"I Hated Sunsets"

By -BlueJayBlues-

18.5K 842 110

I've seen the sunset, I've watched all of the colors that I will never see again sink into darkness. I hated... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapten Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eaight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eaighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapeter Two

1.1K 38 10
By -BlueJayBlues-

We all scampered off the train when it came to a stop In a rush as if we all knew where exactly we were going in this town. Only eleven of us had made it to Tulsa, Charles not included.

In the midst of the confusion I felt Dallas grip on my hand tighten "Come on Baby, lets get to a shop" he said, pulling me and my tiny purse along out to what I guess was the heart of the city.

There were people that looked at us like we were animals, they were dressed in sleeveless sweaters and sundresses with fixed up hair. Maybe they'd just never seen a hood before.

Shops with colorful posters lined the street with fancy cars, we walked past all of them before we made it to a corner store. It had shelves that lined the walls with food and small day to day objects, nothing worth spending money on.

I was wearing big dark jeans and a stained white jacket with a bra underneath, so I was able to snatch a couple matches, a pack of weed and a few strange candies.

Dallas wasn't messing around, I saw him take a large red painted pocket knife. We need protection somehow I guess. Dallas looked at the floor before walking out of the store, ignoring the lady at the cash register. I followed quickly behind.

When I opened the wooden door I automatically rammed my face into someone's back. It was Dallas. I shoved him forward "Get a move on Buster!" I said mockingly, before noticing a group of older boys around us. There must have been eight.

They wore spiffy cloths and laughed at me. They didn't look any good to me so I grabbed Dallas's jacket collar and started walking away, back to the train station.

"Hey!" one of them yelled before jumping in front of me. "Shouldn't you be in kindergarten right now?" he said tauntingly while smacking on his chewing gum. I tried to swerve around him but he stepped in front again and took me by the shoulders and shoved me down onto the cement.

"I didn't say we were done, Greasers!" he yelled to me and Dallas before shoving Dallas to ground. The guy started punching his face in, his legs adjusted above Dallas's, he wasn't stopping. It didn't look like he was ever gonna stop.

I jumped up from off the ground and lunged toward the attacker. My teeth sunk into his neck, and just as I started tasting blood I was yanked off and shoved onto a brick wall.

"You know..." the boy who had me pinned up said, I smelt whiskey in his breath "... there's a lot of other things we could do with you..." and then my jacket was taken off. I screamed and bit his finger. That's when I saw the people, all dolled up, around us in the street barely giving me and Dallas a glance.

Is this a world they've grown to know? Is this the life I'm gonna be forced to live? Plenty of the group boys were watching or cheering on, or even joining in.

While the guy whined in pain I ducked below him to go help Dallas. That's when I noticed he was holding a silver knife. Dallas sliced at the boys wrist and jumped up and hauled it. In the commotion, I started running too.

Dallas's jacket kept him noticeable in the small town crowd, but no matter how fast I ran I never caught up with him. I didn't even have a jacket now, so I had to watch shocked expressions on the faces of stupid plastic moms who would cover their sons eyes and glare at me.

Finally we made it out of the busy place and into the down side of the town, my true environment. It was so dark now that I couldn't see Dallas's jacket now or heard his faint feet hitting the ground anymore. I stood still for a second and tried to hear something that could lead me to him, but he was gone. Far-Gone by now.

I started walking, leaded only by the few and far between street lamps and a few lights shining through the windows of old beat up houses. It felt like i was endlessly carrying on until I saw a park, empty. It was a place where I would be able to stay for the night. Dallas is gone for good I guess.
Different state, same situation.

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