Welcome To My World -bdsm-

By MiraHeartWild

846K 30K 6.2K

this is fanfiction. Sterek teen wolf. --very fictional don't hold it to the same light as Sweet Submission-- More

Intro and new kid
the Team
the club
a distraction
empty house
bad habit
I don't care
wrong person
don't lie to me
3 weeks later
Broken boys
getting things figured out
Den 3- in trouble
house rules
Hallways and Letters
Stiles first kiss
Everything Changed
Breakfast and Awkward Conversation
Aftercare fun
Not Alone
the Destination
waking up
What happened
Hallways and Hospital Rooms
Shame and Tears
Coming Home
(not a new chapter)
True Place
What Happens Next?

The Den part 2

24.9K 842 620
By MiraHeartWild

Stiles was feeling warm. It was hot in the Den. Or maybe he was just feeling hot cause Derek had yet to take his hand from the back of his neck.

Those callused fingers were a steady pressure on the back of his neck. He felt his cheek keep getting hot and then he felt a bead of sweat roll down his neck only to land on Dereks fingers.

The sensation of Dereks fingers rubbing up his neck into his sweaty hair was making him shiver. He then felt Derek lean over and his lips were by his hair as he spoke his breath tickled his ear. "Take off your jacket. Youre sweating."

When Derek sat back his hand disappeared and something in Stiles missed his touch. Pulling off his jacket he felt that his shirt was damp. He blushed knowing he was hot but he didn't want to take off his shirt because although he wasn't pudgy or anything he definitely wasn't muscular like the rest of the men sitting around him.

Even Isaac and Scott had six packs. He felt self conscious about his flat stomach with no muscle definition.

Peter smirked and spoke up sipping his scotch. "Already trying to get Stiles undressed I see." Peter winked. "If youre hot you should just take off your shirt. That will give us a peek at your finally legal body." Peter likes to tease.

Stiles blushed and ducked his head. "Yeah uh... no... believe me. I look a lot better with clothes on..."

Scott and Isaac gave him a few looks and shook their heads.

Derek leaned forward to take his drink from the table in front of them. Stiles spotted the tattoo on his back. It was a triskelion.

Stiles didn't realize that his hand was already reaching out as his fingers brushed over the tattoo. "This... it was on-" His fingers barely brushed over the spirals before Derek tensed under his touch and then suddenly Stiles let out a squeak of shock and fear as Derek was on him in an instant.

Derek had whipped around and grabbed his wrist and then Stiles was pinned back against the booth with Derek gripping both his wrists and pinning them above his head against the booth seat backing. Dereks eyes were smoldering down at him as he literally growled at Stiles. "You do not have permission to touch me Stiles."

Stiles gasped as Dereks grip on his wrists tightened just enough to give him a slight edge of pain before gentling again but staying firm enough to trap him. Stiles wide golden amber eyes were looking up into those green eyes and he trembled. "I-Im sorry..."

Derek growled and put both Stiles wrists in one of his hands and held them firmly before he gripped Stiles chin forcing his head to the side before Derek leaned in and spoke against his ear. "If you touch me without permission again... I will rip your throat out... with my teeth..."

Stiles felt himself dripping in his jeans. His body shivered as he was breathing small shaking breathes. "Right... no touching... got it."

Derek stayed like that for a few moments just holding Stiles down like that his mouth near Stiles vulnerable neck making Stiles squirm under his hold. Derek growled down at him again and Stiles tensed and tried to stay still.

Peter let out a groan. "Damn. I bet hed be hard to break of that. Hed probably squirm if every inch of his body was strapped down."

Stiles was trembling and tried to stay still but he just couldn't his shaft was hard and throbbing and he was hot and Derek was pinning him back in the seat and his breath was tickling his neck and ear. Stiles bit his bottom lip and let out a little whimper.

Suddenly Dereks hands were gone and he was growling as he was standing up and bounding out of the VIP section.

Stiles was shaking a bit as he sat up normally and then Isaac and Scott were beside him. " I didn't mean to mess up..." Stiles said as he rubbed his neck.

"You didn't Stiles everything is okay." Isaac said as he rubbed Stiles back soothing him.

Peter was grinning over his drink. "My dear nephew just needed to go and cool down before he took you apart piece by piece and then built you back up to be his." He chuckled as Stiles blushed. "You seem to push his buttons"

Scott nodded a little. "Yeah... I haven't seen Derek touch someone as much as he touches you."

Peter leans over and nods to the main dancefloor where down in the pit. He spoke clearly. "Don't worry about it boys. Tonight is Stiles Birthday. Go dance and have fun. You have been seen here with me and Derek. No one will touch you. Go have fun. I will watch you." Peter smirked leering a bit. "So make sure to tease me a little"

Scott and Isaac pull Stiles with them down the stairs into the pit. Where it is a dancefloor. Strobe lights and lazers and thrumming base vibrating the air around them as they walked onto the dancefloor.

Stiles was nervous. He didn't know how to dance sexy. He wasn't sexy. He was stiles. He was spastic and clumsy. Scott and Isaac noticed his tense body and they started dancing against him sandwhiching him between their bodies.

Stiles tensed more not knowing what to do. He blushed and he started to stutter. "I-I d-don't know how-"

"Just let us show you Stiles. Just feel the beat of the music and feel our bodies against you." Scott told him as he danced behind him.

Isaac gripped Stiles hips and started grinding against his front. He smiled and pressed close to Stiles. "Just relax Stiles. Just feel it."

Stiles was blushing and bitting his bottom lip as he was hard in his jeans as they danced against him. Scotts hands gripped his hips too and he felt his body start to move with them.

They were teaching him how to sway his hips and grind by litterally moving him and dancing against him.

He felt they were both half hard against him. He was fully hard. His breath panting out slightly as he felt Scott pull his shirt up and Isaac help take it off. He was now shirtless with them.

Their hot sweat slick bodies pressed against each other as they grind together move in sync. Stiles felt amazing. He felt his hands touching Isaac and Scott and he wasn't afraid or embarrassed. He felt them touching him too. His shoulders. His back. His chest. His hips.

They had moved so that Isaac was in the middle and Stiles was grinding against his ass as Scott was dancing and grinding against his front. Scott and Isaac were kissing. Stiles watched them and thought it was really hot.

He was about to pull away to give them privacy when he felt Scotts hand in his hair holding him in place. He let out a little whimper as the feel of fingers gripping his hair made him drip again.

They broke the kiss and looked to him as he bit his bottom lip. Then they are all facing each other as they dance in a little circle and smiling. Stiles still feels a bit self conscious about his flat stomach and undefined chest but when his friends are there smiling at him and touching him reasuring him, he can just let go.

They pull him between them again and they are smiling and grinding on him as he sways his hips and his body actually is kind of graceful like this. He groans as Scotts fingers graze his happy trail. Scott and Isaac chuckle a little at how sensitive he is.

Isaac brushes his fingers over Stiles nipple and Stiles hisses and bows his head to rest against Isaac's shoulder. "fuck... don't do that... youll make me jizz right here." Stiles was worked up.

Scott and Isaac lead him back to the VIP section and Peter grabs Scott the second hes within reach and starts kissing him. Stiles is in shock as he falls into the booth with Isaac and just watch as Scott straddles Peters lap and kisses the man that has his fingers fisted in Scotts hair. Peter is gripping Scotts ass and making him grind into his lap as they kiss.

Stiles looks over to Isaac and sees hes smiling just watching. When Isaac sees Stiles confusion he just leans in. "Scott and I are free Subs. Well Scott is a switch but he doesn't have enough dom experience to top yet. So we have an agreement with Peter and Derek. But they have favorites. Scott is Peters favorite and I tend to sub for Derek more. We play with a couple of other trustworthy Doms but mostly we are with the Hales. "

Stiles blushes deeply as he watches Peter pull Scotts hair forcing his head back so he can kiss and lick his neck and Peters hand is between their bodies and Stiles has a feeling that from the sound of Scotts moans Peter is stroking him to completion.

Stile blushes deep and hot as he watches Scott arching and moaning then he hears Peter growl. "Come for me pet." And suddenly Scott is curling and jerking his hips and letting out pained little whimpers as he obeys Peter and then he slumps panting catching his breath against Peters chest.

Peter pets Scotts hair as he holds him in his lap. Peter is gentle in this moment with Scott. Stiles can see the trust between them. The connection.

Stiles wants that. Wants to feel that one day. He realizes that maybe... maybe he might be a submissive...

The thought is terrifying. Terrifying because Stiles instantly feels he will never be able to have that. That trust. That connection. That level of intimacy between anyone and himself. Stiles noticed Peters eyes locking with his for a moment and Stiles cant help but respect the man that has just given Scott what he needed.

Stiles clenches his jaw and nods to Peter. Peter doesn't smirk he just nods back and the look of respect passes between them as he puts his attention back on Scott. Peter picks up thw boy and carries him away back into one of the playrooms.

"Hes going to give Scott after care." Isaac explains as he sits there with stiles in the VIP Section.

Stiles sees Derek heading over towards them and he reaches over to put his jacket back on. He doesn't want Derek seeing him shirtless. Pulling it over his arms he sits back and zips it halfway up.

Derek sits down and facing the stage Derek doesn't even look at them as he growls out. "Isaac kneel."

Isaac is on his knees between Dereks knees in an instant. Dereks fingers are petting through Isaacs blonde curls. Isaac head slowly lays on Dereks thigh and with his back straight and his hands on his thighs he stays just like that while Derek watches the stage.

There is a Dom and Sub setting up on the Andrews Cross. Stiles blushes as he looks between his friend kneeling at Dereks feet and the stage.

Derek slowly looks from the stage to Stiles and he just watches him. Stiles doesn't know what hes looking for. Stiles is just trying to understand. "Isaac, how are you feeling?" Derek asks as he stairs straight at Stiles.

Isaac has a relaxed smile on his face. He looks content. "Safe. Warm. Good, Sir."

Derek continues to stair at Stiles as he asks. "Do you feel degraded in this position?"

"No, Sir." Isaac softly nuzzles into Dereks thigh as he says this.

Stiles hands grip his own thighs. He looks between Derek and Isaac just watching.

"Why not pet?" Derek says as he continues to pet Isaacs hair gently and watches Stiles.

"Because this is about trust and respect and affection. Not humiliation or putting me in my place. I like being here kneeling for you Sir." Isaac explains softly as he is almost purring under Dereks hand.

"Good boy." Derek praises him looking down at him pulling his chin up to look in his eyes as he praises him again caressing his cheek. "You are such a good boy Isaac."

Stiles can see Isaac smile and preening under the praise of his Dom. Then Derek continues to pet his hair and look at the stage.

Stiles knows that this was a demonstration. Knows that all that was for his benefit. Stiles doesn't know how he feels about it.

He decides to watch the stage and try to clear his head. But no luck.

There is a Dom and Sub doing wax play scene on the stage. The Dom was using red wax candle and dripping it all down the Subs naked back. Stiles could hear the Subs gasps and moans of pleasure.

Stiles watched as the Dom kept checking the heat of the wax by dripping it on his own forearm. Then he would drip the wax down his subs back or ass or legs.

Then as the sub was covered in wax and begging for his master to please let him come Stiles watched as the Dom blew out the candle and came around the back of the sub.

Stiles realized they were going to fuck on stage. His head whipped around and looked down at his hands gripping his jeans over his thighs.

Stiles watched his hands grip his jeans as he heard the moans and the gasps. Stiles was blushing and felt his skin was hot and he suddenly felt really out of place.

He felt like an outsider that didn't belong.

"Stiles. Are you okay?" Dereks voice made him look up to the mans green eyes.

"Im fine." Stiles automatically responded.

Dereks eyes hardened and he growled out at him. "Don't lie to me Stiles."

Stiles clenched his jaw and frowned at Derek. He balked. Derek just stared him down silently with that scowl. It took a few minutes for Stiles to finally break. "Im embarrassed."

Dereks eyes gentled. "Theres nothing to be embarrassed about. Enjoying the scenes on display is a part of this. It also helps you to learn more about this lifestyle. You have nothing to be embarrassed of." Derek said it like it was a fact. Irrefutable.

But Stiles just bit his lip and kept quiet as he looked down at his lap and didn't want to admit that he was a virgin. Didn't want to admit that he had yet to even experience being kissed yet.

Stiles wished he could at least know what it felt like to be kissed. Then maybe watching what was happening on stage wouldn't feel so... difficult.

But he couldn't tell Derek that. He couldn't explain why he was embarrassed. Why he couldn't lift his eyes to watch the scene finish.

"If its to overwhelming you don't have to watch. If it scares you you don't have to watch. Its nothing to be ashamed of Stiles. This type of play isnt for everyone." Derek told him calmly.

Derek thought he was scared. Derek thought he was scared of the wax play. That wasn't it. He shook his head and kept his eyes down. "That's not ... Id like to go to the bathroom..." Stiles was so flustered and wanted to get away from this conversation.

Derek hesitated then he nodded. "Isaac will show you to the bathroom. If you need... some new under wear or pants then he will also show you to my private playroom where I have some sweats."

Stiles sputtered as he stood still with a tent in his pants. "I didn't... that's not why. I didn't spunk in my jeans. God... " Stiles was beet red as he was walking away as fast as his feet would carry him. Suddenly he felt Isaac grip his hand and pull him towards the bathroom. He followed blindly.

When he finally got in he went into one of the stalls and locked the door and tried to calm down.

"Stiles..." Isaac spoke on the other side of the stall door. "What ever is going through your head... its okay. Derek wasn't judging you and neather am I. You just seemed very uncomfortable... do you want to talk about it."

Stiles groaned and rubbed his fingers through his hair then opened the door and stood by the sink with Isaac. He felt like he could talk with Isaac. He blushed and whispered. "I... Im a virgin... Ive never even kissed someone before... When they started to have sex on stage... it just ... I couldn't watch... not when Ive never even..."

" Hey I get that. Its okay. Theres nothing wrong with being a virgin. Its okay." Isaac gently pats his shoulder. It makes him feel better. "Did you at least like watching the first part?"

Stiles nodded and told him "Yes. It was amazing. It was... kind of beautiful..." Stiles admits.

" I think so too. Are you feeling better... Do you want to go back out?" the blond boy smiled gently.

Nodding Stiles follows him out after splashing some water on his face and running wet fingers through his hair.

They walk near the VIP Section and Isaac unzips Stiles jacket and pulls it off him faster then he can stop him. Stiles turns his back to the place where Derek is sitting looking at the stage.

Stiles heads over to the dancefloor without waiting for Isaac. He doesn't want Derek to see him like this. Damnit. Why wasn't he buff like the rest of them.

Suddenly he is almost running into Peter and Scott. Scott looks happy and blissed out and Peter looks content and relaxed. Stiles comes up short right infront of Peter.

Peter smirks down at him and reaches out and lifts his chin to make him look at him. "Would you like your birthday spanking Birthday boy?"

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