•Survival Of The Fittest• |Ow...

By DarellyLucero

64.7K 2.1K 243

•You better run in this wild jungle• Aella Grant will be tested on her knowledge of survival. Running from Ve... More



2K 78 3
By DarellyLucero

Disclaimer: All movies of Jurassic Park are not mine. In some parts if the dialogue looks the same with the movies, well it is. I only own the character of Aella. And some parts of her life. Try to enjoy this. With Love Darelly.  

⇛ 12.0

Everyone was running through the forest, trying to keep up with the Grants. They hadn't even have time to ask what was happening.

"What's a raptor?" Amanda asked Paul but he had no idea.

"They don't look that big. I mean, comparatively" Udesky said.

"If we came across one, we might live" Alan told them.

Relieved for a moment Paul spoke "Well that's good" immediately Aella talked.

"But you never came across just one" the girl said scaring Paul.

"Wait! Where's Billy?" Amanda asked looking around making everyone stop.

"Billy" Alan shouted "Billy."

"I thought we weren't supposed to yell" the blonde whispered.

Out of nowhere Billy came from the left "Here" excited, he started to tell the Grants "I got some great pictures of the nest. You know this proves raptors raised their young in colonies."

Furious with his student Alan just grabbed Aella from her hand and kept moving. There was no time to stand around and argue.

"This speaks to a larger social structure, the possibility of Darwinian altruism. It changes everything" the young man continued "We could co-write a paper."

"Ah yes, the first rule of academics" Aella said sarcastically "Publish or perish."

Much fatigued, the six now walked upward towards a crest. Panting and flushed, they reached the top of the ridge and gazed into the distance. A jungle valley stretched before them. One building alone seemed to cover several acres was there too. The weary group breathed a sigh of relief.

"I bet there's a very good chance Eric's in there. I'd bet my bottom dollar" Paul said hopeful.

Udesky and the Grants shared dubious looks and continued down into the valley. The group emerged from the jungle and entered the compound. They walked through an overgrown parking lot, littered with abandoned vehicles. Some were lying on their side. And the group finally approached the front doors of an enormous building.

"Eric" Paul called no inside of the building "Are you here?"

"Eric" Amanda shouted. All listened for a response. Nothing. Paul and Amanda exchanged a despondent look.

Sitting on the reception counter was an official-looking telephone. Everyone had the same thought, but no one dared, in the end Aella grabbed it. .

"What the hell" she muttered, hearing nothing "Nothing" she told them.

With Alan in the lead, they headed deeper into the building. A couple vending machines stood at the one end of the long hallway covered with vines. Paul noticed them and pulled change from his pocket.

"Let's see. I've got about a dollar seventy-five" he said counting the money "How about you guys?"

Suddenly Billy smashed in the window of one machine with his boot. Picking through the glass, he pulled out some candy bars and chips. He checked the expiration date.

"Thank God for preservatives" he muttered. He tossed the food to the others. Paul now turned to his own vending machine and smashed it with his foot but the glass refused to break.

The Grants and Billy pushed through a set of doors to see a cavernous hatching facility filled with much of the same equipment from the other island.

"This is how you make dinosaurs?" Amanda asked out loud looking all the machines.

"No" Aella said sighing "This is how you play God."

Billy looked around the lab. He couldn't help but be impressed "Okay if I take pictures?" he asked, Alan nodded in response. Billy sated his lucky camera back down on the worktable.

Amanda was passing a large cylindrical tank with half-formed embryos floating in formaldehyde -- genetic experiments gone awry. Finally she reached a gigantic raptor head floating in the other tank.

Something about this specimen catches Amanda's attention. She bended forward getting very close to the glass. She peered right into the eyes of the nightmarish creature. Then an actual raptor lunged at her from behind the tank making her scream. Fortunately the raptor couldn't get between the closely spaced tanks. Amanda ran to her ex-husband.

"Amanda" Paul shouted.

"Back out" Alan shouted "Move" obeying his words, everyone ran away.

Paul leaded the way, checking the door for possible escape routes or hiding places. Twenty feet behind, the raptor rounded a corner, bolting after them. Paul ducked in the closest door.

"In here" he called.

The group slammed the door behind them and quickly took in the room. There were several rows of oversized steel cages, apparently used for containing young dinosaurs. Many of the cage doors were standing open. The group raced down a lone aisle. Close behind, the raptor burst into the room, roaring. As the Raptor gained ground, Udesky, Paul and Billy ran into one of the open cages, slamming the door behind them.

Alan, Aella and Amanda ducked into another. Before they could swing the cage door shut behind them, however, the raptor slammed into it, driving the door into the cage. They were forced back against a chain-like wall, trapped in a small triangle space by the advancing door. The angry Raptor was now inches away through the cage door.

Then, suddenly, the raptor looked up. The three followed his gaze. The top of their triangular enclose was wide open. The eager raptor climbed up the chain-like door. Catching the tail of an idea, Aella grabbed the door and nodded at Amanda and her father.

"Push" she shouted.

They pushed hard on the cage door, swinging it and the raptor right through the opening of the cage. Now the raptor was trapped in a small triangular space, the door going right to the ceiling. Aella slide the door's bolt through the chain like wall, temporarily trapping the dinosaur.

The raptor struggled desperately, growling and snarling, but the cage door seemed to be holding as everyone rushed back to the door. The raptor began to make a low, haunting moan.

As the others headed for the door, the Gants lingered a step, listening to the beast's simple melodic cry. It had the same tones as came from the model resonating chamber.

"She's calling for help" Alan whispered to his daughter in disbelief.

The group exited the rear of the lab building and found itself in a large equipment yard. The call of the raptor was still audible as they headed for the tree line. Now they moan was answered from distant jungle quarters.

The responses quickly multiplied. To the group's dismay, they soon found themselves virtually surrounded by raptor cries both distant and near. Alan looked around with amazement. It was vindication of his theory on raptor communication, but it couldn't come at a worse time.

Responding to the growls, a herd of grazing hadrosaurs suddenly flees across the open space. Then, in the distance behind the herd a pack of raptors emerged from the jungle, coming their way.

"Head for the trees" Aella shouted starting to run.

The raptor pack moved into the hunting formation. One alpha-male, slightly larger than the others, leaded the charge up the middle. Alan risked a look back but didn't stop running.

"THIS WAY" Alan shouted.

In an effort to escape the oncoming raptors, Alan leaded the group right into the stampeding heard of hadrosaurs. Suddenly, all is chaos. Hadrosaurs raced past, splitting up the group. Letting the others get ahead of him, Alan looked back. Much to his dismay, the raptors were ignoring the hadrosaurs. Indeed, the pack weaves its way through the herd -- the raptors only wanted them.

In the chaos of the stampede, everyone losed sight of each other. Up ahead, Billy tripped and fell. As he rolled the strap on his camera bag broke. He didn't notice it's missing until he's already back on his feet and running.

Amanda and Paul kept close to each other. Further back, Aella spotted Billy's fallen camera back. She grabbed it as she runs past. Looking back, Billy saw that Aella now had his back...

"AELLA" Billy shouted, making Alan look back to at the shout of his daughter name. His eyes widened when he noticed she was far away from him.

"KEEP GOING" she shouted to them but specially her father. They loosed sight of each other in the rush.

As the hadrosaurs whip past, Paul and Amanda climbed up into a tree. A raptor leaped at Paul, barely missing his leg. Trying to pull Paul up, Amanda nearly loses her balance. This time, Paul catches her. Billy and Alan climbed up a nearby tree on their own in sight of Paul and Amanda.

Udesky had nearly reached a tree of his own when he found himself headed of by a raptor. He turned to the other way, but found more raptors. He picked up a fallen branch as these dinosaurs cautiously approached. Not more than a few feet away, the leader of the trio stopped, peering at him.

Udesky swung hard, but the dinosaurs feints. From behind him, another raptor slashed at the back of his legs, severing his muscles. Udesky cried out and dropped to the ground.

In the top of the trees, Paul, Amanda, Alan and Billy could hear him.

"Udesky" Paul called.

"He's this way" Amanda said listening to everything.

Unable to walk, Udesky attempted to crawl away from the animals. The effort clearly caused him great pain. Strangely, the raptors suddenly don't seem interested in him anymore. Rather, they were "talking" among themselves. Udesky was amazed to find himself still alive.

Suddenly, one of the raptors slashed at him again. But it was delicately not a mortal blow, just a very painful one. Udesky cried louder this time.

Hearing the new cry, Paul, Amanda, Alan and Billy moved faster, now finally seeing Udesky on the ground. He was face-down, barely moving but still moaning. The raptors were gone.

In the lead, Amanda started to climb down. But Paul grabbed her, holding her back "It's not safe" he said.

"We have to help him" Amanda argued.

"He's right" Alan said "A predator wouldn't leave a kill wounded."

"He's not a kill, he's still alive" the blonde woman argued. She broke from Paul's grip and dropped to the ground. She was only a foot away from the tree when all four raptors leaded out from their hiding places. They almost catch her as the men pulled her back up on the limb. The raptors stared up at them, angry their plan didn't work.

"They couldn't climb up, so they were trying to get us to come down" Alan told them amazed at their tactics.

"They set a trap" Billy breathed in disbelief "They actually set a trap."

Bored with waiting, the raptors went back to finish off Udesky, making a meal out of it. Up in the branches, the survivors were horrified and sickened.

Then, from the deep in the forest, a new raptor cried out. The feasting raptors looked up, listening, then suddenly run off into the dark jungle.

Paul noticing, he turned at Alan "Where's Aella?"

Alan only looked at him horrified and scared to death, his daughter was gone again.


Here it is chapter number twelve.

Like always I want to know your thoughts about it, so please comment them down below.

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Love you all xxx 

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