Stockholm (Larry AU)

By LovelyLovebites

228K 10.1K 3.7K

Stockholm Syndrome, when the hostage develops passionate feelings for their captor. However, Harry was the ca... More

Stockholm (Larry AU)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 1

20.9K 757 382
By LovelyLovebites

Chapter 1



The alarm rang for the third time that morning after several attempts at quieting that annoying noise. It was already 8 in the morning and Harry had to be at Mr. Samuel's office in an hour. He unwillingly got out of his tattered old bed, folding up the thin sheets he had used the night before to keep warm which over time had been sprawled all over his double sized mattress.

He grabbed a pair of black jeans and old dress shirt he found in the back of his closet, the shirt that he probably hadn’t worn in over 2 years, and didn’t even know he had. He decided not to take a shower, not in the mood for cold water to practically give him hypothermia, and just slipped into his picked out clothes. It was his best attempt to look professional, even though he probably just looked like another wannabe 19 year old, trying his best to impress and get the job.

He examined himself in the mirror, immediately noticing his extremely greasy hair that had now evolved more into waves than the bouncy curls he usually wore. Maybe a shower would’ve been a good idea, seeing as it would’ve been his first in about 3 days. It’s not that he was unhygienic; it’s just that he really couldn’t afford to shower; he was already short on rent, he couldn’t overdo his water bill too. There wasn’t any time to change his mind now, so he put on his old beige fedora to tame his locks. After grabbing his scuffed up brown shoes, he headed out of his ratty old flat, making sure to lock it.

He didn’t have an option than to take the 30 minute walk to Mr. Samuel’s office. At least for once it was sunny in London making it the ideal weather to spend outside. He liked talking strolls, it helped clear his mind, helped him escape his pathetic life for even just a couple hours.

He walked looking down at his feet as he walked; they were awfully big when you really take the time to notice them. His hands squeezed into the front pockets of his skin tight jeans that somehow managed to fit over his long legs, trying to warm himself up from the wind that was violently blowing. It was sunny, but that doesn’t mean it’s not as cold as it would be on any other autumn day, and being him, he only owned one winter jacket that would look far too crazy to be worn now. It wasn’t all bad though, the cold motivated him to walk a bit faster and before he knew it he was standing in the front doorway of the interview building.

He walked in, immediately relieved from the warmth coming from the heater by the door, and proceeded to check in with the receptionist. “I’m Harry Styles, I’m looking for Mr. Derek Samuels. I’m here for a job interview with him”. The blond at the desk gave him the way up to his office. Harry’s destination was on the third floor, so he headed straight up, deciding to take the stairs rather than the elevator. Once reaching the waiting room he thought to sit down, and wait patiently on the couch, watching the news that was put on and just awaiting his turn to be called in.

There were either no other people that were applying for the job, or they had already given their interview. Either way he sat all by himself in complete silence, aside from the background noise coming from news anchors on TV. As far as he knew the job was for a secretary for Mr. Samuels. It wasn’t a very well paying job from what he knew, but with his lack of credentials and post-secondary education, this was one of the only jobs he had a chance at.

Twenty minutes later, he was called in by a deep voice of a middle aged man. He entered the room, as the previous potential-hire walked out in disappointment; he must not have done so well. Harry took a seat across from his future boss, like he was told to, as the man began talking. He asked about Harry’s life, past, future, rather casual questions for a job interview though, earning vague responses from the 19 year old; he didn’t want to give away too much of his personal desolate life.  

“So have I got the job?” Harry hopefully asked the employer sitting in front of him. He was new to formal interviews, so he clearly didn’t know never to ask a question like that.

“The secretary job?” Derek asked as Harry nodded. “No. Son, you need far more education and experience for that” He continued clearly upsetting Harry. He had been looking for a job for months now, and was in desperate need, seeing as his bank account was almost empty.

“Sir please, I’ll do anything. I need this job” Harry begged, his eyes getting slightly watery. He had always been an overly emotional person.

“Calm down. Maybe not this job, but I do have another job for you…or rather a task for you” He answered warily. He paused for a second, earning a nod from Harry to hurry up with the offer. “Harry, I looked a bit into your past, and I found some interesting records. Some criminal records”

Harry’s eyes widened at the words that just left his potential boss’s lips, and a gulp made its way down his throat. How could he possibly know about that? It was all forgotten, the records were destroyed and everyone said they would never utter a word of it ever again.

He was never in prison, although he should’ve been, he went to juvenile detention, seeing as he was under 18 at the time, and the memories of that were wiped off the face of the earth. Then how is it possible Mr. Samuels knew?

“It’s not the most earnest job, but it pays well” Mr. Samuels said earning all of Harry’s attention once again. He needed all the money he could get.

“What is it exactly? Is it illegal?”

“It is…Do you know Louis Tomlinson?” His boss asked. Of course Harry knew him, the whole world did. He was a businessman at the age of 21. One of the richest people in the world, maybe even richer than the Queen. Not to mention he was gorgeous, having the attention of every girl and several guys as well.  He made Harry’s life look even worst, and completely unaccomplished. “I need you to ‘steal’ him” He finished, with air quotes around ‘steal’.

“I don’t think I understand” Harry replied confusedly.

“Abduct him. Kidnap him. Hold him hostage, just for a couple days, until his people give us the ransom” He answered Harry’s queries, nonchalantly.

“You want me to KIDNAP him?” He shouted from the shock. How could someone ask that? Moreover how could someone do that? It was practically impossible, with all the security that rich guy walks around with. Harry needed the money but this was immoral and inhuman and his mother did not raise him like this. He turned to walk out of the office but stopped abruptly as his employer’s voice spoke again.

“It’ll pay £500,000”. Harry was stunned. To him that was all the money in the world, all the money he needed. If he got that, he would never have to work or worry about anything ever again. The temptation of the money intrigued him.

“Why are you asking me to do it?”

“I’ve seen your records; it’s a piece of cake for you”. Those words bothered him so much. Yes, what he did in the past was much worse but it was an accident that he didn’t want to be haunted for, for the rest of his life.

“I’m not saying I would…but if I did. What exactly would I have to do?” He asked, wanting to know the full of it before completely agreeing or denying anything.

“We would first steal him; kidnap him, whatever you want to call it. I have bought a flat on the outskirts of Stockholm, and that’s where you will hold him hostage. We’ll make the call, asking for £1,000,000 which is really no amount for a billionaire like him. We’ll also warn them not to call the police, or else-” He explained.

“But what would my exact job be?” He asked hoping to cut this short.

‘You would just abduct him; however you want to do that; keep him at the flat until the money comes. Hold him there, and take perfect care of him, not letting anything harm him, not even a scratch. Once we get the money…your job is done” He explained casually yet he made it so appealing. 

It was cruel to do that someone, to hold them against their will, torture them for their money, and let them lead a miserable life until they are rescued. Harry already knew what it was like to be part of such a depressing and worthless life, he didn’t want to see someone else going through pain like his. He wasn’t a bad person just because of his accidental corrupted past, he wanted to change his image and his reputation, and doing something like this, would definitely not help that.

But then again, he so desperately needed the money. He was on the verge of poverty, barely able to meet his basic needs. His parents kicked him out of the house long ago because he had to go to juvie not planning on taking him back, and he’s been living off of a handful of cash that won’t last too long now. He doesn’t own a cellphone, or a TV, or a car, hell he can barely afford the tiny worn out flat he has now. He is constantly worried if he’s going to have money to last the next day, or will die of starvation because he can’t pay for his daily intake of food. Harry so desperately needed the money, if anything, to stay alive.

He debated this within himself for about 20 minutes, not to mention with pressure and eyes of his potential boss watching and waiting patiently. Mr. Samuels was rather happy that Harry was at least considering this, and if he agreed then it’d take less than one week to make them both rich.

But what did Harry need more? The Morals or the Money?

“I’ll do it” Harry said after a while, trying to fake confidence and assurance.

“You start as soon as you want, whenever you can get your hands on him. The sooner the better though, but also at quiet time for him. Here’s a phone where I’ll contact you. Here’s the key to your car, which you’ll probably need, it’s the Range Rover parked outside. And here’s the key to the flat where he’ll be staying with you. It has everything you’ll possibly need. Move in whenever you want” Mr. Samuels rushed out, hugging the young boy and handing him the iPhone and the keys, as he sent him off.

Harry was excited, a phone, a car, a new place to live with everything he could ever want. This was definitely going to change his life, maybe make it a bit more desirable for him. He was starting to be glad he took it.

But he had no idea what he had gotten himself into.   

(A/N New fanfic! VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW! Dedicated to @LarryStylinsonrox because she has given me a huge promo on this book so thank you. 60 READS, 6 VOTES  and 2 COMMENTS for next chapter)

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