After He Left (Olicity)

By music_ismy_escape

37.3K 706 96

It's been two years since Oliver left to be the new Rash Al Ghul (I have no idea if I spelt that right). Feli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note IMPORTANT
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

2K 57 18
By music_ismy_escape

I sat on the floor with Olivia playing some little kids game based off of some Disney Junior show. She loved it I found it extremely boring but anything for Olivia.

"Alright, Liv, it's time to go to bed." I said.

"But I do wanna." she said.

"Too bad, kid, bed time." I said picking her up. She sighed but didn't cry. I carried her to her room and layer her down. After singing her a song she started to sleep and I quietly left her room.

Tyler wasn't home. He was still at work. He and been leaving early in the morning and coming late at night every single day of the week. He didn't need to. It's not like we need any more money but he loves his work. Olivia had been spending a lot of time with Oliver lately. He was so good with her and he worked at home for his job so he could have her over. She loved spending time with him. I'll admit it made me jealous.

I was watching Supernatural reruns since season eleven hadn't come on yet when I noticed the clock. One. O'clock. I sighed. Tyler still wasn't home and I was never gonna get to sleep. It was sad. I watched the TV screen as the two handsome men climbed into a beautiful impala. Just then the door opened and Tyler walked in.

"Hey, Ty." I said. He glanced over at me.

"What are you doing up?" he asked.

"I should ask you the same thing." I commented. Her rolled his eyes.

"Working." he said in a duh tone.

"I know. You don't have to work so late." I said turning off the TV and standing up.

"I want too."


"Because I like my job."

"I never get to see you. Don't you like me?"

"Of course your my wife."

"So why aren't you ever home?"

"Felicity I don't want to talk about this right now." Tyler's voice raised.

"Seems to me like nows a good time as any. Considering were actually in the same room!" I said my voice matching his.

"Gosh you are so needy I just need some space!" he shouted.

"Space?! What are you talking about?! We've been married for two months and half of that time you've been at work! I never see you and I never complain and you're whining to me about space?!" I shouted.

"Yes Felicity! I am a man I need space!"

"You are so pathetic!" I shouted. I heard crying and sighed. I'm such an idiot I just woke up my daughter. I glared at Tyler and climbed up the stairs and into Olivia's room. After she finally went to sleep I went downstairs to find Tyler asleep on the couch. I glared at him and walked into our room slamming the door. Which, now that I think about it was stupid considering I had just gotten Olivia back to sleep.

I yanked off my clothes and threw on pajamas. I climbed in bed but didn't fall asleep. Any drowsiness I had had before was now gone. I was so angry and sad. Why was he acting like this?

I stood in a recording booth and finished up one of my songs. When it was over I scrambled out of the tiny box and took my room temperature water from Jason. (if you don't remember who that is its her manager he was in the first two chapters)

"Thanks." I smiled slipping on it. Well, more like drowning myself in it.

"Slow down there hon. Jeez." Jason laughed. I rolled my eyes at my manager.

"I'm thirsty I've been singing for forever. I wish I could have cold water." I signed.

"You know you can't have cold water when you're using your voice." he said.

"Yeah Yeah I know. That's why I said wish genius." I said sarcastically. Jason made a cat noise that people make when someone's sassy.

"What's your problem?" he asked. I signed setting my water down and walking out of the room to find some food. He followed.

"Nothing." I said as I picked up a bag of chips.

"Obviously that's not true somethings up." Jason said.

"I was just being a little sarcastic. God, Jason your such a child." I said. He frowned and I signed.

"Sorry, things haven't been going to well at home. Jason is always working. We got into a fight the other night." I sighed. Jason nodded.

"That's why your always working. What have you been doing with Olivia?" Jason asked.

"She loves her dad more than me so she's always with him." I said. He frowned.

"Just found another reason. Felicity, you need to take a vacation. Spend time with your family." Jason said.

"I can't. I have to finish this album." I said.

"Felicity, we have plenty of time. We're way ahead of schedule. Don't worry about it." Jason said.

"Jason I still haven't written all of the songs!" I shouted. Jason looked at me seriously.

"Felicity go home." he said. I shook my head.

"No. I can't go home." I said.

"Why?" Jason asked.

"Because it's empty. All the time. Olivia always wants to be with Oliver and who am I to keep her from him? And Tyler is never home. I'm pretty sure I explained this." I said. Jason sighed.

"Call Oliver ask for your daughter ad tell Tyler if he doesn't start spending time with you I'm gonna beat his ass." Jason said. I laughed slightly.

"Jason, you're a goof. I'll go home but I'm not promising anything else." I said. He frowned but didn't argue. I left the room and headed out to my car. As I slid in I sighed. I had only been married to Tyler for two months and everything was already falling apart.

I found myself in Thea's parking lot where Oliver lived. I guess I was getting Olivia early. I got out of the car and walked up the to the door and knocked. Thea opened it.

"Here to get Oliva?" she asked with a smiled. I nodded and she let me in she then disappeared to find Oliver. Olivia was on the couch watching Sofia the first.

"Mommy!" she cried jumping up form the couch and running into my arms.

"Hey baby." I smiled. Oliver asked out of his office.

"Felicity what are you doing her? Your early." he asked. I shrugged.

"Jason forced me to take a break. I've been working too much lately." I said. He nodded. Then he frowned.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded.

"Fine." I said. He frowned unbelieving.

"I mean I could be better. My husband could not spend every waking hour at work causing us to get into a fight and my daughter could want to spend more time with me. Not that I don't love the fact she spends time with you and not that I don't welcome you to spend time with her whenever she want seeing as she's your kid but-"

"Felicity." Oliver said as if he had said it a few times. I stopped and looked into his concerned eyes.

"Tyler and you got into a fight?" he asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. He's always gone and he said I was needy but it's no big deal. I mean it was bound to happen at some point were married marriages aren't ever perfect." I said. Oliver looked angry but not at me. I siged.

"Well thanks for taking care of her." I said.

"Of course." he said. I began to exit but Oliver stopped me.

"Felicity." I turned around.

"Oliva never stops talking about you. She loves spending time with you." he said. I smiled.

"Thanks." and with that I left the room.

Authors Note:
Okay guys this book is back in progress and on the right track! Thanks for your patience! Love you guys!

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