Dares with the Boy Who Doesn'...

By hiraannyo

5.6K 520 50

Mysterious boxes filled with hundreds of handwritten 'dares' turn Rose's school life completely upside down a... More

Author's Notes/Announcements
Chapter One (Rose POV)
Chapter Two (Rose POV)
Chapter Three (Jamie POV)
Chapter Four (Rose POV)
Chapter Five (Rose POV)
Chapter Six (Jamie POV)
Chapter Seven (Rose POV)
Chapter Eight (Rose POV)
Chapter Nine(Jamie POV)
Chapter Ten(Rose POV)
Chapter Eleven(Rose POV)
Chapter Twelve (Jamie POV)
Chapter Thirteen(Rose POV)
Chapter Fourteen(Rose POV)
Chapter Fifteen(Jamie POV )
Chapter Sixteen(Rose POV)
Chapter Seventeen(Rose POV)
Chapter Eighteen(Jamie POV)
Chapter Nineteen(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-One(Jamie POV)
Chapter Twenty-Two(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-Three(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-Four(Jamie POV)
Chapter Twenty-Five(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-Six(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-Seven(Jamie)
Chapter Twenty-Eight(Rose POV)
Chapter Twenty-Nine(Rose POV)
Chapter Thirty(Jamie POV)
Chapter Thirty-One(Rose POV)
Chapter Thirty-Two(Rose POV)
Chapter Thirty-Three(Jamie POV)
Chapter Thirty-Five(Rose POV)
Chapter Thirty-Six(Jamie POV)
Chapter Thirty-Seven(Rose POV)

Chapter Thirty-Four(Rose POV)

96 4 0
By hiraannyo

"I sincerely apologize for my recent behavior. I have sought out for help to get my alcoholism under control. Thus, I have left all of my residents under the control of my son-in-law. Do not worry about last months rent and I told him to give you more time to pay for this one. Once again I am truly sorry."

I read the note for the second time before ultimately decided to throw it away.

I'm sticking to my idea of pretending like the entire drunken-rampage-my-potential-death scenario did not happen.

The rest of the morning proceeds a little bit less than normally. In the transition between first and second period I notice two female students waiting in front of my locker.

One has a short black bob that fits perfectly against her oval face. Her surgically doubled eyelids make her look overly anxious like a rabbit on Redbull and Coke.

Her friend is about an inch shorter and has her tresses pulled into a giant brown bun that sits atop her skull like a second head. She's the first to speak.

"Do you have cancer?" Before I can even fully get within ear shot, she asks.

I stop where I am and take note of the gift wrapped fruit basket the short haired girl is holding. "Why would you think that?"

"It's just the people you have aquatinted yourself with usually don't aquatint themselves with outsiders- especially not of your family and financial background or lack there of." She tries to make everything sound so factual, like it was scientifically proven.

"The only time they've stepped out of their holy inner circle, other than when Cameron is dating someone- which I've figured out is not the case due to the lack of PDA you two have been showing," The other one rambles on and I begin to wonder if I'm going to be able to make it to class on time.

"was with Ella,"

I freeze.

From the information I gathered from Noah, though that was not the initial reason, cancer was ultimately the deciding factor that made the guys stay by her side. They stayed as long as they could, no matter what she did, until her inevitable death. While I was dedicating all of my time into school work they took my best friend and began dedicating all of their time to her.

She dropped me like a sack of potatoes because apparently I wasn't "cool" enough. She preferred hanging around the coolest, most popular kids in school in her last remaining months. I didn't hate her for it, as a matter-of-fact I hated myself. I thought that there was something wrong with me. I was abandoned by my only friend, the only person who was willing to talk to me.

Before I was just the outsider, the poor girl who came from a hole in the wall school yet was able to get higher test scores than all but one of the students here.

I was alone, until I met her.

It started out as us having to work on a group assignment together. Then it slowly progressed into the most unlikely of friendships. Sure I still ended up doing all of the work myself but at least I made a friend out of it. Everything was okay because I knew that I'd always have Ella to look forward to. I'd listen to her stories and she'd listen to mine. One day it just became me listening to her stories.

She'd tell me about this boy she had taken a liking to. She said that he was the most watched boy in school yet no one saw who he really was. She referred to him as damaged, yet priceless, goods. It didn't take long for me to figure out who she was talking about.

Then she left. Our conversations ended. Our sleepovers ended. Our friendship ended.

Later I found out that she had cancer. She fainted and I spent the rest of the school day crying in the restroom. I knew that she was sick yet I was too scared to ask any one of her new "friends" which hospital she was in. I probably could have figured it out on my own but I chose not to. I held a selfish grudge against her for abandoning me, but I ended up doing the same to her. I never knew that her "friendship" with the guys was fake. They came to her funeral just like I did. Some of them even cried just like I did.

"No, I don't have cancer." I say quietly.

"Oh, really? You don't have any sort of terminal illness?" The rabbit says.


"I just thought so because Ella-" The short one cuts her off. "We read an article about this Disney Make A Wish thing for kids with leukemia and we thought that the guys were just being kind and that this was your one wish, like it was probably Ella's."

"It's nothing like that." It's just that Ella forced all of her old "friends" to stay with me, since she couldn't.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I force on a smile so that my sudden outburst doesn't seem so bad. "I'm sure."

"Take this just in case." They force the decorative fruit basket into my arms and before I can protest they're scurrying down the hall and the late bell is ringing.

At lunch Mark throws the basket away.


"Did you see the way Bailey looked in those yoga pants? DAYUM!"

I'm stuck with Cameron and Leo until the rest of the guys get here. I'm trying to do my homework but they keep making perverted comments about like 99% of Wellsworth High's female population, despite the fact that I'm in the same room as them and obviously within earshot.

"Do you remember that party we went to? She got so wasted and ended up going topless into the hot tub!"

Jesus! Do they not know that I'm literally and physically just across the room from them?

"That was one of the greatest days of my life. Afterwards I took her inside and we-"

"Ya! I'm sitting right here!" I yell while staring straight at the two boys.

Leo gives me a dumbfounded look while Cameron just gives me a dumb look, as in a freaking smirk! He doesn't take anything I say seriously, ever. It's getting really annoying!

"I think she's mad we're not talking about her." No I'm not you bozo.

"I think you're right, Cam. Let's talk about her then. Her legs...they're so sexy."

"I wanna drown in her thighs."

With a wild blush covering my face, I look around for anything to throw.

"And you know what they say about flexible girls."

"Yeah, she can backhand spring me any day- Ouch!" Cameron yelps as a roll of paper towels hits his head.

Leo bursts out into laughter. "How's that for a backhand spring?"

"Aw Rose, how did you know that I like it rough?"

Oh hell no! My inner sassy Noah comes out as I stomp over to where he's seated.

He puts his hands up in surrender but I am not letting him off that easily.

"We're here!" Noah chimes. "Don't kill him." He eyes the glare I'm sending the tall giant who currently looks like a defenseless baby with the way he's holding up his hands and cowering away in fear. "We brought food!"

My mood does a total 360 as soon as the last word leaves his mouth.

Jamie comes in shortly after. He doesn't notice my staring because he's too busy staring at Noah himself. Something has been off between the two but I'm not going to pry into it. Noah will tell me if he wants me to know.


"Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly.

There is warm air being blown directly onto my feet and it feels absolutely wonderful.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Because you seem sad?" I ask and answer at the same time because his statement just threw me.

"Oh." Is all he says. I've never really known Noah to be this unconfrontational. Usually he'll just spill everything out willingly or at least tell me why he's not spilling it out willingly. Now he's acting like Jamie, and I don't like it one bit.

"What's wrong?"

"Me and Jamie got into a fight."

"What?!" I let my mouth hang open long after the words have left it.

"It doesn't matter. He's an idiot, and anyway I'm not talking to him until he talks to you so don't worry." He shoots me the first genuine smile since the start of the car ride and I'm afraid that we might crash by how tight his eye smile becomes.

"Stop the car."

"What?! Why?" He asks, but obeys nonetheless.

It took me a while to realize the full scale of the monopoly I have over Noah. He views me as a little sister who he's determined to spoil rotten. I don't abuse my power that much though.

We end up pulling up just across from a bus stop. If my memory is correct, which it usually is, the next bus comes in about seven minutes.

There is a light dust of snow covering everything including the bench. The wintry scene outside contrasts with the cozy feeling Noah and his Lamborghini provide me with.

I reach for the door handle and he stops me by placing his hand over mine.

"What are you doing?" His close proximated, stretched out form takes me by surprise.

I take the time to think about his being for a brief moment. He has the caring yet sassy personality that girls with gay best friend fetishes dream about. Yet, he has the face and demeanor that cougars pay hard cash for.

"I'm getting out and I'm going to ride the bus home." My small fingers fidget under his large ones. "You're going to go back and make up with Jamie."

He laughs a bit before suddenly allowing his face to harden, as if just now realizing that I am serious.

"I don't care what it was about, but you guys need to put whatever it is aside and remember that you love each other."

He rolls his eyes. "It's not that simple."

It's my turn to roll my eyes. "Ugh, you sound like him."

"No I don't!" He sounds like a stubborn child.

I force my lips into a scowl to prevent myself from laughing at how cute he's being. "Just talk it out with him."

"I can't." His eyes drop from mine.

"Why not?!" I would throw my arms up in frustration but he's in the way and if I tried it would just look clumsy and I can't look like a fumbling fool while I'm trying to stand my ground.

"Because Jamie doesn't want to admit that he-!"

"No, no, no! I don't wanna hear it! You told me that you got in a fight with Jamie, not that Jamie got in a fight with himself." I interject. "That means that this is partially your fault and that you need to make an effort to fix this as well."

He places his forehead against mine before delivering a few butterfly kisses with his long eyelashes. I stifle a laugh and try my best to ignore the color flushing my cheeks as I push him away by his chest.

He pouts from now finally fully in his seat.

"Make up with Jamie!" I command as I step out of the car and close the door behind me.

"No, he's an idiot!" He shouts back after slightly rolling down the window and stretching out again across the passenger seat. "You better make it home safely missy!"

I nod my head at his sudden scolding.

He says goodbye and mumbles something about me being bad before driving away.

I don't really know if he's going to apologize to Jamie or not but hopefully he does because it's freezing cold out here and I don't want to have pulled that entire defiant stint for nothing. I eye my cell phone and see that it has only been three minutes yet I already feel like my toes are just ten little ice cubes aligned at the tip of my shoes. I'm trying to defrost my nose, when I notice a car pulling up directly in front of me.

I look up and it's not Noah.

As soon as one of the heavily tinted windows roll down my eyes nearly pop out of my skull at the woman behind the wheel.

She's stunning.

Her cat like eyes, that seem to see right through me, are topped with a thick black wing. Her lips are a shade of red that I've only ever seen on the freshest of roses. Her long black hair is sleeked and resembles a curtain, pushed to the side as to not distract from her beauty.

"Wow." I say, embarrassing myself.

"Get in." As she speaks I notice the small beauty mark below her mouth before I notice the words she's actually saying.

"Pardon?" Her presence makes me want to appear as proper and formal as possible, as if not to be unworthy of it.

I hear the familiar click of a door unlocking and before I know it she's ushering me in.

"Seatbelt." She reminds.

I struggle to put it on because I don't want to some how scuff her imported leather seats or put a scratch on the tip of the belt that was probably made out of 100% Dutch titanium.

"Um excuse me, but who are you?" I ask, hesitating like I'm playing a game of Jenga.

"What's your name?" She asks, completely ignoring my question as she turns the steering wheel down an unfamiliar intersection.

"Rosalina. Where are we-"

"Last name?" The fact that she's asking must mean she's from an important family.


She rises an on fleek eyebrow at me.


"I heard you. I just don't know the significance of that name."

"Oh it's not significant."

"I know that much." She's rude. Great.

"Am I supposed to be significant or something?"

"I thought you'd be at least a bit more esteemed, sorry I overestimated you." She was seriously like the female version of Mark.

"Sorry to disappoint you." I mumble.

"It's not a disappointment I just wasn't expecting it."

"Was I supposed to be someone else- wait where are we?" I take not of the exquisite edifice we're currently parked outside of.

"Come inside, I'll explain." She opens her door and begins strutting out, her heels clanking with each step.

She has a certain air about her that makes me want to obey every word she says, or else.

Soon, we're both inside of the restaurant.

"Your reserved table is here Ms. Annigan."

Her last name is Annigan. I kind of want to be rude and say something like I've never heard of it before, because I haven't, but at the same time I'm pretty out of the loop when it comes to things like that so I'd probably just end up making myself look stupid.

Another thing that caught my attention was the fact that the waiter said 'reserved'. That along with everything she told me in the car about her unmet expectations means that she was planning this entire thing. That's it, she's a spy!

I nervously sit across from her at the fancy table before eyeing the menu.

I have never seen so many words that I could not pronounce. If I try to order anything I'll look like an uncultured idiot in front of Ms. Annigan! I can't loose anymore face than I already have even if she is a spy.

"What will you have to drink Ms. Annigan?"

"I will have the Royal DeMaria over ice."

"And you ma'am?" The waiter turns to me and I flip.

"Um, Sprite."

Both the waiter and Ms. Annigan stifle a laugh at me. I look around partly to hide the blush on my cheeks but also to see if we've caught the attention of anyone else here.

All of the other guests here are eloquent to say the least. One lady is wearing a white fur shaw and another, a pearl necklace. The man across from her has sparkling diamonds just in his cuff links. I'm wearing my school uniform, which would be a sign of prestige on the subway or anywhere else, but not here. Ms. Annigan is dressed in a chic all black suit, perfect spy wear.

An idea comes to mind and I roll with it before giving it a second thought. "I'll have what she's having."

The waiter cocks an eyebrow at my uniform "Excuse me but how-"

"She'll have what I'm having." Ms. Annigan interrupts with a smirk, or is it Mrs. Annigan? She appears to be in her early twenties but young marriages are not uncommon in the business world.

"Are you married?" I ask in the most casual manner possible.

"I'm soon to be engaged." She says with a tight smile.

"Oh, who's the lucky guy?" I realize I'm starting to sound a bit like she is my lesbian crush but it's really just my curiosity, I think.

"You know him."

My eyes widen. Who could I know that could marry a woman like her, or better yet who do I know that would be tied down like that? Not Mark, not Leo, not Noah, not Cameron, and certainly not Jamie.

"His name is-"

The waiter is the one to interrupt her this time. "I'll be right back with your drinks."

She nods and he walks away leaving us alone.

"So you're a student at Wellsworth Academy."

"What?!" How does she know that? She's definitely a spy, or even a secret agent! I should've known better than to trust her. I wonder if this restaurant has a back door, or a restroom with a window that I can sneak out of.

I'm just about to excuse myself when I'm startled by her raising up her hand. She takes one of her long manicured fingers and points it at my chest.

Suddenly more self conscious than ever I look down expecting to see a stain where I unfortunately spilled something on myself.

"Your uniform."

"Oh." Makes sense. She doesn't need to use her spy senses because my uniform has the school emblem on it, silly me. "What is your name, Annigan?"

She sits up straighter as if preparing a big reveal. "My name is Emerald Annigan."

I still have no idea who she is.

"How do you know me?"

"We are aquatinted with the same people."

I want to pry in deeper but the waiter arrives with our drinks and I get that excited kid in a candy store feeling before taking my first sip.

It tastes like sweet poison.

It burns my throat as I choke on it. I hear a few snickers from above me and begin to wonder what drugs the two conspired to put inside of me.

"What is that?!" I choke.

"It's what you ordered ma'am."

"Royal DeMaria, one of the most expensive wines in the world."

I stop choking enough to let my mind wrap around what they just said. Wine, as in alcohol, as in the adult beverage, as in I'm underaged!

"What?! I'm 16?!"

They laugh again as if I'm kidding.

"You're so cute." Emerald shocks me with her comment as well as her lack of accountability.

"What would you like to eat?"

"I'll have the smoked foie gras." She says like she's ordered and pronounced it a thousand times.

I on the other hand am struggling not to embarrass myself again. "I'll have the...?" Failure.

"Do you perhaps need more time?"

"Order whatever you want! It's no problem at all."

Whatever bad feelings I had towards her melt away as she says this. I order five different entres and seven different appetizers. Good thing too, because all of the so called "meals" are about the size of my fist at largest. One literally just looks like half a fillet of fish topped of with two strands of grass and three dots of mustard. Luckily it tastes better than it looks and I begin to regret that I didn't order that same dish three times.

"I'm guessing you like it." Emerald laughs.

I nod my head since my mouth is still full, before moving on to the next dish.

"I must say that I've never seen a female of your stature put away so much food."

I'm about to speak when I remember what she said earlier and piece it together with her gender specifications just now. "Do you know Noah Delaney?"

"Yes." She says taking a sip from her wine. She even holds the glass with prestige.

I bite my cheeks before letter the uncanny words roll off of my tongue. "Is he your fiancé?"

If she hadn't turned at the last second I would've received a DeMaria spit shower.

She pats her mouth dry with a napkin as I stare in awe at her being the one who is losing face this time.

"You don't get to ask anymore questions." She says after a short coughing fit.

I pout before poking around at my now empty plates.

"I like you."

I stare at her with saucer-like eyes.

"I know, I'm surprised by it as well. I didn't expect for you to be this charming." She adds. "Now I see why he likes you."

If Noah isn't her fiancé then why does she keep talking about him, and who; that I know, is? "Who-?"

"Ah- you don't get to ask any more questions remember?"

I nod my head. I still have no idea who she is.

"Now, I'm going to go." She places her card on the table. "I could give you a ride home if you want..."

I nod my head more profusely this time, before double checking if there is any food left on our plates.


"Here's my number." She hands me a white strip of paper and for a moment I remember the dares.

Today Cameron had to learn how to ride a unicycle. Hours and a bruised knee later he managed to stay balanced on it long enough for it to count.

"Don't save my name."

"Then how am I supposed to know who you are?"

"That's the point." She says with a wink of her cat eye.

Inside, I put in her number and save it

As Spy.


Author's Note: I have good news and good news?
1. There will be a surprise once this story reaches 3k.
2. I'm updating weekly now!!! Confetti party woot woot!

Thanks for reading be sure to COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE! Love you, Chu~

"Do you know how good of a liar I am?"

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