Damaged wings

By rock_4_life

5 1 0

Keep away from that angel! For no-one knows what happened to his wings during his two years of M.I.A. during... More


4 1 0
By rock_4_life

Wings that have been damaged that badly may never recover.

The pain will always stay in the damaged parts.

But if an angels heart is shattered and broken like there wings then there will be no hope for them. They will start to damage further and cause the angel even more pain the only way to stop it would be to cut the wings off or to put up with the constant unbearable pain.

Either way you lose something.

But now let's stop talking about that and start off this story, for this story is one of a kind. It tells you the journey of what happened with an angel.
But not just any angel.
But about an angel who was injured saving and protecting those who he didn't know, but he didn't need to know them to save them from the betrayal they where suffering, and because of that betrayal they where hunted. Hunted like dogs.

He rescued them and protected them for 2 years and managed to start a relationship with one specific person and i reckon to everyones surprise it was a male! He was gonna marry that man on the day the hunters came! They came in force this time and he kept on protecting them until he was capture
He was capture because he had to protect them. He had to protect the people who he felt where like family to him, and who he loved most!
And the only way to protect them was to lead the hunters away from them and attack them. But in the end he was captured and taken away.

The people who captured him tried to make him tell them where they where now, (for he knew where they'd go and stay there If this ever happened) by various techniques, though, In the end it revolved around torture and what better thing to do it to then to an angels wings.

So now let the story begin!


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