
By Forget-it

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Being famous isn't easy at all. So, when Levi returns from her world tour will things ever be the same.From f... More

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By Forget-it


                "Levi! Levi! Levi! Levi! Levi." the crowd screams in loud pleas. Levi Alves a world renowned singer/actress/model. She silenty and patiently waits for her cue to go on stage. Singing and acting had always been a passion of hers.Modeling was something her manager decided would bring in sales. Since she was little she won awards at her little school in her little town Ashwick valley. Levi would always think about when she was younger. That was a long tme  ago though. Things had changed from when she was younger. People expected her to keep up this image of this perfect poster child. Even if she was some perfect poster child at home the limitations the world put on her was driving her crazy

                   If she screwed up this idea for the public everything she worked for would be gone.So she sucked it up and dealt with it. She started to fiddle with a charm bracelet her best friend Gracie gave her when they were younger. She thought about how much she missed her best friend. They talked and texted all the time and she got recent updates from home. Lexi missed a lot of things from home including her tree. The tree where she got her first best-friend ,first kiss, first heartbreak. That tree was something important  in her life. Lexi and her friends would always meet up there during their freetime.

                 She heard the M.C. getting  the crowd excited. She heard her name called  and went on stage. She does concerts most of the time along with interviews and guest apperances. This is lexi's life ... always has been.

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