
By bat_rayy

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Authors note
Authors note
Quick questions/ authors note
Questions part 2
Book 2 is now out


10.8K 364 277
By bat_rayy

~ Wade's P.O.V ~

I slowly opened my eyes once I felt like my body had regenerated enough of it's self to be a functioning body again. "Ugh what hit me?" I said, my voice sound more gravely then usual.

"Red's car, after she broke two of my windows." Stark said moving into my view. "you alright?"

"I think" I muttered then slowly sat up and scanned Stark's medical centre, my eyes fell onto where Peter was laying. fear filled me thinking that he was dead until Bruce spoke up.

"I know what your thinking Wade, no Peter is not dead, and I've also figured out what Red did to him."

Steve perked up at the sound of that. "I'm glad, and what do you think she did?" I asked still watching Peter.

"I think she enhanced his healing factor because before he would have died due to his healing factor not being strong enough, but now he is healing more like you, but still to a lesser extant since he's still not counsice yet but you are." He said simply.

"So he can't die?" I asked, emotions mixing, happy that I would no longer be alone in life but sad at the same time because living forever is a curse.

"In theory" He said looking down at his clip board.

"But why would Red want him not to die?" Tony asked leaning over Bruce's shoulder to look at what ever notes where on the clip board.

"I have no idea, Steve do you have any suggestions?" Replied Bruce handing Tony the clip board to swing his chair around to face the holoboard that was showing Peter's vital signs. Steve was silent for a few moments before he spoke up.

"Nothing really comes to mind except for one odd thing I remembered her saying after school one day that she was bullied to her breaking point, it was something along the lines of people deserve what they give out, even the sheep that follow or stand aside. I just thought she was rightly angry so I never gave it a second thought..." he paused then gave Tony a quizzical look.

"Tony could you some how axis a class list from 1932 to 1936 form George Washington high school?"

"Probably, why?" Tony replied pulling up another holo screen and started going through files.

"I want to check if any of our class mates or their families have had criminal activity happen to them, could you check that?"

"No problem" Tony said before he started telling Jarvis to help him out. I continued watching as Peter's tendons, bones, muscle, and flesh slowly mended back together. eventually the small cuts and areas where new flesh was made on Peter's small body fused together, not leaving a trace that he had a car dropped on him.

"Guys, I want to tell him" I interrupted Steve, Tony, and Bruce's brainstorming as to what Red was planning.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked.

"That he can no longer die, I just think it should come from some one who knows the pain of not dieing...." I trailed off noticing Peter was slowly stirring awake

"Wade?" Peter muttered as he slowly sat up.

"Right here baby boy" I said hopping off the bed I was sitting on and headed over to his bedside.

"What happened? all I remember is seeing a shadow then everything went dark, then once again I ended up having another picnic with Aunt May, and Lady Death." He said, stifling a yawn. meanwhile Steve, Tony, and Bruce packed up their stuff and moved out of the medical bay to give me and Peter some room.

'Damn it's going to rough telling him he can't die for good' I thought looking at his pale face before ruffling his brown hair lovingly, then taking one of his small hand into my own larger hands. "We got hit by Red's car, according to Tony."

"Well that explains why I feel like crap" he said, then slowly sat up. "ugh I have a head ache" he rubbed his hand on his forehead.

"Want me to ask Bruce if you can take some pain killers?"

"Would you please?"

"Of course." I said, gave him a gentle kiss before I got up and and left the bay and headed to the closest lab assuming that was where the trio had gone. I knocked on the plexiglass door when I saw  Steve walk over to the coffee machine. he held up a finger singling to give him a minute. i wanted as he quickly got the coffee pot set up then rushed over to the door and let me in.

"Hey um Peter has a head ache and was wondering if bruce would let him take a pain killer"

"I don't think there would be any problems with him taking one" Bruce said walking over, head down looking at the tablet that was showing Peter's vitals.

"Could you give him it, I have something I want to ask Steve before I go back to Peter?"

"No problem, I wanted to run a couple more tests on him now that he's awake." I gave him a small smile before he walked away, then turned to Steve.

"Ask away" he said just as Tony walked up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist.

I took a breath "So since your Peter's guardian, and he views you as a father I'd like your blessing to ask Peter to marry me." I said, I was shaking with nervousness, fear, anticipation, what ever word you'd like to use because here I am, a mercenary, an anti hero, asking the original boy scout, the captain america for his blessing on the boy he took in after his aunt passed away. Steve was silent for a while and I slowly dropped my gaze to the floor, embarrassed that some one like me would ask for some one blessing to marry Peter. This was stupid, i should have just gone back to the medical bay and not have asked. god why me, just why.

"Wade? hey you ok? did you hear me?" Steve said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Uhm no, Im sorry." I said bracing myself for Steve's disapproval.

"I said of course you have my blessing to marry Peter, its obvious that you to are in love."

my heart skipped a beat. "Thank you so much Steve" I said smiling.

"You thought he was going to say no, didn't you?" Tony said, giving me a knowing smile.

"yeah I did, i just figured me being me asking you being you wouldn't go well."

"you know Peter did tell me about your insecurity and voices, and most importantly how much he loves you, now go back to him and watch movies till bruce is done monitoring him." Steve said giving me a smile.

"Yes sir!" I said, giving him a playful salute before running back to the medical bay and flopping myself onto the side of Petey's bed.

"why hello again, bruce give you the pain killers yet?" I said, stealing a kiss afterwords.

"yes he did, thank you for asking him" Peter said

"your welcome, oh also I'm under strict orders from Steve to cuddle and watch movies with you until bruce is done monitoring you." i said getting up and pulling down the tv from the ceiling for us to watch before climbing back in with him and pulling him closely to my side. Peter smiled and nuzzled my check.

"what do you wanna watch?" he asked, settling into a comfortable position.

"Jim Henson marathon?"

"The Dark crystal first?"

"Of course" I replied grabbing the remote and setting up the movie for us.

We watched in silence enjoying each others company and the movies. We watched all his movies, then we started onto a tim burton marathon. we where half way through corpse bride when Bruce walked in, I quickly paused the movie.

"Hey Bruce, whats the scoop?" Peter asked

"Your vitals are good and stable. But Tony, Steve, Clint, and I all think that you two should stay at the tower in case Red decides to make another appearance."

"Alright, thank you." He said smiling.

"no problem. Tony will show you two to your room once your done your movie" bruce said before walking back out of the bay. I pressed play once again and we settle against each other and finished the movie. I tired to enjoy it but my mind kept going adrift to thinking about how I was going to tell Peter that he can't die.

"Wade, you there?" Peter asked, worry in his voice that snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah, sorry, I just have something on my mind..." I replied, checking the tv to see that the movie had ended.

" A penny for your thoughts then?" he asked.

"I'll tell you once we get settled into our actual room, ok?"

"Alright" he said then paused. "It just always worries me when you space out like that."

"I know, Im sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I promise you this time it wasn't the voices" I said resting my forehead against his.

The door to the medical bay open and tony cleared his voice " you two lover birds ready to be shown your room?"

"Yes we are, and thank you for letting us stay here with you." Peter said getting up, I followed suit. Tony lead us out of the medical bay, back into the sitting area then down a hall way with two other hall ways branching off, he lead us down the left hall way then stopped at at the first door.

"Here you guys go, and just so you know mine and Steve's room is in the other hall way so if you need something just shout or ask Jarvis."

"Sounds good, and once again, thanks Tony."

"Eh no problem" Tony said before walking off. Peter opened the door and we went in.

"Holy shit this room is nice!" I said taking in the surroundings. It was set up like a bachelor pad minus the kitchen.

"It is." Peter said smiling then he turned to me. "of course our own house is nicer." he said.

I smiled back at him. "thats because its ours"

He stood on his toes and gave me a kiss. "so now will you tell me what was on your mind?" he asked, giving me his puppy impression.

"lets sit down then i'll tell you" I said gesturing towards the couch. we sat down and I took his hands in mine. "So Bruce found out what Red did to you..."

"And?" he inquired.

"Peter, your no longer able to die."

Peter froze then spoke choosing his words carefully. "but after Red crashed her car into us I meet lady death and my aunt. what your saying doesn't make since Wade."

'first stage of grief is denial' I thought.

"I had asked her too look after you when you died, before all of this happened." I said before Peter gave me his as I fondly call it 'smart ass' look. I raise I figure singling him to hold onto his thought for a minute. "I already know what your going to say and the answer is, every ones healing factor works differently. you do die just not permanently" We sat in silence for a while. both of us left to our own thoughts until Peter let out a sob. I pulled him onto my lap and wrapped my arms around him. holding him as he grieved not being able to be with his aunt, uncle, mom, and dad again. his sobbing stopped after a few hours and I still held him.

"Peter?" I asked rubbing his shoulder.

"yes?" He muttered into my chest.

"could you look at me for a minute?" I asked. he nodded then raised his head, he blood shot eyes locking with mine. "I want you to promise me something."

Peter looked at me confused "suuure?"

"Peter when I ask you to marry me one day, promise me you'll say yes?"


(A/N) Was this fluffy enough?? anyways I'm probably going to be doing an authors note each chapter, this one is going to be longer then others because I have a few things to say.

1: so first up is my lack of editing. i was thinking back to when i last went through and edited this and its been serval months and thats because i just don't have the patience or means to. if you guys don't know i have a learning disabily which affects spelling/writing and i need an electronic dictionary to check my spelling because spell check doesn't always work for me, and I've been getting stressed out trying to edit because i just don't know how to spell some words. Thank you guys for putting up with the lack of editing

2: when i first started writing this i figured barely anyone would read it, but we've reached over 6,000 views and i can't believe it. so thank you so much for reading this. i know you have better things to be doing with your time and i aprecate you guys reading this fanfic

3:if you guys have any suggestions/ ideas for this story let me know and ill try to include them. or if you have any suggesting, prompts, ideas or what not you have for one shots let me know because i am out of ideas for one shots.

4:is there anything else you guys want to see from me? if there is let me know and i can see what i can do.

ok i think thats everything i wanted to say/ask. i hope you guys have a good day/evening/ect.


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