Empty Lakes

By UntaintedLove

200 15 4

Back in the day I used to write poetry. I am so sorry for these crappy poems. ☯ Credit to @feelingthesparks f... More

Collection of Poems
Empty Lakes
My Eve

Loves' Definition

27 4 0
By UntaintedLove

Define love.

Is it the glazed eye ridden of hatred or the uplifted creased smile of knowledge?

Is it the affection a mother possesses for her first born; adoration?

Or is it the passion lovers dwell upon?

They say love holds no boundaries; it is a just leader of fate.

But to the forged eye who has observed the outcomes of love from afar, love is a tyrant.

A plague of Egypt with no saviour to rid the innocent of its grasp.

A foul demon prowling, stalking his prey.

Love exists, but alas, love is a façade.

An illusion to hide the scars of battle.

For love is ugly, and seeks beauty through lust and passion.


I haven't witnessed love first hand, but I have seen marriages break and violence like no other. Where's love then?

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