By gr8oldgrumpy1

396 14 12



Author's Introduction

261 3 10
By gr8oldgrumpy1

Author's Introduction

Creepers first appeared on Wattpad in 2011, posted in my old account. It quickly gained a lot of interest and I know that many of you enjoyed reading it. I've since had offers from agents to develop the story into a possible movie script, but the changes they wanted to make were repugnant to me and would have turned it into a fairly naff version of Predator, and so I said no. Predator has already been done and Creepers is no Predator. The fact that I've kept my creative integrity has been a huge boost to my self esteem, if not particularly helpful in the wallet department.

What Creepers is not is a Predator wannabe. What it most certainly is, is a doffed cap to one of my all time heroes of literature, H P Lovecraft. An attempt to mix old with new and I feel I succeeded quite well, presenting Lovecraftian horror with a fresh and contemporary coat of paint.

With the original story stagnating on my hard drive I thought it was probably time I gave it back to Wattpad readers for a second time, but with a few changes this time in order to bring the story into a more realistic frame of reference.

I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it from here on, but the interest I got from publishing agents was reassuring and has encouraged me to maybe consider self-publishing as a book. 

Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to leave your feedback!

Oh, and you'll want to turn the lights down low. Creepers is a dish best served in the dark, preferably during a thunder storm, but if you don't have one to hand some eery mood music will probably suffice.

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