Welcome To My World -bdsm-


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this is fanfiction. Sterek teen wolf. --very fictional don't hold it to the same light as Sweet Submission-- Еще

Intro and new kid
the Team
the club
a distraction
empty house
bad habit
I don't care
wrong person
don't lie to me
3 weeks later
Broken boys
getting things figured out
The Den part 2
Den 3- in trouble
house rules
Hallways and Letters
Stiles first kiss
Breakfast and Awkward Conversation
Aftercare fun
Not Alone
the Destination
waking up
What happened
Hallways and Hospital Rooms
Shame and Tears
Coming Home
(not a new chapter)
True Place
What Happens Next?

Everything Changed

23.6K 891 291

The next time Stiles woke up it was to the sound of his phone buzzing over and over. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that it was around sunset.

Reaching out he saw that he had 4 missed calls and a few texts. He stared at his phone and sighed. He didn't really want to open his phone. He really didn't want to talk to anyone. Like anyone. Ever again. He would be okay with just sleeping for the rest of his life.

Yes he knew that was dramatic but he was just so tired. So numb. He didn't feel anything at the moment. Just a distance from his own self. Like he wasn't really there. It made him tired. He knew he was being a little shit for bailing on everyone that had started to actually care for him.

He stopped thinking when he remembered that fact. They cared. They cared but his own father didn't. He knew he should just be thankful anyone cares about him at all. But after losing his mom at a young age his father had been all he had had for so long.

Stiles got up slowly and checked his phone. There was a text that was from Derek.

-Scott and Isaac told me you werent at school. You lied to me-

Stiles stared at that text for a while. Then he turned his phone off. Sliding it into his pocket he walked down stairs and then went into the kitchen and started cooking.

He put a few casarols together for his father. He made healthy food. He knew that it wasn't going to change anything. That was okay. Stiles was fine. Just fine. He would take care of his Dad. No matter what.

It took 2 hours and there were 3 casarols in the fridge ready to eat at any time that his father needed to grab something.

He cleaned the fridge off of all the notes not really bothering to read them. He Cleaned the house because his father had been slacking like usual. Stiles did his fathers laundry and then set the basket on his fathers bed and then he went back up to his own room and sighed.

What was he doing...

He heard a car pull into the drive. Looking out the window he saw his father cruiser pull in.

He was just about to go try to talk to him but instead he just closed his room door and sat on his bed.

He stared at the wall and listened to the sounds of his father coming into the house and then he heard him yell from the kitchen "Thanks for the food Buddy."

Stiles took a deep breath and called out. "Youre welcome Dad."

Stiles looked down at his hands and wondered if he could change his looks would his father be able to stand his presence. If he changed his nose. If he wore contacts. If he became another person entirely... would his father care... Would he finally be there.

Stiles knew that logically his father was just so deep in grief that he couldn't face the son that looked so much like his dead wife.

But stiles had been the boy that lost his mother... but hed been so strong about it that people didn't see how badly Stiles had been hurt by it.

He was tired again. Tired of thinking. Tired of remembering. Tired of being him.

So he just lay down and close his eyes.

He must not have been asleep for very long when he was awoken by a noise. Blinking his eyes open he slowly sat up and then pulled the covers off him and stood up and looked around. Moving over to his door he opened it expecting his father to be moving around in the hall.

Nothing. Hmm. He went back in his room and shut the door and then had a heart attack when he Derek suddenly clamped his hand over his mouth and pushed him up against his door.

Stiles eyes were wide and frightened as he saw that Derek was pissed. And not the normal grumpy im so angry kind of pissed. The Im going to tear your throat out with my teeth kind of pissed.

Derek pointed his finger in Stiles face and hissed. "Not a word." Stiles flicked his eyes around and saw his window to his room was open. Derek had climbed into his room through the 2nd story window. Holy shit.

Derek still had his hand over Stiles mouth as he hissed into his face whispering. "Do you have any idea how much of a pain in the ass you are! Ive been looking all around town for you for hours. Why the hell didn't you answer your phone! You lied to me. You never went to school. You are really pushing me Stiles. You will answer my questions quietly and you will do so now. Do you understand me."

Stiles was over the initial shock now and was just kind of feeling himself slip back into that distanced feeling. He knew that he was afraid but he didn't really feel it. So when Dereks hand slid from his mouth he Spoke as if there wasn't a dominant man pinning him to the wall.

"If I am such a pain in the ass then just leave. I didn't ask you to be here. I didn't ask you to try and find me. I didn't ask for you to do any of this. I didn't ask you to give my my first kiss because I was having a panic attack. I didn't ask you to take me in as your little pet project. So just leave." Stiles said flatly. With no cadence to his voice at all. Just staring at Derek levelly and feeling that numb not there feeling.

Derek stepped back. He searched Stiles eyes for a few silent moments. Then after a tense breath he asked "That was your first kiss?"

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yes. It was. And it wasn't because someone wanted me. It wasn't because someone loved me. It wasn't because someone anyone wanted to kiss me. It was to stop one of my panic attacks. So yeah. It wasn't the best experience of my life. So thanks for ruining that for me Derek."

Derek looked like hed been hit. His reaction should have made Stiles angry or sad or something. But Stiles didn't feel much of anything anymore.

"Im tired. So could you just leave." Stiles asked as he moved over to his bed ready to just climb back in and stay there forever.

Suddenly Stiles was grabbed and spun around and pushed back up against the wall and Dereks mouth was on his again.

At first Stiles mind went blank as he blinked and felt Dereks mouth slanting over his and trying to grant access inside. Stiles was frozen there against the wall.

Then suddenly Dereks hand was up his shirt sliding those calloused fingers over his hip and up his torso to his chest and it made Stiles gasp and that was all Derek needed to slide his tongue in to plunder Stiles mouth.

Stiles closed his eyes and felt his breathing pant as he felt Derek tasting him. Their tongues sliding together and Derek was the best damn kisser in the world. The way his tongue massaged and slid against his tongue and lips and the way his teeth nipped at Stiles lips and the way his stubble was rubbing against Stiles cheeks and mouth and chin. Everything was overwhelming his senses. The taste of Derek was amasing. Fresh with a hint of mint and that deep taste that was his mouth. The saltyness of his skin and lips and got the warmth and slick slide of his saliva.

Stiles was rock hard and panting as he felt Derek ghost a hand up his chest to brush across his nipple. A soft broken keen left his mouth to be swallowed up by Dereks mouth. He felt more than heard Derek growl into his mouth as he pinched Stiles nipple.

Stiles arched and gasped feeling his shaft pump out a few drips of precum.

Then Derek broke the kiss and looked down at him and growled lowly into his face. "You really think I don't want you? You really think I don't want to bend you over your bed right now spank your ass for making me worry about you and dissapearing on me and lying to me... then when your ass is bright red and hot and you've learned your lesson Id pound you into your fucking mattress until you were nothing but a drooling screaming mess of sweat and cum. I would brand you inside and out with my scent and mark you as mine. You... you... " Derek was shaking. Dereks hands were shaking against him.

Stiles was shivering and his cock was dripping like a faucet and he was panting against him. Blushing and trembling he searched Dereks eyes and he bit his lip to try to keep in the little whimper in his throat.

Derek snarled and then ground into him. Stiles eyes rolled back as he arched and gasped. He felt Dereks huge bulge grind against his own bulge and it was amazing. He gasped out in a whisper. "D-Derek"

That was when he felt Dereks mouth on his exposed neck and him grinding against his groin. Stiles felt Dereks hot mouth was searing his mark on his neck. Against his throat he felt those teeth scrape and nip and that hot wet mouth suck and lick and kiss.

Stiles was going to explode. Stiles keened as he was so close to the edge of coming. Then suddenly he was ripped away from the wall and pushed to fall onto his own bed. He flopped gracelessly onto it and panted as he looked up dazed and horny and needy as Derek stood over him.

Stiles was shaking as he looked up at him. "Please..." Stiles begged softly needing Derek to finish this. To give him his release.

Derek took a few deep breathes and he looked like he was gathering his control which had slipped his tight leash just now. "No Stiles. You have been a bad boy and you don't deserve to cum right now. I did that to show you that you were kissed by a man that wants you. I may have kissed to you stop your panic attack but there is now no doubt that I want you now and I wanted you then." Derek was scolding him. "You should have asked me yesterday about it if it bothered you this much Stiles. I told you to come to me with any problems you have. You need to be honest with me. If I cant trust you to be honest how can I ever trust you to submit to me."

Stiles suddenly wanted to cry. He had dissapointed Derek. He was so horny and on edge and now he was going to have to go without getting the release he needed. But even as he thought of it the look in Dereks eyes made him feel like he didn't deserve to get off. He had dissapointed the man that had only ever helped him and cared for him.

Stiles felt a few tears spill over his cheeks. "Im sorry..."

Derek scowled down at him. "Go get in the jeep and drive back to the loft. We will finish this conversation there. "

Derek then went out the window and Stiles made his way down to his jeep and drove off.

Everything had just changed...

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