Caitlin & Her Fandoms

By Claire_201

4.2K 103 41

Caitlin is obsessed. No, she's more than that. She spends her times watching movies, anime and most important... More

Caitlin & Her Fandoms
Doctor Who Case File: 01

Doctor Who Case File: 02

299 27 11
By Claire_201

"Hey, watch were you stick that thing dude!" I yelled as the shape shifter man jabbed my in the shoulder with the damn sword thing on his hand. I walked into the throne room and see Nicholas II look at me, I nod to him- hopefully indicating that his daughter is okay.

"I demand to know-" I turned, gabbing onto the sword and kicked his leg, he falls to the ground and then I turned his arm and pushed the sword through his chest...

That's more like it! I'm ninja now!

Everyone- well, the freaking 'shape shifter thigns' started to run at me and I instantly started for the corridor, "GET OUT NOW!" I yelled, I was a decoy... well, that was my split second plan anyway. I ran into the room and then ran the balcony- then without a second thought- I jumped.


I hit water and I choked in shock- what the hell?! I swam upwards and pulled myself out of the pool... whhaaaattt?

I looked around and saw the Doctor run over to me, "Are you okay?!" "Y-yeah... psh, i'm fine" he pull's me onto my feet and I shake my head like a dog, he chuckles.

I stared at him for a moment before finally asking, "What happened?"

"Well, we came in and sent the Prohalions (pronounced: Pro-hail-ions) home"

"... And Anastasia?"

"Healthy and well-"

"Until her family and her is murdered" he stays silent and I shrugged, "Well, we can't change the past now, can we Doctor?"

"No... no we can't" but that won't stop River from changing it, I sung in my head before I started to squeezed my dress skirts and the Doctor stands there for a moment, "Oh, would you like to change?"

"That'd be good" I nod, "Come this way" he guides me through the TARDIS and then showed me into the room I woke up in, "I like it" he smiles, "Mmm, it's brilliant, isn't it girl?" I cooed, patting the wall.

The Doctor stares at me for a second, frowning, "Anyway - wait... can I ruffle your hair?" I shyly peeked through my eye lashes at the Doctor, he shrugs and I rush over and he bends down slightly before I stand on my tippy toe and ran my hands through the man's hair.

Dear god it was like magic.

I could do this forever and ever and ever and ever... and ever... and ever... and ever.

"Doc - woah..." the Doctor and I froze as we stared at Rose in shock, "... How are you Rose?" I smiled at her awkwardly.

"The Tardis console is beeping-" "Ah, I must go and look at S- the TARDIS" I nodded and he runs out of the room and I stand there with Rose for a second, "I'm going to go and... shower" I hurried into the bathroom and showered before I changed into a pale green jeans, a green elbow shirt and brown boots.

I paused in the mirror, looking at the green Locket around my neck - when the heck did it get there?

I shrugged it off and put my hair into a messy bun before I walked out of my room and - after walking for twenty minutes I found myself in the console room and came up behind the Doctor and stared at the screen, "Why are you scanning me?" I crossed my arms while tapping my foot.

 "Ah, well..." he stares at me for a moment, trying to think of what to say, "Whatever" I stomped away - to the door's, "Wait!" I opened it to find er... London.

"Ah... London? So you didn't want me to-" "Who are you?" I stopped and stared at Mickey who held his phone in his hand.

 "Caitlin, call me whatever you like" 

"Rose?" Mickey calls and Rose walks out of the TARDIS and I watched them chat before they start to walk away, "Where are you going?" I pouted at them both.

"A date-" "Don't stay out past nine, i'm watching you both!" I pointed to my eyes and then to Rose as she smiles - trying not to laugh as I gave her the 'I'm-watching-you' motion. They walked out of view and I glanced behind me.

"We're going to follow them, aren't we?"

"Of course" I giggled and skipped out of the TARDIS and he closes the door and offers his arm out for me, "Alright, but you have to make it up to me because of you scanning me - am I human?" I quickly asked him.

"Yes, you're human. Don't worry and i'll buy you some Churro's if you like-" "I might just live with you for the rest of my life if you're not careful" I warned him with a cheeky smile.

We walked after Rose and Mickey before I noticed something odd, "Is it just me - because i'm from Australia and all, but i'm pretty sure there isn't suppose to be a creepy clown following us" I tugged on the Doctor's aarm and pointed to the window where he could see the reflection.

We broke away from each other and he turns, staring at the clown as I start to walk over to the other side of the street. I stopped at a News Agency window and stared at all of the papers stuck to it.

"Oh my..." I stared at all of the missing children in horror - I hope it's not a serial killer and they've all just run away to join the circus or something.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jumped out of my skin and turned around to come face to face with a freaky looking clown, "Uh... hello"

"Hello little girl!"

"Little? I'm fifteen - almost sixteen!" I put my hands on my hips and scowled up at the man dressed a freaky clown as he smiled down at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, here have a balloon-" he holds a red balloon for me to take and I stared at it with wide eyes and I slowly took it.

"Thank you... I normally don't get balloons, my brother and sister is the ones who always - never mind, thank you sir..." I smiled at the freaky clown.

"Well, you're quite well mannered too! Have a ticket!"

"A ticket?" I stared at him with a confused expression he pulls a light blue ticket out and hands it out for me, I stare at the writing and saw that it said 'Wish'.

"Oh - uh - thank you" I looked up and found myself alone, oh.... okay then. I tied the balloon to a dog's collar that was tied to a post and then put the ticket into my back pocket, and looked for the Doctor.

"Doctor? Doctor?!" I called, my heart started to thud against my chest - oh god, losing the Doctor in London - I hope it's not fucking Christmas, anyway, it's like losing a parent! Or a child... you never really know really...

I hurried back across the street and looked around, "Doctor - have I seriously misplaced DAVID TENNANT?!" I yelled angrily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"David Who?"

"Pa-chow!" I yelled, pulling a Ninja move of the arms in the air and a leg too, "Oh, hey Doctor... where'd you go?!" I lightly slapped his arm three times while scowling up at him. He grins down at me and I turned to a nearby machine and pressed the 'On' and it shoots money out.

"I want one-" "When did you-" "When I was hitting your arm sweet heart, don't ever doubt a teenagers abilities - especially if their short" 

"Can I have it back?"

"Can I point it at a few more stuff please?" I put my hands together and pouted.

"Three hours, then I want it back" I squealed and hugged him, "Right, what was over there?"

"A bunch of kid's were missing from the ages of six to sixteen, how about you?"

"The Clown vanished right after I saw you walk across the road-" 

"Oii....." I bit my thumb and looked away.


"The Demonic looking Clown with Balloons from before?" 

"Yeah... tell me what happened" he demanded.

I took his Sonic Screwdriver out and pointed it at me and hoped I wasn't going to turn into a Demonic Clown, "I'm good" I sighed in relief.

"What happened?"

"He gave me a red balloon and I tied it onto the a dog over there - oh where'd he go?" I looked around.

"Anything else?"

I scratched the back of my head, was there? I don't think so... I can remember... nope, nothing else.

"Nope, nodda thing"

"Okay, let's find Rose and Mickey-" "Found them!" I pointed at them as the couple entered the car. I hurried over to a cash machine, pointed the Sonic Screwdriver at it and took out sixty quid - hopefully that will do it.

"Come on, I always wanted to do this!" I squealed as the Doctor drags me into a cab, "FOLLOW THAT CAR!" I pointed at the cab in front of us and the cabbie instantly drove after Rose and Mickey's cab.

".... My life is complete" I smiled and the Doctor laughs and shakes his head.

 We were driven as we followed the couple on a date and then the cab stopped, "Here we are-" "Here ya go" I passed him the money before I hopped out and came to a Carnival, "Wow, never been to a carnival before" I stared up at the gate in awe.

"Come on, they're going in-" we hurried in, got our hands stamped and then we ran around like children - going on the rides and playing all of the games while laughing like two children high on sugar.


"Margo, Margo, Margo please! I'm scared!" the Doctor and I stopped dead and turned at the same time to look at the deserted Mirror House. I stepped forward, my eyes twitching while I strained to hear the child's voice again.

"Did you hear-" "Margo, p-please" I broke out into a run and I ran through the Mirror House door with the Doctor on my heels as I stopped in shock as mirrors surrounded me in an instant - and then I noticed I was alone.

Holy shit, they weren't kidding when they said it was a House of Mirrors, aye?

"Doctor? Where'd you go, bro?" the hairs at the back of my neck started to rise as I heard a quiet sobbing. My jaws clenches as I pulled the Sonic screwdriver out and scanned the place around me - and to be honest, I don't know what I was doing I was just pressing the button and hoped for the best.

The three lights suddenly turned green and I stopped before I turned away and saw them go red - "Right, this way then" I walked through the maze of mirrors, trying to get rid of the paranoia and the sick feeling from my stomach as all the Horror Movie scenes that were based in Mirror Houses flashed in my minds.

My breathing turned into a loud heavy - the creepy breathing that you heard in scary movies.

I turned the corner and collided with a mirror, "Ow" I rubbed my face before I looked up to see the Demonic clown behind me, I whipped around - heart in my throat as I stared at the empty row of mirrors in front of me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and started to walk once more, it was all in your imagination Caitlin, don't worry, don't be silly, it was just a figment of your imagination. I continued twisting through the maze, left, right, back, dead end, left again, right again - down the stairs and left again, until I cam face to face with a child.

"Hello there-" the little boy looks up at me with tear stains and stumbles back, "Margo, Margo!"

"Shh, i'm your friend, I won't hurt you, I promise"

The boy look's up at me with big doe eyes and launches himself forward and buries his head into my stomach, "Can you help me find Margo?" he cries, "Of course I can"

Suddenly the lights flickered and the little boy sobs more, "Shh, it'll be okay, it's just the lights-" "He's coming! He's going to take me away!" the boy screams.

"Wh- no, no, no ones going to take you away, I promise" I tried to calm the boy down as he started to go into hysterics, "Shh, I promise I won't let anyone harm you" I whispered as my fingers went through the boy's dark brown hair.

He nods into my clothing and I looked around before noticing how dark the our surroundings look, "Now, sweet heart, we need to find a man with beautiful brown hair called the Doctor" I told the little boy in a motherly tone.

"The Doctor? Doctor who?"

I fought a smile as the cliche and line used in almost every single episode of Doctor Who, "Who knows?" I giggled, poking the little boy's nose as he stares up at me with wide wondrous eyes.

"I'm Caitlin by the way, what's your name?"


"Well 'ello Tommy, how you doin'?"

"Where are you from?"

"Australia mate-" "Do you ride Kangaroo's to school down there?"

"Why of course! And Emu's and Koala's, now, let's get out of this place - it's quite... strange"

Tommy nod's and we linked our hands as he also grips my leg with his other hand and I Soniced the mirrors around me, I frowned as I tapped it against my leg and held it to my ear, "I think it's broken" I shook the Sonic Screwdriver as it's lights flickered on the Sonic Screwdriver and then the lights over head started to flicker.

"He's coming"

"Who's comin'?" I asked the boy, "The Clown"

Yep, it's time to get the fuck out of here. I hate Clowns.

"Come on, let's out of here" Tommy and I started to move through out the maze once more - not even uttering a word, you could feel something wasn't right, and that something was going to happen - and it wasn't good.

Suddenly the lights started to go out in front of us and I stopped - oh god, it better not be the Vashta Nervada.

"RUN!" I yelled, tugging at Toby's hand before I started to drag him through the mirrors, "Why are we running?" Toby gasps.

"Because when the lights go out-... never mind" I said as I picked up the pace as the light's seemed to go out quicker than before.

Because when the light's come out, the monsters come out to play.

We suddenly hit a dead end and I turned, but only saw the lights switch off as it gains more and more speed as the darkness came towards us.

"No, no, no, no, no" I repeated to myself as I turned to the mirror and tried to push it down, "It's not moving" I grunted.

"What are we going do to?!" Tommy cries, terrified that the darkness was coming towards us.

I pulled Tommy behind me and glared at the darkness and pointed the Sonic Screwdriver for a scan, it gives a high pitched beep and I looked at it - it's alive.

"Oi, if you dare come any closer I will personally kick your butt, you here?" I yelled, Tommy's hands ball up with my shirt and I glared at the darkness.

"Don't you come near, I swear mate, I will not be afraid to give you the consequences" I screamed - then, it stops. Half a metre from us as I shook with Adrenaline.

"That's right, now bugger off!" I growled, then all at once the light's went back on and I flinched at the brightness.

Then I noticed something odd - I stared up at the roof, my stomach dropping. A light blue balloon was floating.

"Tommy, are you okay?" I turned and patted the boys arms down as I checked his pupils and that he was standing properly, "I'm fine..."

"Come on" I picked him up by his underarms and then put him on my hip before I started to make my way through the mirrors. 

Then I burst out of the exit - the sky was dark and I quickly made my way down the stairs and onto the fair ground's dead grass. The crowd swarmed around Tommy and I - completely unaware about the two children holding onto each other, one in tears and the other out of breath and pale faced.

I quickly pushed my way through the crowd, my arms holding onto Tommy as he buries his head into the crook of my neck - suddenly fire made me stop in my foot steps as a man spat liquid out of his mouth and lit it with flame.

Tommy gasps and I quickly turned around and started to run for the exits.

Get out, get out now.

I suddenly bumped into someone, "Sorry-" "Caitlin? What are you doing here?" Rose asks me, bewildered.

"We need to leave, now" she gives me a confused expression before someone runs over to us, "You found him?"

"Doctor, we need to-"  "I lost you back there, in the mirrors and all" the Doctor muses with a smile.

"Doctor, we need to leave-" "Why, and why are you even here?" Mickey cuts me off.

"I-" "Amy, Amy?! Where are you Amy?! Has anyone seen my daughter Amy?!" a women yells, "Ben? Ben? Has anyone seen my son Ben?"

Everyone turns and looks at the two distressed parents as they pushed their way through the crowd, screaming and begging for their children.


"Margo, Margo... Margo... he took Margo too, Cat-tin" 

My companions eyes looked at Tommy as if they just noticed him, "Who's Margo?" the Doctor asks.

"My sissy, she took me here after ice cream and we went in the mirrors and then the clown took her"

"The Clown?"

"The Clown took her - he was there, with Cat-tin and I"

The Doctor's brown eyes met mine and I stood, shaking, "Caitlin, give me Tommy" Rose pulls Tommy out of my hands before I could even speak. The Doctor's eyes didn't waver, "We need to go back to the TARDIS"

"What have I been saying exactly?" I shook my head before we all started to walk away, "Wait, what about Tommy's parents?"

"I'll drop him off of at the bobbies" Rose passes Tommy to Mickey and the three of us walked away.

We ran through the deserted streets, my mind playing tricks on me as we ran though.

The shop windows... the car windows... the reflections... 

Rose's point of view:

"Doctor, look" I smacked the Doctor's arm, "What?" he turns and we both stared at Caitlin as she stands still, staring at a car window.

"Caitlin?" the Doctor walks over to her and looks at the car window, I follow him, only to see nothing.

"What's happening?"

"Ha? Oh nothing, just thought I saw something, no biggie" Caitlin shrugs be she stares at us with her beautiful green eyes that would turn a type of silvery grey - it was beautiful really - even I had to admit it.

"Come one, let's go back to the TARDIS" she smiles - her features turned innocent and child-like, her eyes sparkled with Adventure and she just... seemed to have the weight of the whole world on her at the same time, yet she had no worries.

"Yes, let's go... Rose" the Doctor gives me a stare as if something's wrong, and he then followed Caitlin as she ran for the TARDIS...

Something wasn't right, and the Doctor knew it.

Caitlin's point of view:

I sat on the ground of the TARDIS, bored.

A very Sherlock-y thing to say.

We've been put on lock-down as the Doctor scans London - for three days might I add. I twirled his Sonic Screwdriver around my fingers, bored as I had stated before. 

Rose was sleeping in her room and my Insomnia was acting up again, I saw the Doctor twirl more dials and pull more leavers and I rolled my eyes before putting the Sonic Screwdriver down on the ground and got up silently.

Not sure about him, but i'm going for some little Scooby-doo style investigation.

I opened the TARDIS door silently and stepped out, letting it click behind me as I put my hands in my pockets and started to walk through the deserted streets. I looked around, noticing more flyer's of children that have gone missing.

Stopping I saw Tommy's older and female version of him, Margo Porter, eleven years young, please contact the police if you have seen her or have any information of the where-a-bouts of her.

I shook my head before walked away from the paper, I continued my way through the quiet, sleeping streets of London, Britain. 

That's when I saw him. I stopped dead at the curb and stare at the shop window opposite me, the Clown slowly lifts his hand up and waves. 

"Stop it! I will get you" I growled before I turned on my heel and hurried back for the TARDIS.

Until I heard some tapping. I stopped and slowly turned to the shop window, then he reached forward - his hand started to come out of the window and I froze in shock. He continues to step out of the window and then soon he's standing before me - in solid form.

"Fuck this" I turned on my heel and ran down the street for the TARDIS, "DOC~" I screamed like Captain Jack Harkness did when he was running to the TARDIS when Martha was in there with the Doctor - after Rose.

"TOR!" I screamed, tripping over my feet I banged my head against the road concrete, moaning out in pain I slowly stood while pressing against my forehead with my hand.

It stung - and I felt warm sticky liquid on my hand.

"Oops..." I whispered, climbing to my feet before I stood and started running back to the TARDIS again. 

That's when I stopped, standing in my way was the Demonic clowns - I hate clowns, ever since that episode of Supernatural and when my friends decided to prank be by making a 'murderous' clown run after me with a butcher's knife.

I turned again and scrambled away.


I pant, leaning against a cement pillar as I bent over with my hands on my knees, i've been running for hours....

And yet...

He wouldn't stop. He wouldn't stop running after me.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my shirt and yank me to the right, I looked down and saw white gloves that had black soot and dirt all over it, I cried out as the clow started to drag me towards the window reflection.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yelled, before I hit the window.

Instead of feeling pain, I went through it and to the other side.

And the other side... where the Nightmares come alive.

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