourglass ready, lowering the gate.

"How many are there?" Giles asked.

"I've already been injured once this month," Anya told us, ducking behind the counter.

"Shut up," I told them, trying to focus. 

Tara walked in, gasping. "Zoey, behind you!"

I turned around, but couldn't see anything. Something grabbed me, slamming me onto the table, making me fall to the floor.

I stood, looking around. "Tara, where is it? Can you see it?"

Tara realized something, horrified. "Oh, God." Something punched me in the face twice. Tara ran closer, closing her eyes. "Blind Cadria, lift your veil, give evil form and break my spell."

I could see the demon that was fighting me punch Tara in the face, making her fall to the floor, running closer, punching him in the face repeatedly, trying to punch him again. The demon caught my arm, pushing me into the stairs.

Mr. Maclay, Donny and Beth walked in.

"Tara!" Mr. Maclay told her.

The demon ran toward the Maclays. I tripped him with my leg, flipping into a standing position, pinning him against the step with a foot against the back of his neck, breaking it, killing him.

Dawn came out of hiding from underneath the desk.

Giles helped Dawn stand.

Buffy walked out of the backroom.

"What in God's name is that?" Mr. Maclay asked.

Spike walked out of the backroom. "Lei-Ach demon. Fun little buggers. Big with the marrow sucking."

I looked at Tara, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't understand," Mr. Maclay told us.

"I'm not sure I do, either," Buffy told us.

"I'm sorry," Tara told us. "I'm s--s--so sorry." Willow walked closer in confusion. Tara had tears in her eyes. "I was--I was trying to hide." Willow knelt next to her. "I didn't want you to see... what I am."

"Tara..." Willow trailed off in concern. "What?"

"What do you mean, what you are?" I asked.

Tara looked up, trying to speak, but unable to find the words.

"Demon," Mr. Maclay told us. "The women in our family... have demon in them. Her mother had it. That's where the magic comes from." Tara started to cry silently. "We came to take her home before--" Willow looked at Tara in confused concern. "Well, before things like this started happening."

Giles walked toward Tara, realizing. "You cast a spell on us to keep us from seeing your demon side. That's why we couldn't see our attackers."

"Nearly got us killed," Buffy told us.

Tara stood. "I'll go. I'm very sorry."

"The camper's outside," Mr. Maclay told us.

Willow stood. "Wait. Go? She just did a spell that went wrong. It--it was just a mistake."

"It's not the point, and it's not your concern," Mr. Maclay told us. "She belongs with us. We know how to control her... problem."

Tara looked down, trying to stop crying.

"Tara, look at me," Willow told her. Tara looked up. "I trusted you more than anyone in my life. Was all that just a lie?"

"No," Tara answered. 

"Do you wanna leave?" Willow asked. 

"It's not your decision, young lady," Mr. Maclay told her.

"I know that," Willow told him sharply. She looked at Tara sadly. "Do you wanna leave?"

Tara shook her head, crying.

"You're going to do what's right, Tara," Mr. Maclay told her. "Now, I'm taking you out of here before somebody does get killed." Tara wiped her tears away with her sleeve. "The girl belongs with her family. I hope that's clear to the rest of you."

Willow looked at Tara anxiously in sadness.

"It is," I told him, turning to face him. "You want her, Mr. Maclay? You can go ahead and take her." Tara looked sad, as if that was what she had expected. Mr. Maclay nodded in satisfaction. "You just gotta go through me."

Tara looked up in amazement, hope starting to grow.

"What?" Mr. Maclay asked.

Buffy crossed her arms over her chest, standing to my left, closer to Willow and Tara. "You heard her. You wanna take Tara out of here against her will? You gotta come through us."

"And me," Dawn told us, standing on the other side of me.

Tara smiled a small smile.

Dawn, Buffy and I glared at Mr. Maclay.

"Is this a joke?" Mr. Maclay asked, stepping down one of the stairs. "I'm not gonna be threatened by three little girls."

"You don't wanna mess with us," Dawn told him. She pointed at Buffy and me. "They're the Slayers."

I nodded to Dawn. "She's a hair-puller."

Giles walked up behind Dawn, Buffy and me. "And..." He put on his glasses. "You're not just dealing with, uh, three little girls."

Tara smiled more.

"You're dealing with all of us," Xander told them.

"'Cept me," Spike told us.

"'Cept Spike," Xander agreed.

"I don't care what happens," Spike told us.

"This is insane," Mr. Maclay told us. "You people have no right to interfere with Tara's affairs. We are her blood kin. Who the hell are you?"

Giles, Dawn, Buffy, Willow, Tara, Xander, Anya and I stood together with Spike in the background.

"We're family," Buffy answered.

Tara smiled through the tears, looking at Willow.

Willow smiled.

Mr. Maclay looked angry.

"Dad, you--you gonna let them just..." Donny trailed off, stepping forward. "Tara, if you don't get in that car, I swear to God, I will beat you down."

"And I swear by your full and manly beard, you're gonna break something trying," Xander told him.

Donny looked cowed.

"Well, I hope you'll all be happy hanging out with a disgusting demon," Beth told us. 

Anya raised her hand. "E--excuse me. What kind?"

"What?" Beth asked.

"What kind of demon is she?" Anya asked. "There's a lot of different kinds. Some are very, very evil. And some have been considered to be useful members of society."

Anya smiled proudly.

Xander turned to smile at Anya.

"Well, I--I..." Beth trailed off. "What does it matter?"

"Evil is evil," Mr. Maclay told us.

"Well, let's just narrow it down," Anya told them.

Xander nodded.

The Maclays didn't answer.

Spike smirked in realization. "Oh." He looked around. "Why don't I make this simple?" He walked toward Tara, tapping her on the shoulder. Tara turned to face him. Spike punched her in the face. Spike and Tara reeled backward in pain. Tara grabbed her nose. Spike held his head. "Ow!"

Willow looked at Spike angrily. "Hey!" She realized, happy. "Hey..."

Tara held her hands over her face. "He hit my nose."

"And it hurt," Willow told her. "Uh, him, I mean."

Tara looked up in surprise, realizing what that meant.

Buffy turned to face Beth, Mr. Maclay and Donny smugly. "And that only works on humans."

Willow smiled.

"There's no demon in there," Spike told us. "That's just a family legend, am I right?" Mr. Maclay looked angry. "Just a bit of spin to keep the ladies in line." Spike smirked. "Oh, you're a piece of work. I like you."

Tara was in shock, relieved. "I'm not a demon."

Willow smiled. "You're not a demon."

"He hurt my nose," Tara told us.

Spike rubbed his head. "Yeah, you're welcome."

Spike stalked off.

Willow and Tara smiled.

Dawn and I had our arms crossed, heads tilted at the same angle, glaring at the other three Maclays, looking nearly identical.

"Mr. Maclay, I would say your business here is finished," Giles told him.

"Tara," Mr. Maclay told her. Tara looked at him. "For 18 years, your family has taken care of you and supported you. If you wanna turn your back--"

Tara stepped closer. "Dad... just go."

Mr. Maclay scowled, turning around, walking toward the door, pausing in the doorway, looking around in disgust. "Magic."

Mr. Maclay walked out, leaving.

Donny followed, leaving.

Beth glared at Tara. "Are you happy now?"

Tara slowly started to smile.


The Scoobies went to the Bronze to celebrate Tara's birthday, dressed up, but not too dressed up.

Xander gave Tara a drink.

Buffy was talking with someone.

Willow was laughing.

Dawn ran through the crowd on the dance floor, nearly running into me. 

I grabbed Dawn's arm, smiling, pulling her toward the table.

Willow blew bubbles.

Tara opened her presents, admiring the crystal ball from Giles.

Dawn walked up behind Tara, holding a broom with a bow tied around it.

Now we were playing pool in three teams of two. Willow, Tara. Anya, Xander. Dawn, me.

Buffy was leaning against a nearby beam, smiling a small smile.

Riley walked in with a present underneath his arm. "Sorry I'm late."

"You came," Buffy told him. 

"Of course I came," Riley told her.

They kissed.

Tara and Anya were sitting at our table.

Anya was wearing a party hat.

"No, see, 'cause your insect reflection represents your insignificance," Tara told her. Anya nodded. "In terms of the karmic cycle."

Anya nodded, considering. "But it's still not funny."

Xander, Buffy, Dawn, Giles and I were talking.

Riley walked over with four blue plastic cups, giving one to Buffy, one to me, and one to Giles.

Xander already had a cup.

Dawn had her back to us, watching the crowd. "This place is so cool." She looked at her hand. "'Cept I have to wear this stupid stamp on my hand."

"That's to keep you from boozing it up," Xander told her.

"Oh, please," Dawn told us. "Only losers drink alcohol."

Xander, Buffy, Giles, Riley and I looked at the cups in our hands.

Dawn was cheerfully oblivious.

Anya looked at Tara. "So, what's an eagle reflection?"

"Um..." Tara trailed off.

Willow approached. "My dance?"

Willow took Tara's hand, leading her out onto the dance floor.

A slow song started to play.

Willow and Tara started to dance. Willow had her hands on Tara's waist. Tara had her hands on Willow's shoulders.  They talked while they danced, embracing, putting their heads on each other's shoulders, swaying to the music. They slowly started to levitate above the floor amid all of the other couples dancing.

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