Gears and Wires (Donatello x...

By CherryBomb325

19.1K 510 139


Gears and Wires (Donatello x Reader)
Chapter 2 - Welcome Home
Chapter 3- What just happened?

Chapter 4 -Humans?!

2.3K 93 52
By CherryBomb325

You took a huge gulp of you now cold coffee, finishing off your third cup before rubbing your eyes and looking down at the pile of scattered papers on your desk top. You had been working non-stop for three days trying to recreat all the notes and blueprints you lost. You stood from you seat at you desk and headed to the kitchen to get another cup of caffinated goodness. You let out a yawn as you put you cup on the kichen counter, you reached to grab the pot but jumped when your phone buzzed violently in your back pocket. Pulling it out you saw Donnie's picture pop up on the screen, you sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. He was probably calling to lecture you again about working to hard and to get some sleep.

"Hello?" you answered with a mix of tiredness and irritationin your voice

"Umm hi (f/n)" Donnie's voice came through, sounding worried but there was something else in his voice

"Hi Donnie, what do you want?" you asked grumpily

"We kinda have a problem over here, uh can you come over?" he asked sounding almost frantic

"Okay? Whats going on?" you asked, slightly suspisious

"You'll understand when you get here" you heared muffled voices in the background

"Oh Ya! Umm and can you bring guy clothes with you too?" he added

"...Sure?" you were beyond confused by this point

"Thanks (f/n). See you soon

"Anytime. Bye" you said before hanging up. You stood there for a minute trying to figure out what just happened and why the guys needed clothes. You shugged it off and headed into the bathroom to take a quick shower and change into some fresh clothes before grabbing your purse and heading into the world.

*Time Skip*

You were walking threw the sewers carrying three large bags of clothes you bought from the thrift store. You sighed 'these guys better have a really good explanation to have me spend my money and waste my time' you thought. You shook your head knowing the lack of sleep was making you a bit snappy so you took a soothing breath before entering the lair but found it empty.

"HELLO!?" you shouted

"IN HERE (F/N)" You heard Donnie shout back from the lab. You walked over and grabbed the handle to push it open but the door was shoved closed with a collective

"DONT COME IN" from the other side, you raised a brow before crossing your arms

"Jeez if you guys dont want my help I can just leave, I have work I need to do anyway" you said turning around

"No!! Wait!!" They yelled again and then you could here chatter from the other side before the door opened slightly and Casey was shoved out with an amused smirk on his face

"What the heck is going on?" you asked irritated

"Calm down pointdexter. I dont know whats going on but all I know is that they need this first" he said snagging the bags and returning into the lab, shutting the door behind him, you sighed and took a seat on the couch and waited. Some time later Casey came out again and gestured you to go into the lab, the smug look still on his face.

"Its safe to enter now" he mused as he moved aside so you could enter with your crutch.

You walked into the lab expecting to see the turtles but stopped when you didnt, you saw four human teenagers dressed in the clothes you had bought. You were frozen speechless as you stared at the strangers, Casey came up behind you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders

"Now mind explaining this mess?" he said gesturing to the others in the room. You shook your head and looked at him with a scowl.

"Very funny Jones. Jokes over" you fumed glaring at him, earning confused looks from everyone.

"What are you talking about?"

"You bring a couple of your hockey buddies to the lair while the guys are out and call me on Donnie's phone with that stupid impression of yours saying 'oh somethings wrong' and here we are and your buds get some free clothes. Bravo Casey...I'm going home, I have work to do" you huffed and turned around to leave. You crutched over to the door mumbling 'I can believe you' and 'I'm wasting my time' under your breath, you grabbed hold of the handle but a hand grabbed your shoulder.

"Wait (f/n)" it sounded like Leo

"oh wow you can do Leo too, congr-" you grumbled before turning to meet with the face of one of the strangers instread of Casey. His eyes were a familiar striking Leo's. You froze and stared up at him.

"Its us (f/n)" he spoke again

"Leo?" you whispered quitely, he smiled nervously and nodded. You tensed and really started taking in the others features. They had striking resemblances to the turtles...but how 'no...this isnt it?' you thought

"T-this is impossible" you sputtered, rubbing your eyes making sure it wasnt just some exhausted hallucination

"My thoughts exactly" who you concluded was Raphael spoke, crossing his arms

"Your Humans?!" you shouted, slightly paniced

"Ya and we were hoping you could figure out why" Leo said, realeasing your should to lean against a nearby wall. You circled each of them in intense examination stopping in front of them again in deep thought

"I dont see the problem here guys, We're human now! We can go up top without worrying about being seen!" Mikey said enthusiastically

"True but I dont know about you Mikey but I could hardly walk properly in this new body so that means all of our training has gone down the drain" Leo retorted, earning a pout from his younger brother. That note definatly caught your attention, you noticed that Donnie was using his Bo staff almost as a walking stick. This is very bad, they cant fight in this state which means their enemies have a huge advantage over them. They talked amougst themselves as you blankly stared at the floor in deep thought. You didnt notice Donnie hobble over to you when you didnt respond, your brain was buzzing with possible explanations and solutions to notice.

"(F/N)!!" he shouted, scaring you out of your thoughts and causing you to jump

"W-what?" you stutter trying to calm down you racing heart from the jolt

"I asked what was in those viles Mikey knocked over last week were" he repeated, your eyes widened in realization

"THAT'S IT!!" You exclaimed

"Whats it?" Mikey piped up, rather confused

"In those test tubes were human stem cells and a diluted mutagen salution I had been working on. The reaction must have caused you to turn human. I dont understand why the change was so dilayed though" you inquired to yourself

"Whatever, how do we fix it?" Raph asked. You were about to answer when April's voice cut you off

"Hello~ Anyone home!" she called out

"In here Red" Casey answered, she entered the room and immediatly froze

"Who are they?!" she demanded, you sighed pinching the bridge of your nose, a small headache growing in your temples

"Its the Turtles, they got caught in a cemical reaction back in my apartment last week and...well you can put the rest together from there" you answered. She slightly glared at you and crossed her arms

"Then how come your fine?" she asked in an accusing voice

"I took cover after Mikey dropped the viles that caused the reaction" you answered back with a bored tone, you were in no mood to be accused for something you didnt cause, especially not from her.

"Now we are looking for a way to fix it" Donnie piped up, grabbing April's attention. She looked him up and down before taking in the other appearances and smiled

"Why? You guys actually dont look half bad like this" she mused, causing a blush to rise to his now rosy cheeks.

"Thanks April but I think our old bodies suit us better" Leo said matter of factly, you smiled a little, at least he understood the situation.

"Ya but these ones let you go to the surface when ever you want and do what ever you want" She added, earning a small cheer from Mikey

"See?! April agrees with me!"

"At least give it a chance guys, if you dont like it then change back" she insisted. You stood in the back silently with a look of concern on your face about there decision. What if it was permanent if not treated right away? How badly will it affect there fighting? What if it changes them? So many questioned crossed your mind as you watched them come to an agreement to try it for two weeks. You had a bad feeling about really did.

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