Door Flower64

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Door Flower64

A/N: This part is dedicated to RainbowGal246 who's been nothing but encouraging since I started posting that story. Thanks again! :-)

Hope you enjoy this new chapter! Don't forget to comment and/or vote! :-)


I'm not ready for this at all... I thought as I looked at myself in the full-length mirror at the back of my dressing door.

I was wearing the dreaded RPH uniform which consisted in a navy blue blazer and matching above the knee pleated skirt, a white shirt, a striped navy and red tie and - I kid you not - freaking high heels shoes!

No brand had been mentioned in the school rules policy but I was currently wearing Ralph Lauren and Prada for the first time ever.

But the differences didn't stop there. Whereas they'd been pestering girls about their use of make up at Brading High, in Rochester, they encouraged them to wear what was "necessary to maintain a good image of the school".

I wasn't really sure I knew what they meant but I knew they wouldn't hold it against me since it was my first day there, so I simply put some light purple and bronze eyeshadows, two layers of black mascara and some light pink gloss.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted. It was Nate.

"What do you think?" I asked him still unsure about the outfit.

"Wow, Poppy!" Leo was the one to answer. His eyes were huge and I frowned.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him worriedly.

Leo was still gaping and Nate nudged him in the ribs.

"Hey! It's my sister you're ogling, Lee!" He exclaimed, clearly ticked. "You've missed breakfast, Pops." He then said to me. "But Magda gave me this for you." He was handing me a granola bar. I took it and slid it in my messenger bag, before taking a deep breath.

"Ok, let's go." I said more to myself than to the two twelve-year-old friends.

I'd spent the last seven days playing all types of sports with them and not only was our Un-wimp Leo Plan a success, so far, but the two boys were now inseparable.

"Where the f*ck have you been, Leo?!" Tyler shouted at his younger brother when he saw us across the hall. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" In spite of his clearly grouchy mood, I couldn't take my eyes away from him for at least an entire minute. That's how unbelievably handsome he was right then in his uniform, a white shirt over navy blue dress pants, with a matching blazer.

Unlike mine, his tie was striped navy blue and silver.

It's only when I noticed how pale and distressed Leo looked that I snapped out of it.

"He was with us." I answered for the frightened boy. "If you want to shout at someone, shout at me, ok?! I was the one running late." I snapped with narrowed eyes. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to be late if we don't leave now..." I added sarcastically before walking past him towards the door with Nate and Leo behind me.

"What do you think you're doing?!" The threat behind his words was hard to miss.

"Hmm... Driving the three of us to school..." I answered with my eyebrows raised, still walking. He caught up with me and prevented me from entering my car.

If looks could kill, I'd probably be dead.

"Leo, hop in my car." He ordered.

"But I want to ride with Nate..." He argued and, damn, was I proud of him right then! And judging from Tyler's shocked expression, Leo usually didn't stand up for himself, which made me even prouder.

Way to go, Leo! I inwardly cheered for him.

"Nathan can come with us..." Tyler finally relented, his anger now gone.

"What about Poppy?" Leo asked with a frown, totally unaware of what he'd just achieved.

Tyler's clenched jaw was answer enough, and unwilling to cause a rift between the two brothers, I said, "I'll be ok... Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" Nate asked, clearly unconvinced.

I nodded. "Have a nice day, guys!" I then said as cheerfully as I could before hurrying inside the car.

The drive to school was ridiculously short and I still didn't feel ready when I crossed the now open fourteen feet high forged iron gates.

I decided to park as close to the gate as I could in case I needed to make a run for it.

With my messenger bag hanging on my shoulder, I crossed the paved car park as quickly as I could with my heels until I reached building C.

It was by far the biggest of the three very modern-looking buildings that were standing in a line in front of the huge square-shaped parking lot.

Building A, I had read on my New Student Starter Pack, on which huge colorful stick figures stood out against the bright white paint, housed the kindergarten and primary school.

Next to it, and slightly bigger in size, building B was a shiny dark red color with the white letters RPJHS standing for Rochester Private Junior High School above its bright red main door.

Finally, Building C was even bigger and a shiny metallic grey Rochester Private High School has been spelt with metallic black big block letters signs hung above the double glass door.

If I remembered well, there were roughly four hundred students both in the middle school and in the high school but while our uniforms where navy blue, theirs were grey. The stripes on our ties then indicated our grade, yellow for Freshmen, green for Sophomores, red for Juniors and silver for Seniors.

As I entered the spacious hall in Building C along with many over excited-looking students, I headed right towards where I knew the juniors and seniors section would be.

I pushed the upperclassmen section door open and stepped into the long locker room.

It looked more like a wide corridor, really, with its rows of bright red lockers on either side. Small groups of students were gathered together against lockers, probably catching up on the latest gossip.

I had been given locker number 110. One look at the first lockers, respectively number 1 on my left and 2 on my right, and I realized that it was probably one of the last red, i.e. junior lockers on the right.

90. 92. I could already see where the lockers color changed from red to silver and I cringed when I saw the group of fifteen people or so standing around it, especially when I understood that my own locker was there somewhere as well.

Don't tell me they went as far as request neighbor lockers! I thought as I stopped a few steps behind the VH bros and their court.

After wondering whether I wouldn't be better off not using a locker at all for about half a second, I realized how ridiculous I was being and I resumed walking until I reached the group.

I tried to slide behind two girls who seemed totally engrossed in what Landon Grassi, a tall dark-haired senior, was telling the group, but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I turned around to see who it was and came face to face with Keira Nash, a beautiful brunette with hazel eyes. She and I had met at soccer camp back in sixth grade and even though I'd quit soccer, officially to save money for my car, I knew she was the RPH girls soccer team captain.

"What do you think you're..." She started but as soon as she recognized me, her face moved from irritation to stupefaction. "Poppy Martins..." She muttered with a disapproving grimace.

"Who is she?" A blonde girl I knew only from sight because she always hung out with the Rochester's Alphas, asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'm just passing, don't worry about me..." I said nonchalantly. Now that all their eyes were on me, it was much easier to get to my locker.

"Hmm..." I looked at Owen who was leaning against my locker with a cocky smile. "Thanks for keeping my locker warm..." I said when he still hadn't moved a few seconds later.

Maybe he didn't pay attention to your locker number, I thought, remembering the way he'd smiled when he'd looked at my schedule.

He tried, unsuccessfully to hide the small chuckle that escaped his throat, but didn't move.

I sighed.

"Ok, then..." I said in a bored voice. "I'm all ears..."

Once again, he had trouble masking his confusion.

"Why are you preventing me from accessing my locker?" I then spelt it out for him.

"What?!" Somebody said behind me just as another one snapped, "You can't be serious!"

"I don't know who you are but nobody talks to any of us with that tone..." The blonde girl said, her voice laced with venom.

"She's new." If Keira had initially meant to defend me, her next comment definitely didn't help. "She's from Brading High..."

"I thought we didn't give scholarships?!" Another gorgeous red-head exclaimed.

I narrowed my eyes at that.

"We don't..." Landon interjected, his eyes burning holes into me. "You're that girl, aren't you?" He then asked me with an indecipherable expression on his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about, nor did I plan to interrupt your conversation, by the way..." I replied before pointing at my locker. "I really just want to put my stuff in there..." I sent a pointed look Owen's way but he still didn't move.

"You're the girl they fought for..." Landon said behind me.

The girl they fought for... I shuddered at the image that popped into my mind at his words.

I clenched my hands three times but it wasn't enough this time so my vision started to get blurry.

Why would he say that?! Why would he say that I was the reason they were fighting? I panicked and Tom's words came back to my mind, "You killed him!"

"I don't know what you're talking about..." I repeated my gaze still locked on Owen, who must have taken pity upon me, because he suddenly moved away from the locker with his gaze downcast.

My hands were shaking slightly as I typed the six digits code on the keypad and I let out a relieved sigh when the door opened. I quickly grabbed a few pens and notebooks from my messenger bag before putting it in the locker that I closed.

I took a quick look at my schedule.

Homeroom + History : Mr. SULLIVAN – room 9.

Room 9 will probably be on the ground floor, I thought, so I walked past Owen and headed onward towards the end of the corridor.

"Not so fast..." Landon called me and I'd planned to ignore him but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

His voice had attracted quite a bit of attention so that many seniors in front of me were watching the scene with interest.

I let out a huge breath and turned around. I was surprised by how calm he looked.

"You do know who we are, don't you?" He then asked and I nodded. "So you're also aware that we can potentially make your life hell, right?" His grey eyes darkened for an instant, letting me know just how angry he was.

Well, he could be angry all he wanted as far as I was concerned. As long as he didn't touch Nathan, he wouldn't get a reaction from me.

"Answer my question..." He hissed and his grip on my shoulder tightened painfully.

"Yes, I am aware that you lot represent la crème de la crème at this school and that you can turn the entire school against me..." I answered to humor him.

"Not that question!" He groaned through clenched teeth.

I did answer his other question! I thought, annoyed, now.

"I have already answered your question." I said as calmly as I could. "I do not know what you're talking about when you say I am "That girl they were fighting for"..." I really hoped it would be enough for him to drop it as I clenched my hands a sixth time.

"Has nobody ever told you that you were a shit liar?!" He'd closed the distance between us and his face was hovering mere inches from mine.

"Has nobody ever told you that you were freaking annoying?!" Two could play that game. "Ok, I'll humor you." I just hoped I wouldn't have another episode. I kept clenching and unclenching my hands to keep my mind on the present situation. "Are you talking about a fight that happened two years ago?"

His impatient sigh told me he was indeed.

"Ok, then the only thing I can tell you about that, is that I don't have a clue about what led my two best friends to fight." I emphasized the words best friends on purpose. I might have hoped that Tom and I may become more after the kiss we'd shared the night before they fought, but it had clearly been a drunken mistake for him since he stopped talking to me altogether after that. "I was the one who stopped the fight but they wouldn't tell me what it had been about so..." I shrugged, hoping he'd leave it at that this time, because I wasn't sure I would be able to handle much more.

He looked at me the way people had looked at me that Friday at the lake with Tom, like I was the most pathetic girl he'd seen in his life.

I lifted my chin high and waited for him to insult me but he didn't.

"You mean Wilson never explained?!" Owen exclaimed, looking both flabbergasted and sad?

What the hell were they talking about and why did I have a really bad feeling about that?!

"Tom didn't talk to me for two years after that day..." My voice was shaky and I knew one more question would lead to a total meltdown so I decided to put an end to the conversation myself. "Pathetic, hey?" I added bitterly. "Now, is there anything else you'd like me to tell you before I go?"

He hadn't expected that reaction, apparently, so it took him a few seconds to answer me.

"Only one. What are you doing here?"

Now that type of question I could deal with without a problem.

"My Mom is just having a bout of Cinderella syndrome..." I explained with a glance Owen's way. "And her new boyfriend's the one who organized my transfer, here..." I added with a shrug.

"So you actually live in Rochester, now?" Keira asked, looking deep in thoughts.

I nodded.

"Where?" The blonde girl asked.

"By the lake..." I answered evasively on purpose. "Is Mr. Landon Grassi satisfied with my - albeit pathetic – answers already?"

"What's the name of your mother's new boyfriend?" He prodded.

Apparently not.

Why was he pushing this?! And why did he no longer look mad at me?!

He knows!

Why does he want me to publicly announce it?!

Because Tyler and Owen told him to do so, of course!

But why?! Tyler clearly told me that he wouldn't acknowledge me at school...

"You obviously know the answer to that question so there's no need for me to say it, really, is there?" I paused and shrugged. "You're going to make my life a living hell anyway, right?" His deep frown told me that I may have been wrong about his intention, but the bell rang, saving me from his inquisitiveness.

I found room 9 easily and chose a seat at the back of the room by the window. I was still slightly shaken from my encounter with RPH royal court and I hoped nobody would pay me any attention.

"We need to talk..." Owen whispered after sitting down next to me.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Why today, though?!" I yell-whispered. "You and your brother haven't said a word to me in one week. So why do you choose today to have words and talks?!" I asked before looking at the trees outside.

"This morning was a test..." He said apologetically.

"A test?" I repeated incredulously. I turned to look at him and was once again struck by how similar the three brothers' eyes were. "Funny how in spite of all your efforts to hide the way you're feeling the three of you have exactly the same eyes. Same color, same shape, same hint of sadness..." I pointed out absent-mindedly before looking back at the trees.

Mr. Sullivan did the roll call and I was glad when he didn't ask me to introduce myself to the class. After that he gave each of us a syllabus and a heavy textbook and without further ado, he started what ended up being a truly interesting and lively lesson about the Civil War.


When Owen sat next to me again fourth period, I couldn't help but roll my eyes along with all the other students from the class, especially the girls.

"Dude." I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know you mean well, but seriously, it's getting old now."

He looked confused for a second.

"What are you talking about?" He whispered, looking confused.

"You sitting next to me to make sure nothing happens or something..." I answered uncertainly.

He shook his head slowly.

"Why would anything happen to you while we're in class?" He interjected with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't you worried of being associated with pathetic me?" I insisted.

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" He asked in his deep singsong voice. "I could go on a date with the janitor and nobody would say a word..." Many girls giggled.

I guess...

"Ok." I muttered. After all, it was a free world, he could sit wherever he liked. He seemed to be pretty serious with his schoolwork as well, so why not?

He'd probably get bored before the end of the week, anyway, and at least he left me alone.

So far, all the lessons had been interesting.

I'd always enjoyed learning so I usually paid attention to what teachers were saying, unlike many of my classmates who chose to nap or to chat instead. But here, it was as if students were all focused and willing to succeed. Not once, had I heard a teacher tell a kid off for chatting.

To be honest one of my biggest worries at the idea of starting school here, had been to be behind, and so far, I was relieved to see that I was doing ok.

The rhythm was undeniably more intense, but the teachers used so many different supports to illustrate their lessons, that it was almost fun to be there.

We'd been given heaps of homework already but I'd somehow managed to do a good portion of it in class and I finished the day with double PE and study hall, so after that lesson, there shouldn't be anymore.

Nevertheless, I was glad when the bell signaling lunch rang at the end of period five. I needed a break from all the data I'd forced upon my brain all morning.

I quickly packed my stuff in the brown leather messenger bag I'd retrieved between second and third after realizing how many books I'd have to carry, and was about to make my way out of the room, when Owen stopped me.

"Three options." He said with a smirk. "You come have lunch with me, I introduce you to a few people, we eat in a blissful atmosphere..."

"And we'll be farting multicolored daisies all afternoon... Yeah, yeah, I get the gist." I cut him off, and he started laughing so loudly that some students who'd heard him from outside the class came inside to see what was happening.

"She's hilarious..." He told our audience and I grimaced. "Careful your face doesn't stay frozen like that..." He then said before tapping the tip of my nose playfully, earning himself an uglier grimace.

I started walking toward the door.

"Option number two," He stopped me again. "I let you wander on your own and you'll probably be miserable and skip lunch..." He paused. "Well, you'll still have the pleasure to be with me again in PE and study hall so it wouldn't be so bad either, I imagine.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"What's option three?" I asked.

"My car or your car, you choose..." And this time, I was the one who laughed. Well, I smiled really but it was close enough.

His face instantly lit up with the biggest smile I'd ever seen on him, and I think that my own smile grew a bit bigger, too.

"What's with the happy face?" Ross Lavatta had been waiting for Owen outside the class. He was a junior like us and Owen's closest friend.

"I'll leave..." I started but he grabbed my hand. I stopped to listen what he had to say but not before freeing it from his grasp.

His frown was back. "Give us a second, Lav."

"Sure Man, sorry, I didn't know..." His friend started apologizing profusely as if he'd committed a crime. His voice sounded forced.

"I thought he was your best friend!?" I couldn't help but say when we were out of earshot from Ross.

"He kind of is..." He said with a tiny shrug and I realized I'd hurt his feelings, so I shut up.

"Sorry." I mumbled when he still hadn't said a word a couple of minutes later.

"Tell me what you're saying sorry for..." He murmured.

"Because I hurt your feelings when I implied that Ross didn't act like a best friend..." I answered guiltily.

"I know, I can't convince you to choose option three..." He spoke again after a few seconds. "But will you give us rich jerks a chance?" He said with his head cocked to the side slightly, looking hopeful.

"Is there going to be another test?" I asked him with an arched eyebrow.

"It is part of a plan but not a test..." He said.

"Did Bryan call you?" I finally asked, realizing how unreal my hanging out with Owen Van Houten was, especially after Tyler's behavior this morning.

"No..." He answered and I knew he was telling the truth.

"Your Dad?" I tried again, convinced that his attitude toward me didn't make sense. He shook his head dejectedly, now. "Magda, then?" I said. "No, Leo! It's Leo, isn't it?!" I exclaimed.

"Stop, Poppy!" Gone was nice Owen, dangerous Owen was back. "If you don't want to join us for lunch, fine, don't, but don't insult me, please!"

"Insult you?!" I shot back, confused as to what I'd said that he deemed insulting but drew a blank.

"Aren't you questioning my motives?!" He interjected.

"Damn right, I am!" I exclaimed. "You even admitted this morning was a test..."

"You were supposed to ask me what kind of test I meant, not using it against me..." He argued, clearly irritated.

"Do you hear yourself, Owen?!" I exclaimed again, really annoyed now.

"There's one thing you need to know before you piss me off even more." He replied, visibly struggling to rein in his anger. "Nobody, and I mean nobody, tells Ty and me what to do..."

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