Divided Home; Divided Family

By Jayme_Lyn

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Cassie Boulden and her younger brother, Chase, have always had a pretty normal life with their caring, loving... More

Chapter One: On the Road Again
Chapter Two: Greetings
Chapter Three: Appearances
Chapter Four: Early Break
Chapter Five: Confrontation
Chapter Six: Thoughts
Chapter Seven: Mapped
Chapter Eight: Observing
Chapter Nine: Unexpected
Chapter Ten: Surprisingly Enough
Chapter Eleven: Procedural Measures
Chapter Twelve: Decisions for the Better
Chapter Thirteen: Darkness
Chapter Fourteen: Overwhelming
Chapter Fifteen: 'People-Person'
Chapter Sixteen: Click
Chapter Seventeen: Saying Goodbye...For Now
Chapter Eighteen: Done With This
Chapter Nineteen: Decided to be a Hero
Chapter Twenty-One: Back to School
Chapter Twenty-Two: Friend of One Person, Enemy of Another
Chapter Twenty-Three: No Exaggeration Whatsoever
Chapter Twenty-Four: Don't Start
Chapter Twenty-Five: Friday
Chapter Twenty-Six: Purple Rain and Acoustic Guitars
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Liar
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Gone
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Anywhere Else
Chapter Thirty: Whatever You Want
Chapter Thirty-One: No More Secrets
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Hurts More?
Chapter Thirty-Three: Have It All Figured Out
Chapter Thirty-Four: What You See
Chapter Thirty-Five: Sidewalk Dreams
Chapter Thirty-Six: Broken Promises, Shattered All Across The Floor
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Irony
Chapter Thirty-Eight: No More Than That
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Surprises Around Every Corner
Chapter Forty: Motives
Chapter Forty-One: Where It's Safe
Chapter Forty-Two: So Much to Figure Out

Chapter Twenty: Let It Be

265 1 0
By Jayme_Lyn

          We walked slowly down the steps of the front porch, Brandon going first, and then I went second. He had wrapped the blanket around my shoulders, telling me I could keep it and give it back whenever. It was quite chilly outside. I stared up at the night sky and marveled at how beautiful it was. Brandon notice I had stopped and looked up also.

          “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I smiled when he said what I was thinking.

          “Yeah, it reminds me of the time Chase and I went camping with our dad. We slept out under the stars on a night like this.”

          “You really miss him, don’t you?”

          I sighed. “More than you know.” He still had his hand around my waist and squeezed me lightly.

          We started walking again and when I looked ahead my eyes got wider and wider with each step we took.

          “That’s your car,” I asked, amazed. He grinned and said, “Not only is that my car, but it’s also all my hard work. Check it out.” He helped me walk over and I got a better look at the car. It was a sky-blue colored Charger, with white leather interior. The radio system looked brand new, as did almost everything about the car. The amazing thing, though, was that this car is a much older model. I didn’t know what year it was made. My dad taught me how to pick out older cars from newer ones, and this one was definitely an older one.

          “It’s a 1975 Charger,” Brandon said, using his unoccupied arm to reach out and pat the hood with his hand.

          “How does it look so new,” I asked.

          “You’re standing next to the reason,” Brandon said, grinning. I couldn’t blame him; if I had a car this old and managed to keep it in tip-top shape, I’d be grinning too.

          “I’ll tell you the backstory some other time. Right now, we should get you home.” He winced a little at the word home. I didn’t like it either; that place wouldn’t ever feel like home.

          I was beginning to think that no place would ever feel like home again.

          He walked us over to the passenger side and gently helped me get in. The interior felt so cool; I loved the feel of leather. I ran my hand over the smooth white seat, and noticed then that there were small blue stripes down the sides of the seat. The dashboard in the car was white but also had a splash of sky-blue here and there, usually as stripes around something on the dashboard. The steering wheel was white with a blue leather cover. This car was beyond awesome in my opinion.

          Brandon got in on the other side and shut the door. I put my seatbelt on, which was also color-coordinated, and he did the same. He put the keys in the ignition and the car revved to life.

          I really did love that sound.

          Before he pulled out, I said, “Brandon?”

          He glanced at me and paused with his hands on the steering wheel while it was turned right. He hadn’t put the car in drive yet. “Yeah?”

          “Please drive the speed limit.”

          He laughed and said, “Don’t worry; I’ll do better than that.”

          The car started moving, and I thought we would take off. Instead, we went no more than maybe 10 miles per hour.

          “Uh, Brandon,” I asked when we hadn’t sped up any.


          “Why are we going so slowly?”

          He chuckled, staring at the road. “More time to talk. Besides, no one rides these roads at night usually, so we won’t be in anyone’s way.”

          “Oh…well can you go a little faster?”

          He shook his head and sped up a little. “Are you really so eager to get rid of me?”

          “No,” I said, annoyed. “I told you, I didn’t want to leave Chase alone.”

          “Oh, yeah. Forgot. Sorry.” We were probably going 20 miles per hour now which was an improvement. I didn’t mean to be rude if I was. In a way, he was actually trying to do something nice, considering I didn’t like where I was going.

          “Thank you for being so nice to me. And to Chase.” I tried to lighten the mood, and we were almost to Francis’ house.

          He chuckled. “It’s honestly no problem. I like you guys. I have no trouble being nice to you two, and don’t have to go out of my way or anything.”

          “You have to go out of your way for some people.”

          “Just one person, really.”

          “Who? If you don’t mind me asking.”

          “I don’t. And you don’t already know?”

          “I don’t think I do…”

          He laughed. “I thought it would have been obvious. I have to force myself to be nice to Kelly when she’s with Seth. Otherwise, I’m not outright mean, but I really just don’t like her.”

          “Oh, I get it. She’s really that bad?” We were close to the house now.

           “Actually, she’s worse,” he said, smirking. “But Seth really likes her so I keep my mouth shut.”

          “I wonder what I would do if Chase ever was involved with a girl who didn’t really care for him,” I said, not really meaning to say it aloud. I was really just thinking it, but it slipped.

          “My advice is to not get into it unless he’s gonna get seriously hurt. Otherwise, it’d cause friction between you two. Trust me, I know,” he said, smiling weakly. Friction between Chase and I is something I didn’t ever want; I don’t think we had ever really fought about anything, either.

          Were turned onto the road leading to the house. My stomach felt weird. I was happy to see Chase again, but I didn’t really want to see my mother right now. Or Francis, for that matter.

          When we pulled up, Brandon tuned the car off and looked at me.

          “Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to tell me before I leave?”

          “Yeah, I’m sure.” I didn’t sound very convincing and he noticed. He sighed.

          “Want me to walk you to the door?”

          I glanced at the door and saw it opening; Francis stepped out slightly. I saw Brandon’s jaw muscle twitch out of the corner of my eye.

          “I don’t think you should…”

          “You’re probably right. It’d be best for me not to.”

          I nodded and managed a small smile before opening the door.  I had one foot out and he laid a hand on my arm. I stopped and turned back around, facing him.

          “Be careful,” he said while I was getting out, then he released. I smiled and nodded again, shutting the door. I made my way slowly to the steps. I looked back at the car; Brandon hadn’t started it yet. Francis was now leaning across the banister of the small porch with his arms crossed. He had closed the door. I gulped, making my way up the first step.

          “Where have you been,” he asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

          “None of your business,” I said, standing on the last step contemplating a way to get past him.

          “You live with me now, so it is my business.” He still hadn’t moved, so I figured now was my chance. I moved quickly for the doorknob, but he reached out grabbing my wrist. It hurt but I didn’t let him know.

          “Let me go,” I said rather loudly, trying to jerk my wrist away.

          “Not a chance. You’re going to learn not to walk away when I’m talking to you, whether you like it or not.”

          “Let her go. Now,” a voice said from the bottom of the steps. I looked behind me to see Brandon standing there, fists clenched. The car door was still open. I hadn’t heard him and I guessed Francis didn’t either.

          Francis let go of me and shoved me out of the way; it wasn’t a hard shove, but since I still didn’t have my balance under control I hit the banister. It didn’t hurt much, but I might have a bruise tomorrow.

          “You got a problem with me, half-breed?”

          “Only a big one, scum. Don’t touch her again.” Brandon’s voice was low and rather threatening. Francis shoved him and Brandon shoved back. I went down the steps as fast as I could, almost tripping. I tried getting in the middle, even though that probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do.

          “Stop!” I put both my arms out, and before I could say anything else Brandon grabbed me and backed up before Francis could land another shove.

          “Cassie, stay out of this. Go inside,” he said, releasing me. The blanket was on the ground, so I reached down to pick it up. I heard “Let’s settle this now, boy,” and then I heard shuffling feet. I was moved again, clutching the blanket fiercely. Brandon tripped and we both went down. My elbow was the only thing that really hit the ground hard.

          Francis started laughing while Brandon and I got up into sitting positions. He said, “Come on, let the girl be. If she gets hurt, it’s her fault. This is between you and me.”

          “Exactly, so leave her out of it!” Brandon jumped up, leaving me still on the ground. I struggled getting up, but I made it. At least I didn’t drop the blanket again.

          “And if I don’t,” Francis asked. I answered this time.

          “My mother will realize the animal you are and we will leave. I can guarantee it.”

          “Your mom doesn’t believe a word that comes out of either of your mouths. Plus, she’s asleep, so if you get hurt, I’ll just say he did it and I tried to protect you. That’s believable enough.”

          “At least it would have been had you all not been so loud,” another voice said, this time from the direction of the door. All heads turned and saw my mother standing in the doorway; her arms were crossed and she was wearing her favorite pink robe that flowed almost to the floor.

          “Honey,” Francis said, sounding desperate. “How long have you been standing there?”

          “Long enough.” She turned to look at me. “Are you alright, Cassie?”

          I nodded and said, “Yes, I’m OK.”

          “Good, then come inside.” She made her way down the steps and gestured for me to come with her. I had no idea what she was up to, but I didn’t question it. When I reached her she put her arms around me. I looked up at her and was astonished to see that she wasn’t wearing her contacts. She was wearing her glasses, the ones I thought she had thrown away.

The last time I saw them was the day of my dad’s funeral.

I was also surprised to see the rims of her blue eyes were red, like she had been crying. My mother never cried, at least not to my knowledge. What happened after I left?

“Francis,” she said, looking over my head. I turned in her arms so I could see him and Brandon. “Leave the boy alone.”

Francis opened his mouth then closed it. Brandon’s stance hadn’t relaxed any, but his eyes looked softer.

“Liz, you don’t-”

“Don’t ever call me that.” My mother’s voice was strong but wavered a little. I knew why; my dad was the one that gave her that nickname. My mother’s name was Eliza and my dad was the first one to ever think of calling her Liz and I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone else say it.

“Just leave the boy alone,” she continued. Then she looked at Brandon. “I am truly sorry for hurting you. It was uncalled for and I apologize.”

Now my mother was apologizing? I was confused, and I began to wonder if it was an act. But the fact that she was actually wearing her glasses made me think it wasn’t an act after all.

Brandon nodded curtly and said, “It’s alright. I should be getting home now.” He turned to go to his car. Francis didn’t move to follow; instead he stared at my mother.

Brandon looked at me one last time before he ducked down into his car. I watched in silence as he started it and sped away, definitely going more than 20 miles per hour.

My mother squeezed my shoulders gently and I turned around to face her. She shocked me when she kissed my forehead.

“Go inside, “she said, gently moving my hair out of my face. “Chase is worried sick about you.”


“No buts. You need to sleep; you have school in the morning. I’ll talk to you more tomorrow. Goodnight.” She ushered me toward the steps. I didn’t take my eyes off of her until I was at the door. She was staring hard at Francis.

“Cassie,” she said, not taking her eyes off Francis. I jumped a little. “Go in, and go to bed.”

I went inside without another word and closed the door. Chase was sitting on the couch, his legs crossed and the bottom one jumping violently. His head shot up when I closed the door and he was off the couch in an instant. I couldn’t even utter a word before he caught me in a crushing hug, almost bowling me over in the process.

“Cassie! I was so worried!” He squeezed tightly; I couldn’t remember the last time he had hugged me like this. Probably right after Dad died. He buried his head in my shoulder and shook slightly. He was about to start sobbing so I patted his head. He quit shaking.

“Shh, it’s OK. I’m fine, see? Now, you and I need to go to bed. We have to get up early if we are gonna make it to school on time.” He pulled away and I kissed the top of his head. I didn’t see any tears. He smiled and shook his head.

“You’re right. We need to sleep. Especially you; you must be worn out. But don’t you ever leave to go anywhere again without your inhaler, you hear me?”

I laughed at his stern look and his attempt to sound authoritative. I ruffled his head and said, “Yes, sir.” I put my arm around him and we made our way to the bedroom. He said he was gonna change so he went into the bathroom with his sleep clothes. I decided I would wait and change when he got out. I texted Brandon while I waited.

I sent “Thanks for everything. Have a good night.”

While I waited, I realized he might not be back to his house yet. But I got a reply in about two minutes.

It said “No problem. Goodnight and sleep well.”

I smiled and put my phone down on the floor beside me as I lay down on the futon. I closed my eyes waiting on Chase to get out so I could change.

That didn’t happen, however, because I was out within a few seconds as soon as I laid down on the futon with the blanket curled around me.

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