The Unknown Godmother of Harr...

By MyLifeAsMeg321

56.4K 1.1K 304

We all know everything about Harry Potter's Godfather Sirius Black, but what about his Godmother. Well this i... More

Getting Back to the Magic
First Day Fun!
Georgiana loses her cool!
As long as I'm living
Stories and Anniversaries
Truth or Quidditch
A Dream Or A Memory
What are you going to do about this?
A Little Birdie Told Me

Welcome Professor Grimes

7.5K 136 51
By MyLifeAsMeg321


Hello everyone! Some of you may know me from my Twilight fan fiction, well I'm still going to continue that story but I also decided to start a new one! A Harry Potter one! And this is the untold story of Harry Potter's Godmother Georgiana Grimes. She was best friends with Lily Evans/Potter and the Marauders. She is the same age as them but one day during her 7th year she was helping James and Sirius with a prank that involved polyjuice potion, and of course with Sirius and James the potion and she ended up stuck looking 17 years old and a fairly high pitched voice for the rest of her life!

Anyways that was just a little bio of her, you will learn more about her as the story continues! And it will be a romance but it will take a while! But I promise it will happen!

So please enjoy this first story and please leave a review/comment and let me know what you think! And also don't forget to hit that Follow/Favorite button!

"You're that girl from Harry's book!"

Georgiana stared at the boy from a couple of moments before she finally spoke up, "Uhh I'm sorry?"

Ron nodded quickly, "My mate Harry! He has this old photo album and you're in it!" He exclaimed with excitement from the fact that he discovered something before anyone else.

Gigi smiled at Ron and sat down across from him, "I assume you're talking and Harry Potter?" And Ron nodded again with a smile. "Well you are right then, I was close with Harry's parents so if Harry has a photo album with pictures of his parents in it, then I'm more than likely in a few of them."

Ron's eyes went wide, "You knew Harry's mum and dad!?" Georgiana smiled and nodded, "Blimey! Harry is going to go mental when he meets you!" Georgiana laughed and agreed with him. After that she continued to sit with the Weasley family and listened to Arthur and Molly talk about their trip to Egypt and Ginny would jump into that conversation occasionally but for the most part stayed quiet. She also listened to Percy talk about being Headboy and also about somethings about Hogwarts, Fred and George with pop in with their own little jokes mocking Percy. She then realized that those two were definitely James and Sirius's counterparts! She then would listen to Ron who talked non-stop about his adventures with Harry, which was probably her favorite conversation.

After about an hour and a half of talking to the Weasley's a girl with bushy brown hair walked into the Leaky Cauldron, she called out Ron's name and ran over to him then gave him a hug. She immediately jumped into a conversation about her summer and then started asking questions about the Weasley's trip to Egypt. Georgiana smiled and figured that this was one of Harry's friends as well and decided to let the two catch up.

"Well I need to head back to my room and finish up a few things." She said and smiled at Arthur and Molly then started to head towards the stair when Molly stopped her and said that she would join her, claiming that she wanted to step away from the noisy group. That was an obvious lie but Georgiana stayed quiet and let Molly follow her upstairs and into her room.

Mrs. Weasley sat down on the arm chair and motioned for Gigi to have a seat on the couch across from her which she did. "So now tell me dear, where have you been?" At that Georgiana sighed and realized that she would be telling this story a lot now that she was back. So for what felt like the 100th time she launched into the story of what she had been doing for the past 12 years. Once she was finished Mrs. Weasley nodded and stayed quiet for a couple for moments and then finally spoke, "Arthur says that Harry has a right to know about Black. But I just feel that after everything he has already been through that he just needs to have one normal year."

Georgiana nodded, "Yes from what I've heard he has been busy..." The blonde girl sighed and leaned back in her seat, "But I don't think keeping this secret from him will help, and if we tried to keep it from him he would more than likely find out on his own." Gigi then turned to the worried Mrs. Weasley, "And if he is going to find out then he should hear it from someone who cares about him, and not from the gossip ring that goes on at Hogwarts."

Mrs. Weasley sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose slightly, "I guess when you put it that way it makes more sense. But to tell the poor boy everything! He will have a right fit! And he can be quite reckless." Georgian listened to Mrs. Weasley and her concerns and then after she was finished she took a few minutes to think, then she stood up and walked over to the window and looked out.

"Well I agree with that as well, he doesn't need to know everything about Black. But he at least needs to know that Black is coming after him." Georgiana said and then turned back to Molly.

Molly nodded, "You should be the one to tell him." She stated firmly, but Georgiana quickly shook her head.

"Oh no Molly! He doesn't even know who I am! Right now all I am is some girl in a couple of family pictures of him." She said with a hint of disappointment in her voice, "It should be either you or Arthur to tell him. He knows you better, and probably see you and your family as family more than he will me."

Molly gave the girl a sad smile and walked over to her, putting her arms around her, "Now my dear, you cannot blame yourself. I know for a fact that if was up to you, you would have raised that boy all by yourself if need be, telling him stories about his famous parents." Gigi smiled at the ginger woman's words and nodded.

At that moment there was a knock at the door and Georgiana pulled away from Mrs. Weasley and went to answer it. At the other side of the door stood little Ginny Weasley, Georgiana smiled at the girl, "What can I do for you Ginny?"

"My dad wanted me to tell the both of you that Harry is here." Georgiana's eyes went wide and she turned to Mrs. Weasley who quickly rushed over to her daughter and asked where he was, "He's downstairs mum. He's sitting with Ron and Hermione." The young girl said then she turned and started to head back downstairs.

Georgiana stood there in shock for a couple of moments and then jumped when she felt Mrs. Weasley's hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright Georgiana?"

Georgiana sighed and ran a hand over her face, "I have no idea." Mrs. Weasley smiled once again at the girl asking her if she was coming down yet. "No. I think I need some time to myself before I see him. And besides I need to finish up some things for school." She replied to Molly who nodded and then left the room.

Georgiana walked over to the window and looked out, letting her mind wonder. This was what she wanted isn't it? She wanted to meet her godson, and she wanted to get to know him and tell him who she was. This was her chance, and yet here she was, hiding away in her room. Merlin if Lily could see her now... Lily would have jinxed her into next year. Georgiana sighed and decided to busy herself, so she went back to her school work.

She stayed in her room until around 6 o'clock pm when it was time for dinner. Georgiana packed up her school things while she raced herself for the possible confrontation with her godson. Once she was done she opened her door and made her way downstairs.

She had made it half way when suddenly a mob a dark hair accidently ran into her and she tripped down the staircase. It did hurt too badly but she sure as hell was pissed! Gigi felt someone reached out and touch her arm, but she brushed it away and stood up on her own. She quickly turned and saw a boy with dark hair and round glasses, and before she could even process what she was saying she exclaimed, "James Potter! How many bloody times have I told you to watch where you are going! Merlin Prongs, you would think that something besides what Lily was doing today would stick in your head!" After she had finished she finally got a good look at the boy, and her eyes widened. It wasn't James. It was actually Harry James Potter that now stood in front of her. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open in surprise.

Georgiana stood there frozen like Harry. Well that's one way to meet her godson. But in her defense he really did look like his father! After a few moments Gigi noticed that everyone was now watching them and she quickly cleared her throat, "Oh Harry Potter! I'm so sorry! It's just you look just like your father... And my mind was somewhere else. I'm sorry if I frightened you."

Harry stayed quiet though and then after a few more moments he quickly rushed upstairs leaving Georgiana alone as she watched his two friends quickly follow behind him. Gigi sighed and put her face in her hands and stood there for a few moments before pulling herself together and continued to walk down the stairs.

"Don't worry Ms. Grimes, I think Harry was just surprised." Gigi turned and saw Ginny speaking to her. "I heard Ronald telling him about you, but I don't think he believed him... Well at least until now." Georgiana smiled at the young girl.

"Thank you Ginny." She said as she took a seat beside her, "But please do me a favor." The young girl turned to her and nodded, "Don't call me Ms. Grimes. Please just call me Georgiana or even Gigi. Well at least for now." She said with a wink and Ginny gave her a confused look but before she could say anything George and Fred were sitting across from them looking right at Georgiana. She looked at the two boys and could tell they were dying to ask her something so she sighed, "Can I help you two with something?"

The two looked at each other and smirked, "Well we just wanted to know if..." Fred said first. Well at least she thought it was Fred.

"We could have a quick word with you alone." George said finishing his twin's sentence. Oh yeah these boy screamed trouble, she thought to herself as she nodded to the twins and stood up. The two boys led her over to an empty table far away from the others and motioned for her to sit down.

When she did she looked at the two as they sat down across from her, "So boys. What can I do for you?" She said leaning back in her seat looking at the two gingers with curiosity.

George was the first to speak up this time, "Well. We couldn't help but hear you yelling at the unfortunate Potter boy. Couldn't we Fred?" He said and turned to his twin who nodded.

"Well it was more like the whole Inn heard you. But as we were listening we heard you say something that caught our interest." Fred said smiling and Georgiana could see the excitement in his eyes.

George nodded and turned back to Gigi, "Yes we heard you call Harry, James and then also Prongs."

Gig nodded slightly confused, "Yeah that was James' nickname that he come up with. Him and his little group of friends thought they were so clever coming up with their own nicknames." She said with a laugh and shook her head at the memory of the first day she heard the boys call each other by their nicknames.

"Georgiana you get over here now and eat!" The three looked up and saw Mrs. Weasley giving her the 'you better do as I say' motherly look and Georgiana laughed and stood up.

The twins opened their mouths to speak and try and get more out of her but Gigi shook her head, "Another time boys, but for now I had better listen to your mother. She can be quite scary when she wants to be." The twins both laughed at that and quickly agreed with the small blonde girl and started to walk back over to the Weasley's table with her.

When she got there she saw that Molly had already made her a plate, "Molly you do realize that I'm an adult right? I can prepare my own plate." Molly just brushed her comment off and smiled at the girl, "Molly seriously! I know I look like and sound like one, but I'm not a child!" Georgiana said and laughed as Molly turned away from her, yeah there was no stopping the mother that was Molly Weasley.

"Ms. Grimes, may I ask a question?" Percy asked.

"Only if you promise that you will not call me Ms. Grimes! For now just call me Georgiana or even Gigi. I hated when my high school students called me Ms. Grimes, I told them that if I was going to be on a first name basis with them that they could be on a first name basis with me, well at least while we were in the class room." Georgiana replied with a laugh.

Percy did laugh though but he nodded and asked if it would be okay to ask his question now, and Georgiana sighed and nodded, "Well I wanted to know how your voice and appearance got to how they are now?"

Georgiana groaned and shook her head, "That is a long story, and not one I'm willing to share yet. But I will tell you my secrets one day." She said with a wink which made the stuck up Percy actually blush!

After that everyone continued to eat and talked amongst each other. That when Georgiana noticed that Harry, Ron and Hermione had not returned from upstairs, which made Georgiana want to scream because that meant she had officially mess up her relationship with her godson. So once she had finished her meal she told the group that she was turning in early, and then headed upstairs and went straight to her room.

She changed into her PJ's and got into her bed, she picked up the book she was reading off of her nightstand and started to read. She stayed like that for about an hour when she slowly started to fall asleep, so she closed her book, set it back on her nightstand, turned off her light and then curled up in her bed and started to let herself fall asleep.

But before she go off into dreamland there was a knock on her door, she groaned quietly to herself as she got out of her warm bed and walked over to the door. This had better be important she thought to herself as she opened the door. When she did she saw Harry James Potter standing there staring at her nervously. "Harry!" She said in surprise and then opened her door all the way and motioned him to come in.

Harry walked in slowly and then moved to take a seat on the arm chair by the window, and she sat down across from him on the couch. It was quiet for a few moments and then he spoke up, "You knew my parent. Right?" He asked quietly.

Georgiana smiled fondly at her godson and nodded, "Yes I did. Your mother Lily was my best friend, and your father..." She said with a laugh thinking of James, "Well let's just say that your father was a bloody mess, but he was like a brother to me." Harry nodded at her. They sat quietly for a couple of moments and then Georgiana spoke up again, "You look just like James had pictured it."

Harry gave Georgiana a confused look and then asked her what she meant. Gigi laugh quietly and then spoke, "Well when your mother found out she was pregnant with you, your father acted like he had just won the lottery. It was the only thing he could talk about for weeks! I was about ready to straggle near the end." At that Harry gave Gigi a small smile, "Well anyways, besides coming up with names James also tried to imagine what you would look like. And course he wanted you to look 'handsome' like him, but have your mother's 'breath-taking' eyes."

Harry chuckled, "He wanted me to have this shaggy hair?" He asked with smirk and Georgiana laughed.

"Oh Merlin! You cannot imagine all the times he came to me before he would attempt to ask out your mother asking me to fix his untamable hair!" Gigi exclaimed in a fit of giggles, "Merlin Annie! You've got to help me! Lily will never go to Hogsmeade with me when my hair looks like this!" Georgiana said trying to impersonate Harry's father. And at that the two of them started to laugh loudly.

"What was my mother like?" Harry asked once he finished laughing.

Georgiana gave the boy a sad smile and sighed, "Your mother... She was brilliant. One of the smartest witches I have ever met. She was also very kind, she would never think badly of anyone without good reason, but deep down she still cared about their well-being." Georgiana then chuckled, "She did hate your father at first! Oh boy, you cannot even begin to imagine the hours I had to spend listening to her complain about your father."

Harry gave her a confused look, "Why did she hate my father?" He asked curiously.

Georgiana laughed at that question, "Your father and his little group of friends were the biggest pranksters that had ever come through Hogwarts, they were arrogant, careless well unless it came to their tricks, they thought very highly of themselves." Georgiana then looked out the window and smiled fondly, "But at the same time they were loyal, kind to those who were bullied well unless it was the person they were pranking, and also very caring. Which your mother refused to see until the end of our sixth year."

Harry nodded and continued to listen as Gigi continued to answer most of his questions and told him different stories about his parents. It was mostly just fun and silly things that happened about pranks and James' attempts to ask out Lily. But then Harry asked the one question that Gig was not expecting. "Were you there the night they died?"

Georgiana's breath got caught in her throat and she could feel the need to cry slowly come over her, "I wasn't there when it happened. But I came right afterwards." She said sadly and then turned to the boy, "Not a day goes by that I don't think about that night..." Harry stared at the woman for a couple of moments and then asked her to tell him what happened but she shook her head, "I can't Harry. Not yet anyways, I will tell you one day though."

Harry nodded his face was mixed with disappointment and understanding. He then stood up, "Well I guess I better get to bed."

Georgiana looked up at the clock and saw that it was already one in the morning, she was shocked that they had been talking for so long. She quickly stood up and walked with him towards the door, "Goodnight Harry."

Harry turned back to her quickly before she closed the door, "Do you think maybe we could meet up sometime tomorrow and talk some more?" He asked hopefully.

She smiled sadly at her godson, "I'm sorry Harry but I'm heading out first thing in the morning, I have something I have to take care of. But I promise to see you again soon." She said and then pulled him in a quick hug.

Harry hugged her back and then after a few moments pulled away, "Well goodnight Ms. Grimes." Georgiana groaned once again and told him to not call her that, but instead call her Georgiana or Gigi. Harry chuckled and said goodnight once last time before walking away.

Georgiana closed her door and smiled to herself, she then went over to the window and looked up at the sky, "Lily. James. I promise that even though I wasn't there for him in the beginning, I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere." After she said that she turned off her light, climbed into bed and feel asleep.

That morning when Georgiana woke up, she immediately got busy getting ready, she left her blonde hair down and straight, she then put on a pair of white, yellow, black, and light blue Aztec printed Paisley pants, she then pull a lose white spaghetti strapped top over her head, then slipped on a pair of tan wedges on her feet. She then put on a long golden chained necklace that had a light blue stone at the end and had several thin golden chains hanging off of it, then she put on a golden bracelet on her wrist.

Once she had finished getting ready she waved her wand and instantly all her things started to pack themselves, and once everything was packed she gave her wand another wave and it all disappeared and went straight to her classroom at Hogwarts. Yes today was the day she was going to set up her class room and get everything ready for school. And it was safe to say that Gigi was ready! And to her surprise she was actually excited.

She then left her room and went downstairs, when she got there she saw all the Weasley's, Harry and the bushy headed girl sitting at the same table they were at last night. She walked over to them and said good morning. She sat down in a seat besides Molly and started to fill her plate when she felt a tap on her shoulder, Gigi turned and saw the bushy haired girl smiling at her, "Hello I haven't gotten a chance to introduce myself. I am Hermione Granger, I'm friends with Harry and Ronald."

The first thing she thought of when Hermione said this was that this girl acted just like Lily, which made her smile at Hermione, "Hello Hermione, it is very nice to meet you. I am Georgiana Grimes. But please just call me Georgiana or Gigi." Hermione smiled once again at Georgiana and nodded and then she went back to her spot beside Harry.

After Georgiana finished her breakfast, she stood up and told everyone that she had to get going, this of course brought on hugs from most of the table which she, Arthur, and Molly found very funny seeing as most of them would be seeing her when they went to Hogwarts the next day!

Anyways after the goodbyes Gigi went over to the floo network fireplace, grabbed a handful of the ashes and then held her hand over her head and then said clearly, "Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore's office." She then threw down the ashes and she was off.

Once she arrived she stepped out of the fireplace in Dumbledore's office and was greeted by both Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. She smiled politely at both of them, "Professors, it's nice to see you again."

Mcgonagall stood there for a few moments and then smiled, "Oh to hell with it." She quickly moved to Georgiana and pulled her into a hug, "Ms. Grimes, it has been too long." She said and then pulled away, "And here you are still looking and sound just like the last time I saw you."

Georgiana laughed, "It is nice to see you Professor." Mcgonagall then gave the blonde girl a stern look and told her not to call her Professor unless they were in front of the students, Georgiana laughed and told her the same. "Well I would like to get started on my class room if that is alright with you both." She said with a smile and they nodded.

Dumbledore smiled and motioned for her to follow him, "Well I shall led you to your classroom then." She nodded and followed Dumbledore through Hogwarts until they were on the bottom floor, and he led her to a door and opened it.

Georgiana smiled widely when she stepped in, it was absolutely perfect! It the size of every other classroom at Hogwarts it had a two giant windows at the front that gave her a perfect view of the grassy area outside and in the distance you could also see the tops of the Quidditch pitch. She walked to the center of the classroom and did a small twirl, "It's perfect Dumbledore!" She exclaimed to the Headmaster who was also smiling at her.

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes I felt as though you would like this classroom very much. I can see now that I was right." He said with a chuckle, "Well I know you have a lot to do so I shall leave you to it." And with that the old Headmaster left the blonde girl in her new classroom.

Once she was alone she smiled once again and waved her wand, opening up one of her cases and bringing out her portable magical music player and did another wave and music started to play. She then took off her shoes and started to unpack all of her things manually.

The first thing she did was work on the walls, for that she pulled out pieces of wood that were all different lengths and had all different patterns and prints on them, she then used her magic and covered the four walls with these planks.

She then went to work on the floor, for that she once again used her magic and turned the floor from a stone to a nice smooth wooding; she then pulled out white paint and a long paint roller, she painted the floors all white and with a wave of her wand the paint instantly dried.

For the front of her classroom she decided that instead of having a desk there that she was going to just have a white wooden podium, and on the front she painted in light blue letters 'Ms. Grimes'. And she put a tall white stool behind it. And for fun she decided to hang a basket chair from the ceiling and places an assortment of multi colored pillows inside of it. On the wall behind her 'teaching area' she hung up a large dry erase board, and on the right side she hung up one bulletin board and above it she hung up small wooden letters that spelled out, 'Welcome to Muggle Studies'. And then on the left side she hung up another bulletin board and covered it with a large black piece of paper, and the on the top she wrote out in white chalk and wrote in nice fun print, 'Oh Snap!'. That was going to be a part of her first lesson which you will learn about later.

Up next was the lighting, she took down all the candles that were hanging in the room and put them all in old glass mason jars, then she strung them across the ceiling in a zig-zagging pattern. She then moved onto the back of her classroom, she set up on large bookshelf that covered about half of the wall, she then filled the shelves with all different kinds on Muggle books, novels, movies etc. Above it she used giant wooden letters and spelled out, 'The Muggle Library'. And on the left side on the shelf she placed another bulletin board and with cardboard letter of different colors and prints she spelled out 'I borrowed...', and below it she hung up four clipboard, the first one was scarlet with gold strips, the next was blue with bronze strips, then came one that was green with silver strips, and finally was one that was yellow with black strips. Gigi's plan for this was that her student could borrow from her Muggle collection but they had to come over her and write down their name, what they borrow, and that date, and when they returned it they then wrote down the date it was returned.

She then moved over to the wall that had the two windows, for that she hung up plain black curtains but moved them to the side so that light was still shining through. She tied them to the side with light blue ribbons. And then in front of the windows she set up two little sitting areas for the students during down time, each are had a love seat, and two arm chairs and a small coffee table in between covered with magazines and newspapers from different parts of the muggle world.

The final part was the student desks, set up four long wooden tables, each of them painted with the colors of the different Hogwarts houses and each had a different random design (A.N. My imagination is running real low at this point so I'll let your imagination take over that part). Then she set up multi chairs of different colors and cushions with different patterns.

After that she was finally finished. She looked at the time and saw that it was almost dinner time! She had worked the entire day and didn't even realize it! She sighed and sat down in her basket chair and closed her eyes and let herself rest for a while.

She had been resting for a little while when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in!" She called but didn't get up from her seat. In walked Mcgonagall followed by Hagrid. "So what do you think? Pretty sweet right!?" She said excitedly and stood up.

Mcgonagall looked around, "Georgiana Grimes! This is not a living room, this is a classroom!"

Georgiana smiled and rolled her eyes at her old professor, "Oh come on Minnie! I always decorated my classrooms! It's like a rule at muggle schools! And I am teaching Muggle Studies soooo..." She said with a smirk.

At that Hagrid decided to cut into the conversation, "Well I think it look great Gigi! Yer really out did ya self this time!" The young blonde smile and thanked the half giant.

Mcgonagall sighed and shook her head as she took one last look around the room, "Well I guess. But I still do not approve."

"I didn't think you would Minnie!" Gigi said with a laugh.

After that Hagrid said that they had come to take her down to the Great Hall for dinner which she jumped at the sound of getting food, she hadn't realized earlier but she was starving! She the three professors left Georgiana's classroom and walked down the corridor to the Great Hall.

Dinner was wonderful as usual, this was one of the things she missed the most about Hogwarts the amazing food! She smiled to herself as she sat there with the people she used to call her Professors, but now she was calling them by their first names and laughing and joking with them. She then started to think that being a Professor here wouldn't be so bad.

"Ah Severus there you are." Dumbledore stated with a smile and Gigi went wide eyed, she looked up and there stood Severus Snape, looking the exact same as he did the last time she saw him. She suddenly lost her appetite and told her now co-workers that she was going to turn in for the night.

She then quickly left the Great Hall and went straight to her classroom and went to the door that led to her bedroom. She couldn't believe that he was working here! But before she could think about it anymore there was a knock at her door. She opened it and saw Snape standing there looking around her room.

She crossed her arms and glared at him, "What do you want Snape." She asked coldly.

Snape glared back at her, "Dumbledore did not say you were also going to be teaching here." He stated and Georgiana stared at him confused.

"What is this going to be your first year teaching here?" She asked uncrossing her arms.

Snape rolled eyes, "No you stupid woman. Your werewolf friend is going to be teaching here as well." He said with a slight smirk.

Georgiana moved quickly and the small girl grabbed Snape by his collar and shoved him up against the closest wall, "You listen here you greasy headed git! I may look harmless but I swear if you say one negative word about Remus Lupin and I hear you had better believe that I will make your life here a living hell!" After she said that she pulled back and gave Snape another hard glare, "Now get the bloody hell out of my classroom."

"We shall see about that Ms. Grimes." And with that Snape left her classroom.

After a few moments Georgiana couldn't help but smile, because even though she had basically just threatened on of her co-workers she had also found out that she was going to see Remus again! She giggled slightly before she went back into her bedroom.

The next day passed by quickly, and she spent most of it walking around the school and getting herself reacquainted with it, and also with some of the paintings and ghosts. Her favorite ghost of course was Sir Nicolas, who was the one who offered to walk around the castle with her.

After she finished exploring the grounds it was finally time for the welcoming feast! She quickly rushed to her room and got ready. She had decided on a light purple and white stripped dress that went a little bit above her knees, a pair of nude colored wedges, and then for fun she added in a brown bolder hat. She left her hair down and put it into nice neat curls, and then kept her make up simple.

Once she was finished getting ready she made her way to the Great Hall where all the teachers were already sitting waiting for the students. She walked in and saw Remus sitting at one of the far ends of the table, "Remus!" She called excitedly to him. The man looked up and saw Georgiana running towards him, he smiled surprised and ran towards her meeting her half way.

"Is this really you Little Gigi?" He asked as he pulled away, and smiled down at her. She looked just like she had the last time he saw her, minus the tears.

Georgiana smiled at her old friend, "Yes it is Moony!" She then jumped up and hugged him again, "It really has been too long! I'm so sorry for abandoning you!" She said apologizing to him. He just shook his head.

"You have no reason to be sorry Gigi, you did what you felt like you had to do and I completely understand." He said seriously, "Now let's go sit down before the students arrive shall we?" Georgiana nodded and followed her friend to the teacher's table.

About five minutes after they had sat down and began to talk the students entered the Great Hall. She looked around for Harry but couldn't find him anywhere.

Remus watched the girl and smiled fondly at her, "He is with Professor Dumbledore. The dementors searching for serious Black got on the train, and Harry had a bit of an episode and passed out."

Georgiana's eyes went wide, "Merlin's beard is he alright!?" She asked worriedly. Getting ready to stand up and go check on her godson but Remus put a hand on her shoulder stopping her. He then told her the entire story, she nodded once he had finished and breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while she saw Dumbledore walk in followed by Mcgonagall and the group of first years. Then she saw Harry and Hermione sneak in behind them, then taking a seat at the Gryffindor table.

The sorting hat did its thing, and then afterwards it was time for Dumbledore's announcements.

"Welcome all of you to another wonderful year at Hogwarts! This year we have three new additions to the staff. I am sorry to say that the old Care of Magical Creatures Professor has decided to retire, but luckily our very own Rubeus Hagrid has agreed to fill the position!" At that everyone clapped as Hagrid stood up awkwardly and waved then quickly sat back down. "I would also like to introduce Hogwarts new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R. J. Lupin." That was Remus' cue to sat up and wave as the students clapped. "And finally our last addition is our new Muggle Studies teacher, please everyone welcome Professor Georgiana Grimes!" At that Georgiana stood up and waved to the students. And she saw the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione looking at her with wide eyes.

Oh yes this was going to quite the interesting year.

Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Harry finally got to meet Gigi! But he still doesn't know that she is his godmother. So how will this year play out for the Golden Trio and the rest of the school now that Professor Grimes is around? I guess you'll have to just wait and see! ;)

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Please show me a love and hit that Favorite/Follow button and also leave me a review/comment let me know what you think! :)

That's all for now! So until next time stay safe and magical! :)

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where Nalamora Merlin is exactly what Sirius Black was missing, and he is everything she never knew she needed Disclaimer: I do not own anything fro...
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Sirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife. Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman a...
11.9K 297 51
Years 1 and 2 Follow Emery Black the daughter of mass murderer Sirius Black on her journey through Hogwarts. "You know, being the daughter of Sirius...
25.5K 645 35
This story is currently being edited and the new version will be posted on AO3 when it is complete x For 12 years she believed her parents to have be...