If Transformers Robots In Dis...

By TransformersFan

16.7K 454 1K

In my opinion, I think this will be very cool. But I also think not a lot of people will like this at all, bu... More

Chapter 1: Guessing Game
Chapter 2: Why Grimlock? Why?
Chapter 3: Decepticons
Trouble with usernames
Learning and some randomness
Truth or dare
Another one
Star Wars
2K and A/N
Here we go again
Are you serious?
Some more randomness
Oh no
Oh my gosh (not a chapter)
Holy Crap (Not a chapter)
Sad news (not a chapter)
Hey (Not a chapter)
I'm still alive

New users

737 18 14
By TransformersFan

<RuleEnforcer has updated her status: Hey, are usernames are back to normal!>



Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Thank goodness.

LeaderBot: Terrific.

UntrackableCon: About time.

UnstoppableCon: Let's keep it that way.

TransFan: I'm glad your happy, because I have some news for you.

Detachable: What is it?

DisguiseGuy: Yeah, what is it?

TransFan: You have to guess.

WhatAmIDoingHere: You are finally going to leave us alone?

TransFan: No.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: You are adding a new feature where you will be able to punch someone over chat?

TransFan: I don't think that's possible Grimlock.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Oh. Okay.

MysteriousCon: You are going to let me destroy everyone?!

Everyone: 0_0

TransFan: Oh heck no!

MysteriousCon: It was worth a shot.

<TransFan has blocked MysteriousCon.>

UntrackableCon: You are going to let me turn this planet into a home for all Decepticons?!

TransFan: -_- What do you think?

UntrackableCon: No?

TransFan: You got that right.

ThisIsBoring: Why don't you just tell us?

LeaderBot: It would make things a lot easier.

RuleEnforcer: It actually would.

TransFan: Fine. So the news is, that there are new users joining us today.

Detachable: More? You got to be joking.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Please tell us your joking.

TransFan: No, I am not joking.

DisguiseGuy: So where are these new users?

ThisIsBoring: Yeah, where are they?

TransFan: Patience Denny and Russel, they should be here very soon.

<Three users have logged on.>

TransFan: Here they are now.

UnstoppableCon: Wait! There's three of them?!

TransFan: -_- Shut up Underbite.

19NC_Medix: Hello everyone.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Nice to meet ya.

DecepticonFan: Greetings.

LeaderBot: Welcome to the chat.

UntrackableCon: Whatever. Just don't get on my nerves.

RuleEnforcer: Actually, don't get on any of the con's nerves.

TransFan: I have a better idea. Don't get on anyone's nerves.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Noted.

DecepticonFan: Okay.

19NC_Medix: I can't promise anything.

WhatAmIDoingHere: Looks like we know who will be the one causing problems.

19NC_Medix: Me? A problem? I can't really guarantee anything.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Is there anything you can guarantee?

19NC_Medix: You will just have to find out. Won't you?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: I guess so.

TransFan: Alright then.

DecepticonFan: Well this is fun.

Puppy_SteelJaw: That's sarcasm, right?

DecepticonFan: Yes.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Okay.

Detachable: So what know?

ThisIsBoring: I don't know.

DisguiseGuy: Me either.

UnstoppableCon: How about all of us get off?

UntrackableCon: Sounds good.

TransFan: No one is getting off at this moment.

<Four users have logged off.>

Puppy_SteelJaw: Except for the cons.

TransFan: Dang it.

RuleEnforcer: Why don't you want us to log off at this moment?

TransFan: Because you bots don't know anything about these new users yet.

DisguiseGuy: You know that we con do this another time, right?

ThisIsBoring: Yeah, we don't have to do it right now.

TransFan: Well I don't want to do it later. I want to do it now, so that we don't have to worry about it later.

LeaderBot: Well if we do it now, you will have to do it again because everyone is not here.

19NC_Medix: He has a point.

DecepticonFan: Yes he does.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Yeah, we could do it another time.

TransFan: Alright, fine. We will do it another time, and hopefully everyone will be there.

LeaderBot: What if everyone isn't on at the same time, but at different times?

TransFan: It's simple.

LeaderBot: How will it be simple?

TransFan: I either force them on here, threaten their lives, or blackmail them.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: 0_0 Is there another option?

TransFan: Of course there is.

RuleEnforcer: What is it?

TransFan: I ask them nicely, which probably won't work on the cons.

LeaderBot: You got that right.

<All users have logged off.>


So, I am sorry to 19NC_Medix, Hobby-Horse, and Puppy_Steeljaw if I didn't portray you on here very well. It just took me so long to think of things to put on here because, I didn't have all of your information, so I just winged it. So just let me know what you thought in the comment section. Also, let me know what I can do to make the characters more interesting, and I will consider it. I am also thinking of doing some dare chapters, so tell me some dares that I could do on here, and which bot or con I should do it on.

Till next time then.

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