Dangan Ronpa Youtube 2 (on ho...

By cshygamer

3.5K 63 101

Sixteen people. All stuck on an island, forced to kill each other if they want to leave. How many will make i... More

Chapter one~ An Island of Despair
Chapter two~ Plans and Leaders
Chapter three~ The Motive
Chapter four~ My Turn
Chapter five~ Foot Steps
Chapter six~ The Second Island
Chapter seven~ And Boom Goes The Islands
Chapter eight~ Really Fricken' Clever
Chapter nine~ Why?
Chapter ten~ Kellz Had A Bad Day
Chapter twelve~ Down With The Sickness
Chapter thirteen~ Down In Flames

Chapter eleven~ The Despair Disease

173 8 4
By cshygamer

Ding dong!

Will could hear the familiar Monokuma announcement ring through his room. It was time to get up, and for everyone to meet in the hotel. After running a comb in his messy hair, he walked to the hotel.

Then things got weird.

It started when Will walked in to the hotel lobby, only to find Adam crashing in to the furniture. All of the furniture.

"Ow! Where did that come from? Ow! Since when was that there? Ow! Shit!"

Will recognized it as the same things he heard last night, before being pushed in to the pool. Still, it was odd that Adam was just running in to furniture and people.

"Adam? You alright?" Will asked. "AH! Oh, Will, you're here. Didn't notice you." Adam said in surprise. "Anyway, I'm fine, I think. Just a little - ow - clumsier then normal." he explained. "Alright...need some help?" Will asked. "No, I'm fine. I got - ow - this." Adam reassured poorly. Will just shrugged and went upstairs.

There wasn't any better.

"In the endless falling that is life, there is no light at the of the tunnel. Just constant disappointment." Tom was saying. Dan was laying face first on the ground. Charlie was in the background, sipping a coffee.

Will looked at Charlie for help. He just shrugged. "Tom's been talking about really dark and deep stuff ever since I got here. After Dan listened to him for a few minutes, his eyes went blank and he just laid in the floor." he explained. "I only speak the truth about this artificial world we live in." Tom grumbled. "Yeah yeah, shut it." Charlie said. Will sighed and made himself a cup of coffee and some toast.

Soon the others started to join them for breakfast. Even Adam made it up, but not after bumping in to every table and chair. The only one who wasn't there yet was Jeremy.

"Where's Jeremy?" Drake asked. "I haven't seen him all morning. Might have slept in or something." Nico suggested. "Still, we should check." Kellz said. "I'll go get him." Phil volunteered. "Life has no meaning, we only serve as a slow, painful death to the earth." Tom mumbled after Phil left. "God, what's wrong with you today?" Drake asked. "Maybe he finally cracked." Nappy guessed. "What are you - ow - talking about?" Adam asked after running in to a house plant. "Haven't you been paying attention? Just listen to this downer." Will said.

Phil walked back inside, dragging Jeremy behind him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nappy asked. Phil dropped Jeremy's arm, which he was using to drag him. "He was walking to slow! It was barely a crawl." he tried to explain. "Juuuuuuuuussssssst waaaaaaaiiiiiiit fooooooorrrrrrr meeeeeeeee..." Jeremy said slowly, walking at a snail's pace inside. "What the hell his going on? Why is everyone acting so weird?" DanTDM asked.

"Upupupup! Why do you think?"

Everyone sighed as the bear appeared in the room. "Of course it was you. Who else could it ever be?" Nico grumbled. "What did you do to them?" DanTDM asked. "Well, long story short, they're the next motive! And all because I gave them the Despair Disease." Monokuma explained. "What the hell is the Despair Disease?" Charlie asked. "Well, it's different for everyone you see. Like, Tom has the Dark Disease, Jeremy has the Slowness Disease, and Adam has the Unobservant Disease. Plus , they all should have a really bad fever, so if someone wants to check..." the bear explained.

Curious, Will brought his hand to Jeremy's forehead. Sure enough, it was hot.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention this! It's also spreads super easily. Even just touching someone with the disease will contaminate you, so be careful!" Monokuma added. Will quickly pulled his hand away from Jeremy. "R-Really? How can we stop it?" Kellz asked. "Well, I might be able to cure it, but only if another murder happens! So, good luck!" the bear said before disappearing.

"Alright, what are we going to do with these guys?" DanTDM asked. "Well, we do have a hospital now, right? So we can keep'em there until we figure out what to do." Phil suggested. "You mean quarantine them? But, will it really be such a good idea to split us up like that? And can we really leave them all alone?" Kellz said with concern. "What else are we going to do? We can't have this Despair Disease spread, right?" Nappy explained. "But we should leave some healthy people with them, you know. Just to make sure everything is going along smoothly." Charlie suggested. "Well, who should we leave?" Phil asked, nudging Dan with his foot. Dan was still laying on the ground.

"I'll go." Drake volunteered. "Will should go. He already touched Jeremy, so he could be infected at this very moment." Nico pointed out. Will didn't really want to stay in a hospital with a bunch of sick, crazy people, but Nico had a point. "Fine." he agreed. "Anyone else?" Kellz asked. Dan raised his hand from the floor. "I volunteer as tribute." he mumbled. "Everyone else can stay at the motel nearby, just in case." Nico suggested. Everyone reluctantly agreed.

After everyone was done talking, Will, Dan and Drake brought the infected to the hospital. Each was given a room and a hospital gown. "They can put on themselves, so we don't need to worry about that crap." Drake explained. "Thank god!" Dan sighed. "Now, as for us, I think there's some spare rooms upstairs. I have no idea how many, though." Will said. "I think there's...two? I'll go check." Dan said, heading up the stairs.

He ran back down soon after.

"Or, there could just be one room. That works to." Dan said. "There's also a space hospital room, if someone wants it." Drake said. "Then, I guess one of us needs to stay at our cabin at night." Will said. No one said anything. "...I call the spare room." Dan said.

In the end, Dan had the spare room, Drake had the extra hospital room, and Will had to go to his cabin every night.

After everyone found their rooms and all of the infected people were staying in their rooms, Drake, Dan and Will stood around by the front doors of the hospital.

"...So what do we do now?" Dan asked. "Should we check on everyone at the motel?" Drake suggested. "But then, what about the Despair Disease patients? Shouldn't we be staying here with them?" Will asked. "I guess. But this is boring as hell!" Dan complained. "Yeah." Drake agreed.

Suddenly, Phil poked his head in to the hospital. "Hey! How are you guys?" he asked, staying safely outside. "Bored. Can we leave yet? Or at least get an internet connection or something?" Dan asked. "Well, we can't do that. Just like how there is no TVs or phones, no computers or internet either!" Monokuma said, popping out of nowhere. "God dammit, not you again." Drake said. "What do you want?" Phil asked. "Nothing, just wanted to answer Danny's question." the bear said. "Don't call me Danny." Dan said, glaring at the thing. "And who's going to stop me, Danny? You? Some ex-countdown maker? He bear-ly left a scratch!" Monokuma joked. "And now he's making bear puns again. How fantastic." Will said in annoyance. "That's nothing! I've made worse then that. Like, bear-y dis-bear inducing!" Monokuma said smugly. "I can't take another minute of this damn thing. Would you please leave?" Drake asked. "Agh, fine. I'll just go bug the others with my un-bear-able puns. See ya!" the bear said, disappearing in to the ground.

"Anyway, Phil, you need something?" Dan asked. "I was just sent to check on how you guys and the infected people are doing. So, is everything good here?" Phil explained. "Yeah, Jeremy, Adam and Tom are all in their rooms, doing whatever." Drake explained. "I don't think they'll be leaving either. Jeremy's to slow to get anywhere, Tom's having a crises, and Adam would probably just run in to the door a bunch of times." Will said. "Great. I'll go tell the others. You guys just stay here and make sure the disease doesn't spread." Phil said. Them he ran off, leaving the three alone again.

The rest of the day was spent standing around, looking after the infected youtubers, and getting food delivered to them by the others. After the longest few hours Will has ever had to endure, it was nighttime. He heard the announcement go off while he was re-reading the small signs in the front of the hotel.

"Guess I gotta go." Will said as soon as it was finished. "Alright. Good night." Dan said, walking over to the spare room. "Yeah, see ya tomorrow." Drake said on his way to the extra room. Will waved and went out of the hospital.

Will laid on his bed, feeling sick. His blankets felt to hot, and he has getting a headache. Ignoring it, Will drifted off to sleep.

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