Dummies' Guide to Being a Sup...

By marveled

39.9K 3.1K 3.6K

Being a superhero's sidekick was the last thing Gretal Davidson expected, and it was the last thing she wante... More

One: Chillin' Like a Villain
Two: Losers Watch it Happen, Winners Make it Happen
Three: The Heck With Capes
Four: Kick Ass Like a Bad Ass
Five: Never Stop Fighting
Six: Screw Crime, its Justice Time
Seven: Fighting Fuego With Fuego
Eight: Born to Wear The Mask
Nine: In A Serious Pickle
Ten: Fuego to The Rescue
Eleven: Stick Figures
Thirteen: Momma has the Big Guns
Fourteen: Like a Yellow Light
Fifteen: Athena vs. Arachne
Sixteen: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game
Seventeen: Otherwise Known as Fuego
Eighteen: Operation 101: Kick the Spider's Ass
Nineteen: Its a Effing Maze
Twenty: Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherchucker
Twenty-One: Lost it to Trying
Twenty-Two: Lets Do This, Partner
Twenty-Three: Am I Right, Mr. Little-Dick?
Twenty-Four: Lean On
Twenty-Five: You Just Ruined a Perfect Reunion
Twenty-Six: I Promise
Twenty-Seven: A Hero Altogether
Thank You!!
DGTBAS Playlist
{Bonus Chapter #1} Hello From The Other Side
{Bonus Chapter #2} The Girl Who Sees The Stars
{Bonus Chapter #3} Flaming Hot
{Bonus Chapter #4} Praise Kink
{Bonus Chapter #5} The Girl Who Found The Stars
{Bonus Story #1: Unlucky}
{Bonus Chapter #6} Hello and Goodbye
A/N: Im back?

Twelve: Get the Ants Out of Your Pants

894 83 95
By marveled


All we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do is start over."

-Agent Peggy Carter, Captain America.


IF GRETAL SAID THAT SHE wasn't flipping out she would definitely be lying. She stayed in the living room, sitting on the couch with Gabe's head on her lap as he slept. Cooper was on her right, his eyes glancing back and forth from the TV to Gretal.


"Cooper, please. I really need you to be quiet."

His eyebrows narrowed and he stood up, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, I'll be on my way then."

Gretal watched as he left the room and headed straight for the exit. She quickly stood up, gently putting Gabe on the sofa. She opened the door just as it slammed shut and grabbed Doyle's arm. He turned, hazel eyes clouded over.

"What is it, Davidson?"

Gretal eyes narrowed slightly. "I'm sorry. I just need time to think about all of this. My dad, the, um, car accident. Its all overwhelming."

"Don't you see, Gretal," Cooper said gently, "I'm trying to help you. But you're so damn stubborn."

She rolled her eyes, anger bubbling up like boiled water. With one arm crossed over her sling, she glared at him. "I'm being stubborn? For your fucking info, you're the one who's stubborn. I just told you I need some time to take this all in and you tell me I'm stubborn? What the hell! I'm trying to not bring you into this whole mess and I'm trying to get through the fact that fucking villains are attacking my dad's company. And you think you have the right to say I'm stubborn. Yes, I'm stubborn. I cant believe this. I cant believe you. I'm apologizing to you and- uhh. Why are you so fustrating?"

Despite the fierce rant, she leans against the wall and slides down to the floor. And all emotions poured out. Worst emotional roller coaster ever, she thought to herself. What made it all worst was the fact that Cooper just stood there, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Gretal wished he would grow some balls and just leave. Or maybe that's how he showed that he has balls; staying there showed her that he wasn't going to dodge the situation. For some reason, she found that extremely sexy. Gosh, I suck.

Cooper finally did something in those three minutes. He slowly sat beside her, like he was testing the waters. She was sort of thankful for that. He wasn't clingy enough to jump in. Fortunately, he slowly wrapped his arms around her. And Gretal being Gretal, she immediately hugged him back, clinging to the smell of him and the feeling of just having him near. She never felt so desperate before. Then she realized it. Her mom had been desperate for years, clinging to the idea of her loving Alexander Davidson and him loving Mona Cartridge.

Cooper sighed, his breath curling around the strands of her hair. "I'm sorry."

She sniffled, sort of laughing. "You're forgiven. I hope I am too."

He shrugged, a smile forming. "I don't know. . ."

"Oh, shut up, you dork."

Cooper leaned back, glancing down at her. "Do you want me to stay or should I. . . go?"

"Please stay." Then she cleared her throat. "I mean, I wouldn't mind if you, um, stayed."

He flasher her a small grin. Gretal tried not to roll her eyes. She had to be honest with herself (and everyone else in the world): Cooper's arms felt amazing around her. Okay, slow your horses, Davidson.

Cooper slowly stood, his hand reaching to her. She grabbed it and pulled him along, glancing back just to know if he was okay with the idea.

. . . .

John Summers glanced down at the scene, eyes squinting slightly. The fire was already put out, thanks to the fire department. Though something still felt wrong. Then again, everything felt wrong to him. Beatrice glanced up every now and then. When they were always fighting crime together he was the leader. To be honest, he liked it that way. (Wow, he just realized how sexist that sounded. Gretal would kill him right now.)

"Cosby's here." Richards said quietly.

He shook his head, sighing. "Let's go."

Beatrice jumped first, making an twenty-feet-dive to the ground before rolling perfectly. Summers rolled his eyes. "Show off."

He jumped down, almost tripping over a rock. He had no idea what was wrong with the universe today. Gretal got the chance to see him in his glasses and as of right now he's not doing a good job as Electric.

"Hello, Cosby." He mumbled once he reached the van.

"Electric. I see Athena isn't with you." The man gave him a scowl.

"Why would she be? She almost died. I'm guessing you still don't understand the fact that superheroes can get hurt too, huh?"

"Enough." Beatrice glared. "What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like, Trix. I'm looking for Fuego. If he's here his ass is going straight into prison."

John crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "I don't think so. You have zero proof of him being here. He saved one of your heroes the other day. You should appreciate that. You know once someone starts helping me as a sidekick they're part of the S.I.A. unless something happens. Well, that something almost happened. You should thank Fuego that she's not dead."

"I don't have to thank anybody. My team is leaving. I'll see you two soon. Tell Athena its not to late to change her mind."


"Suit yourself, Summers."

With that, Cosby and his men packed up, hopping into the vans that surrounded the scene. Beatrice shook her head, crossing her arms. Her red hair seemed to flare up in the breeze, curling around John's arm.

"This isn't good," she whispered.

He nodded. "No shit, Sherlock."

"Fuck you, Summers."

"Technically speaking, you already did. But if you want to give it a go now I'm okay with that."

"You're so immature. Gretal is more mature than you are."

"Hell no. She's not even mature! You know you dig this, though."

"Oh, shut up."


. . . .

When John and Beatrice came back Gretal was in a frenzy. She immediately ran to them, giving them both a one-arm hug. She stared at them with hopeful eyes, which, FYI, almost killed John.

"So? Was Fuego there?"

"No. Not that I saw him."

She sighed in relief, running a hand through her hair. She nodded slowly, then looked back at them. "Do you mind if I stay the night. Cooper already left and I don't want to bother him, y'know?"

Beatrice smirked. "He's always bothered when you're around."

She glared. "Richards, the sexual jokes aren't really helping you out right now. I don't know if its John influencing you or what-"

"I am." He cut it in.

"-but it has to stop."

Beatrice rolled her eyes. "Where's Gabe?"

"In his room. Cooper carried him for me."

"Aw, how sweet. You should invite him for dinner someday."

"What the hell is wrong with you people? Y'know what, whatever. I'm going to bed. Screw you all. Oh, and John, I hope you get wet dreams tonight."

"Oh, screw you."

. . . .

Gretal woke up to a Gabe Fisher looking down at her with big green eyes. "Good morning."

"Hi. . . How's it going?"

"Your breath stinks."

"I just woke up, Gabe."

"I know."

"Please get off."


Gretal sighed in relief once the pressure was off her body. She slowly stood, knowing that she had to get ready for another day in hell. At least she knows Cooper will be there - crap, what the hell is happening to her?

She slowly spent an hour walking around finding her clothes, showering like a turtle, brushing her hair with Gabe's help, and trying to eat her breakfast without dropping any bacon in her sling. It was sort of fustrating when Beatrice dropped her off, yelling out the window "have a good day" like her mom would. Jeez, Beatrice was like the mother of the warehouse. Then there's the immature father. (*Cough* John *cough*.)

Gretal walked to her locker, sighing sadly when she saw Oscar coming in her direction. "Hey, Rodriguez. Enjoying life so far? How's your eye? Matter of fact, that's not important. How's your family?"

"Shut up, Davidson. I need help with Chemistry."

"Dude, I suck at the dating department. I'm like a moth to a flame. I can barely handle boys with cameras. They make me warm inside."

"If you're going to hookup with Doyle do it somewhere else. I mean Chemistry, a school subject. Which you're good at."

"Thank you. I know I'm smart too."

Rodriguez rolled his eyes. "I'm serious."

"Me too. I have the intelligence of Stephen Hawking." Then she grinned. "KA, KA, KA, KA!"

"Right. I was wondering if you could tutor me."

"Uh, I have a broken arm. Does it look like I could tutor someone?"


Gretal rolled her eyes and opened her lock, reaching up for her Chem book. She struggled putting it in her shoulder bag, while Oscar, the bastard, stood there and watched her in the process. She glared at him once the task was accomplished.

"You're named after a freaking award and you can't even help anyone. What the hell, Rodriguez?"

"That's life. Can you tutor me or what?"

"Fine, but what's in it for me?"

"I'll help you with anything. I'm broke right now. You know why."

"I know. Deal then. Just don't expect me to fall in love with you. I'm off the ballot."


"No. I'm just not interested in you."

He rolled his eyes. "Thanks. But I don't have the hots for you either."

"Good. You have my number. Unfortunately."


"Screw you."

"I thought you weren't interested."

"Its a saying, Oscar."

"Is that would Cooper tells you after you guys do it in the bathroom?"

"Shut the hell up."

Gretal watched as Oscar chuckled, walking away.

Her phone buzzed and she struggled grabbing it out of her bag. And fortunately, Cooper came and grabbed it for her.

"Thank you. You're a life saver, y'know that?"

He grinned, dimples and all. Gretal tried to breathe as she glanced down at her phone, away from Doyle's face.

OSCAR RODRIGUEZ. 8:23 A.M.: u're tutoring me on saturday.

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 8:25 A.M.: im not ur made, rodriguez. ill tutor u when i want to.

OSCAR RODRIGUEZ. 8:26 A.M.: saturday it is. @ 2 pm.

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 8:27 A.M.: did u not read the words i just texted u? ill tutor u when i have the time

OSCAR RODRIGUEZ. 8:29 A.M.: . . . .

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 8:30 A.M.: fine

She glanced up at Cooper, dropping her phone in her bag. "Sorry, that was Oscar Rodriguez. He wants me to tutor him."

Cooper narrowed his eyes slightly. "And you're going to?"

"Yeah. He said he'll help me with anything in return. Its a win win. I mean, yeah, I would rather be paid right now but I'm gonna cut him some-"

"I don't think you should tutor him."

Gretal blinked. She just had an angry text conversation, so she's really not in the mood for arguing. "What?"

Cooper sighed, glancing down. He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking around the hall. Then he looked down at her with his hazel eyes and God, Gretal thought she was going to die. "I don't think he's good for you."

She laughed, wincing slightly when she moved her broken arm. "I'm not dating him. And if I was I wouldn't even be alive right now. I'll probably be in rehab. No offense to the drug addicts out there."

"That's not what I meant. He's a bad influence on you."

"I'm not going to start selling weed on the streets, Doyle. And I know Oscar. He's not a bad influence at all. He's just going through a rough time right now."

"Well, I don't trust him."

"What is up with people and trust?" She shook her head. It was like Cosby and Fuego. Now Cooper and Oscar. They were getting confused about who the bad guy is and to be honest, Gretal is so fucking tired of that. She narrowed her eyes and poked Cooper hard in the chest.

"Don't tell me who I can or can't hang out with. If anything, you don't know a single thing about Rodriguez. Yes, he's been in a rough patch, but don't you ever think he wants to start over? To start good? I think he does. And I'm going to give him a chance. Get the fucking ants out of your pants, Doyle. I know what I'm doing."

She slammed her locker in a rush, walking past Cooper and heading straight to class. If anything, his judgement only made her more pesistent to help Oscar. She grabbed her phone once she was in Chem and quickly sent the bastard a text.

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 8:46 A.M.: y dont i tutor u today?

OSCAR RODRIGUEZ. 8:49 A.M.: rlly? okay.

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 8:50 A.M.: my place. @ 5.


. . . .

It was five on the dot and Gretal sat in her living room watching Bob's Burgers. She yawned, stretching her limbs across the couch. Her mom left only moments ago, jumping excitedly as she left for her cooking class. Apparently, today was her mom's final exam. In a week she would get her diploma or whatever. Gretal could imagine it: Chef Mona Cartridge. Her mom would finally be moving on. And her dad would still be the asshole he is. She was fine with that.

Her doorbell rang and she gave a quick glance at her phone. 5:06. She tsked sadly, standing up and walking towards the door. Oscar stood in the doorway, an agitated expression on his face as he walked in.

"Well, come in." Gretal said dryly.

"Let's get this crap started."

She raised her eyebrows. "Hold it, brother from another mother."

Oscar sent her a disgusted look. "Please don't ever say that again. Ever."

Gretal smirked. "Brother from another mother, I got to get my notebooks. Hold up."

"I regret coming here."

"I know."



"I rather be in detention right now."

"Well, screw you. I try to give you desent company. Chill those ants in your pants."



"Shut the hell up."

. . . .

a/n: omg u should be ashamed in me. i fell so badddddddddddd. like no. . . srry. long update, i know. anyways, so Gretal's mom's name is Mona Cartridge. Whaaa? I was trying so hard to think of a name for her, since I never mentioned it and im like what about Mona. anyways, we actually got to see the POV of John! How fun was that? I was so excited to put that section in and like, John, my boy. my johnny boy. and i hope i made Gretal a lot more funny. I spent my time watching countless 2 Broke Girls episodes to just catch that vibe. I think i accomplished it. And Gretal is tutoring Oscar.. . ? And Cooper is pissed about that. . . ? And there was a #Greper (GretalxCooper) moment! u guys must be happy about that. And i find someone to cast as John! Garrett Hudlund. I saw him in the trailer of Pan and im like, he looks like Johnny boy! And FYI, the quote is related to Gretal's thoughts of Oscar starting over. and the quote is form the captain america comics, not the movies.

okay, so im going to a few more Q&As before i just stop. Probably 3 more. yeah, 3 more Q&As. okay.

Q: If you could ship two characters who aren't already together, who they be?

To me i feel like im going to ship Gretal's mom with someone who isnt Dickhead Davidson. Anyways, ill try to update soon. Oh, and if you havent already, go check out my new story that i started for October called Fright Night. And yes, I know Fright Night is a set of movies. Two, actually. I watched them both. (The old one is kind of lame.) Go check that out if you're interested in vampire slayers and comedy. Until next time, my superheroes

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