Well.. This Complicates Thing...

By mazza1992

130K 1.2K 73


1.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
2.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
3.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
4.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
5.) Well.. This Complicates Things
6.) Well.. This Complicates Things
7.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
8.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
9.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
11.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
12.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
13.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
14.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
15.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
16.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
17.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
18.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
19.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
20.) Well.. This Complicates Things!
21.) Well.. This Complicates Things!!
22.) Well.. This Complicates Things!!
23.) Well.. This Complicates Things!!
Authors Note
24.) Well.. This Complicates Things!!

10.) Well.. This Complicates Things!

4.9K 49 0
By mazza1992

Chapter 10

--Sara's POV--

Tears were falling uncontrollably, I just couldn't calm down, sweat rolled down my face as I cried and cried. I can't be alone in this place! The tears started to sting my face as they dried against my fragile skin.

Thinking of calming down, I turned my body to look outside the window, it looked to be around 1-2pm. I started to count, trying to calm down.

1 Mississippi

2 Mississippi

3 Mississippi

I feel slightly better, my sobs started to slow as I concentrated on calming down.

4 Mississippi

5 Mississippi

6 missis...

I didn't get to finish my last Mississippi due to a lot of noise coming from the hall way. Before I knew it, I saw Dan with one of the nurses and doctors shouting at them..

They must have contacted him for me like I asked.

After a few minutes Dan started to calm down and made his way to my door, he peeked around and I couldn't help but smirk at his childish grin.

Dan smiled back at me, the smile reaching his eyes. I've never noticed before, but Dan's eyes seem to change colour, sometimes there like a midnight blue, but then sometimes they change into a golden brown colour. How strange.

"How're you feeling?" Dan asked, making his way into the room, walking slowly..

"I'm feeling better now that I'm not alone" I sighed, struggling to keep a smile on my face.

"I rushed over as soon as the hospital rang me, they let me know about the seizure, they also told me that you have to take it easy" He looked down at me, disappointment filled his eyes.

"Oh, I see" I stared as I gazed into his chocolate brown eyes.

"I've been told that you are allowed out tonight, but you must rest, so that means no school. The principal seem to have noticed what's going on, but she's agreed to let me stay home with you, to keep an eye on you until your parents get back" Dan stared, excitement filled his eyes.

"That's fantastic!!" I squealed, clapping my hands with joy.

Dan smirked "I'm glad you're happy"

I fluttered my eyelashes at him, not resisting the temptation "Yeah, I am" I said, seductively. I saw just then that Dan shivered.. I wonder where his imagination leads him.

Just as I was about to ask him what he was thinking the doctor appeared in my room that I was using.

"Miss Bennett, you are free to leave now, but I must suggest that you take regular pain killers just encase you start to suffer from minor headaches or anything like that" He suggested, whilst walking back out the room.

Before he got all the way out of the door, he peered his head back in, "And Miss Bennett? I don't want to see you in here again" He chuckled. "No me either!" I smiled back at him.

The doctor left the room, and then it was just me and Dan, I don't know what it was, but when I was with him, alone, I felt so comfortable, as if I've known him my whole life, I know it's ridiculous, but it's just the way I feel, and I can't even imagine trying to explain it.

"Come on you, let's get you home" Dan smiled, taking my arms from the bed I was laid and pulled me up into his arms. I shuddered under his soft touch, even though it was through fabric, I could feel the muscle Dan was hiding so well, the toned abs that he worked so hard for. I shuddered again, just thinking... If only...

If only we could be together?

If only we could work?

If only I were 18..

I sighed quietly. Just as I was coming out of my dream state which I like to call thinking time, Dan looked at me funny. Was that a blush I just saw? Was Dan blushing? But why?.. How strange...

I nodded off as soon as Dan carried me to his car, the next thing I remembered was laying in his bed, yet again, wrapped up in the covers.

--Dan's POV--

As soon as I got Sara to the car, she was fast asleep. I buckled her seat belt and stroked the fine strands of hair that covered her eyes. She was beautiful, and I wanted to make her mine, not just in the sexual way, but in nature..

I sighed out loud. I need to tell her about me..

I drove slowly, my thoughts deafening me. As soon as I pulled up at the house, I ran round to the other side and lifted her into my arms. She was completely out of it, that was 'til I laid her down in my bed, where she laid with me only 2 days ago.

"Dan?" Sara whispered. I quickly slid my jacket off my arms and undone my shirt, it really was uncomfortable wearing all of this junk. I threw my shirt to the other side of the room and kicked off my shoes. I do need a shower, I thought to myself again.

"Dan, do I really have to go home when my parents get here" She hid her face from mine, I couldn't see her eyes, so I couldn't read her.

"At some point, when they get back, yes you will have to go" I sighed.. Dragging a deep breath inwards, overwhelming me with Sara's sent. Her smell was everywhere, all over my sheets, in my bathroom, the carpets.. Sara was just everywhere.. I shook my head, trying to think of something else..

I couldn't lose her now, I thought to myself as I dreaded the information I had to tell her.

It's not as if I want to make things more complicated. But, I believe in karma, I believe in fate.

So if we're meant to be together, she'll accept what I need to tell her.

If me and Sara were able to make it through this, then we'd be unstoppable.

I left the room, trying to make my thoughts leave my mind, I can't stand lying.. I really can't, she means a lot to me, I mean, she means more to me than she thinks.. I just don't know how to tell her..



Hearing my ring tone, I quickly grabbed my phone from my jeans pocket and looked at the caller ID..


"Hello?" I asked.

"Son, you need to get out of there fast, they've found you! You've got to come home now where there's protection, this normal life you wanted to live has to come to an end now, and I'm sorry son" My father said out of the blue.

"What's going on dad!?" I cried as I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

"There's no time to explain, they'll be there in 2 hours, and I need you to get out of that town now! Make your way back here! Please son, just listen to me this once, I'm begging you!"

"Dad calm down, I'm leaving now, but you better tell me what's going on! And dad?" I asked.

"Yes son?"

"I've found her.. I've really found her!" I smiled, I couldn't help it. I just know its Sara.. She's the one for me..

I could hear the grin on my father's face, "That's great son, and I can't wait to meet her.. But you need to bring her with you if that's the case.. They'll know, and they will kill her, you understand?" My father asked again..

I wouldn't cope if something happened to her because of me, because of selfish me. I should have left her alone, I can't expect her to accept this.. I mean why would she? I sighed.

"Yes father.. I'll be there soon".

-Sara's POV-

I lay there, thinking of my parents when they heard about my little stop in the hospital.. Would they really come running when they hear about it? No..

I doubt it, they would know that I'd be getting looked after. Either way, I don't want to go home, I'd rather just stay here.

I feel safer here, as if I'm meant to be here..

After a few minutes, Dan was gone, I heard the shower running so I assume he's there. I got up from the bed and went over to the windows, the curtains were drawn across so I pulled them open, letting the little light bellow through the room.

The bright light instantly made me feel a lot better, I remembered I still didn't have any of my clothes with me, so I went through Dan's chest of drawers and found a pair of shorts and a baggy T, throwing my clothes off quickly, I pulled on the other ones.

I didn't want Dan to see my body like this, I mean, I haven't had a shower, I smell horrible I think, so once he's done I'm going to jump in the shower. The fresh clothes made me feel better though, so it can't be that bad.

I looked out the window, the wind was gliding through the tree's making them howl, the sun was going down, the brightness started to fade from the room as I watched the burning sun, it went down fast, a soft chill ran right through me, my sun kissed skin turned ice cold. It took my eyes a few minutes to adjust that it was dark outside..

"Sara!?" Dan shouted from the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I shouted, Dan sounded alarmed.

"We need to leave now, there's something I must tell you, so I'll tell you on the way to your house, which is when you can decide what to do" Dan explained to me. Confused, I just nodded hastily and found a pair of trousers and slipped them on as Dan ran into the room and grabbed himself a change of clothes.

What did he need to tell me? I don't understand..

"Sara, are you ready? We need to leave now!" Dan shouted as he ran down the stairs, suddenly fully clothed.

"Yes! I'm coming" I stuttered, hastily grabbing my jacket and following him downstairs.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and found Dan stood there, looking back at me, his hair was still sopping wet as the little drops of water slipped down his hair and down his face. Dan held a jacket in his arms, slowly he pushed it towards me.

"It's really cold outside now, so put this on" Dan whispered.

I grabbed the jacket from Dan and quickly slid it over my shoulders. "What's going on Dan?!" I cried, I didn't understand, everything's happening so fast!

"I know! I know! I'm sorry Sara, but you're going to have to wait, I need to get you out of here as quick as possible.." Dan paused and looked away from me. His face was strained with stress and worry, so much so that it scared me. My heart started to race as I just walked towards the stairs.

"Wait!" Dan called; I turned around to see Dan standing right in front of me. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, without a second thought I brought my arms up around Dan's neck and squeezed as tight as I could.

"I'll explain everything at yours, but first, I need to do something, just encase.." Dan pulled away and looked into my eyes, his hands still holding onto my waist. As I was just about to ask what he needed to do, he crushed his lips against mine.

They were so soft and sweet, I wanted this to last forever. A few seconds later, Dan's hands were roaming my back and waist, and to be honest, it felt magical. I feel as if millions of fireworks are going off all around us, my heart racing at the beat of explosions!

Dan slid his tongue across my bottom lip and without thinking, I opened up to him, giving him access. A few minutes passed when Dan finally pulled away, and when he did I couldn't help but sigh as I never wanted it to end. Dan lifted his hands to face and stroked my cheeks gently.

I'm falling in love with Mr Curtis.. I smiled at my thought. It was true.. I really was.

"Come on, we've got to get going" Dan said quietly, his voice low and husky, hearing his voice like that made me feel warm all over.. I can't wait to kiss him again. I slowly nodded as Dan pulled away again, took my hand and pulled me towards the front door.

"So, we're going to my house?" I asked, wondering still why we had to leave so suddenly.

"Yeah, we're going to yours. Sara, I've got something important to tell you once we're at yours" Dan looked serious.. He was going to end it with me wasn't he? I can't bare that.. I'd do anything to keep him.

I went silent, no wanting to hear anymore or say anything just encase I was wrong..

"Come on" Dan said, taking my hand and pulling me towards his car. Like a gentleman he opened the car door for me and gestured me in. "My Lady.." He whispered with a butlers bow. Kaw, he's amazing.. I'm never letting him go.. Never..

A rosy blush filled my cheeks as I took my seat and put the seatbelt around me quickly, when I brought my eyes up from that, Dan was still at my door.

He put his head through the door and kissed me quickly, out of breath and shocked, Dan jumped from the car and shut my door as he ran for his side.

The drive to my house was silent, with the odd glimpse from me to him, and him to me, after a while we were eventually outside the front of my house. Eager to know, I asked. "So what do you need to tell me so desperately?" I smiled, hoping that he was falling madly deeply in love with me, and that we'll fight together against the school, and how he'll never let me go.

I sighed in my head. That will never happen, he's got too much going for him, why would he waste all his time on me? I'm nothing to no-one, nothing to him... I pushed back tears as I remembered. Dan could be splitting up with me, even though were not technically together.. I know it hasn't been long at all.. But I just can't imagine my life without him being a part of it.

"So, are you coming inside with me?" I asked, silently hoping he will. I turned towards him, unbuckling my seatbelt at the same time. Dan turned towards me, taking his hands off the steering wheel and stared into my eyes.

"I'll never leave you alone again, unless you want me to?" He said playfully which automatically made me blush.

"I don't.." I whispered.

"Don't what?" Dan asked, his face getting closer, so close that we were only inches apart. Goosebumps erupted over my body, and a sudden chill came over me.

"I... I I.. I don't want you to leave me" I stuttered, embarrassment washed over me as I led my eyes to look at the foot well of the car.

I started to turn for the door, as my hand reached the handle and began to pull, my other hand was tugged hard, and before I knew it, Dan's nose was touching mine, his eyes staring contently into mine.. I suddenly saw a tear coming from his eye..

"I want you to listen to this with me.. It's special, and to be honest, it's all true" Dan whispered as he went into his glove box and pulled out a CD. Without hesitance I cuddled into Dan as he put the CD in the player, and then I heard the most amazing song ever.

Shania Twain - From this Moment On

As soon as the song started to play, Dan wrapped his hands around my face, and started to sing along with it..

From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

Dan's voice sounds like an angel.. My heart began to melt at his words.

From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I'd give my last breath

From this moment on

I give my hand to you with all my heart

Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on

You're the reason I believe in love

And you're the answer to my prayers from up above

All we need is just the two of us

My dreams came true because of you

Gently, Dan brought his lips to mine and pressed them softly, I pushed back, forcing everything I had into that one kiss. Dan started to laugh and pulled back again and just smiled at me.

Dan stopped the CD player, turning it off. The car was full of silence, as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew it, I knewe there was something there with us, it was almost instant, as soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew I was his, and he mine.

"That was beautiful!" I cried, squeezing him tightly in my arms.

"Sara, I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but when I tell you that important thing, you may not want anything to do with me again.. It breaks my heart to know that you might not understand..." Dan paused.

"But just so you know, I will never ever stop loving you.. Never. Now I've found you, I will not be without you, but more important than that, I need you to be safe.. God forbid what I'd do if something happened to you Sara" Dan's voice started to break as even more tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm falling in love with you.. Whatever you tell me.. I can't leave you now" I cried.

Dan smiled and looked down at his watch. A shock of horror swept his face. "Sara, you're going to have to trust me, you won't leave me?" Dan asked, with hope in his voice.

"No, I won't ever leave you" I smiled at Dan, simultaneously, Dan jumped out of the car and ran round to my side and opened my door. Before I knew it, Dan scooped me up in his arms bridal style, a smile that damn near made me start crying again.

"I love you!" Dan screamed.

I started to laugh my head off at him showing his excitement.

"I don't mean to break the moment Sara, but we need to hurry. We were talking in the car for an hour.. I'll explain to you on the way there okay? You need to hurry" Dan put me down and looked at me with a serious face.

"Okay, I'll hurry.. Dan?... Are we really doing this? Are we like running away together?" I think I let a tad too much hope in that sentence..

"It's the only way.. Don't worry thought, you'll see you parents again. Just remember one thing, everything I'm doing. It's to keep you safe" Dan smiled.

"Okay, and might I ask another question?" I giggled.

"Go for it" Dan said, grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Thinking of the old film brought a smile to my face.

"Well, where exactly are we going?" I asked, curious.

"Well, we're going to see my father, that's where we have to go, and that's where I can keep you safe" Dan looked suddenly serious and was starting to check his watch a lot more. This meant I needed to hurry. I quickly nodded to Dan and ran towards my house and up the stairs to my bedroom.

I grabbed a massive holdall from the bottom of my wardrobe and threw 7 pairs of everything in, surely that's all I would need. I made sure to pack 2 pairs of trainers and some shoes and a pair of black boots. And a dress. That should keep me settled for the time being. As I closed the holdall and began to walk towards the door, Dan appeared in front of me.

I dropped the holdall as Dan started slowly walking towards me, grinning as usual.. His eyes were golden and were staring at me, looking up and down at my body. Stopping at my face, then my neck, chest, hips and legs, I watched slowly as he brought his eyes up over my body. Dan got closer and closer every second..

Dan was right in front of me, his body touching every part of mine. Dan brought his mouth to my ear and whispered "Shhhh"... Dan brought his hands to my neck and kissed my jaw line, his hands roaming my body, remembering every part of me.

He rubbed his hands down my sides, stopping at my hips and looked into my eyes, I could only imagine that my eyes were filled with love. I did love him unconditionally. I will never be without him. Dan grabbed the bottom of my shirt and started to lift it stopping at the bottom of my bra.

He brought his head down to my stomach and started to kiss slowly, his lips and tongue rising up my stomach, my body felt like it was on fire, I wanted more. I need him.. I pulled Dan up to me again and crushed my mouth to his, Dan instantly giving me entrance to his tongue. I moved my tongue around his mouth, tasting every part of him.

I massaged my tongue with his as I pulled his body closer to me, there was no longer any space between us. I started to lift my hands to his top and started to slide it upwards revealing his hard toned chest and abs. I got shivers almost instantly. I realised something... I was severely turned on, and by the sound of Dan's heavy breathing.. So was he.

All of a sudden, Dan pulled away from me.. Instantly, I felt he didn't want me..

"What's wrong?" I said, frozen to the spot and quickly adjusted my top pulling it back down. Dan looked at me, and adjusted himself too.

"Nothing's wrong, I just realised the time.. And we've really got to get going. Now!" He shouted and grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

Instantly I followed him downstairs out the front door and into his car again.

Before I even had my belt on, Dan was pulling the car away full speedr ahead.

I turned around and took one last glimpse of my house. I turned back and looked at Dan and smiled.

"Here we go" I smiled, reaching my hand over to his lap and squeezing his leg.

"Here we go" Dan smiled back, and looked back to the road as we slowly and gradually left the place I used to call home.

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