Guardians undercover(Katekyo...

By ju7393

216K 5.9K 3.4K

#COWAwards2018 Gianini makes a new modified version of the Ten-Year bazooka, a new version that will allow th... More

Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting
Chapter 4. Adoption
Chapter 5. Talbot
Chapter 6. Temporary Family
Chapter 7. School?
Chapter 8. How Long
Chapter 9. First Day
Chapter 10. Surprise
Chapter 11. Valentine's Day
Chapter 12: Family Weekend
Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival
Chapter 14: A Butler And His Lord
Chapter 15: Party, Lurking Fear
Chapter 16: Disappearance
Chapter 17: Blood Moon
Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath
Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve
Chapter 20: Short Lived Relief
Chapter 21: Daemon And Samuel, Beginning Recovery
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds
Chapter 24: Hellish Nightmares
Chapter 25: Only They Can
Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home
Chapter 27: Greedy Vulture
Chapter 28: It Has Begun
Chapter 29: New Memories
Chapter 30: Play, Rumors
Chapter 31: Proposal, Working
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Reminiscing
Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.

21.6K 443 188
By ju7393

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR, All rights go to Amano Akira-Sensei (hope I spelled her name right.)



"Reborn-san I have come up with an amazing idea."

"What is it Gianini?"

"Ahem, you know how the Ten-Year bazooka's affects last for five minutes." Reborn nodded, "What if we can change that, and extend the amount of time."

".... It could be useful...."

Gianini interrupted Reborn, "Yes, I agree. So I have ma...."

"But, if you make it, it'll be useless. So no."

"Ummmm...." Gianini started to fidget at Reborn's staring.

Reborn continued to stare at Gianini making him slightly move back.

"Ummm... It's a little to late for that. I've made it already."

Reborn glared at Gianini, but before Reborn could finish pulling Leon off his hat Gianini quickly added, "it works. I've already tested it."

"How did you test it?"

"On Spanner. It really worked. But it still needs a little bit of work, he was only able to stay for seven minutes though."

Reborn smirked, "I guess you aren't useless." Gianini smiled, "much though. Don't get to confident about this."

"Reborn-san what should do with this?"

"I have a little bit of experimenting of my own to do with that. Give me the bazooka."

"But I don't have it with me, Reborn-san." Reborn glared at him, "But I can get it here immediately."

Gianini ran as fast as he could until he came back with the bazooka. Reborn walked off once he had the bazooka.

~Time skip (Next Day)~

Reborn watched from a tree as Students quickly walked to the school. Once his gaze landed on a certain group he smirked, and followed.

As they walked to school Tsuna was rubbing his head closing his eyes for a moment.

"Juudaime are you alright?"

Tsuna looked up at his friend Gokudera, "Yeah, I just have a small head ache."

"You don't look very good though Tsuna. You should go to the infirmary."

"No, it's okay Yamamoto. It'll go away soon, but..." Tsuna drifted off into silence.

"What's wrong Juudaime?"

"It doesn't really feel like a head ache though."

"What do you mean Juudiame?"

"It feels like something is going to happen, it's making me feel really uncomfortable...."

Before Tsuna could finish talking something hit him in the back and fell over.

"You still have a lot to learn Dame-Tsuna. You should know by now, after all your fights with Byakuran, Shimon, Daemon, and during the representative battle of the arcobalenos."

"That hurt! I know. I know what it is, but it feels different than what it usually feels like."

"No matter how much different it feels it's still your hyper intuition Dame-Tsuna. Well anyways I want you to gather all of your guardians, Chrome and Enma included to come over after school." With that said Reborn left.

After what Reborn said Tsuna's head started to hurt a little bit more, but then as fast as it came it went away.

Once close to the school Tsuna slowly made his way over to Hibari to tell him to come over which almost ended up in getting bitten to death. Hibari agreed to come, because he wanted to fight the infant. As Tsuna walked away Hibari gave a small smile.

Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto made it to class just in time as the bell rang. Before going to their seats, Tsuna walked over to Chrome, and told her to come over. The same was told to Enma.

As the hours passed in class Tsuna tried to pay attention, but eventually gave up. Gokudera as usual just sat there with his feet up on his desk not paying attention. Yamamoto was sleeping.


After a long wait it was finally time for lunch, Tsuna Gokudera, Yamamoto, Chrome, and Enma all left the class to go look for Ryohei.

"Onii-san can you come over to my place after school?"


"Onii-san you can't bring her."


"Reborn-san told us to only bring all the guardians. So of course it has to do with something mafia related stupid turf-top."

Rrohei said nothing for a while, "Okay... I'll ask Kyoko to go to Hana's house." Ryohei said in a serious low voice, which really shocked everyone since Ryohei was usualy never really this quiet.

"Boss, Mukuro-sama said he's coming." Chrome broke the silence.

Enma and Tsuna still couldn't really get over the fact that Chrome and Mukuro had some mental link to one another.

Tsuna nodded then began to unwrap his bento, which everyone followed suit too.

~After Lunch (Back in class)~

As Tsuna yawned, Nezu walked in and looked at the class, well more like glared at Tsuna and his friends.

Nezu cleared his throat, "As you all know tomorrow we will be having a math test. I know that you, well most of you will do perfectly well. But as a reminder those who do not pass the test will have to take supplementary classes."

Half of the class groaned. Tsuna paled knowing that he himself would be one of the unlucky ones to have to take supplementary classes. Even though he has gotten much better at his studies, Tsuna still had some troubles with his subjects especially math.

'If I fail Reborn's going to seriously kill me!' Tsuna mentally screamed, 'I wish Reborn has to go back to Italy just for now. Please, please.'

As if lady luck hated him, right after having his mental breakdown the door opened to reveal the last person that Tsuna had ever wanted to see as of this moment. Reborn, dressed in his Professor Borin costume.

Nezu turned to glare at the person who dared to interrupt his class, but his attitude took a complete 180 once he saw who it was.

"H-how may I help you Borin-sensei?" Nezu walked over to the small professor.

Borin coughed a bit, "It is to my understanding that you will be having a test soon. Correct."


"Very well. There are a select few who have been chosen from this class to be tutored by me for the time being. And will be excused from taking the test. I have already gotten permission from the principle as well."

Of course this caused excited murmurs among the class, because seriously who wouldn't want to skip taking a test.

Professor Borin raised his hand, once the murmurs died down he continued, "The following students please pack your bags, and follow me. Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, Chrome Dokuro.... Kazoto Enma, and.... Sawada Tsunayoshi."

When the first two names were said there were whispers of approval since Gokudera was, well smart, and Yamamoto mostly got approval from his fans. Nobody really said anything when Chrome got called except for a few nods, but when Enma was called it was utter silence. The most shocking was when Tsuna was called, complete silence for a few seconds, then complete chaos with students complaining.

"Dame-Tsuna. Seriously!!!!"

"I'm way smarter than him, heck we're all smarter than him. Why should he go?"

"Enma too. The two Dame's, that's messed up."

"Yeah, what the hell!"

"they probably got chosen by mistake."

Before things could get out of order Borin took a ruler and hit the closest desk to him which snapped the students attention back to him including Nezu since he too was one of the protesting people.

"B-Borin-sensei, did I hear correctly. Did you really say Sawada Tsunayoshi, and Kazoto Enma?" Nezu asked while glaring at Tsuna, and Enma.

"I did." Borin smirked, "And it was not a mistake. I personally chose all of these students on my own. Is there a problem with it?"

Nezu shook his head, "Good, now will those students I called come with me. Oh and they won't be coming to school until I finish tutoring them. Have a nice day."

All the students, including Nezu were left watching dumbfounded watching as said students left, especially watching Sawada Tsunayoshi. Among all of them there were mixed feelings. Anger, jealousy, excitement. The anger and jealousy was coming mostly from the people who degraded Tsuna practically everyday, because they felt as if they had somehow become inferior to him by having been chosen by professor Borin himself. The excitement was coming from Kyoko, and sort of from Hana.

Once they were in the hallway Borin walked away not even bothering to see if the others were following him or not.

"Umm... Reborn where are we going?"

"Don't call me Reborn, I am Borin. You'll see when we get there, just follow me."

"Reborn-san why are you dressed like that?"

"I am not Reborn. I am Borin. How else do you think I would have been able to get you all out of class?" Borin smirked. (By this time everyone already knew that Borin really was Reborn. Almost all of his disguises were known.)

The rest of the walk to their destination was quiet with only quiet whispers, but it became even more quiet once they had reached their destination. The reception room, Hibari's territory.

"What are we doing here Reborn!" Tsuna harshly whispered towards Reborn.

"I'm not Reborn, I'm Borin. Dame-Tsuna." 'Borin' Kicked Tsuna, then turned towards the door to open it. "Now you can call me Reborn."

Once they were in the room Reborn took off his Borin disguise, and walked over to the desk. Hibari glared at them from his seat then motioned for them to take a seat. Everyone was there, Ryohei, Mukuro, and Lambo. Before Tsuna sat down he turned towards Reborn.

"I thought you told me to tell them to come over after school?"

"I did. Good to know you were listening."

"Then why are we all here?"

"Just sit down Dame-Tsuna. Oh, Hibari I want you to move a little bit closer to the others. There's something I want to show all of you."

Hibari glared, but still reluctantly moved closer.

Once everyone was all together Reborn cleared his throat, "I was planning to have all of you come home after school, but I decided it was a better idea to do it now."

"Do what Reborn-san?"

"This." He pulled out a bazooka and shot them before they could do anything.

All that could be heard before the shot were gasps, and a 'hn' then poof. When the smoke receded Reborn was met with something that he did not expect, well he sort of did. Kusakabe, and Gianini who were in the room gasped at the sight in front of them.

Everyone that had been shot with the bazooka had shrunk. Well except for Lambo he still looked the same.

Once all of the smoke receded, and the coughs stopped. There was complete silence as they looked at one another and noticed what had happened.

"What happened!"

"You shrunk Dame-Tsuna."

"I know, but why?!" Tsuna started to pat every part of his body and pinch himself as if to make sure it was all real.

"haha, we're so small. I look just like I did when I was seven."

"It seems like it didn't work. I wonder why Gianini." Reborn looked towards him.

Said man was fidgeting in the corner trying to avoid eye contact with Reborn.

".... Before I told you a-about it... well after I used it o-on S-Spanner I added s-some other things to m-make the affect last l-longer."

"hmmm." Reborn pulled his fedora down and pulled out his gun.

"W-what does he mean, by last longer?"

"Useless here," Reborn point his gun at Gianini. "thought it was a great idea to make a new bazooka that allows your future selves to last longer. But as usual his inventions never work."

"What are we going to do!"

"Don't worry Juudaime, if it has some what the same affects as the original bazooka then we should be back to normal in five minutes."

Tsuna nodded, and smiled. So they all waited for five minutes, but nothing happened so they waited and waited and.... waited until twenty minutes passed and they were still small.

"Turn me back now, or I'll bite you to death."

"Reborn-san is this the reason why you told the class that we wouldn't be going to class?"

Reborn looked at them for bit, "I had a gut feeling something would go wrong."

"Boss, we're dressed different."

"What?" Tsuna looked down at himself, and true to her word they all were dressed different. They were no longer in their school uniforms. Well some were in uniforms, but not in the ones they had before.

Lambo still had on his elementary uniform, but Gokudera, Tsuna, Yamamoto, Enma, Chrome, Mukruo, Hibari, and Ryohei had different clothing.

"It's true." Tsuna pulled on his shirt, "wait... this shirt, I got it when I was seven."

Reborn looked at everyone to notice anything new, and different in everyone. Yamamoto had necklace, Gokudera had scar on his arm ( looked new too) Ryohei's scar on his forhead looked fresh too, Hibari had black tonfas instead of silver, but they looked new. Mukuro had a patch on his eye. Chrome's hair was long and she had a pink ring, Enma had a bracelet.

"How old do you think you are now?"

"Well for me I think seven, well that's when I got this shirt, but it got torn a few weeks later."

"My arm feels kind of itchy where the scar is. I got the scar when I fell outside, I think I was seven also."

"My mom gave me this necklace, I remember got it on my seventh birthday. I don't wear it anymore since it doesn't fit." Yamamoto gently touched the necklace as if were made out of glass and were afraid of breaking it.

"My head extremely hurts. Feels like that time when I was in the hospital after getting beaten up by those guys who took Kyoko."

"Who old were you though Onii-san?"


"hn. These look new. Got my first pair at nine."

"Oya, my eye feels rather uncomfortable, but I feel so happy. Last time I felt like this was when I wiped out the Estrano family. Kufufufu. I was nine then."

"This ring my mother gave it to me on my seventh birthday, but I lost it when I was eight."

"I remember this bracelet. My sister made it for me, she gave it to me when I was seven years old."

Reborn frowned, "Even though you all shrunk, it seems like you all still have your memories as a teenager. Does anything feel different?"

Silence for a few moments then everyone shook their heads.

"My ring is gone." Tsuna gasped.

As soon as that was said it was followed with murmurs and gasps. Everyone began to look for their rings (including the bangle, bracelet, and belt buckle.) for they had also disappeared.

"Ah, Juudaime I found yours."

"Thank you. Where was it?"

"It was on the ground. It probably fell off since we shrunk, and our fingers are smaller too."

As Gokudera mentioned the ground they all looked and found them there. Except for Yamamoto since his is a necklace.

"Mukuro-sama does your eye hurt?"

"Kufufu, no. I used to cover my eye before."

"Reborn what are we going to do? We can't exactly go home looking like this!"

"I know Dame-Tsuna."

"Are we going to be stuck like this forever Tsuna-kun?" Enma asked.

"Ugh... why doesn't anyth...." before Tsuna could finish they were all enveloped in blue spoke.

Once the smoke was gone, they were also gone. Everyone was gone, even Hibird who was on Hibari's head at the time when they got shot by the bazooka.


"Calm down Kusakabe." Reborn walked over to him, "I don't know where they went or how long they'll be gone for, but I know Hibari trusts you more than anyone to take care of Namimori while he's gone."

Kusakabe nodded.

"And as for you. Figure out a way to bring them back from where ever they are Gianini or else." Reborn once again point his gun at Gianini.

"H-hai Reborn-san."

Reborn sighed, "Seems like your invention has failed again, and my experiment too."

'Take care where ever you are.' Reborn thought as he walked out of the room.

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