Real - An Everlark Fanfiction

By melanieloves

131K 3.9K 1.7K

"It's been a year, Katniss. People actually heal if they understand how lucky they are to be alive." More

Real - An Everlark Fanfiction
Part One
- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -
- Chapter Three -
- Chapter Four -
- Chapter Five -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter Seven -
- Chapter Eight -
Part Two
- Chapter Nine -
- Chapter Ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter Twelve -
- Chapter Thirteen -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
Part Three
- Chapter Twenty -
- Chapter Twenty One -
- Chapter Twenty Two -
- Chapter Twenty Three -
- Chapter Twenty Four -
Radiant - An Everlark Fanfiction

- Chapter Nineteen -

3.1K 114 97
By melanieloves

I look up at Peeta. He seems completely entranced. Everyone is quiet. After hearing this story, there's not much to say. I didn't know how people were going to react to it. I look out into the audience. My friends. My family. Most of them staring at me, eyes wide. Words can do so much to people.

After at least a minute, still no one speaks. Did I say something wrong? I couldn't have... It was just a story.

I need someone to assure me of my actions. I'm beginning to think telling a story was an extremely bad choice. I look towards the front row. For a brief moment, I see Prim and my father. They're smiling. Happy with me. And I know what I did was right. I look back at Peeta, who now, is smiling as well. And I'm sure my choice was a good one.

"Beautiful story, Katniss," the minister chokes out. He stares at me a moment in shock, and then continues with the ceremony.

He speaks for about ten more minutes. About things I already know. Things I don't need to be reminded of. About love and marriage. Children. I tune him out. I take the opportunity to find Haymitch in the audience. Like when Cinna told me to find him. During the first interviews. When I do spot my mentor, he subtly gives me a thumbs up in his lap. I smile. I've impressed him. I don't think he believed I was capable of having any emotion other than anger. The last time Haymitch looked this proud of me was when I shot an arrow at the game makers. I'm glad I can make him happy sometimes. Even if it's rare, it's still nice.

Next to him sits Sapphire. I forgot that we had invited her. When I see her my smile widens. She looks absolutely stunning. And I thought she looked great before. Her hair is down. I've never seen it like this. It cascades down her back in such a way that I can't help staring. She's just so beautiful. I know if Prim was here, she'd be talking about Sapphire's looks every day. Prim never thought she was pretty enough. But in reality, she was the most gorgeous little girl that I'd ever seen.

Sapphire gives me a small wave. But then she points to Peeta, acknowledging that I should probably look at him, and not her. Such a smart girl. Peeta's probably wondering what I'm so interested in, and he sure can't turn around to see it.

When my eyes lock with Peeta's, he smiles. He mouthes the words, "Thank you," and I raise an eyebrow. What's he thanking me for? Another story? For being his wife? It doesn't matter. I mouth back, "You're welcome," and his smile grows even wider.

Peeta doesn't seem like he's listening to the minister either, which surprises me. I thought he'd be really into this. Right now, the only thing he's into is me. He stares at every detail on my dress. Not a spec of makeup on my face goes unnoticed. He admires every single strand of hair, as if each one has its own life and its own story.

I can't tell if he's impressed or annoyed with my look. With my makeup. And dress. He's not smiling. But he's not frowning either. He just looks interested. In me. And then I listen to the minister.

"Rings are made of precious metals; purified by the heat of many fires. They are a symbol of the wealth that resides inside each of you and the purity of your love for one another. Let us now have the rings brought forward and presented by the ring-bearer."

I look ahead and see a small boy wobbling towards me holding a pillow. It's so large that it covers his face. It must be Flynn, because Annie is laughing like crazy. So is the rest of the guests, including Peeta and me.

"Thank you, little duck," I whisper to Flynn when he finally makes it to us. He blinks at me and runs back to his mother, hiding his face in her chest. He must have gotten his shyness from his mother. Finnick was never one to pass up a conversation.

"Peeta, as you place the ring on Katniss's finger, please repeat after me:
You are the love of my life. And you are my very best friend," the minister says.

"You are the love of my life," Peeta says, his voice unstable, "And you are my very best friend."

The ring he places on my finger is extremely familiar. It's not the same ring he gave me when he engaged... But I feel like I've seen it a million times. It doesn't look expensive. It's made of a solid bronze color with a green stone laying on top. An emerald, I believe. But it's still so special to me. And I don't know why.

I look up at Peeta, who's still waiting for me to realize what this ring means. It takes me a minute, but then I understand completely. This was my mother's ring. The one my father gave to her on their wedding day. She gave it up... for me.

I look out towards the audience and find my mother in the back row. She's smiling. I barely notice a tear traveling down her cheek. She nods at me when we make eye contact. She's so happy. For me. For Peeta. And I can't help taking a sigh of relief knowing that my mother approves of my marriage. Not that I needed her to. If the entire country of Panem disagreed, I would still marry Peeta.

"Katniss," the minister continues, "As you place the ring on Peeta's finger, please repeat after me:
You are the love of my life. And you are my very best friend."

I play with Peeta's ring between my fingers. I just hope he likes it. Sapphire wouldn't have sold me a bad ring, though. And that's for sure. I look up and place the ring in Peeta's finger.

"You are the love of my life," I breathe. "And you are my very best friend."

Peeta looks at the ring and gasps. Does he love it? Yes, because he smiles bigger than I've ever seen him smile before. He's probably not supposed to, but Peeta enthusiastically picks me up and spins me around. I'm flying. And we're both laughing. The crowd joins us, and soon everyone is smiling. And not by force. Everyone is happy.

During all of this laughter, almost as a joke, the minister says, "Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." I smile at this. Who would ever think that Peeta and I weren't perfect for each other? But then a hush falls upon the crowd. And I'm the only one laughing. What's going on? Even Peeta has put me down. Drops me, almost.

And then I see it. A tall figure stands up in the audience. A familiar one, too. Someone I've known for as long as I can remember. Someone that I used to trust with anything. Tell everything to. Practically my family... And I can't breathe. Among the audience I see someone I thought I'd never have to face again.

Among the audience, I see Gale.

I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to vote, comment, and follow me! Thank you!

-Melanie 🦁

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