Take Me To The NeverLand

By SouMahdy

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When we talk about love... Life knows what it's doing, but we don't, we expect happiness and sadness, but we... More

He Thinks I Am Amzaing!?
Look At The Stars
Little White Dress
"I Am An Angle"
"I'll Wait."
Meet Her.
The History Of Felix.
Life Sucks?
Jess's Little Baby Story.
A One Night.
This Much...
Graduation- Part 2
Summer Time Sadness.
"I am Sorry."
And Finally It's The Weekend.
The Best NeverLand.
What If Love Is Lossen?
The Funeral.
The Daddy?!
"Just one drink..."
Hosptil Again?!
In Labour
"Just one breathe"
The 'Aien' Guy.
Yellow Flower Dress.
Stuck With The 'Aien' Guy!
"It's just a private-after party"
Sometimes things doesn't go as we want..
Perrie John.
Cupcakes Talk.
New Stuff, Messed Up.
Lily's Voice
Blindfolded 0.1
Blindfolded 0.2
Don't crash the mirror.
Number 4
Street Felix.
Sniff, sniff
Easy to lie.
Mommy Please.

Under the stars...or Under weed.

2 1 0
By SouMahdy


"You bought Pretty Eyes with. Niceee" Zay said.
"Pretty eyes, welcome, come here next to me."
Cara asked, so I smiled and went.
"So now you are addicted?" She said.
"I like mystery."
"Mari, who died?" Xanadu asked.
"What?" She said.
"What happened to her?" Cara asked me.
"I don't know, I tried to know but she didn't want to say..."
"What Marivesa, catching feelings? Sad?"
"Shut up Cara!"
"Hey what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Watch your mouth Cara and don't make me punch that beautiful face!"
"Okay okay acne face."
"Don't you dare call me that again!" I have never seen Marivesa so angry, they both were so close to each other I could feel the heat all over the place.
"Perrie, we are going." She said wearing back her jacket.
"We are?" I asked.
"Yes, let's go home now."
"Will mommy Marivesa take you home now? Is it past your bed time?" Cara said.
"Cut the crap Cara !" Marivesa shouted.
"Let's go Perrie."
I stood still. I don't want to go. Why would I go? I want to stay.
"Perrie, can you hurry up?"
I am still not moving a muscle, how would I tell her without hurting her?
"What?!" She screamed my way.
"I-I will stay."
She looked shocked. I guess she is thinking, what the hell is she saying?
"Whatever." She said

I am here alone...without Marivesa. Is that okay? Can I handle it? I mean it's not like they are going to make do something I don't want to do it. I am very strong about this part. I will keep still and focused.

"Pretty eyes, what got into your friend" Cara asked me.
"I don't know." She petted the seat for me to sit next to her, "Maybe she is just tired." I continued, while they all giggled,
"Haven't seen Marivesa like this ever since-"
"Who the fuck is knocking?" There is something behind, we all head up to the roof while Xandu took care of it, as we were upstairs, Cara asked me if I ever smoked weed,
"No. I heard about it, I have seen it but never tried it."
"Maybe it's your lucky day..." She handed me one, but then quickly took it back.
"Shit, I only have 5, 4 for each one of us and the other one is for Mari, I did a good job in Marivesa's maybe if you got bit in your pocket money, I could give it to you, but don't tell Zay, she would kill me."
I thought about it, if I want to go wild, I should do it right, so I got money out of my pocket and handed her, with an exchange of the weed. I put it in my mouth while she lighten up the fire in it, I took a heavy shot, she giggled,
"You are so cute, pretty eyes...here let me teach you." She took it from me, sipped few breathes and then held the cigarette in her fingers,
"Look, you but the cigarette in your mouth, you take a breath in, you take it from the cigarette then slowly let it out, but you are a big girl, so I will teach you something as you take in the breath, inhale the smoke, don't let it out, like this." She showed me how and it seems kind of hard. But I tried it, the first method went well, the second one though, I coughed really hard, she giggled while taking my chin with her fingers towards her face, and pressing my lips onto hers, suddenly I felt sparkling, like I should have done this for a long time. We kissed for 1 minute I guess, it was cozy and nice. Then, as Zay came up to call us down again, she asked for a second with me.

She took out a white powder,
"I like kissing you, pretty eyes, that how I reward my kissing partner. Give me your fist."
She poured some of that powder on my fist, in a great shaped straight line. It smelled so strong, like a old lady's perfume or gasoline maybe, it was shiny, rocked up fish scale.
She also add a line on her hands, she looked at me with a smile and pressed her finger to one of her nose hole, while going down to acumen the powder so quickly. She then, raised her head up taking it all in, moving her hands on her nose and letting no more seen powder on her nose.
"Your turn." She said,
I did the same, it's Cocaine, I know, I placed my finger on one of my nose-hole and slowly went down,

Okay, I need to do this once, I can do it, it's just stupid powder. Come on, be a brave woman. I sniffed quickly letting all the powder in the sense of the hair in my nose, it felt weird, like it tickles, I went back with my head and removed the excess of the powder on my nose. I am waiting for something to happen. But nothing happened at all. I am sitting, she is sitting, nothing changed, It was not too bad, and I showed Cara that I am a badass.

"Way to go, pretty eyes." She said, I gave her a warm smile and we head downstairs,
"What were you guys doing?"
"Probably taking about your taste of music and how it hurt our ears." She replied to Joe.
They all giggled.

"Zay, can you make me a drink?"
"What do you wish?" She said.
"I will take one Cachaça."
"You got it."
We all sit around, who ever lighten a cigarette and whoever, placed lines of Cocaine on the table, and others have a bottle of water and needles and some sample jar. Music is so loud and the mixing of the drinks are tinkling in my brain. I felt a little dizzy with all the sound and lights hitting to my brain, I lay next Cara as Zay gave me my drink, and I start pouring it into my mouth,

"I called Marivesa, but she is not answering."
"Let go of her, she will be fine by tomorrow, maybe her period." They all giggled, I even found myself giggling, but it's fine, it's okay, she is not here anyways.
"Ever since we found out about the tape in her living room she is being a psychopath bitch."
"It's about her ex man I guess."
"That brown headed geek."

Ex man? Brown headed? Tape? Joey? Are they are talking about Joey? What tape? My head is floating away. My brain is flying around and I can't concentrate. Focus. Wake up. Concentrate. Don't sleep. What about Joey? Why do they talk about him? What's wrong with him? Is he okay? I have to get up, I have to go home. I have to focus. I have to go to check on him. He is tired. He is sick. He is not okay. He needs me. I need to stand up. Everything is too loud and too dull. I can't keep-

Howdy! Hello people of the world. I am so happy I am finishing up this story, it's like I am finishing a chapter in my life. I am so happy I got that far of writing. And I am so grateful for whoever is still supporting and reading this. I am very so thankful, Don't Forget To Vote , Comment And Please Share It To Your Friends.
And I Will Hopefully See You And Your Beautiful Face Very Very Soon.😊☺️


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