My Bestfriend's Brother

By pizzaislife51014

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Moving To A New State Is One Thing But Falling In Love With Your Bestfriend's Twin Brother Is A Whole Other S... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31: Together
Sequel (3): College
The final Sequel

chapter 15

11.3K 265 21
By pizzaislife51014

My Bestfriend's Brother Chapter 15:

"Mom do I have to go"

"Yes , you know we always have dinner with them once in a while"

"I know but we can miss it at least once" I fix my hair

"Come on now sweetie its our thang now put a smile on your face and lets go"

Remember how I told you my mom has dinner with Anthony's parents well we gotta go over there today and its gonna be awkward so I invited my Bestfriend Sam.

Anthony never met sam and Stephanie still thinks were going out still.

"Tell sam to hyrry up"

We walk over to Anthony's house , I do not wanna see his jerkful yet sexy face!

Maybe hes not gonna be eating with us , he never does things with his parents , he doesn't being around them when there together acting like a happy couple.

We get in there house and I could feel eyes watching me

I turn my head and sure enough its Anthony sitting on the couch looking at me

My mom leaves me in here with him all alone while she helps his mom in the kitchen

I sit down and pull my phone out

He just keeps looking at me

"Can you stop"

"Stop what"

"Staring at me its weird"

"Just gotta lot on my mind and looking at you makes it go away"

"I dont want you staring , looking at me , I dont even wanna talk to you"

"I need to talk to you"

"No , you dont need to , you beted to" I shake my head and look down

"Lauren I didn" the door bell rings and interrupts him

"Get the door Anthony" his mom yells from the kitchen

He gets up and answers it "I think you got the wrong house" I hear him say

It must be sam , I get off the couch and go to the door

"Hey" sam says to me

"Hey" I hug him

Anthony just keeps looking back and forth at me and sam

I grab sams hand and walk to the living room , Anthony closes the door a little hard and follows behind us

I sit on the couch with Sam and Anthony sits on the other couch just watching us like a over protective dad would

Sam whispers to me "im guessing thats him"

I whisper back in his ear "yup , good guesser"

"Im sam" he looks at Anthony

"Anthony" Anthony says grilling sam

I can tell sam wanted to say something rude but he didnt for me.

And im glad he dont cause then there will be a fight.

Anthony takes his phone out and pays no mind to us

"Come and eat"

We all get up and go sit at the kitchen table , Anthony sits across from me while sam sits next to me

"Hey I just noticed Stephanie isn't here" I look at Anthony's mom

"She is with her boyfriend , she said it was important"

"Yea important" Anthony says under his breath

We start eating , Anthony's dad isn't here either

"Hows you mom doing sam" my mom says

"Oh shes good , she was asking about you two" sam says

"Oh well tell her ill give her a call , I heard you got a job"

"Yup finally"

"Where" Anthony snaps a little

"Anthony thats none of your business" his mom says

"No its okay" he laughs "I work at a restaurant as a waiter"

"Very nice" Anthony mom says and my mom nods in agreement

"I work too" Anthony speaks again

We all look at him

"Yup I do"

"And what might that be" his mom says

"I work at McDonald's"

"Hmm interesting , how come you didn't tell me" his mom says

"I dont have to tell you everything" he gives attitude

"Enough with the attitude"

"Enough with my attitude? Enough with dad"

"Excuse me" she drops her fork on the plate

"You heard me mother"

They both stare at each other , Anthony gets up and leaves outside

His mom just looks down at her plate "im sorry" she gets up and starts cleaning up the plates

"Let me help you , Lauren do me a favor?" My mom says

"Yea anything"

"Can you go check on Anthony please"

I wanted to say no I really did but even though he was a jerk to me I still care for him....

"Sure" I look at sam

"I will help them" he starts cleaning up the plates

I grab Anthony's sweater and put it on , its kinda cold outside

I see him walking down the street

"Hey wait up" he keeps walking

I walk next to him and try to walk at his pace

"You didn't have to check on me"

"I wanted to"

"No you didnt" he just keeps walking

I grab his arm and sit him down on the bench

"I did"

"What made you snap like that" I look at him


"Just tell me"

"You and my mom and other things on my mind"


"Yes you"

"Why me , I should be the one who should be snapping for having you on my mind"

"Just forget it" he shouts a little

I sit back on the bench and we stay quiet

"Well I just wanted to check if you was okay and to see if you wasn't gonna make a stupid mistake because your mad"

"Im fine" he keeps staring across the street


"Okay" he says and I look at him and hes already looking at me

"Lauren" I hear Sam say my name

"Y-yea" I slowly take my eyes off Anthony and get up

"Im over here"

Sam walks down to me

Anthony turns his head

"Your mom wants you" he grabs my hand

"Okay" I start walking with Sam

I look back and see Anthony looking at us holding hands

"Your mom doesn't actually want you" he smiles

"Really?" I laugh

"Yea and I grabbed your hand on purpose too"

"Your awesome" I laugh

"I know , I know"

"Well thanks for doing that cause for a moment there I was abouta do something stupid"

"I figured you was thats why I came over"

"Oh you figured so Mr.I figure things out , what was I gonna do?"

"You and him were gonna kiss"

"You know me to well" I smirk at him

"Yea to well" we stop at the front of my house

"Im goin home ill text you" he hugs me

"Not if I text you first"

"That was lame" he says

"I totally messed that up" we both start laughing

He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away

I go to open the door until he turns back around

"Oh by the way lauren"

"What samuel (sam)"

"You still have his sweater on" he turns back around and starts walking

I got so comfortable wearing it , I forgot I had it on.

I will just give it back to him when ever I see him , dont wanna keep it.

Hey guys. I kinda like this chapter I don't know.

Tell me your thoughts.

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