Guardians undercover(Katekyo...

By ju7393

216K 5.9K 3.4K

#COWAwards2018 Gianini makes a new modified version of the Ten-Year bazooka, a new version that will allow th... More

Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.
Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting
Chapter 4. Adoption
Chapter 5. Talbot
Chapter 6. Temporary Family
Chapter 7. School?
Chapter 8. How Long
Chapter 9. First Day
Chapter 10. Surprise
Chapter 11. Valentine's Day
Chapter 12: Family Weekend
Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival
Chapter 14: A Butler And His Lord
Chapter 15: Party, Lurking Fear
Chapter 16: Disappearance
Chapter 17: Blood Moon
Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath
Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve
Chapter 20: Short Lived Relief
Chapter 21: Daemon And Samuel, Beginning Recovery
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds
Chapter 24: Hellish Nightmares
Chapter 25: Only They Can
Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home
Chapter 27: Greedy Vulture
Chapter 28: It Has Begun
Chapter 29: New Memories
Chapter 30: Play, Rumors
Chapter 31: Proposal, Working
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Reminiscing
Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

Chapter 2. First Meeting

15.2K 455 262
By ju7393

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN KHR, ALL CREDIT GOES TO AMANO AKIRA-SENSEI (once again hope I spelled her name right.)



(Their Vongla gear can change shape. They can switch between their original forms to the new Vongola gear, but they can only stay in their original form for a short while.)

The first thing that Gokudera did when he woke up was look around, and found Tsuna and the rest laying near by, but scattered.

Gokudera ran over to Tsuna, "Juudaime are you alright!"

Tsuna opened his eyes only to close them again since the sun was blinding him, "Gokudera?"

"Juudaime! Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine. Where's everyone else?"

Gokudera stood up and motioned with his hands where. Tsuna stood and looked around. As Tsuna was starting to walk up to the closest person to him who was Ryohei some of the others started to move.

Enma walked over to Tsuna as he looked around, "Do you know where we are?"

Tsuna and Gokudera shook their heads. Once everyone was awake, they began to get a better look at their surroundings. They were in a forest no where near a town since it was completely quiet.

"Kufufu, skylark where are you going?"

"Away from here. It's going to rain."

At the mention of rain everyone looked at the sky, and true to his word there were dark threatening clouds showing the signs of a rain storm. They all ran after Hibari who was walking in deeper into the forest.

As they went deeper into the forest it got darker, but it was a good thing, because once they were in there it had started to rain. Some of the rain managed to get through, but not a lot. They walked for what seemed like hours to them, once they got to a spot that seemed acceptable to rest for the night they began to look for any tree branches on the ground that were dry to make a fire.

"I'm tired. It's weird, I don't think I'd normally feel this tired." Tsuna gasped.

"haha me too."

"Kufufu seems like our strength has regressed back to the age we shrunk."

"I don't think so though. It's true that we've gotten tired, but shouldn't we be more tired? Juudaime how tired do you feel?"

"Not much, but I do feel really tired. My legs kind of tingle a bit."

"I see, I feel somewhat the same as Juudaime. I look like I'm seven, my body shrunk but not all of my stamina since I myself aren't that tired."

"Gyahahah, Lambo-san isn't tired at all."

'That's because Onii-san carried you most of the way!' Tsuna thought.

"M-maybe we should all rest for a while. We probably feel like this since our bodies changed quickly so maybe....we're not used to it." Enma walked over to Tsuna.

"Probably. I guess our bodies are kind of in shock or something like that."

They all sat near the fire, except for Hibari who was close, but not so close. As the hours passed Enma's stomach began to growl.

"Enma did you bring your bag with you?"


"You packed everything in there right, when Reborn told us to."

Tsuna was answered with a nod.

"That's good. It was actually a really good idea from Reborn to pack our bags when we left with him." Tsuna said as he pulled out his lunch from his bag (Nana gave Tsuna an extra bento, and one for each of his friends, a.k.a all of the guardians even though they had their own. Yes even Hibari.)

Once Tsuna had pulled out his lunch everyone else that had brought their bags pulled out their lunch. Hibari didn't have his lunch, and when Tsuna offered to share his, Hibari refused to accept any and went to sleep. Lambo ate off of a reluctant Gokudera and a smiling Yamamoto, even though he had his own lunch.

"I'm so glad mom gave me extra bentos for everyone."

"I extremely agree. You're mom is an extremely good cook."

Everyone agreed with what Ryohei said, since Nana is known for cooking really good food. Kind of like making something out of nothing.

Tsuna dug around his bag to find something to drink when he found his school uniform, but smaller.

"Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto do you both have your uniforms in your bags?"

Gokudera, Yamamoto, and the others that were there looked through their bags and found their uniforms, and just like Tsuna's their uniforms were also small.

After everyone had eaten their lunch they tried to find a comfortable and dry spot to sleep on.


~Back in Namimori~

"Ara, Reborn-kun Tsu-kun isn't with you?"

Reborn walked over to the table that Nana was sitting at.

"No, Tsuna's with Professor Borin. Along with some other students, he won't be back for a while."

Nana smiled, "That's wonderful! You can take a day off now, do you want some tea Reborn-kun?"

Reborn nodded, "Thank you mama."

As the hours passed Reborn waited for any news from Gianini, but nothing came. The only good news that came from waiting was that Irie was helping Gianini, and that Spanner would arrive from Kyoto in a day or so since he had gone sight seeing.

Once Reborn was done with his tea he left to go find Gianini and the other mechanics.

Reborn pet Leon gently, "Irie do you have any idea where they went?"

"N-not yet Reborn-san. Why don't you ask Gianini-san he was the one who made it."

"No, he's useless. Won't make a difference if I ask him."

Gianini sulked, "That's harsh Reborn-san."

"Did you say something?"

"No, nothing!"

Reborn sighed, "I'm being very generous since I haven't shot you... yet. If only you hadn't messed with the bazooka this wouldn't have happened."

Gianini apologized, and continued to work with Irie.

"....But your future self seems to be better, so I guess you'll eventually get better."

Gianini smiled, "Well if you live long enough though." Reborn smirked which caused Gianini to move closer to Irie.


Tsuna and everyone else woke up to the sound of Ryohei yelling "EXTREME". As they all tried to get rid of the sleep in their eyes, and their bodies they noticed that it had stopped raining, and not to mention that it was still dark, barely any light out.

"Stupid turf-top, waking Juudaime so early." Gokudera muttered as he watched Ryohei do push ups.

"Oh, extreme good morning octopus head."

"tch. Annoying bastard."

"maa maa calm down Gokudera it's not healthy to be angry like that."

"Shut up baseball freak!"

Gokudera moved from his spot and walked over to Tsuna to help him up, but his help came to late as Tsuna tried to get up he fell face first into the ground which by the way was kind of wet, and muddy.

"Juudaime!" Gokudera ran to help Tsuna up, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay."

Even though Tsuna told him that he was okay Gokudera still checked every part of Tsuna to make sure that he really was okay.

"Sawada lets extremely jog since you're already awake!"

Tsuna sweat dropped, "O-onii-san I don't think we should."

"Why not?"

"Well we don't even know where we are, and it's still dark."

Ryohei looked around and finally sat down.

"What should we do!"

"Don't worry so much about it Tsuna, we'll think of something haha."

Tsuna paced around trying to think, but nothing came to him no matter how much tried. He would have maybe, probably, possibly gotten an idea only if it weren't for all of the voices yelling all at once.

Finally deciding that he had had enough Tsuna sat next to Enma who was by then just looking at the sky instead of getting involved with the thinking process with the others since their thinking mostly consisted of: swearing, occasional punches, and threats. So he decided to think on his own.

"Have you thought of anything yet Tsuna-kun?"

Tsuna shook his head and sighed.

"Me neither."

As Tsuna was about to speak he felt something all to familiar. He felt a slight pounding in his head, more like a nagging feeling that was telling him something.

"I.... I think we should leave this place."

"Did you think of something?"

"No it's...." Just as Tsuna was about to speak his next words he was interrupted.

"Juudaime here's your bag."


"Is something wrong? You look worried."

"Kufufu, isn't it obvious. He should be worried we're in the middle of no where. Even our dear little skylark hasn't left yet."

Tsuna sighed as he watched Mukuro and Gokudera argue.

"I am worried about our current situation, but.... we need to leave. Something feels wrong."

"Juudaime is it your hyper intuition?"

".... I think so."

Gokudera nodded, and headed off to tell the others to get their bags and get ready to leave.

While Tsuna and Enma were getting up off in the distance a howl could be heard, which caused everyone to freeze for a few seconds before they started to pack their things.

Once all of their things were in their bags they ran, they all stayed in a group since they didn't know where they were exactly. Just as they had started running the bushes around the area where they had been began to rustle, and out came four wolves.

As the group began to run faster, Tsuna and Enma began to hope that their clumsiness wouldn't trip them. Of course they didn't trip, but the wolves noticed them, and began to run after them.

And of course they really weren't a match against the speed the wolves ran, and their small bodies prevented them too anyways, so they did the best next thing they could do, they climbed up trees.

Hibari didn't like the idea of running away with out a fight, but he knew that in his current state he didn't know what could happen to him.

After a while the wolves gave up and left going after a rabbit that passed by. Even though the wolves had left, the group stayed in the trees just in case the wolves decided to come back.

What seemed like hours passes, and eventually they got down from the trees.

"Do you think we're in the future. last time we came to the future, me and Gokudera-kun were in a forest."

At the mention of the forest Gokudera fell to his knees, "If we're here does that mean that.... juudaime..." Gokudera trailed off and looked at Tsuna.

"Gokudera-kun calm down, I don't think.... Gokudera-kun stop that, please get up. I don't think so, I mean the whole point of going to the future the first time was to change everything that happened, and prevent Byakuran from doing what he wanted to do."

"Kufufu, I believe we aren't in Namimori anymore, maybe not even in Japan."

"W-why do you say that?" Enma asked.

"Kufufu, this clearly doesn't look like the forest near Namimori."

Everyone stayed quiet for while, but before anyone could say anything a murderous aura could be felt radiating from a certain cloud guardian.

"Hiieee, H-Hibari-san calm down, we don't know for sure that that's true. For all we know we could still be in Namimori, things can change in a few years. Right?"

"Of course. Juudaime is always right."

"hn." Hibari put away his tonfas.

"Lambo-san is hungry. Tsuna give me food."

"Shut up stupid cow, don't bother juudaime."

"I'm sorry Lambo, I don't have anything to give you."

"I want food. I want mama's food."

Yamamoto walked over to Lambo, "Why don't we keep on moving and see if we can find our way out. We'll be able to find food there."

Lambo stopped crying but he clung onto Yamamoto's neck as if telling him to carry him. And as usual Yamamoto just laughed and picked him up.

"I'm also extremely hungry. Let's go."

"Stupid turf-top."

"Gokudera-kun calm down. They're right, we should leave before anything bad happens again."

"Very well Juudaime."

Everyone walked together as a group except for Hibari who was walking ahead of them, they naturally followed him as for some reason Hibari had some weird sensing ability to lead him to people (crowds to bite to death for crowding.)

Enma looked at his watch to check the time, but was surprised at what he saw. 1. it was to big on him, and 2. The time had stopped.

"Does anyone know what time it is?"

Everyone turned to look at Enma who slightly moved closer to Tsuna, since he really didn't like attention especially the look Gokudera was giving him.

"Why don't you look at your watch. I can see it on your wrist, stupid question."

"umm... that's the thing, my watch stopped working."

"OHH, my watch extremely stopped too."

"Tsuna-kun do you have a watch?"

Tsuna shook his head.

"Wait a moment juudaime, I brought my cellphone with me." Gokudera fished out his cellphone from his bag, "it's 12:30, huh there's no signal."

"That's the same time when he got shot by the bazooka hahaha, has it really been a whole day already?"

"Stupid baseball-freak", Gokudera continued to look at his phone when he noticed something also wrong with his phone. "The time hasn't changed."

Yamamoto walked over to Gokudera and looked down at the phone.

"I've been looking at my phone trying to find a signal, when I noticed that the time hasn't changed."

Everyone gathered around Gokudera to look at his phone, and just looked at it for a few minutes, and the time really didn't change at all.

"Mukuro-sama, Boss....I think we should go."

"kufufu, my dear Chrome is right. We'll be able to find answers if we find our way out."

Gokudera glared at Mukuro, but started to walk along with everyone else.


~(Hours Later, Late afternoon.)~

As the group continued to walk they began to keep a greater distance from Hibari than they previously had. Why? Well, because no matter how much they had been walking for they couldn't find their way out. Mainly two reasons. Their legs were so short, and they got tired easily so running was out of the question. And Hibari wanted nothing more than to leave this place that had crowding, and he wanted to go back to his beloved Namimori. Reason as to why he didn't just ditch the group, two words, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Reason 1. Over time Hibari began to take his position as cloud guardian a little bit more serious. Why? Simple he got to fight. Reason 2. He could fight Tsuna anytime he wanted to.

But even though he stays sometimes around Tsuna, there are times when crowding is just to much. Like right now. Walking for who knows how long with a group of people (group of herbivores.)

When the group thought Hibari's mood couldn't get any worse, it seemed like luck was on their side, because they had just made it to the end of the forest.

"Tsuna-kun we made it."

"Thank goodness, I thought we'd never be able to get out."

The group continued to walk until they were completely out of the forest, there was no one near by, and no houses either so they continued to walk until they could find someone.

After a few minutes they did find a town, but it looked completely different.

"I don't think we're in Namimori Juudaime."

"hn." Hibari pulled out his tonfas and began to walk to the nearest person to him (excluding the other guardians.)

"Hibari-san, where are you going?"

"I need answers."

The group slowly followed Hibari, because they too wanted answers as to where were they. As they walked further into the town they noticed that they knew no one, and the people were dressed very different.

As the group walked they kept getting looks from the people, but they didn't get to close to them.

Tsuna was looking at his surroundings that he failed to see the rock in front of him, and he tripped further adding to the mud on his already dirty shirt.

"Juudaime are you alright!?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to change out of these clothes."

Hibari turned to look at Tsuna and walked over to him. Tsuna immediately thought that he was going to get bitten to death, but he was actually surprised at what happened. Hibari took Tsuna by the wrist and pulled him along to somewhere where there were no people, and pushed him in.

"Hey, why'd you do that to Juudaime?"


"Senpai we really couldn't understand you."

"The omnivore wanted to change."

When Hibari's words finally registered they all moved around Tsuna to block him from anyone that might be looking. Of course they had their back facing towards Tsuna to give him at least some privacy.

Even though Tsuna was being blocked by his friends, he still felt a bit uneasy especially when he could hear a certain someone kufufuing.

"I'm done. Thank you." Tsuna said as he fixed his school uniform.

The group once again began moving to find someone, but this time Tsuna was walking in front with Hibari a few feet in front of him, and Gokudera, and Yamamoto on each side of him. Tsuna looked around for a bit, when he bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry." Tsuna said as he took a step back, only to find himself gaping like a fish.

Right in front of him was someone that he really didn't expect to see ever in his life, well maybe when he died. Standing in front of him stood Vongola Primo in all his glory along with his guardians.

Tsuna took a few steps back, and quickly tried to avoid eye contact with them.

'EHH!!/hn' was what was going through their minds at this moment.


I might take a while to add the next chapter. Need to study for my astronomy class.

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