Bigger Than Life

By dougmcquaid

63.8K 4.2K 756

"Even from a distance, Nixon Young has an aura of maturity. The way he carries himself, the rolled back of hi... More

Bigger Than Life
un || les lรฉgendes
deux || une faveur
trois || hรฉros
quatre || dangereux
cinq || la ville de rome
six || la confusion
sept || les hommes
huit || lecteurs de voiture

extended description

7.2K 383 27
By dougmcquaid

Extended description: Chantelle Géroux thought people like Nixon Young only existed in books and movies. Ever since freshmen year, stories about the legendary Nixon have circulated throughout the student body. Tales about his glorious escape from the cops, of the time he stole a car and promptly almost crashed it, of how he had jumped from one roof of a house to another during a crazy party. For the last three years at Princeton High, Chantelle had listened to the stories, even if they were painfully exaggerated, in awe. She spared small glances at Nixon, taking in his confident smile and loud voice, his pale green eyes that sparkled like no others, and tried to understand. Understand how one person could stir such talk among such an easily-distracted group of teenagers.

But Chantelle knew how: Nixon Young was simply extraordinary, in a way that simply couldn't be understood.

But then junior year came around. Two years of stories full of fascinated stares turn into heated whispers in the hall. Looks of awe when he walks by turn into hurried avoidance. Nixon's easy-going smiles turn into scowls, his fist making a dent in the lockers as he lashes out once more on someone. Nixon Young's personality does a complete 180 degree turn, and no one has any idea why. Eventually, Nixon Young is nowhere to be seen.

Until he turns up at Chantelle's doorstep, three weeks after he got kicked out of Princeton High, asking for one hell of a favor.


SO. FREAKING. EXCITED. FOR. THIS. I've already started the first chapter like this story is already my life. If you liked this description, please be sure to leave a COMMENT AND VOTE! I love you all so so much! (: xoxo


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