Life on this boat. A Firefly...

By BetweenProjects

16.6K 895 247

Ever since I first saw Firefly, and fell in love with the crew onboard Serenity, I have been wanting to be a... More

Life on this Boat
Kitchen duty
The first meal
It all gels..
the socks
Lou's story
Danny Karruthers and the damned dirty pirates.
Inara's chef
Give him some space
New day, new chances.
Clothes and plans to be made.
The plan.
the Duck
Fun and games
In the air
Fighting demons
Mal's good plan
You learn something new every day
On Pandora
No regrets?
A few days leave
Meanwhile on Serenity.
Return to Serenity
The Demeter caper
Lou breaks.
River learns to bake.
What goes between.
Back on Persephone
Approaching Briseis
Getting the girls.
Life in space
Last stockup.
Danny's secret.
Inara's leaving party.
Treasure Hunting part 1
treasure hunting part 2
Treasure Hunting part 3
Treasure Hunting part 4
Back at Odinshelm
burying the past
the end

could this work out?

265 15 8
By BetweenProjects

The next morning, Lou made sure to be first up and first in the kitchen. Jayne generally did not strike her as a morning person. He'd only started turning up for breakfast since he realized there were fresh bread rolls on offer. Lou smiled and hoped that it wasn't just her baking that caught his attention. Soon the crew turned up as the scent of fresh baking reached their noses. As far as she could figure out, none of the others suspected anything of her nightly wander which suited her fine. Jayne appeared last in an unusually good morning mood. Whistling and wearing a mysterious crooked smile. Kaylee sendt Lou a questioning look, but Lou just shrugged back with a smile.

Once the kitchen was cleared, Lou sat down with a cup of coffe in front of her. Suddenly Jayne appeared, looking around to make sure they were alone before sitting down on the opposite side of the table from her leaning forward on his elbows.
"So... what now?" He asked.
"I don't know," Lou said.
"I don't mind you coming to my bunk and all, but I don't really know what you are after," he said.
"You... I suppose I'm after you," Lou smiled.
"But... why??" He said looking confused.
"Coz I want to... and I think you want me too," Lou said feeling brave.
He sat picking at a splinter in the table for a minute.
"I don't know what will happen once I get my girls back," Lou said.
"Right," Jayne mumbled.
"But if you actually want me, we can at least have some fun for a while?" Lou smiled.
"I don't do sappy stuff tho," he mumbled.
"That's fine. I don't do sappy stuff either," Lou shrugged.
"So. What does that mean?" He asked.
"It means we take it one day at the time, keep it to ourselves for now and see where we end up," she suggested.
"And share a bunk," he grinned widely.
Lou laughed and nodded.
"But if we are doing this... we don't share bunks with anyone else," She said.
"What... no picking up girls?" He asked.
"Exactly. I do not take kindly to sharing," Lou told him.
Jayne took her hand and carefully traced a scar with his finger. Lou chose to interpret the gesture as a good sign.
Mal burst through the room making Jayne snap back in his seat and let go of her hand.
"Jayne! I've been looking for you. There's work to do before we hit Demeter," Mal said.
Jayne stood up.
"Yes boss," he said and went back to work.
Mal threw a quick look at Lou before leaving her to giggle to herself.

The next few days were filled with stolen moments and sneaking around. Lou was surprised at the way he would subtly touch her at every opportunity. Keeping it from the rest of the crew became something of a game. Lou's regular after breakfast workouts more often became playful sparring matches. He would turn up, challenge her to a fight and at some point steer her into a dark corner or behind a stack of crates for a quick kiss in private before pretending nothing had happened and the fight would continue. Lou felt she was walking around like a living neon sign and had to focus on keeping a straight face. All the tension building up during the day was released at night. Lou had never before known how much a single look or a smile would turn her on, and the hours spent together after dark were the most satisfyng of her life. There was a seemingly endless supply of energy in him and an understanding of what would please her most. Lou fell asleep every night feeling electric and woke up every morning wanting more.

"You look happy these days," Inara said one day.
"Am I not always cheerful," Lou smiled.
"Not this cheerful," Inara smiled.
"No?" Lou said trying to button her lips to avoid smiling.
"It has nothing to do with a certain man entering your cabin on the sly last night?" Inara asked with a smile.
"Maybe," Lou replied.
"And the way the two of you seem to always be exchanging little looks and touches?" Inara said.
"That obvious, huh?" Lou asked wrinkling her nose.
"Don't think anybody else is noticing, but you will not be able to keep it secret too long," Inara smiled.
"Oh, but it's so much fun. It's like a secret for absolutely no reason at all," Lou laughed.
"I can see that," Inara said with a conspiratorial smile. "I won't tell."

Mals plan once they got to Demeter was to first approach Badger's contact for information about the slavemarket on Briseis. Once they had a location, they would contact the forman of Warwick Harrow's factory to arrange the copper deal.

As soon as they landed on Demeter, Zoe, Mal, Jayne and Lou were getting ready for a quick outing to a local bar where Mal was meeting Badger's contact. The plan was for Lou and Jayne to be surveillance at the bar while Mal handled the talking. They were prepared for trouble.
In the dock, they were getting ready, strapping on gunbelts and hiding knives. Once Jayne had himself all fixed up, he came over to Lou to check her kit and made a big thing about "tightening" her gunbelt. Zoe and Mal were over in a corner double checking something.
"You be careful out there, you hear," Jayne whispered standing closer to Lou than strictly necessary.
"You too," she said sliding a finger inside his belt pulling him even closer, suddenly wishing for a half hour alone with him.
Quickly he shot a glance over at the two officers making sure they were turned away, before he quickly bent down and kissed her. As he straightened and stepped away both had stupid grins on their faces.
Up on the catwalk Kaylee and Simon were watching them prepare while River was running around catching imaginary butterflies.
"What the...Did... did you just see that?" Simon asked.
"What part?" Kaylee giggled.
"They.. Jayne... he just kissed Lou.... on the mouth!" Simon said dumbfounded.
"Oh, I think it's sweet," Kaylee smiled happily.
"Sweet? Oh god," Simon said.
"Looks like he actually cares," Kaylee smiled.
"That's the scary bit. I can handle him being all grumpy alpha male. This is just unnatural... Can you imagine if those two have children? The poor things would know how to shoot a gun before they walk!" Simon said rubbing his face.
"Oh. Don't be mean. Give them a chance," Kaylee giggled.
"You are such a romantic," Simon smiled.
Down on the floor, the doors opened and they trooped out.
"Right. Let's see if we can find ourselves some mischief," Mal said.
"Boss? Are we the bad guys today?" Jayne asked.
"Haven't quite settled my mind on that one yet," Mal replied.

The bar was a standard dark and dingy place serving bad beer and cheap hooch. Lou and Jayne sat down at the bar with a beer each when a skinny woman made a beeline for Jayne. True to his habit he gave her a leering grin making her come closer and sit next to him.
Lou took a swig off her beer, trying to look calmer than she felt. Taking a deep breath she looked at Jayne.
"Really?" She asked.
"What? Not even that one?" He asked thumbing towards the girl next to him.
"Nope. Especially not that one," Lou said evenly.
"Gorramit," he muttered and sat down to his drinking.
"Well... as far as I see it, that means you owe me," he said with a crooked smile.
"I owe you nothing," Lou smiled and looked at him.
The woman walked over and stood between them facing Jayne.
"I think you saw something to your likin'," she purred.
"Yeah, I did," he said looking straight at Lou.
The girl followed his attention and sassed up to Lou.
"That one? What's that to look at?" She said.
Lou took a swig of beer staying quiet trying to hold a smile from showing on her face.
"Well... there is no accounting for taste," the girl said.
"Real men like beef, not bones," Lou told her.
Offended, the girl walked away looking for attention elsewhere.
Jayne grinned with a self important look on his face.
"Don't think it means anything," Lou laughed.
"Oh, I think it does. You were jealous," he grinned.
Mal came over looking confused.
"Jayne, get me and Zoe a drink," he ordered.
Jayne moved down along the bar to get the bartenders attention.
"Did Jayne just ask your permission to hit on that girl?" Mal asked.
"Yep," Lou smiled.
"And you said no," Mal asked.
"Yep," Lou said.
"And he kissed you in the dock before we left...?" Mal asked with a smile.
"You caught that, huh?" She said slightly embarrassed.
"Are you trying to make him into a member of the human race?" Mal asked.
"Something like that," Lou shrugged.
Mal looked thoughtful.
"This is not the time or place, but do you know what you are doing? Have you lost your gorram mind?" Mal asked.
"It won't get in the way of working, Mal," Lou promised.
"That is the single most self centered, testosterone driven, money hungry specimen alive... I swear. If you turn him into some kind of useless kitten I will set you off on this here rock and let you make your own way," Mal said seriously before smiling and giving her a playful punch on the arm.
"I'm not in it to change a single inch of him," Lou grinned.
"Good. Coz I need my fighter," Mal shook his head and went back to Zoe who stood there with a huge smile at Lou.
"What was that?" Jayne asked.
"Just Mal making sure I don't break ya'," Lou smiled.
"What?" He asked confused.
"They figured us out," Lou told him.
"Good. I was getting tired of sneaking around," he grinned and slung an arm around her shoulder.
Soon Mal's contacts arrived and Lou's attention was turned to the action ahead.

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