The Tail of Katherine Boots

By Lexa_Skywalker

7.6K 124 46

Ever After High a school for the- We already know all that Narrator! Hi I'm Katherine (aka Kate or Kat) and... More

Chapter 1 First Day
Chapter 2 Arriving at School
Chapter 3 Royal and Rebel Roommates?
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 A sword in Damsel-in-distressing class?
Chapter 6 Calling Home
Chapter 8 Frenemies?

Chapter 7 Mirrorpad Troubles

463 7 1
By Lexa_Skywalker

Male Narrator

The rest of the rest of the week passed without incident, Kat attended her classes and finished her thronework on time, keeping herself out of trouble just like she had promised her mother she would.  Even if it was boring.


I sighed as I sat in the Castleteria and stared listlessly out the window.  School had only been back for a week and I was already over it.  All I wanted to do was go home so that I didn't have to think about classes or thronework or this stupid Royal vs Rebel situation that seemed to be making everyone a little less like themselves.  Well almost everyone anyway.

"Hey Kat!"  Maddie said as she skipped over to the table and sat down beside me.  "What's the hatter?"

"Hey Maddie."  I gave her a small smile.  "I'm ok."

"Oh come on, I can see there's something bothering you."

"Well...  To be honest I'm over school."

"Over school?  But we've only been back a week."

"Yeah I know."  I sighed and slumped.  "I just miss home.  School doesn't feel the same with this whole Royals vs Rebels thing."

"Just try to ignore it, it's not like any of us hate each other, everyone's just being a little crazy at the moment."  Maddie pulled a face, crossing her eyes which made me laugh.

"I guess you're right.  Thanks for cheering me up."

"You're welcome."  She grinned.

I was about to say more when the bell rang, "I guess that means I'd better get going to Geografairy."

"Have fun!"  She replied as I stood up then headed off to class.

Geografairy wasn't my favourite subject, but it wasn't my least favourite either.  I made sure to take notes on everything that Mr Nimble said and was keeping up well, until my mirrorpad suddenly decided to stop working and the screen froze.

Curses!  How am I meant to take notes now?!

I had misplaced my book for this class in my dorm somewhere, so I had nothing else to write on, and the people sitting around me didn't look to have any spare paper.  With no other option, except to sit there and do nothing, I slowly raised my hand.

"Yes Miss Boots?"  Mr Nimble asked.

"Sir, my mirrorpad has frozen.  Would it be ok if I went to IT to get it fixed?"

"You may do that after class."  He replied.  I opened my mouth to plead, but he cut me off, "For now just pay attention to the class.  I'm sure one of your fellow classmates can provide you with a copy of the rest of the notes that you are unable to take down."

"Yes sir."  I replied quietly and looked down at my desk.  Clearly luck just wasn't on my side today.

When the class finally finished I packed up my things and headed to the door, I was about to leave when someone called out to me.


I turned around Cedar hurried over to me, "Hey Cedar."

"Hi, I just wanted to say that, if you want, I could send you the rest of the notes from today's lesson."

"Are you sure?  I don't want to inconvenience you."

"It won't be a problem, you did help me the other day with Tall Tale Studies, remember?  Let me return the favour."

"Thanks Cedar, you're amazing."  I smiled at her.

"You're welcome."  She smiled back.  "I'll send it to you now, you should be able to see it when your mirrorpad is fixed.

"Thanks a bunch.  Now I'd better go and see if I can get this thing fixed, see you later."

"Bye."  We waved to each other as I walked away.

I headed to the Mirror Lab to see if there was someone there who might be able to help me get my mirrorpad fixed, and when I got there I was surprised to find none other that Humphrey.

Female Narrator

Humphrey Dumpty is the son of the famous Humpty Dumpty.  The very same Humpty Alexander Dumpty who betrayed Katherine's father, Puss in Boots.

Male Narrator

Of course they did forgive each other by the end of their story.

Female Narrator

But Humphrey and Katherine are destined to be frenemies.


Humphrey was doing something on one of the computers and I didn't want to just barge in, so I stood just inside the door and cleared my throat, expecting the noise to alert him to my presence.  It didn't work.  Thinking that he probably didn't hear me, I cleared my throat again, a little louder this time.  Still nothing.  Rolling my eyes I decided,

What the hex.

And walked over.  If I frightened him then I would just apologise.

"Hi Humphrey."  I said once I was standing beside him.

He jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh!  Uh, hi, Katherine."

"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok.  What can I do for you?"

"My mirrorpad froze in the middle of Geografairy and I was hoping that maybe you could fix it?"  I asked politely.

"Well...  Sure, I could take a look at it."  He nodded and I handed him my mirrorpad.

"Thanks Humphrey."

"You're welcome, but there is no guarantee that I will be able to fix it."

"That's ok, I just need someone to try."  I understood that technology could be tricky to work with, but I was grateful that he was nice enough to give it a go and help me out.

"That I can do."

"Thanks again, should I um...  Stick around or should I leave you to it and come back later?"

"I don't mind."

"Oh ok."  I felt a little awkward, unsure about what to do.  Should I stay and try to talk to him or just go and do something else for awhile?  I pulled out my phone to check the time, I would likely have a while before my friends would be able to hang out and Geografairy had been my last class for the day, so aside from studying there was nothing that I really needed to do...  But as much as I didn't really think it was necessary, I knew that I should take every opportunity to get my study done.  So I smiled at Humphrey and gave a slight shrug of my shoulders.  "I should probably get to studying for my Hexonomics class, but I'll come back to check on my mirrorpad."

"Ok, see you later then, Katherine."

With that I left the Mirror Lab and headed back to my dorm to study.  Felicia was busy so I had the room myself which meant that I had some nice peace and quiet so that I could get plenty of studying done then go and check on my mirrorpad later.

Male Narrator

Frenemies, huh?  They don't seem much like frenemies to me.

Female Narrator

Oh just keep watching, you'll see.


Another chapter finished, yay!  What did you think?  Did you like it or dislike it?  I'd love to know! Keep your eyes out for the next chapter- there might just be some drama!

As always, thank you for taking the time to read my story, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

- Lexa

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