The Better Choice

By Omegathyst

18.3K 230 445

What if Bramblestar chose Jessy over Squirrelfight? What would happen to the characters of Warriors? Who will... More

Choosing Jessy
Gempaw and Cinderheart's kits
The Heart of a Dove
Clan Blues
Silver Beetle on Ice
Let Sleeping Tigers Lie
The Heavy Hearts in the Storm
Deputy, Queen, or Both?
The Squirrel Takes Flight
The Three Queens
Conspiring Apprentices
Thorns in the Waves
A Doomed Clan
Onestar One War Part 1
Onestar One War Part 2
Bumbly Road
Cinder's New Home
Coming Back

Bramblestar's Sudden News

892 12 19
By Omegathyst

Gempaw gasped when the brown tom tackled her out of sight of the other Clans. She unsheathed her claws and swiped the brown tom's nose. He fell back and got back up.

"Where did you see us?!" he snarled. "Where?!"

"I'm not telling! But if I see you two with each other again, I'm telling Bramblestar!" Gempaw growled.

"Don't." the tom's eyes were pleading now. "Rowanstar would never forgive me."

"Should've thought about that!" Gempaw growled. "Who even are you?!"

"Tigerheart." the tom hissed. "Tawnypelt's son."


"Related to Bramblestar, yes." Tigerheart growled. He walked away.

Gempaw returned to the crowd of cats. Bramblestar rushed to her side.

"Are you OK?" Bramblestar purred. "I saw you were missing for a bit."

"I'm fine, thanks." Gempaw meowed. Does he need to know where I am all the time?

"Let the Gathering start!" Rowanstar yowled.

All the cats gathered. Gempaw turned around and her mouth hung open.

Behind the bushes were Squirrelflight and Leafpool, being lead by Bumblestripe and Rosepetal.

Bramblestar looked at them and smirked. No one else noticed.

What does he plan on doing?

"ShadowClan is doing great." Rowanstar purred. "Dawnpelt's kits have been born, Flamekit and Pinekit."

"WindClan is also doing well." Onestar added. "Sedgewhisker's kits have become apprentices. Barkpaw, Skypaw, and Littlepaw have been apprenticed to Gorsetail, Larkwing, and Breezepelt respectively."

"Barkpaw! Skypaw! Littlepaw!" the Clans chanted.

"Heathertail has also moved into the Nursery and we now have three new warriors among us. Featherwisp, Hootcall, and Oatnose!"

"Featherwisp! Hootcall! Oatnose!" the Clans cheered.

"RiverClan could not be better." Mistystar's eyes were gleaming. "Icewing's kits were born: Hailkit and Oakkit. They've joined Petalfur's litter: Turtlekit, Softkit, and Frogkit

Gempaw almost flinched.

The Clans are getting bigger! I hope they don't ask for more territory!

"Dovewing has moved to the Nursery alongside Millie. Cinderheart's kits's are also really healthy." Bramblestar said. "And I am about to hold a ceremony for one special she-cat in front of all the Clans!"

The Clans gasped.

"Is it a warrior ceremony?"

"But no one's ever done it during a Gathering!"

"You sure?"

"Silence." Bramblestar's eye twitched. "Gempaw, step forward."

I've only been training for five moons!

Gempaw's eyes quickly darted toward Squirrelflight. Her eyes were wild with outrage.

Leafpool's eyes were only ones of sorrow.

I'm so sorry

Gempaw felt the ground try to pull her and her paws felt heavier as she walked to the tree where the leaders were at. Rowanstar and Onestar narrowed their eyes at her, while Mistystar looked away. Bramblestar leaped off his branch and touched his nose to Gempaw's.

"Gempaw, will you follow the warrior code for as long as you live?" Bramblestar asked.

"I do." Gempaw was surprised she didn't stutter.

"Wonderful. From now on you will be Gemlight." Bramblestar purred. "ThunderClan needs a new deputy since Squirrelflight willingly stepped down and Leafpool also stepped down as medicine cat."

"Of course." Crowfeather sneered.

Shock and horror sparked in the two she-cats eyes and they tried to rip off the plants tying their mouths. Bumblestripe slapped them both.

"Gemlight, will you be ThunderClan's deputy?" Bramblestar asked.

Gemlight felt the world get smaller and press closer. Her fur bristled and her mouth was open.

Bramblestar just stripped Sandstorm's kits of everything they had and he's giving it to me! I don't deserve this, and neither does Squirrelflight and Leafpool!

"Please." Bramblestar pleaded softly. "I know you'll make a great deputy."

"What?! So any cat you're doing get's to be deputy?!" Jayfeather snarled. He got up and lashed his tail for effect.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!" Bramblestar roared. Mistystar almost fell off her branch.

"ThunderClan's got some serious problems." Harespring muttered to Tigerheart.

"Uh, sure." Tigerheart looked at his paws.

"So what will it be?" Bramblestar asked again.

"I'll be deputy." Gemlight answered. "I will."

The Clans roared in outrage.

"How could he do this?!"

"She hasn't even had an apprentice!"

"She wasn't even a warrior before she got here!"

"We're leaving!" Bramblestar flicked his tail and his cats followed him.

No cats spoke to Gemlight on the way back, only letting her ahead of them and acknowledging her with a flick of a tail.

"Bumblestripe, Rosepetal. Stop." Bramblestar ordered. "Leave these she-cats with me. Gemlight, lead the Clan back to camp please."

Gemlight looked at Bramblestar warily before looking away and taking the lead back.

Dear StarClan, what's happening?

Gemlight and the ThunderClan cats following her were out of sight and earshot.

Bramblestar shoved Squirrelflight into the brambles. He then ripped the plants off Leafpool's mouth.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Leafpool roared. "YOU-"

Bramblestar leaped at Leafpool quickly like an arrow. He sent a claw across Leafpool's belly and sent a few blows to her head.

Leafpool fell into a pool of her own blood, losing consciousness.


Bramblestar snapped Leafpool's neck before she could tell her dying words.

Leafpool was dead.

Squirrelflight was a bloody mess from struggling in the brambles. Bramblestar ripped the plants off her mouth as well.

"What?" Squirrelflight rasped. "You going to kill me too?"

"No, you'd be getting off easy." Bramblestar snarled. "You're banned from ThunderClan. Any patrol sees you, you will be killed. GET OUT!"

Bramblestar shoved Squirrelflight out of the brambles and she limped away. Bramblestar smirked.

I bet a whole rabbit she won't even survive the night!

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