Something More

By NekoPikachu

82.7K 3.1K 500

A Kevedd (Kevin x Edd) Fan-fiction: He looked down at me, the same expression from earlier. His eyes flickere... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Two

5K 169 32
By NekoPikachu

'Oh dear,' My mind spun as voices immediately surrounded me.

"Perfect timing," Lee's words caught my attention. Her unruly red curly hair blocked most of her face, making her look scarier than she would have been.

I flinched unwillingly. 'Man up Eddward!' I mentally berated myself, but I knew it wouldn't help.

"Marie's sick, you can be just the thing to make her feel better." My eyes widened.
May, the blonde Kanker sister, grabbed my arm. I resisted, twisting my wrist and elbow trying to escape, but her hold was crushing. Even Ed wasn't that rough.

"Come on!" May trudged, pulling my body, which wasn't much bigger than hers, over her shoulder. How can a girl have that much strength? Did all the sisters get pushed into a vat of nuclear waste and immediately get super human strength? I groaned inwardly. Spending all this time with Ed was starting to take its toll on me.

The two sisters walked quickly towards what should be a quarantined area, but it wasn't. Their door was wide open and the sound of groaning and sneezing could be heard from the depths of their home.

"Um.. Ladies, please, you don't understand how many viruses and bacteria could be lurking in the air. We could all become infected!" My voice nearly became a shout as I spoke, I tugged the top of my orange t-shirt to cover my mouth as a feeble attempt to protect myself.

May laughed. "Marie always did like the weird ones." She giggled.

Lee smirked but shook her head. "You don't have much room to talk." She rolled her eyes.
"Like Eddy's any better?" She retorted, half offended.

"At least Eddy comes up with the ideas, what does Ed do?"

"He protects Eddy from the other kids." May snapped, silencing them both.

"Ladies?" They ignored me, I could feel my body begin to shake.

"Lee? May? Where did you guys go?" A barely audible voice resonated as we lingered outside. Not even the sisters wanted to enter. This must be horribly contagious.

"Welp, go ahead." May announced almost launching me into the mobile home. The door slammed behind me.

"Hello?" A soft voice asked. It sounded fragile and innocent. This couldn't be Marie, right?
Keeping the fabric of my shirt over my nose and mouth I began to walk through. The bathroom. A make-shift kitchen. The entire place was filthy but I refrained from cleaning. The situation was drastic. Small animals scurried across the floor and a thick fog like substance coated the air.

"Marie, is there an exit?" I asked aloud, knowing it was a long shot of receiving the answer I desired.

"Edd? Double D?" I got instead.

"Yes, your sisters seemed to have kidnapped me." I answered, my voice apologetic, it wasn't her fault. Neither is it her sisters, they're only worried. It still didn't help the inconvenience.
I followed the voice, slowly. The floor shook beneath me, it certainly has been a while since I was in here. I remembered the scam Eddy tried pulling off a couple of months ago at the beginning of summer. The flying rocket car. The plan was to give kids short rides and charge a quarter for the ride. I'll admit his plans were getting more elaborate the more time that passed but it didn't help how much more difficult it was to make them. I always had, but it never worked, mostly because of Eddy and his impatience or Kevin, the neighborhood bully and his unintentional interceptions. I smiled at the ironic joke, Kevin being a jock and all.

I pushed the door open with my shoulder, careful not to touch the handle with my hands.

The bundle of blankets on the bed moved slowly to my words. The girl that sat up was nothing like I remembered her to look. She was paler. No makeup and white plain clothes made her pretty. Something I've never associated with Marie. Her hair was still the same vivid shade of blue, that made her skin look all the more washed out.

"What are you doing here, come to take care of me?" I opened my mouth to say no. The plan was to find an exit and politely excuse myself. But the innocent pleading in her eyes cut my words off.

I sighed through my shirt. "Yes."

I was there for an indefinite amount of time. I left my watch and cell phone at home; thinking that I wouldn't need it. I managed to organize the small house enough to make it only fractionally less uncomfortable. The clothes were soaking in the sink and the counters and floor were scrubbed.

Marie had fallen asleep what I estimated as hours ago. The entire experience made my head ache and my stomach clench from the near disgusting memory. If it had been someone else who had done it I would have left then.

"Really?" Marie exclaimed.

"Yes, I'll stay a while longer." I dropped my shoulders in an awkward shrug, but kept my shirt up over my mouth. She tilted her head, her hair waved cutely over her face.

"You can clean if you want too, I know this makes you uncomfortable." I nodded, I'll admit, slightly too excitedly.

She smirked but pulled the blanket higher over her chest as she shivered.

"Soup?" She pleaded. Her eyes were wide and her hands came together in a praying motion in front of her. I didn't know if she was religious, but from the look in her eyes I could tell she was begging.

I nodded. And a small sigh escaped her lips before she laid back down.

I made her soup with the food or lack there of in the fridge and cabinets. Tomato soup was relatively easy and although I don't typically make it, I think it came out quite nicely.
Once finishing I walked into Marie's room. But there was something about the air that was different.

"Marie?" At the sound of my voice she sat up. Her hair was disheveled in thick strands that stuck up randomly. "Here's your soup."
Walking carefully over I handed her the bowl.

She smiled but watched me inquisitively. "Why is your shirt up?" She wondered tugging it down until my mouth and nose was uncovered.

I flinched but there was nothing but understanding in her eyes.

I was silent.

Ever so slowly she leaned towards me. My eyes widened until her lips brushed mine.
My body jerked instinctively until my back slammed against the wall. The cabinet fell on my head, revealing a small window.

"Ow!" I winced rubbing the top of my hat.
Marie only looked at me confused. Her cheeks were red and she seemed hurt.

"Excuse me." At that moment I swiftly walked out of the room, after closing the door behind me I ran to the kitchen sink.

I grabbed the soap and scrubbed my hands and mouth, immediately washing my lips and tongue.

The sickly green complexion on her skin made me wash until my skin turned red.

I sighed and shook out my wrists.

I remembered the last conversation I had with my dad, directly, before they left on their trip.

"Eddward, don't worry I know once you meet the right woman you'll kiss her and your world will stop."

"I'll die?!?" I remembered my high pitch voice.
My mom chuckled from the kitchen.

"No you'll care so much about the girl everything will slow down and feel wonderful." He correct and I smiled.

"What if I don't like the girl?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"You'll get a tingling and feel kind of warm. I guess." He added with a smirk.

That was several years ago and even now, when I get weekly calls it isn't the same.

This kiss wasn't like that. It left me breathless but from fear that if I inhaled anywhere near her I would vomit.

My stomach felt warm from the ultimate need to gag. I tried to imagine the cute, partially hurt, look she gave me afterwards but it didn't excite me or leave me wanting like my dad tried to say.

What was wrong with me?

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