Something More

By NekoPikachu

82.7K 3.1K 500

A Kevedd (Kevin x Edd) Fan-fiction: He looked down at me, the same expression from earlier. His eyes flickere... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Four

3.3K 156 13
By NekoPikachu

I moaned from a thundering pulse, beating my head. Worried, I reached up and brushed back my dark hair as it hung gently over my eyes. I sighed. Feeling my shirt cling to my pale body.
Sweat. Filthy.

I thought weakly, trying to regain my senses.
"Double Dork." A familiar voice announced beside me, I turned my head. My hair brushed my shoulders. "What happened to your head?"

I froze to his words and sure enough in his hand he held my black, white stripped hat. I could feel my cheeks pale, then redden to his words.

Before I answered I snatched it from his grasp, pulling it on backwards. I hadn't meant to do that but it was better than having my head exposed to someone as frightening as Kevin.
"Edd?" He asked.

I wasn't sure what I was more shocked by. Kevin calling me Edd, him seeing my scar, or me being alone with him.

"Please don't tell anyone." I whispered, and for a fleeting moment I wasn't sure if he had heard me or not.

His face darkened a few notches. "I don't care. It isn't my business." He frowned, snapping hatred at me.

I flinched.

Seconds ticked by and I felt so embarrassed I tugged my hat down until it covered the majority of my cheeks, which I knew from spending time with Kevin were blazing a bright red. I had finally figured out why, though I refused to admit it.

"Dork." He asked, but from his confident tone it sounded more like a statement than a question.

"Yes Kevin?" I answered nervously, peeking from the bottom of the hat. He wasn't looking at me but towards the distance, his eyes never focused on one thing.

I worked up my courage to raise the fabric until my eyes were fully visible, turning it until it was on the right way. My blush cooled down but I wasn't sure by how much.

"Did you really steal Sarah's Diary?" His voice was low, his eyes narrowed from his thoughts. I hadn't expected that question. It finally occurred to me what had actually happened. I fainted, that's right. My breath was knocked out by Ed. My balance taken from Kevin and landing on my face and knees didn't help either.

My palms rubbed my chin and mouth. A thin bandage covered the skin. The material was so transparent I could have never noticed it.

"Dork?!" He raised his voice. His eyes flickered to me and I realized I hadn't answered his question.

"My apologies but no. I didn't realize she was missing it until this morning. I was going to return it to her but she seemed to take me having it the wrong way." I didn't add that Eddy actually took it. Or admit that I hadn't found it outside, but he didn't ask.

I frowned realizing something. "Is Sarah alright?" My question took Kevin by surprised. He looked off into the distance again.

"Shes angry, like murder angry. You screwed up Dork."

I sighed with regret. "I have to talk to her." I spoke after a few minutes, I shifted my body until I was standing up.

"Why?" I was nearing the door, lifting my bag as I moved. I wonder who grabbed it for me. "Do you like her back or something?" That caught me off guard.

"Well recently, I discovered that I don't actually like-" My words were cut off by an older voice, one I recognized.

"Hello Miss." I greeted the nurse in a polite voice. She smiled as she always had.

"Going back to class Eddward?" I nodded in response. "You missed first and second period but I made sure to call and excuse you personally." She began to turn away before acknowledging Kevin with her eyes. "I excused you too, it's nice knowing Eddward has a friend." There was warmth in her words. I felt my cheeks burn, if only slightly.

She turned and began walking away once again. Her blonde white hair waved as she moved. Something I always liked about longer hair. 

Once she left I knew Kevin noticed my burning face. I had been so close to telling him. What was wrong with me?!?

Eddy and Ralf had a hard time choking down the concept of two same gendered people being together. Why would Kevin be any different?
The bell rang but none of us move.

Honestly I didn't notice until Kevin cleared his throat and stood up.

"I'm gonna' head to class Dork. Coach doesn't look at tardies too well." Walking past my still body he patted my shoulder. "I'll talk to Sarah." Then he was gone.

I took his farewell as a sign to head to my own class. But I was embarrassed to remember it was the same as his, I purposely took a different, longer route, barely arriving before the bell rang. It was worth not having to watch Kevin walk in front of me the entire way.

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