Mangled Heart (On Hold)

By HopingForeverAfter

41.5K 1K 230

Katalyna Heart's whole world has just been flipped upside down. After the death of her mother she is forced t... More

Mangled Heart


1.2K 34 11
By HopingForeverAfter

Parker's smile widen as he bounced on my bed. He opened his arms wide and I didn't hesitate to throw myself into them. I buried my face in his neck and cried. The soft click of the door closing signaled Drew's exit. Parker whispered calming words, his breath blew my hair softly. "I've missed you so much," I muttered into his collar bone. He pulled me up into his lap and rubbed calming circles on my back.

"I missed you, too, KitKat." I felt his lips press to my head gently. I sniffed and pulled back, looking at him. 

"How did you know where I was? How did you get here? What happened to your grandma?" He chuckled.

"Slow down there, sparky." I rolled my eyes and poked his stomach before laying my head on his shoulder and waiting for him to answer. "Well, my parents got a divorce." I opened my mouth to say I was sorry, but he held a hand up to my mouth, smothering my apology. "I stayed with my grandmother until I turned 18, then I went back to London." My head bounced on his shoulder when he shrugged. "You weren't living in your flat so I asked around, called a few of the guys before Hayden said that your mother had... died and you'd moved away with your father." He gripped my shoulders, bringing my forward so he could look at me. 

I looked down and bit my lip, my eyes watering again. "KitKat, why didn't you tell me?" His voice was full of hurt. "I would've come back. I would've been there for you, you know that." I nodded.

"I know... I couldn't reach you, though, Parker. I tried! But then I realized it was hopeless." I shrugged weakly. "I didn't even know your grandmother's address and your parents were never home." He sighed and pulled me into another hug. 

"I'm so sorry Katalyna. I'm so so sorry." He hugged my tightly and laid back on the bed. I sniffed and sighed, looking him. 

"Hey, you never answered my other question. How did you find me?" He smiled smugly. 

"I may have nosed around until I found someone who knew where you'd been sent. I also may have gotten the name Harmon?" I smiled at the name of Mrs. Harmon, the social worker who'd taken care of me after my mother died. That is, until I'd come to America. "Yes, well. I kinda looked up her number and bugged her until she talked to me. She told me where you were and I hopped the first plane here." I shook my head at my friend.

"I rented a car and drove here myself. All I had to do was asked around about you and someone called your father. He showed up at the little diner I was at, quaint little place by the way, really adorable." I chuckled and he continued. "I explained to your dad who I was and why I was here and he seemed... relieved. Apparently, our little KitKat here has been a bit depressed lately." He frowned at me and I rolled my eyes. "He brought me here and told me to wait in your room. I wasn't here for very long when I heard you in the hallway. It was all I could do to not run out there and hug you." We laughed lightly and I shook my head.

"I'm so glad you're here, Parker. I've been going crazy." He smiled and ran his thumb across my cheek lightly. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I'm glad I'm here, too. You're not the only one who's been going crazy." He tightened his arms around me and I cuddled closer. "Now go to sleep, I have jet lag and I want to take a nap." I giggled and obliged, letting the exhaustion from today's events take over my body.

I listened to Parker's steady heartbeat under my head and his even breathing as he quickly fell asleep (as per usual, of course). I quietly let sleep take me and let my mind drift into a dream that, for the first time since I'd been in America, was not filled with wolves.


I loud banging woke me up. I shot up and looked around me, frightened. Then I realized I was fine and the banging was from someone pounding their hand on my door. "Damn it Katalyna, dinner's almost ready!!" I heard Stephanie yell through the door. I rolled my eyes as I heard her mutter, "Gosh, why couldn't he send Faeth to deal with the whore." I sighed and looked over to Parker who was still asleep, go figure. This boy could sleep soundly if the Apocalypse had started right next to him. 

I laid my hand on his arm and shook his arm. When that didn't work I rolled my eyes and put my hands under him. I grunted as I pushed his dead weight to roll him over and off the bed. He yelped when he hit the carpet and I looked over the edge to see him glaring. "Really? You could've just shaken me or something?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I did, you loser. You were dead to the world." He shrugged and stood up, pointing at the door that was still being banged on. 

"That's Stephanie. Apparently, dinner is about to be ready." I slid off the bed stretching my arms up and standing on my tip-toes so my whole body stretched. I saw the glint in his eyes just in time to bring my arms down and catch his wrist as he went to tickle me. He pouted.

"You ruined my revenge." I laughed and pushed him towards the door. 

"Keep trying, Park, keep trying." He grumbled and walked to the door. He opened it, stopping Stephanie mid-knock. She looked shocked to see him, then set that seductive smile on her face. I walked past him and he followed me, making her smile turn into a scowl. 

"Wow, Katalyna. Sex hair, much?" I rolled my eyes, not even bothering to smooth down my hair. I was too tired for that. When I didn't respond, she went for Parker. "Why would you even sleep with her? She's not even pretty." He shrugged.

"I dunno. She's just really great in the sack." He deadpanned, smacking my butt for the dramatic effect. I burst out laughing and swatted his hand away as we jogged down the stairs, leaving Stephanie at the top of the staircase, glaring at us. I heard his chuckle behind me and he stopped me before we entered the kitchen. He ran his finger through my hair trying to fix the rat's nest it had become. "Can't have your father thinking I just deflowered you, can we?" I winked and me and walked into the kitchen, dragging me along. 

"Hey KitKat. Hey Parker," my father greeted us. Parker raised his eyebrows at me at my father's use of his nickname. I just shrugged and grinned. Looking to my father. 

"Hey," I took a seat when my dad smiled at me. 

"Actually, Katalyna, we're at the big table in the dining room." I furrowed my brows. "We're having company over tonight." I jumped up and held a hand to my hair as I looked down at my dance clothes. He seemed to understand and nodded towards the stairs. "You've got time. Go get ready. They won't be here for at least 20 minutes." I grinned and ran upstairs, Parker hot on my tail. 

"You take a shower. I'll grab your clothes." I nodded and stripped my shirt off, walking into the bathroom. I quickly scrubbed my skin and hair clean of the sweat from today's dance practice. After finishing up I wrapped my body with a towel and ran into my room to see Parker staring at two different dresses on my bed. One was sky blue with a white lace trim along the neckline and bottom of it. The other was forest green with a dark purple sash around the midsection. I grabbed the blue one and ran to my underwear drawer, slipping on some underwear under the towel and clasping the bra over the towel. Then I took the towel away from my body and tossed it on my bed.

Parker had walked into my closet and came back with some white flats as I slipped the dress on over my head. I put on the shoes and he got behind me, walking in step with me and zipping up the dress as I walked to the bathroom. He dug around under the bathroom sink as I started applying some make up. Jumping back up, he plugged in my blow dryer and began drying my hair for me. I finished with my eyes, the usual outer corner eyeliner and mascara, then applied some light pink lipstick. 

I ran a brush through my hair when he finished. "Ribbons?" He asked, looking at me in the mirror. I looked up and bit the inside of my cheek, thinking. 

"There should be some in a basket on my dresser." He nodded and ran into the room. I smoothed down my hair and smiled at him as he brought me a blue ribbon that matched my dress. I wrapped it around and tried to tie a pretty bow on the side of my head but frowned and turned to him. "Help?" I jutted out my bottom lip and did my best puppy dog impression. He chuckled and took the ribbon out of my hands, fixing it. I turned and grinned at my reflexion. 

I saw him looking at me from behind. "It's official." I raised a brow at him and he shrugged. "I'm a miracle worker." I laughed. 

"I think that's been official for a while." Ever since we were younger, Parker had always been there to help me in situations like these. We'd eventually developed a sense of synchronisation when it comes to getting each other dressed. I'd long since gotten over being embarrassed in front of the boy, hence the ease of stripping down in front of him, and he in front of me. It's just the way we work. We have a process and we stick to it. 

"Oh yes, that's right. I believe that was established the day of our middle school dance when you forgot what day it was and had gone out to go play in the garden with that old man friend of your's." I chuckled and nodded. 

"That was it." He grabbed my elbow and ushered me out the door. "How long did we take?"

"Oh about 15 minutes." I nodded and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey, Dad, sorry." He smiled.

"It's fine, I forgot to tell you. You look great by the way. I'm surprised you got ready so fast." I shrugged and jerk my thumb over my shoulder at Parker who stood leaning against the door way.

"It was all him." Parker smirked and winked at me.

"Oh, stop, you're making me blush." I laughed and turned to Drew who was looking between us with a hint of suspicion in his eyes. 

"So, Dad, did you need any help?" He nodded and handed me some plates and some silverware to Parker. 

"Come on, I'll show you to the dining room. I don't think you've been in there." I shook my head and followed him quietly. My jaw dropped to the floor when he stopped in a room. There were two tables that would hold at least 30 people each. Most of the places were already set so I put the plates down where there weren't any. Parker trailed behind me as he setting a knife, fork, and spoon down next to the plates. 

We worked quickly and silently. Which is usually how it worked. Parker and I had grown up together. We knew each other like no one else. We knew how we worked, what made us tick, and everything else there was to know about a person. We could finish each other's sentences and our thoughts worked on the same wave length. We were always in sync and always would be. When one is sick, the other one gets sick, even if it's just a headache. When one of us forgets, the other remembers. If one of us is going to be late or need help, the other gets this... gut feeling and is there at the right moment.

If this kid had been a girl, we'd have had the same cycle, if you know what I mean. 

I raised my hand and he slapped my palm with his when we finished. Parker started towards the entrance of the kitchen and I matched his pace. Drew grinned at us when we entered. "Alright, kiddos. Let the party begin." Right as he finished talking a knock sounded at the door and he walked to the door. Parker and I stood behind him a ways, side by side in the living room. We looked at each other awkwardly as we heard voices. 

Nervousness overtook me and my heart started beating rapidly. My palms began to sweat and I bit my lip. "Ooooh no you don't," I heard Parker say behind me. My eyes flicked to him as he moved in front of me. His hands were on my shoulders instantly and he lead me to the hallway. He leaned down, getting eye to eye with me. "Don't start with all that panic attack nonsense." My breathing was quickly becoming hyperventilating. "I want you to close your eyes and take a deep breath." He narrowed his eyes at me when I looked around him nervously, the voices doubling. "Close them," he whispered sternly yet comfortingly. I nodded and did as he said, listening to his breathing; matching my own to it. 

Slowly but surely, my heartbeat returned to normal as did my breathing. I opened my eyes and smiled at him gratefully. "Thank you, Parker." He hugged me to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"I'll always be here for you, KitKat." I smiled into his chest and nodded. He pulled away and gestured to the living room. "After you." 

When we walked into the room, everyone stopped talking at blatantly stared. I blushed and looked down, but shot my head back up when I felt Parker's fingers pinch my side subtly. He was smiling brightly at everyone, not letting their rude staring faze him. I copied him and smiled. I saw Drew glaring at some people and frowned slightly. I looked around but jumped when a growl erupted through the room. My eyes flicked to Parker but he seemed completely at ease. A look of amusement graced his features as he watched Drew march over to a woman in her forties. She was looking at me murderously and I gulped. She jumped when Drew grasped her elbow and leaned down to her ear. 

I couldn't hear what he said but the look on her face said enough. She paled and looked panicky. She quickly turned and walked out the door. My mouth dropped open and I looked to Drew but he seemed to have forgotten all about it instantly because he was looking around beaming. "Everyone, this is my daughter, Katalyna Heart." The eyes hadn't left me once so I guardedly smiled and nodded my head. 

"Hello, everyone." They didn't respond but for some reason, they seemed surprised that I had a voice at all. 

Drew coughed and some of them muttered "hello's." I thought it was interesting how much power he seemed to have all the people. But then again, he did have that... vibe that just screamed leader. He smiled appreciatively. "And this is her best friend, Parker." Parker waved and smiled. 

"Nice to meet you all." The visitors seemed to have learned their lesson by the second time around and they responded immediately, even throwing in a few smiles. Especially the younger women. I didn't blame them, either. Parker was extremely handsome and throughout his lifetime, had always been a ladies man. Though he wasn't a player. He didn't date, didn't lead girls on. Hell, the boy was still a virgin. Many of the boys back home gave him hell for it.

I'd once asked him why he kept it so long after having all the chances in the world. He'd said that there was someone out there who was meant for him. He hadn't found her yet, so why give anyone else what was rightfully her's? See what I mean about our brains being on the same wavelength? That's the reason why I had a strict no-sex-before-marriage rule. I wasn't as convinced that it would happen as he was, but I still hoped. Plus, staying a virgin was easy for me, because Parker seemed to chase off any boy who tried to get close. Not that I minded, really. I didn't want to bother myself with boys, anyway.

After the introduction to his fellow townsmen and women, Drew told us to all go have a seat because dinner was ready. Parker and I walked together and managed to snag seats that were smack dab in the middle of one of the tables. He pulled out my seat for me then sat down next to me. As people took their seats around us, they engaged in cheerful conversation. They even included Parker. Me, however, they were still giving the cold shoulder. 

I felt a slight pressure on my thigh and looked down to see Parker's hand squeezing it lightly in a supportive gesture. Through my peripherals, I saw that he was still smiling and chatting with those around us. The food had been spread out along the table and people were helping themselves. The men and boys took so much food I was getting full just looking at them. Looking down at my plate of greens and chicken I grimaced. I slowly pushed it away and bit my lip. 

"You should eat something," Parker said in my ear. I turned to whisper back.

"I'm not very hungry, though." He sighed and pulled away, jumping back into conversation with an older woman about England. 

"So what's it like?" 

"Oh, it's a beautiful country, ma'am."

"No no. I meant what's it like being friends with a bastard." The woman looked me dead in the eye and all conversation stopped. Everyone seemed to be watching the three of us. 

"Excuse me?" Parker replied, his voice full of anger. "What did you just say?"

"I think you heard me, Parker. But I'm not afraid to say it again. What;s it like be friends with a-" Parker jumped out of his chair, glaring down at her.

"I highly suggest you stop right there." I froze as a growl sounded from a few chairs down. Drew stood up.

"Parker, take Katalyna up to her room, please." His voice was menacing. Parker didn't move. He didn't even seem to be paying attention. He was simply murdering the old woman with his eyes while she was doing the same to me.

"Yes, Parker, take the little whore's daughter up to her room. No one wants her here," the old woman said. I heard Stephanie giggle somewhere in the room but I didn't look. Any movements my eyes made would've made the tears that were pooling up along my eyelids spill over.

"Parker," Drew called again. I slowly stood up and grabbed his hand.

"Park, honey, come on." My voice cracked and his eyes went to me immediately. His jaw clenched and unclenched as his fingers wove through mine. He tugged me out of the room and up the stairs. When he entered my room I closed the door quietly before I laid in bed. Parker was pacing back and forth.  

"Parker," I whispered. He didn't stop. His chest was heaving and his hands were shaking. Parker tended to have a temper, especially when it came to me. I sighed and tried again. "Parker," I said louder. "Parker." My voice was firmer yet it still sounded fragile. His head swiveled around and he stared at me. 

"Why didn't you say something?" He asked quietly.


"Why. Didn't. You. Say something?!" He demanded. He stomped over to my bed and looked at me like a father who was disappointed in his child. "Why didn't you stand up for yourself?" I ran a hand over my face.

"What did you want me to say, Parker?" I looked up at him, my tears finally falling as my lip quivered. He kneeled in front of me and grabbed my face in his hands.

"Anything," he whispered. "You didn't even try to defend yourself, KitKat." He frowned and wiped my tears. I shrugged and wiped my face. 

"I don't want them to hate me even more than they already do." He sighed and laid his head in my lap. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and looked out my window. "I just don't understand why they blame me for what my parents did, you know? It's not like I was there egging them on or anything. I wasn't even part of that equation, you know?" He nodded.

"Yeah, I know." He looked up. "Katalyna. I was going to tell you this later, but I'm staying here. I just have to finish up some paperwork for my permanent VISA and then I'm staying here. With you. You're never gonna have to face them alone again." Tears flowed again, but this time they weren't because I was sad. 

"Oh, Parker!" I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Thank you." He pulled away and smiled just as someone knocked on the door. We turned to look as Drew walked in.

"Katalyna, sweetie, why don't you come downstairs? Someone wants to apologize to you and the others want to meet you properly." My eyebrows furrowed and I looked to Parker. He was staring intently at Drew. It looked like one of those weird conversations Drew has with people with his eyes. I was actually kind of jealous that he could already do that with Parker after only a few hours of knowing him, but not with me. 

Parker looked at me. "I think it'll be alright. Are you okay to do this." Taking a deep breath I searched his eyes for any uncertainty. Finding none, I nodded and stood up. I smoothed out my skirt and followed him out of the room. Drew led us downstairs and I braced myself for what was to come.


Baaaa sorry it sucked. I've got a headache. BUT GOSH I JUST LOVE PARKER SO MUCH UGH DONT YOU LIKE GEEEEEZ


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