Mending Torn Bonds {Book Four...

By LloydLover_19

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{Book Four in the Four Winds Series} It's been almost ten years. Kyle is almost eighteen and the twins are al... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Seventeen

896 44 8
By LloydLover_19

A/n- I just thought of this today, but the song up above is awesome for Xavier!!

Xavier wrapped his cloak closer about him. He was high in the dark crags. He had been looking almost everywhere for this Dark Druid. He yelled in frustration and shot a dark energy beam at a nearby rock. Then he noticed his hands. They were grey! He scratched at his hands in panic. His skin was almost the same color as the Master of Shadow.

"You are finally ready," a deep voice said behind him.

Xavier spun around but he didn't see anyone.

"Over here," the voice said from the direction he had been previously facing.


"What do you think?"

"Can you help me?" He pleaded.

"Help you go back to your weak self? No! I can help you embrace your darkness!" Sephtis said vehemently.

"I don't want to be dark!" Xavier yelled angrily.

"Why? Your family lied to you!"

"What?" Xavier looked at him questionably.  

"Your little brother is alive! They were trying to trick you home!"

"That just means they love me!" Xavier said still fighting himself.

"You can never go back! You must become who you were meant to become!"


"Look!" Sephtis roared.

He raised a hand and many images began to flash in front of Xavier's eyes. He felt the last of the light being drained from him. Tears began to poor down his face and then; the old Xavier was gone but not completely. He held on to the tiniest sliver but it was burried deep in his heart.

"They lied!" Xavier said angrily.

"Yes, Katrina tried to stop them," Sephtis lied.

"I'm getting her out of there," Xavier turned and walked back down the mountain.


"Katrina?" Stephanie called loudly.

"I'm over here," Katrina answered softly. She was sitting beside the small stream that ran past the monastery.

"Julia will come around," Stephanie said sitting next to her friend.

"I'm not so sure. I've done her wrong. I was her best friend and I left her like I didn't care. I fought her. I was the reason that James died," Katrina said numbly.

"But none of that was in your control," Stephanie said shaking her head.

"The leaving parts were."

"Okay! So maybe you did some rather stupid things but they are forgivable!" Stephanie said trying to be positive.

"You're a very compassionate person," Katrina smiled at Stephanie.

Stephanie was about to say something but she gasped. She stood quickly and pulled Katrina up with her. They both turned to see a dark hooded man. He had black hair, grey skin, and red eyes. He looked familiar though. He removed his hood. Stephanie would recognize that mess of wavy hair anywhere.

"Xavier! Good Heavens! What has happened to you?!" Stephanie gasped.

He held out a hand. Katrina was about to say something but then she disappeared.

"Katrina!" Stephanie screamed. "Someone help!"

Tyson turned to corner and gaped at Xavier in fear. He ran in the other direction yelling for someone to come help.

Xavier looked at her harshly and raised a hand towards her. Stephanie screamed but then saw reality around her blur. The bright colors turned dark and them she was surround by high crags made of volcanic rock.

"Katrina!" Stephanie screamed.

"I'm right here," Katrina said shivering. Stephanie turned to see that Xavier was behind them.

"Xavier, what are you doing?" Katrina shouted over the wind.

"Saving you from the liars!" He said spitting in Stephanie's direction.

"What are you talking about?!" Stephanie yelled. Xavier raised a hand and she was cut off by purple goo starting to creep up her legs.

"Xavier, James is alive! Your mother's locket saved him!" Katrina screamed in panic.

"You're in on it too!" Xavier roared.

"No! I promise! I'm loyal to you!" Katrina promised. "I'm telling the truth!"

"No matter! They will pay either way!"

"What about your family!" Stephanie shouted. Her voice cracked.

"They are no family of mine!"

Stephanie looked at him in horror. She stepped out of the goo. Xavier looked at her surprised.

"Master of Magic," he growled. "Figures."

"I'm going back and taking Katrina with me!" Stephanie brought her open palm up and her eyes glowed purple. The crags began to disappear. Suddenly she was drawn back. "What?!"

"You are very strong in the arts of magic," a deep voice said.

Stephanie began to chant and the rocks began to shake.

"Oh no you don't!" The voice boomed. Sephtis cast a counter spell and the shaking ceased. He grabbed Stephanie by the throat and held her over the cliff.

"No! Don't!" Katrina yelled. "Xavier!"

Stephanie was not incapacitated yet. She kicked up and wrapped her legs around Sephtis's neck and used the momentum to cause him to fall. He could only fall backwards so that landed her safely away from the cliff face. She brought her fist down onto his jaw and flipped to the side.

Xavier grabbed her arm and used his power on her. She screamed. The dark energy made her loose consciousness and she fell.

"Xavier!" Katrina screamed.

"She will be fine," Xavier said in a gravely voice. "Sephtis will take her to our base."

"What about me?!"

"You will come with me," he said.

"Like hell I will," she screamed.

"I will not force you," Xavier said standing stubbornly. "But Stephanie is coming so if you want to look after her then I suggest you come."

"Fine. But under protest," she said walking past him angrily.

"I would expect nothing less from you," he said walking behind her.

A/n- OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! INTENSE!!!!! Hope you enjoyed! -LL_17

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