Game Over or Game Start?

By MidnightChildren05

5.6K 189 27

《Assassination Classroom 》 "She's like a doll. Perfect face, perfect hair, perfect body, and completely empty... More

Transfer Time
First Encounter Time
Teaching Time
Chem Time
Testing Time
School Trip Time / 1st Period
Delinquent Time
Napping Time

School Trip Time / 2nd Period

306 16 1
By MidnightChildren05

I sat on the roof of the inn we were staying at. The sky looked lonely. The stars seemed so cold and distant from each other. Were they always that way?

Maybe I can only perceive it that way because deep down I know I'm the one who's cold and distant. I wish...

"Hey. What are doing up there all alone?" Akabane looked up.

"Just stargazing. I'm done though." I climbed down.

Truth was my stomach still hurt like hell and I hadn't really wanted to come down.

Suddenly I realized he was wearing a robe the inn lent out. I half expected him to laugh my shorts and tank top, but he didn't. He may have wore his normal smirk but his eyes seemed sad.

"I'm going to go take a bath, if you'll excuse me..."

I found it incredibly hard to be around sad people because I never knew how to cheer them up.

I found the baths and surprisingly it wasn't empty.

"Kara-chan!" Kayano was there with Kanzaki.


I quickly washed my hair and started washing my body before getting into the tub with the others. I didn't even try to hide the bruises on my back and the one that formed on my stomach.

"Oh my god! You're covered in bruises! Are those from that jerks earlier?!"

I sighed and sat down in the water along side Kayano. Kanzaki sat there unspeaking and looked as if she was about to cry.

I sank down a little and spoke softly. "I couldn't let him beat up either of you. And I didn't know how else to distract him."

"You... Were protecting us?" Kayano began tearing up. "You didn't have to go that far..."

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks."

I couldn't help but turn my face away.

"What about the ones on your back and arms?"

"The reason I came to Class E was because I would fight with other high schoolers and thugs. Someone from the school caught me and reported me."


"They always started it first. I don't understand why but they always targeted that smaller people who couldn't fight back."

"They're like the high schoolers we met today then..."

"I'm done... You should get out too else you'll get all prune-y."


"Also... Please don't tell anyone that I got hurt. I'd prefer to avoid being fawned over."

I quickly changed into my robe. However I didn't feel like doing anything. If I went to the girls room I probably wouldn't be able to sleep yet.

I wandered around the inn for few minutes. I sighed and leaned against a wall. My insides burned and it seemed that I had a slight headache forming. I closed my eyes hoping it would help just a little.


My eyes snapped open and I turned to the person behind me. The class's ikemen and representative was there. He seemed worried.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's you Isogai-san. Yes, I just have a slight headache. Our group got into a little fight, and I fell and hit my head."

"Oh... Remember if you need anything I'm always here."

I looked around quickly before speaking up.

"Actually... It's really close to the Inn so I wanted to stop by a store and grab some items... But Karasuma-sensei wouldn't let me. Do you think you could cover for me if I quickly snuck out?"

"Uh... I can't...You could get hurt if and we wouldn't know..."

I nodded and sighed.

"I guess you're right. Sorry for asking something that could have gotten you in trouble."

I left and went to opened the girls room and was met with a group of savages.

"Come on, who do you like!" An evil grin formed on one of my classmate's face. I believe her name was Fuwa. She and Nakamura were trying to find out what guy the girls liked.

Many of the other girls hadn't noticed me or looked away after casting me a glance. Silent I sat down in a corner of the room watching the ordeal.

"Ehhhh?! When did you get here!" Nakamura had yelled out and pointed in me jaw hanging.

"A while ago."

"Well you're one of us too! Who do you like?"

"No one."

I know my choice in men is horrible, but I'd fallen for Asano...

"You got to have a crush on someone!" One of them yelled out.

"I don't." They displayed upset looks trying to stare into my soul for their answer. An answer they would not be getting.

"You really don't?" Nakamura tilted her head and looked as if she was having an internal debate whether or not to believe me.

"No. I mean some of our classmates are nice to look at but I don't have any romantic feelings for them."

My stomach hurt to much to deal with this. I probably should ice it... I pulled myself up and excused myself from the room.

"I'm going to go ask Koro-Sensei about something."

I made a wrong turn on my way to the ice machine and stumbled across the boys room.

"Uhhhhh Yuuki-chan... Nice seeing you." Maehara seemed flustered while trying to hide a piece of paper behind him.

"Hello..." I noticed the bright blush on a few of my classmates' faces. "You must be talking about girls."

"Wha- what are you talking about?!" Okajima's nervous laugh confirmed my suspicions.

"Can I perhaps see it?"

"See what? I don't know what you're talking about!"

I chuckled and smiled a little. These boys were funny in a stupid way.

I decided to copy Professor Bitch's technique. I leaned in and had my face inches from Maehara's forcing a ghost of a smile on my lips. His already pink face darkened quickly into a bright crimson.

"I'll be taking this."

I had gently pulled the sheet from behind him and stepped away.

Favorite Girls
1) Kanzaki - great personality, super-cute looks
(4 votes)
2)Yada - Ponytail, stacked where it counts
(3 votes)
3) Kurahashi - calming, strikes charming poses
(2 votes)
4) Kayano - small, cheers you up
(2 votes)
5) Katoka - Dependable, straight bangs
(1 vote)
6) Yuuki - Mysterious, kinda cute
(1 vote)

I felt the blood in my face drain. They actually made a list of their favorite girls... And I was on it.

"It's not what it looks like Yuuki-san!" The ikemen stepped forward and tried to explain.

"I think Koro-Sensei would enjoy this information..." I tossed the paper to the octopus who had been hiding behind the door and passed him.

"Ah he has it! Get him!!"

The boys raced after the teacher who sprinted away. I sighed and wished I could be like them. It seemed that emotions were somewhere buried deep inside me. Unlike my classmates, my feelings had decided to lock themselves away into my sub-conscious out of my reach. Leaving me empty...

"You're face is gonna freeze that way."

I looked over at the sudden voice. Akabane stood there frowning discontent with my lack of reaction.

"Pretty sure it did a long time ago."

I continued on and he followed. His presence was actually getting on my nerves, and the pain was still getting worse and worse.

"You seem grumpy."

"Because I'm in pain wouldn't you be grumpy if-" I snapped at the redhead. I stopped mid sentence when I realized that I raised my voice. "I-I'm sorry."


"Forget I said anything..."

"Hey!" He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. His voice was stern and he was glowering at me. "Don't think you can just say something like that and walk away."

I knocked his hand away and stared daggers right back at him. My face remained straight despite the pain.


"And if I don't?"

His shoulders that had been squared and tense now relaxed and slumped. His expression stayed the same though. His eyes were narrow, lips pursed, and a gaze of ice.

"That's what I thought."

I turned and continued my way down the hall. He just stood there and continued to glare.

As I turned the corner I saw Koro-Sensei trapped in a corner between two different mobs of Class E students. I saw the opportunity and slipped my gun out of my sleeve and raised it. My hand wouldn't stop shaking though.

The clatter of my gun falling to the ground must have grabbed their attention. The pain in my stomach hurt more than when I was kicked, and it had spread into my lower back. I couldn't stand straight. I clutched my stomach and dropped to my knees.

"Yuuki-chan?! Hey what's wrong!" Someone called out to me. I could feel them on my left. Others quickly gathered.

Time Skip

The hospital had kept me over night because my cousin was busy. It was against their policies to let me go without a guardian. Because of that I ended up missing the second part of the trip which irritated me.

Everyone should be returning home now... I hope it was fun...

"Ms. Yuuki?" A nurse came in and behind her was Ichirou. "You're being discharged now."

"Oh okay. Thank you." I hopped down from the bed and took the spare change of clothes from Ichirou's hands. "Give me a moment please."

"Of course."

In a minute I returned in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. Noticing my arrival the nurse and Kai signed for me to follow.

It was nice to breathe fresh air instead of the stuffy hospital air that reeked like disinfectant.

"You got your pain meds right?"

"Yes." I lifted up a small white bag that contained a bottle of pain killers.

"Let's go then."

We got into his silver car and started on our way home. I traced my fingers along the black leather.

Ichirou's silence was uncomfortable and unusual. His normal chatty self was replaced with a quiet and serious person. His bright blue eyes now dim and cold.


I flinched at the sound of my name. I looked down and mumbled.


"Tell me who hurt you. I swear to god-" Ichirou's voice contained pure malice. His grip on the steering wheel tightened that his knuckles turned white. "I will find them and rip their sorry guts out and break every bone in their body!"

I had never seen him so angry or violent. Seeing him like this, without a doubt in my mind, he really would kill them. I wouldn't put it past him to give them a slow, blood, and painful death.

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