Once Upon a Time

By xXGodsBabyGirlXx

1.9K 64 43

Being a Gypsy in England of 1649 is not easy, and Rawnie knows that darn well. She's been living the Gypsy l... More

Chapter One

Chapter Two

574 33 17
By xXGodsBabyGirlXx

Thanks for all of the support guys! i really appreciate it !!!! :-)

PS- i think im going to update the next chapter at 20 votes :P i know thats a little bit harsh for some of u... but i do have another story to work on after all :- P can't just forget about it!!

PPS- i finally got over twenty fans xD about time!!!

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I rolled my eyes as my father ranted on about the danger of going into town without company. This has been going on since I last came back from town half an hour ago.

“I cannot believe you would dare to leave without permission!” he continued, “You could have been killed!”

“Yes, Papa,” I agreed.

“You are very lucky that Luka had followed you,” he stated angrily, “otherwise you would have been in a lot of trouble!”

“Yes, Papa,” I agreed again.

“You could have been killed!” he repeated. I nodded, knowing it was the only thing I could do right now. Though I'm not too sure how it was Luka who had kept me from being killed. All he had done was follow me and watch as I ran from the guards with a complete stranger.

“Are you even listening?” Papa had finally asked when I stopped responding.

“Yes, Papa,” I nodded.

“Good, because you need to learn to not do everything by yourself,” he started again, “you’re in your sixteenth year already and you should know better.”

“Yes, Papa... may I leave now?”I asked in annoyance. He let out a frustrated sigh, but nodded none the less.

I stood up from my seat and headed back outside as my parents pushed passed me and headed to their bedroom.

The sky was calm and there was a gentle breeze that blew through my hair and caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. I could already tell that it was going to rain. The air had a fresh aroma that kind of had that sweet water smell to it.

I almost wish I could go back to the village and look for that boy again. The image of him was still in my mind. He had this strange vibe to him that I just cannot help but be enticed.

He was definitely good looking, just a few years older I presume. And he was no doubt a villager by the way his clothes were worn out and dull. Though I’d like to know where he found the dark red cloak. It’s hard to find cloaks like that nowadays... unless you’re a thief of course.

Then a thought crossed my mind, what if he was a thief? It sent a chill up my spine, and caused me to smile. I hope so... I like excitement; which probably explains why I am not attracted to Luka very much. He’s as boring as a brick...

Then again, it’s highly unlikely that I will ever meet him ever again. I sighed at that thought. I could only dream, right?

There are so many times that I have wished I were not a Romani at all. It’s just so depressing... I mean, I cannot even go into town without having people stare at me like I’m rubbish. How sad is that?

I finally managed to snap out of my thoughts when I almost tripped over a branch that had fallen from a nearby tree. It was only until now that I had realized I had wandered quite a ways from our caravan and I was now standing in a farmer’s field. There was a pond in front of me and if I had not snapped out of my thoughts in time, I would probably have fallen in.

The view was beautiful... I have honestly never seen a more breath taking view. In fact, I am not sure how I have never even seen this pond here before. Then again, I don’t think I have been down this road before.

 I sat on a nearby rock, next to the pond. It was very pretty, the water was sparkling in the sunlight and I could see small fish swimming underneath the surface.

I doubt my parents will bother searching here, they probably do not even know this place exists. After all, I didn’t either. Maybe I could turn this into my own private getaway? It would be perfect, no one would ever think to find me here... I’d be safe from all of this gypsy nonsense.

I felt a wave of satisfaction flow through me and I became completely happy with myself. Today had been a fairly good day... I had escaped from Guards, met a cute boy, and found my own little oasis.

I sat back and let the sun shine down on my face. For once I would like to live out in the sunlight instead of living in the safety of the woods. It would be so nice to live in the light instead of darkness... and maybe if we lived nearby this pond then we could bathe on regular bases, too. Just like the really rich families do.

 I stared into the water and dipped my toe in. The fish began to scatter and move further away from where my foot hovered above the water.

It was cold, not freezing, but the kind that is fairly comfortable. I waited until my toe adjusted to the water before I dipped both of my feet in to the water.

I thought about how angry my father was when I had left without anyone earlier, I cannot help but wonder if he will be mad when he realizes that I am gone again. I wouldn’t doubt it if my Papa had sent Luka after me to watch my every move just like last time.

Suddenly I heard a branch break and I heard voices laughing and socializing loudly in the distance. I looked around for a place to hide frantically. I got up and ran for a nearby bush. It was prickly and uncomfortable but it would have to do for now.

I looked around for where the voices may be coming from and soon found out when a group of people turned the corner.

There were four of them; three girls and one boy. The first thing that I noticed was that all the girls seemed to be very beautiful from what I could see. They were all blonde and they all had flawless skin.

The boy, however, was nearly impossible to see. The tallest girl was blocking his face from my view and I could not see a thing!

I watched as all three of them sat on the ground and placed their feet in the calm waters of the pond, causing me to be slightly disappointed that they also knew of my secret hiding spot.

The girls seemed to be talking excitedly about something while the boy just sat and listened to them chatter on and on.

I studied the girls as best I could from here; they were definitely not all of the same age, though they all looked very similar... kind of like sisters almost.

The older looking one was tall, had big round eyes, long blond hair that got wavy at the bottom, and beautiful full lips.

The second eldest girl was maybe the same age as I. She had the same full lips as the eldest, blonde wavy hair with bangs straight across that almost covered her eyes, and a slender figure that any girl would die to have.

The third eldest looked younger than me, maybe fourteen or fifteen. She had light, curly blonde hair and she had very delicate looking skin.

I still couldn’t get a very good look at the boy though... he was on the further end and he was being blocked by the same girl, so it was hard to tell what he looked like, or who he was for that matter.

I watched as the youngest girl took off with the boy’s hat. She started to laugh wildly when he started to chase her. The girl tossed the hat to one of the other girls who proceeded to toss it to the other. It was now a game of monkey in the middle.

He seemed very frustrated when he realized it was no use, but he continued to chase them anyways. The girls seemed to be having a lot of fun as they passed it back and forth between each other.

I giggled when the boy tripped and the girls burst out into laughter. This, I must admit, was amusing.

Finally, the youngest girl ended up tripping when she caught the hat, giving the boy to go and snatch up what belonged to him.

            He stuffed the hat in his pocket, instead of on his head, assuring that it would not be stolen again.

As he turned my way, I quickly realized that this was my only chance to get a good look at his face.

I squinted as I tried to see his face... until the youngest girl hopped on his back and doubled over from the surprise.

The other girls were holding their stomachs as they laughed at the poor boy that was clearly distraught by the girls’ fun.

“Can I ride on your back, Dominick?” the girl asked. I smiled at the name Dominick; it rolled right off the tongue.

“Seriously, Felicity, get off,” he demanded.

“Never!” she laughed. He sighed in defeat and finally looked at the others and asked if they were ready to leave. They all nodded, and headed off through the same path from whence they came, with Felicity still on Dominick’s back.

I waited until they were completely out of sight before I stood up. I looked around to make sure that all of them had left and then I looked back at the pond. It looks so inviting... but I have to get back soon. Otherwise, my Papa might be upset again and I would have to deal with his ranting once more.

I started down the path again, groaning when I saw that Luka was waiting for me at the caravan’s. He looked worried, like he had been waiting there for a while.

“Must you constantly watch me?” I asked in complete annoyance.

“Yes,” he answered truthfully, “otherwise you always do something dumb.”

“No I do not,” I snapped, “I can take care of myself.”

“But you are a woman,” he stated, “Women always need assistance from men.”

“Do not...”

“Do so.”

“Do not!”

“Yes they do, Rawnie.”

“No they do not.”

“Whatever you say...”

I walked passed him quickly, not wanting to hear anymore of his banter. It depresses me to know that I have to marry his boy... he is just much too childish. If this is the man who is to one day take care of me then I do not wish to do so. I hope that somehow I can manage to get out of this stupid arranged marriage...

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