"I Hated Sunsets"

By -BlueJayBlues-

18.5K 842 110

I've seen the sunset, I've watched all of the colors that I will never see again sink into darkness. I hated... More

Chapter One
Chapeter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapten Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eaight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eaighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Eleven

685 31 1
By -BlueJayBlues-

Dazzling sunlight slowly came into our view from the far off horizon, the first colors of the new day a dancing orange before abruptly becoming a golden yellow and fading into a light blue. It was a shame that the golden color couldn't stay, it was indescribably beautiful to me at least.

The old horn on the car blared loudly and the tires screeched as we swerved into the left lane to the left so harshly that we were facing the cars coming towards us for a few freaky seconds on the big freeway.

I screamed in a high pitch at Dallas and reached to the skinny dark brown steering wheel. He had his hands up in the air before we had turned and he had just slammed his hands back on it.

"Now thats what i call fun!"He started laughing as we turned around and speed back off. I couldn't tell if he was fearless or stupid, but I knew I would never see the world thorough his eyes.

Dallas turned his head a little towards me "Just checking to see if ya' were awake." he said smiling smugly. The freeway only had a small amount of cars on it right now, but I was scarred that if it happened again we might not be laughing like we were now.

Sighing I playfully punched Dallas in the arm, but just barely because he was still driving so fast. "Don't do that again, or I'll throw you out myself." I said motioning my arm out the car door, then I smiled and looked at him, he was smiling too while still looking out to the road. Dallas had his eyes on the horizon, the wheel now gripped tightly in one hand and his hair slicked back waving slightly in the wind.


"GET ON THE GOD DAMN FLOOR NOW!" a man yelled.

I grabbed Pony boy and dropped to the floor like Dallas did with Johnny, and we watched a someone in a black and brown tacky leather jacket started trying to take cash out of the register. Suddenly he turned to us, the only onlookers in the store.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" he spat at Pony boy. Pony turned away and let out a little swear under his breath, no one liked to be talked down like that.

I looked back at the man, he had dark skin and brown hair that was buzz-cut off of him and a stocky build. No gun. I smiled a bit, today would not be his lucky day.

With my arm around Pony boy I started standing up and looked back at Dallas, who was also standing up, I nodded at him and he nodded back. The stocky man was to busy robbing the cashier that he didn't notice us.

The grey tiled on the floor quietly tapped beneath us as we snuck towards the man quickly. There was a bit of adrenaline in my system as I jumped him and with the help of Dallas got him to the ground.

His back popped and made a loud thud as he hit the floor, the navy blue baseball hat he was wearing flying off him towards the door. Dallas straddled his legs over the man and started punching him repeatably in the face. Time after time.

"Stop it man!" I heard the dark man wheeze out with tears in his eyes. His face was contorted and he was bleeding from the nose and temple. The man began sobbing in between punches, begging for him to stop. He didn't need to do that, Dallas wouldn't beat him till he killed him, I hope.

While I was watching Johnny ran up to me "Come on, we need to go!" he said and yanked at my arm and started running towards the door. I left just as Dallas pulled out his belt.

The car started up when I shoved the keys in the engine, it roared as I had my foot on the brake and I looked through the glass windows. Dallas stopped belting the guy and was walking out, he looked like he was in a dangerous mood.

Johnny and Pony were both watching Dallas walk out of the store too, Johnny looked somewhat fascinated in the way Dallas was so confident in what he did, but Pony looked as if he was trying to study Dallas, to see what was so special about him.

The door of the gas station slammed open and Dallas stomped towards the car, his eyebrows were pushed down so low that I could barely see his eyes now. The car shifted down as Dallas hopped in, completely ignoring the door, and he spread his legs wide open and leaned back. I waited for a second to see if he would say anything else, not noticing I was starring at him until he opened on eye to look back at me.

"Will ya' go already?" he said only a bit louder than normal. I nodded and looked back as I left the gas station and drove onto the fast-paced freeway. My eyes only wandered off the road from time to time to look at all of the boys, they were all such characters. Johnny was looking out at the landscape which was slowly getting more crowded and grey the longer we went along. Pony boy was bent over reading a book he had snagged from the library, it was a real classic. Dallas was gazing at the road I was driving on, watching all the people in all the cars as they drove by me or fell behind.


"That looks like a mighty fine place to rest up at." Pony Boy said while pointing to a broken down grayish brownish wooden shack with what looked like it might of had two levels on it. An abandoned church maybe.

The car swung violently to the right, we were on one of those small country roads. I didn't know where we were really, Dallas had fell asleep midday and I had just kept on driving straight since I hadn't memorized the roads to New York by heart.

"Wakey wakey." I cooed to Dallas. He had his head nestled up in one of his arms that was hanging out the door with the leather jacket keeping it shielded from the wind. I wasn't about to almost get hit again so I poked him a couple of times. He still didn't wake up and the sun was starting to set, so I smacked his arm, still nothing.

"Oh I give up!" I said loudly while looking back to Johnny and Pony. They weren't even paying attention to me, they were muttering words to one another while gawking at the sunset that was lowering behind the car but in front of the abandoned church.

The door swung open as I touched it and I looked inside, cobwebs and bugs littered the plates. There were church bench organized neatly over the entire church, I chose one at random and latex down at it, my face peering at the roof with all of the holes in it basically falling apart.

Sleep came easy to me, and the last thing I thought about were the boys, hoping they would come to their senses and come inside soon.

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