That Fateful Day

By itsemmaloves

38 3 1

Emma Confeeley's life is normal. Until she runs into Louis Tomlinson at the airport. Her life turns upside do... More

In the car

38 3 1
By itsemmaloves

I wiped the tears from my eyes, but they seemed to flow endlessly. I buried my face in my sweatshirt and silently sobbed. Everyone else was asleep, since it was 3 in the morning but good ol Liam was still awake.

"Love, you okay?" He asked.

"N-no I'm not." I stuttered, the scratchy material of the sweatshirt rubbing against my cheeks. He soon pulls me into a hug and I emotionally smile. He understood that I didn't need some heartfelt shit, a hug was better."Thank you." I say, looking up at him.

"No problem." He chuckles and I smile. "May I ask why?" He asks.

I bit my lip and nod.(She tells him flashback) By the end of my sob story, Liam had a giant frown on his face.

"No one should have to go through that, especially a girl like you."Oh and by the way, -he whispers now-I think Mr. Tomlinson has an eensy bit of crush on you."

"It's not possible for anyone to have a crush on me." I sigh, picking at my nails.

"Um, I'm very sorry to say this BUT HECK NO DAMN GIRL YOU BEAUTIMUS!"

I start hysterically laughing."Ohoh my gooddd, HONEY BOO BOO CHILD!" I scream. The driver turns to look at us with the most confused expression on his face and I can't help but giggle. "I'VE TURNED LIAM INTO A IMMATURE PERSON EVERYONE!" "JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW!" I shout, and everyone starts to wake up from waht had once been their peaceful nap. Zayn was the most annoyed. He narrowed his eyes playfully at me and soon crashed his head on the seat again."Can that guy sleep through a freaking nuclear bomb?" I said to Louis.

"Well I guess so you almost broke me eardrums when you were yelling your face off." I Iblushed. Wait why did I blush? Probably just me being the easiest person to blush in the entire world. So nah, I'm guessing it's nothing. We continue to sit in silence;and I take the opportunity to be me and do something weird. "ACCAAWKWARD SILENCE!" I yell. The boys start cracking up and I can't help but feel proud of myself. I mean, I just made fucking One Direction laugh. That's an accomplishment.

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