
By tonguetide

67K 2.2K 562

Love is such an odd concept. Who would devote their life to one? Why that specific person? What is is about t... More

1::Hannah Banana
2::Hannah Stressed
3::Hannah Goody Goody
4::Hannah Lost
5::Hannah Crazy
6::Hannah Pinched
7::Hannah Mean
8::Hannah Weak
9::Hannah Murdered
10::Hannah Run Away
11::Hannah Exhausted
12::Hannah Ridiculous
13::Hannah Cry Baby
14::Hannah Wins Gold
15::Hannah & the Enigma
16::Hannah Eat the Lobster
17::Hannah Put the Gun Down
18::Hannah Ain't Loco
19::Hannah One of a Kind
20:: Hannah You Imbecile
22::Hannah Montana
23::Hannah the Hopeful
24::Hannah Baby
25::Hannah First
26::Hannah Empty
27::Hannah Hurting
28::Hannah and the Drama
29::Hannah is Loved
30::Hannah Reborn
31::Hannah Go Soft
32::Hannah Fated
33::Hannah Taken
34::Hannah the Castaway
Authors Note
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter::1
Bonus Chapter::2

21::Hannah the Moon

1.4K 66 21
By tonguetide

October 25 2:13 AM

I've come to realize the dark is a vast trap that forces you to think. I think anyone can relate, this thinking is not the good thinking. It's the thinking where your confused where all these dark things had accumulated from and why you even thought of them. They make me feel weak, and that something my body doesn't need at the moment. I'm already sick and I have a concussion, hence the reason I'm not asleep.

"Hey, Hannah, stay with me." Andrews voice rang out.

Andrew, who was in a worse condition than I am, had volunteered to stay up with me. I feel horrible because that boy needs the most sleep. He'd taken a serious beating from the goons. Jerardo bandaged up his own gun wound and then he touched up Andrews. He had a split lip, a shiner, and a bruised and swollen cheek. Not to mention I'm sure he was bruised everywhere else.

"I'm here," I sighed in exhaustion. I sat up, leaning against the boat, opposite of where Andrew sat. We at the back of the small boat and could see the water and the moon reflecting off of it.

He nudged me with his foot. "We're off. Hannah, we made it."

As much as i'd like to agree with him, we're half way there. We're in the middle of the ocean with no sense of direction. We're far from being okay.

"I'm tired," I said mid yawn.

"Stay awake." He said sternly. "I'm serious Hannah."

"Yeah yeah," i muttered. "All I want it sleep though. I've barely gotten any sleep the entire time we've been stranded!"

He sighed, "Hannah, none of us have. I've just been beaten and Jerardo got shot. I think the best thing we need right now is sleep but we can't sleep. Not now."

I rolled my eyes but regretted it, the movement making me nauseous to the point where I do sat up quickly and threw up the contents in my stomach. I felt something pull back my hair, but I hardly paid attention. It felt like I was throwing up my guts. After I finished I wiped my mouth and sat back down, hugging my knees and shutting my eyes quickly. Not only did I have a concussion but I was sea sick.

"I'm tired," I said, for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.

"Look at the moon," Andrew replied, his voice sounding closer than it had before.

I opened my red quickly and noticed how he no longer sat across from me but right next to me, our feet touching.
"It looks like the moon."

"No," he laughed, "It's a blood moon."

Me, now interested in what he has to say, looked up and indeed, there was a blood moon. "Wow...."

"Indeed," he said, turning to face me.

It was then that I realized there was a sudden need to hug him. His lips were plump and red, despite the swollen and bruise, but it was still his lips. Whether damaged or not, it's still him. He stared at me blankly, his face void of emotion. He does that often. He's really hard to read. Me? I'm an open book. I cry easily. I'm stubborn. Ive got some attitude problems; but I'm me. And he's Andrew. The same Andrew that has always been with me and stuck by my side. The same Andrew who too has his mood swings.

"You know, if you hadn't of called me a goody-goody we wouldn't be here." I said deep in thought.

He cracked a smile. "True. But look where we are. You've proven me wrong and we different people now. You and me Hannah, we've become different people without even trying. We're independent and were tough. You and me...we are better...."

"Did you just admit that you were wrong?" I asked him, leaning back to stare at him in shock. "You just said-"

"That's all you got from that?" He grunted.

I smiled. "Mhmm...."

He rolled his eyes. "Hannah, I need to tell you something."

"Shoot," I told him, focusing in on his beautiful green eyes. Those eyes....

"I don't even care now. I just...I need to get this off my chest." He said, shaking his head slightly.

Have Andrews eyes always been so beautiful?

"...are you listening?" He asked me, snapping his fingers in my face.

"What? Yes! Sorry!" I said in embarrassment, looking down at my nails.

"Hey," he said softly, gently lifting my chin up to look at him, "It's okay. No need to get embarrassed."

"Sorry, it's just...your eyes-"

"My eyes? What about them?"

"Well, they're just...I don't" I said idiotically.

"Mhmm," he chuckled, "So that's what they are! I thought they were always red!"

I scowled. "Sarcasm not appreciated."

"Okay, okay," he said, his face getting serious. "I need to tell you something."

"Okay," I said, turning to face him, "Hit me."

"Hannah," he said timidly, "I love you."




Sorry for the cliff hanger (not  really). I appreciate all your reads. I have something really important to say below::


I'm totally kidding here's part two:
Love ya!


My eyes went shell shocked as I stated at him. He loves me? But...why? Why on earth would he fall for such a messed up teenager girl? I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Heck, I don't even have a life! Not anymore. Not now.

I realized that I needed to say something back. What do I say? I live you too? Did I love him? What does love feel like? I know that I cared for him. I really did, and I was attracted to him, no doubt. But is that love? Deep affection and attraction? Is that all? Is that it? I thought I lived Adam, and I was wrong. There has to be more than that. There has to be.

My mouth quivered as I tried to figure out what to say to him. I want to say I love him too. I really do. But I can't. I don't know what I feel towards him. I haven't given it much thought, what with all this going on. My heart seemed to break at what I had to do. How could I tell him I don't love him?


"Hannah," he smiled. It was fake. I could tell a real smile from his fake, and that smile was so fake my heart lept out of my body and left me with a sinking feeling. "It's okay. I don't expect you to say it back, I just-I had to get it off my chest."

I felt Like my mouth had be frozen shut. What do I say? What do I do?!

"Andrew," I managed to say, "I'm...really flattered."


I'm flattered?

What the hell Hannah!

He nodded, his eyes looking down at the ground. I wanted to cry at the sight of this. My heart...was breaking and I didn't even love him.

Fix this, I told myself. FIX IT NOW.

"I don't know how to react to a lot of things that have been happening," I started, my voice in a low whisper. "I don't know if I'm scared or done at the moment. I don't know about anything at the moment. But...I do know, that I really care about you Andrew. I just...I don't know to what extent."

He nodded and tried to smile. "I get it, Hannah. Thank you for being honest."

My heart shattered even more.

We went back to being quiet before I said one last thing.

"Can I...can I kiss you?" I asked, my voice low and and quiet.

He looked up and at me, his face stoic before a ghost of a smile fell on his face. Rather than waiting for his answer, I swing my leg around his waist and straddled him before I smashed my lips on his.

His lips were rough and chapped as they molded against mine. My hand ran up through his long hair and grabbed a fistful, bringing his face even closer to mine. His hands snaked up my back until it stopped on my upper back and neck. Both of us were attempting to get closer to each other, and being fed up with all the space I between us I crushed my chest against his. He groaned, and shocked by his sudden noise he took that advantage and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I felt like we were connected as one. The synapses were going off that I needed to stop this but I couldn't, I couldn't seem to get enough of Andrew. He tasted like apple pie and something else that was unfamiliar, but nonetheless great. I pulled back shortly to catch my breath, and I rested my forehead against his.

"You're a great kisser," he said. Glad to know he was out of breath also.

I smiled shyly.

"I could say the same to you."


"Woah kids! I'm just trying to enjoy this liwvky moon, not listen to you make out all night. Get a room!" Jerardo shouted. "¿lo que está mal con los niños hoy en día ?"

"Lo siento," I smiled but didn't move. I think I liked this position.

"Go back to your moon. I'll go to mine," he said, never breaking eye contact with me.

I'm his moon?

I have him a questioning look before he smiled brightly.

"Yes Hannah. You helped shine light out of all this dark madness. Hannah, you are my moon."


Okay that was cute. I gotta admit, it took forever but hey THEY KISSED WHAT.

LOVE YOU ALL AMD YOUR NEVER ENDINH LOVE. Next update should be soon. Ilysm

Stay strong and smile for me:)

Peace out.

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